Philosophical Thought - rubric The new paradigm of science
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Philosophical Thought" > Rubric "The new paradigm of science"
The new paradigm of science
Rozin V.M. - Tropology or the doctrine of realities? pp. 1-11



Abstract: The author analyzes S.S. Neretina's ideas and concept of tropology, comparing this discourse with the doctrine of reality, which he has been developing for many years. He agrees with Neretina's position that the work is a way of transforming a person, sets the task of understanding the idea and discourse of tropology, notes that where Neretina talks about paths and turns, he uses the expression "change of realities" or "change of events in a certain reality". Neretina's understanding of the concept of tropes is analyzed, not just as a turn and a change of point of view, but also as a desire to escape from traditional, everyday life, the events of which are absurd and random, as a discourse that changes vision and thinking, finally, as a change in the basic reality (there was a God, there was a Word, then the world created by the Word). To understand, the author analyzes two cases in which metaphors were clearly used (one of the types of trope); the purpose is to demonstrate reconstruction using the concepts of the doctrine of realities, as well as to test the possibilities of tropology. The example of Neretina's path about the king is analyzed, in this case it is both a turn and a turn within the framework of the Christian worldview. In the first case, the author points to a reality that is difficult to identify with the main one, due to the fact that we have either lost our understanding of it or are dealing with many, different realities in the absence of the main one. In the second case, it is said either about splitting from the Christian ultimate reality, yet one of the main characters is God, or simply about a conceivable and imaginary reality, which is naturally very problematic to implement. At the end of the study, it is concluded that the discourse of tropology is complementary to the author's discourse of the doctrine of realities.
Bakanova E.A. - Technoscience within the framework of socio-epistemological research pp. 7-16


Abstract: This article analyzes the transformation process taking place within the modern scientific knowledge, in the context of which develops the new paradigm of science – technoscience, the attribute of modern science and relevant project of the science of post-nonclassical type. Manifesting as one of the key peace-building factors of information society, technoscience becomes the fundamental research field for the new socio-philosophical pursuits. However, the study of the inner nature of technoscience, which is discovered through explanation of ontological, epistemological, axiological and praxeological aspects of its activity, currently remains an insufficiently explored question. Social epistemology is selected as the key methodological basis, since its benchmarks allow examining the socio-philosophical nature of the phenomenon of technoscience more boldly. The article demonstrates the development of the new ontological picture of scientific reality with the ongoing reorientation of modern science from cognizing the natural word and reality “as it is” towards the project-constructive activity focused on a human. It is established that epistemological component comes up in the development of the new paradigm of science. It leads to actualization of the constructive benchmarks, establishment of new relationship with fundamental science with regards to the applied research. The author reveals that praxeological component of technoscientific activity substantiated the productive, rational, innovative, socio-oriented organization of scientific process.
Gizha A.V. - The notion of information, content, and meaning: what lies in the foundation of information society? pp. 13-21


Abstract: This article analyzes the central notion of the post-industrial society – information, as well as underlines its categorical inaccuracy that reduces interpretation of information to its description using the terms of ordinary perceptions about the information awareness. Mathematical understanding of information is associated primarily with determination of the amount of information, while the creative and activity form of human cognitions appeals to the necessary consideration of the semantically saturated rows of contextual meanings. The abstract reasoning, in such case, work not for clarification of the topic, but rather form the scholastic body of texts. Methodology of the research is aimed at overcoming the established until present time phenomenon of theoretical mythologization, which although has the internally coordinated structure, but with the remaining unclarified initial notions, and thus, inefficient. The main conclusions of the conducted research consists in the positions that within the existing formalized reasoning about information, there is no brightly expressed the conceptual side of the information awareness. Mathematical perception does not capture the substantial features of information, which is viewed from the perspective of human-sized intentions. Such positions is expresses in a number of specific immanent qualities of historicity, target coherence, orderliness, and awareness. Without consideration of the aforementioned characteristics, the attempts to present the information concepts as the fundamental in social regard will remain in the area of the ideologically biased reasoning.
Rozin V.M. - Is it possible to overcome the paradoxes of the modern conceptualization of the Universe? pp. 14-29



