> Journal "World Politics"
> Authors
Hussein Dalsooz Jalal -
Postgraduate at the Department of Foreign Area Studies of Nizhny Novgorod University ; 603005, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 37
Abdurazakov Ruslan Abdurazakovich -
Docent, the General History, Dagestan State University ; 367010, Russia, the Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Akaeva Street 23
Avatkov Vladimir Alekseevich -
Head of the Department of the Near and Post-Soviet East INION RAS; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Profsoyuznaya, 23
Aver'yanova Diana Aleksandrovna -
Master at the Department of Russian History and Politics of Lobachevsky University
Avetisyan Alvina Aleksandrovna -
Postgraduate student, Department of Italian Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Moscow State University; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, p. 13
Ayar Basaran -
Postgraduate at the Department of Oriental Studies of MGIMO University; Prospect Vernadskogo 76, 119454 Moscow Ïðîñïåêò Âåðíàäñêîãî 76, 119454 ã. Ìîñêâà
Alekseev Nikolai Evgen'evich -
associate professor of the Department of General Economy and Law at Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy; 644080, Russia, Omsk Region, Omsk, str. Peace prospect, 5, room No. 213
Alekseev Nikolai Nikolaevich -
senior lecturer; Department of History and Politics of Russia; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education 'National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky'; Ulyanova str., 2, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, 603005, Russia
Aliev Nariman -
Postgraduate at St Petersburg University, the International Relations Faculty, the Department of International Relations on the Post-Soviet Space ; 195427, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Vedeneeva, 2
Alfedeilat Feras -
Postgraduate student, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Tambov State Technical University
Altamimi Khaled Mohamed Ali -
Doctorate Student at the Department of Applied Analysis of International Problems of MGIMO University; 905 Sh Isa Avenue, East Riffa, Riffa, Bahrain 172
Albertyan Aida Pogosovna -
Lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Candidate of the Department of Political Science of the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of the Moscow State Linguistic University; 119034, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ostozhenka, 38, str 1
Aseikin Mikhail Mikhailovich -
Graduate Student, Department of Foreign Regional Studies and International Cooperation, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 82 Vernadsky Avenue, building 1, Moscow, 119571, Russia
Bajrektarevic Anis -
Professor, University of the Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria; Krems, Austria
Baravi Melina Vladimirovna -
Postgraduate student of the Department of History and Politics of Russia, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; 603022, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, 23
Baranova Tat'yana Vladimirovna -
Assistant, Department of Political Science, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, office building 2
Baranchikov Artem -
Junior Research Fellow at the Center for Oriental Studies, International Relations and Public Diplomacy ; 119454, Russia, Moscow, prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Bezhina Yuliya Viktorovna -
Student, Department of World Politics, MGIMO University; 76 Vernadsky Avenue, Moscow, 119454, Russia, Moscow
Beishenaliev Almazbek Beishenalievich -
Docent, Regional Institute of Central Asia; 720010, Kirgiziya, g. Bishkek, ul. Turusbekova, 109/1
Beliakov Dmitrii Alexandrovich -
Head of Legal Department, "VIK" Ltd.; 603074, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Narodnaya, 1a, of. 3
Biron Yuriy Stanislavovich -
Postgraduate at the Department of Global Policy of St Petersburg University
Bobrikov Valerii Nikolaevich -
Professor, Head of the Faculty of Fundamental Training of Kuzbass State University
Bogdanov Aleksei Nikolaevich -
Associate Professor at the Department of American Studies of St Petersburg University; 199034, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, nab. Universitetskaya, 7-9
Boiko Ekaterina Ivanovna -
Post-graduate student, the department of international politics, Saint-Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, nab. Universitetskaya, 7
Bolokhov Ivan Igorevich -
Postgraduate at Moscow State University, Department of Comparative Political Science; 119992, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii Prospekt, 27 building 4
Bondarchuk Aleksandr -
political psychologist, OOO "Pravozaschitnyi tstentr"; Ukraine, Kyiv
Borisov Aleksey Vladimirovich -
Associate Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; 119034, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ostozhenka, 53/2 str.1
Borisov Denis Alekseevich -
Assistant Professor, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management ; 630099, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Sem'i Shamshinykh, 26/1, kv. 131
Borovkova Marina Igorevna -
Researcher, postgraduate diploma at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies; 115184, Russia, g. Moscow, per. Srednii Ovchinnikovskii, 12
Borodina Mariya yur'evna -
Assistant at the Department of Russian Historyand Politics of Lobachevsky University; 603005, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 2
Borodinov Egor Nikolaevich -
postgraduate student, Department of National and Federal relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 109451, Russia, Moskva, ul. Novomaryinskaya, 11, k.1, kv.112
Botasheva Asiyat Kazievna -
Professor; Department of Journalism, Media Communications and Public Relations; Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 9
Bocharnikov Igor' Valentinovich -
Head of the Center for the National Security Studies; 114141, Russia, Moskva, ul. Plekhanova, d.15, str.2.