Abstract: The article comprehends the natural science approach to the interpretation of the Universe. At the same time, the author relies on the material of studies of the Universe and galaxies conducted by the Russian philosopher Vadim Kazyutinsky, who shows that natural science studies of the Universe are paradoxical and more like a humanitarian discourse. Hannah Arendt's assessment of these studies is no less paradoxical, she argues that the natural science approach has led to the fact that the universe is inaccessible in practice and even unthinkable. In turn, the author argues that cosmology should be classified as a scientific discipline of the humanities type, which does not exclude the presence of various physical and other natural sciences in it. The object of cosmology (similar to the objects of biology, cultural studies, and sociology) cannot be described in one scientific discipline, it is multilevel, and at each level there are different patterns that must be described by different cosmological theories. Implementing this methodology, the author proposes a scheme of three successive terrestrial Universes – "cosmic" (physical), "vital" (biological) and "social". Within the framework of the latter, a person appeared and a culture developed. Each subsequent terrestrial universe included the previous one as its component or substrate. Another understanding of the Universe is proposed, based on the following provisions: a person must re-establish himself in his understanding of the Universe, recognize its presence (conditionality) in his actions; agree that the development of the social universe has acquired a catastrophic character; begin to think through the established sociality in order to understand what needs to be changed. According to the author, the universe resembles a matryoshka doll, including the cosmic, physical, biological, social and noospheric Universes (the latter is just beginning to take shape). At the same time, there are two multidirectional processes in the social universe: one works for man and culture, the other process, due to the diverse orientation that takes place in all Universes, in fact, acts against man and culture. Two important features of the noospheric Universe will have to be the attitude towards salvation and real changes aimed at realizing this attitude.
Zheltikova I.V. - Research into future and role of the concept “the image of future” therein pp. 15-32


Abstract: This article reviews the research approaches, the object of which is future as an element of relevant social reality. The author familiarizes the Russian audience with such trends in studying future as “realization of future”, “orientation towards future”, “foresight”, “projectivity”, “futures literacy”, “anticipation”, and “image of future”. An original interpretation is given to the concept “image of future” as a reflective of collective representations of future that imply a complete or almost complete picture, but yet non-existent social reality.  The author examines the existing methodologies for studying the images of future and proposes the original one – comprehensive humanity analysis, which allows finding common denominator of social expectations in various types of sources. Unlike other angles of viewing the representations on future, the image of future enables reconstructing the pictures of future that functioned in the past, ant correlate them with realistic future. Examination of the image of future allows assessing the inclusion of society into time perspective, its attitude towards the present, level of content with reality, as well as particularize the perceptions of the purpose of social development and social values, within which it exists. Studying the images of future functioning in the past can also help to understand the connection between representations on future and future itself; and in case of establishing such connection it can be extrapolated upon the images of the future of our present and our future.
Myakinnikov S.P. - The illusion of matter, energy, environmental issues pp. 15-30


Abstract:   The subject of this research is the establishment of correlation between the illusion of the world of matter and environmental issues. The object of this research is the concepts of “illusion”, “matter”, and “energy”. The author traces the evolution of representations of the illusion of the world and its perception. The author dwells on the philosophical aspects of quantum physics, questioning the postulates of materialism on the primacy of matter, and acknowledgement of its esthesis by human as the criterion of the only true being. Special attention is given to the role of consciousness in the illusory distortion of matter and quantum field reality, which is substantiated by the complexity of comprehension of multiple quantum phenomena. The author underlines the need for studying the correlation between environmental issues and the processes in quantum field reality. The main conclusion consists in explication of the fact that the material world is perceived delusively by imperfect human sensory receptors, and its very being is somewhat an illusion. For denoting a single substance, the author employs the term “foreign matter”, which implies the imperceptible reality of energy waves of different frequency. A hypothesis of the continual-energy model of atom, which complements the Rutherford discrete-corpuscular planetary model of atom is advanced. The author’s special contribution lies in the statement that the actual causes of many environmental issues should be sought for not in the world of matter, but in the foreign matter of quantum field reality. The novelty consists in the proposal to develop the consciousness of anthropocentrism, naturecentrism, and theocentrism, which prompt the reduction to part (merism), to the whole (holism) or uniform (henotheism) respectively; and the consciousness of post-holism, where the uniform (i.e. energy) is within the whole and each part of the physical world, considering its unique characteristics. It is noted that the worldview of ecocentrism, and ecological version of post-holism form the true environmental picture of the world.  
Prokhorov M.M. - Imitation of truth and nature of philosophy pp. 16-30


Abstract: The subject of this research is the nature of philosophy. It is proved that in identifying the nature of philosophy, one must consider exceeding the boundaries of cognition; then, the truth, lie and delusion ad the forms of knowledge are opposed to stimulation and imitation of truth. The author analyzes the concepts of the national and Western thinkers interpreted in the context of the antipode of truth and its imitation, which clarifies the nature of philosophy in the context of ontology, gnoseology and ontognoseology. Such approach allows getting an extended idea on the history of philosophical thought. The significant historical-philosophical material for the research of the nature of philosophy are the concepts of G. Berkley, B. Russell, K. Jaspers, J. Ortega y Gasset, M. Heidegger, as well as substantial positions of Russian philosophers interpreted not only in the context of truth and lie, but also the antipodes of truth and its imitations. It is stated that viewing the knowledge only in dynamic of correlation between truth and lie/delusion is insufficient. In revealing the nature of philosophy, it is necessary to consider exceeding the boundaries of cognition. Then the forms of knowledge are contradistinguished to simulation, imitation of truth, and perception of the history of philosophy becomes fuller.
Ursul A.D. - The vector of socio-natural evolution: from global to geospatial sustainability pp. 19-29


Abstract: The subject of this research research is the resolution of socio-natural contradiction, which consists in the fact that the growing needs of mankind are no longer satisfied by the biosphere, which can escalate into a planetary catastrophe. The resolution of this contradiction consists in the achievement of global sustainability that takes place in accordance with the certain “algorithms of development”, which opens horizons for a long-term and safer socio-natural evolution on Earth. The global world,  although becoming sustainable,  is not isolated from the space processes and factors due to the natural-spatial connection of the planet with its extraterrestrial environment, and even more so, due to the beginning of space exploration. Even the global world created in the future would not long endure without further sustainable space exploration; its longevity would require transition of the industrial complex in the outer space. Thus, the achievement of global sustainability will be accompanied by transition to an even safer type of evolution with focus on reaching geospatial sustainability. The further socio-natural evolution clearly indicated geospatial trend, which connects the vectors of global and extraterrestrial mainlines of sustainable development.
Rozin V.M. - A.P. Ogurtsov on the humanitarian and anthropological turn pp. 22-30


Abstract: The author discusses the concept of the humanitarian-anthropological turn formulated by the famous Russian philosopher Alexander Pavlovich Ogurtsov. He analyzes the views of V. Dilthey, showing that he is not only the initiator of the humanitarian discourse, but also, in fact, develops a new humanitarian and spiritually oriented direction of philosophy alternative to the natural science approach. The author analyzes the situation that necessitated the development of this direction, as well as the concepts of "life", "history", "understanding", "expression" and "experience", which Dilthey puts at the foundation of his philosophical system. He shows that the essential feature of the listed concepts is a double modality and discursivity. On the one hand, history (respectively, life, understanding, expression, experience) is "singular", that is, it does not change according to some law, but due to random circumstances, on the other hand, life changes quite lawfully, under the influence of the mechanisms of culture, language, economics, human relationships, technology. Dilthey's interest in the holistic analysis of life is explained. The author shows that within the framework of humanitarian and anthropological study, the integrity of life is determined by a number of factors: the problem that the researcher solves, the narratives and texts available to him, the methodology of humanitarian cognition. In other humanitarian studies, these factors will change, therefore, the integrity of life will also change. It turns out that the integrity of life, over which Dilthey struggled, is not independent of the researcher, his personality and life, it is constituted in the very process of humanitarian cognition, partly as a singular, partly a natural phenomenon.
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. - Global cosmic revolution in science pp. 26-45


Abstract: Basing on the evolutionary concept of anthropogeocosmism and cosmo-globalistics, the authors argue the point of view about the beginning of spread of the more extensive process – the global cosmic scientific revolution. This process begins to evolve on the basis of integration of the global and cosmic research, gradually capturing the broader scientific space. It is also demonstrated that over the recent time, under the influence of global factors and processes, the science faces a completely new global revolution, which substantially differ from the previously determined, even because the term “global” is applied in qualitative-conceptual, as well as spatial-geographic and spatial-cosmological meanings. The authors examine two opposing vectors of movement in cognizing the phenomenon of globality: one from the cosmos towards the vision of global characteristics and integrity of the mankind and planet; and the other – from the planet itself, local places of people’s places of residencies towards the global boundaries, and further – to outer space. For substantiation of universality of the global-cosmic revolution, science as a whole is divided into the two new groups (cluster): earthly and cosmic sciences, which in their number are inequitable. This dichotomic division, pointed by V. I. Vernadsky, can complement the existing classification of sciences. The authors believe that since the end of the previous century and beginning of the current century, the temporal-linear “revolutionary movement” of science does not end in general, but rather yields to the “multi-revolutionary approach” of general integrative nature. This is not just the interdisciplinary unification n of the global and cosmic revolutions into one whole, but also other manifestations of poly- and interdisciplinary in composition and content of the scientific revolutions. The essence of such complex-integrative scientific phenomenon consists in emergence of an entire complex of revolutions, rather than just “another” scientific revolution. The global cosmic revolution is joined by information cybernetic revolution, ecological revolution, temporal revolution (primarily the process of futurization), as well as a number of other universally global revolutions in science that create a cognitive foundation for the establishment of noosphere, the idea of which in our country was proposed by V. I. Vernadsky.
Rozin V.M. - Use of the concepts of" “Tektology” by A. Bogdanov in the works of the architect A. V. Rosenberg (characteristics of the methodological stage of establishment of design in Russia) pp. 33-45


Abstract: This article consists of three parts: the first discusses the role of methodology in establishment of the discipline (practice) and its further functioning; the second analyzes the work of A. Bogdanov “Tektology”; and the third explores the use of its means in the establishment of design in the early XX century. The author distinguishes the two basic functions of methodology: the stage of establishment marks criticism and analysis of unsatisfactory ways of thinking, while the stage of functioning of the newly established activity implies its methodological support. The analysis of “Tektology” allowed determining the our main interpretations: as general organizational science, distinct mathematics, practice, and private methodology. In this regard, the author reviews several meanings of the concept of organization, as well as similarity of the concept of organization with the concept of activity. Besides the organizational approach, the article also discusses the systemic approach. In the third part of the article offers the reconstruction of the works of Aleksandr Rosenberg, which indicates that a number of provisions of the establishing design (for example, the principle of “compliance” and “optimality”) were formulated based on the means of Bogdanov's “Tektology”. In conclusion, the article discussed the reasons why the organizational concepts were eliminated from design, while the systemic ones remain.
Maximov L.V. - Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Humanities pp. 81-101


Abstract: The term ‘cognitivism’, which is key for this article, has been borrowed from metaethics and ‘cognitive sciences’. However, it is used here in a broader meaning: what the author has in view is a special methodological approach, according to which mind (spirit, mentality) as a whole and in all its species may be reduced to belief, knowledge and cognition. This approach is manifested, in particular, in the use of epistemological concepts (such as the truth, experience, empirical data, theory, etc.) for the formulation and resolution of value (ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.) problems. Sharing a generally non-cognitivist position, the author at the same time views cognitivism not simply as a ‘mistake’ in the interpretation of mind, but as a paradigmal methodological principle deeply implanted in the sphere of the philosophy and the humanities.
Iakovlev V.A. - Information Programs of Being pp. 93-147


Abstract: In his article Yakovlev considers the information programs of being. On the basis of philosophical traditions of interpretation of a category of being and its use in a modern science, the researcher offers  a new judgment of a category of being as an information reality with the three major information levels – consciousness, life and matter. The subject of research is also the understanding of consciousness in phenomenology of E. Husserl in connection with researches of a role of consciousness of the scientist in the modern quantum physics and astronomy.
Selegin R.P. - On Nothingness and Duality as the Basis of Natural Science pp. 195-227


Abstract: The author of the article provides an insight into the Concept of Absolute Unity of the World and the Model of Origin of the Universe from Nothingness where the principle of duality triggered transformation of the invisible Nothingness into the material Universe and vice versa. The Concept reconstructs the ancient scientific paradigm that involves the fundamental law of form development. The Model offers a solution of crisis problems of the materialistic paradigm in cosmology and society. The Model also shows the ontological origin of mathemtics and the uniform system of spatial and temporal measures. The Concept does not reject the materialistic paradigm but includes this paradigm into the law of form development. The author of the article shows that Western physical scientists have had actual grounds to appeal to God when explaing the origin of the Universe. The analysis of the particular features of Nothingness and the Universe demonstrates that those features were used to form the art of religious myth-making, in particular, the definition of God in monotheistic teachings. The Concept can be also used to create the general physical theory as well as prevetion of the degradation processes in the modern society. 
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