Boyarkina Anna Vladimirovna -
Associate Professor at the Department of the English Language of the Far Eastern Federal University ; 690920, Russia, Primorskii krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Ostrov Russkii, Bukhta, 10
Bukalova Svetlana Vladimirovna -
Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and State Policy of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Orel Branch; 302028, Russia, Orel, bul. Pobedy, 5a
Bulkin Viktor Vyacheslavovich -
Master's degree at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN
Butorov Aleksei Sergeevich -
Senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6
Valyulina Ekaterina Vladimirovna -
Associate Professor at the Department of Media Communications, PR and Advertising Technologies of Altai State University
Wang Weili -
Master's Degree; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Theory and History of International Relations; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 138 Trade Union Street, 313 block, Moscow, 117198, Russia
PhD student, Department of International Political Processes, Saint-Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, Smolny str., 1-3
Vardan Ghaplanyan -
Post-graduate Student, Department of Turkology, Yerevan State University; 0020, Armeniya, g. Yerevan, ul. Nor Nork 8th, RA, Yerevan, Nor Nork 8th massive 8/11
Vasetsova Elena Sergeevna -
Associate Professor at the Department of Politology of Oriental Countries of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University ; 119234, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leninskie Gory, 1
Vasilev Artem Alekseevich -
Student; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Vedeneev Ilia Nikolaevich -
Lecturer; Department of Humanities; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 143532, Russia, Moscow region, Dedovsk, Keramicheskaya str., 26, sq. 68
Vedernikova Maria Igorevna -
Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University; 125993, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Smolny str., 1/3 Entrance No. 7, p. 3.
Veprintsev Vladimir Bronislavovich -
Head of the Department of the OOO RDI Group; 101000, Russia, Moskva, B.Yakimanka, 21.
Vertyaev Kirill Valentinovich -
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Asian Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences; 117261, Russia, Moscow, ul. Rozhdestvenka, 12, of. IV RAN
Veselov Yuriy Aleksandrovich -
Lecturer; Faculty of World Politics; Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119192, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory microdistrict, 1, building 51
Viver Virsaviia Nigmatovna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Applied analysis of international problems of MGIMO University ; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Vinogradova Ekaterina Alekseevna -
Research Centre: Artificial Intelligence Technologies in international relations (SICTYIMO); Russia, Moscow
Vladimirova Alina V. -
Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; 107031, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Rozhdestvenka, 12
Vylegzhanin Aleksandr Nikolaevich -
Professor at the International Law Department of Moscow State Institute of International Relations ; 119454, Russia, Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Vysotskii Vadim Mikhailovich -
Student at the Department of Theory and Methods of Foreign Languages and Cultures Teaching of Herzen University
Vei Chun'tsze Net -
Associate Professor at the Russian Language Department of Heilongjiang University; 150082, Kitai, Kheiluntszyan, g. Kharbin, ul. Syuefu, 74, of. 442
Gavrilenko Nikita Vladislavovich -
Graduate student, Department of Applied International Analysis, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University); 76 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 119454, Russia
Gadalin Dmitrii Yur'evich -
Master Degree, Department of Comparative Political Science, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; 119454, Russia, Federal city of Moscow, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo str., 76
Guykin Victor Alekseevich -
Senior research assistant of the Department of Oriental Studies at Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Far East of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 690001, Russia, Primorskii Krai krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Svetlanskaya, 133, kv. 62
Galibina-Lebedeva Elena Sergeevna -
Senior Researcher; Center for Political Studies of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 115035, Russia, Moscow, Ordynka str., 21
Gatamova Mariana Magomedovna -
Mgr. at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN University
Gozhina Anna Vladimirovna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Global Political Processes of MGIMO; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Goltsov Andrey Gennadievich -
Doctoral candidate, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of International Relations; 04119, Ukraine, g. Kiev, ul. Mel'nikova, 36/1
Goncharov Vitalii Viktorovich -
Associate Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University; 350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Gorbachev Nikolay Nikolaevich -
Associate Professor, vice dean of the Professional and Advanced Training Faculty of the Business Institute of Belarusian State University
Grachev Bogdan -
Research fellow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str.1
Grachev Georgii Vasil'evich -
Professor, Department of National Security, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Russia, Moskva, pr-t Vernadskogo, d. 84.
Grachevskii Grigorii Andreevich -
Student, Department of World Political Processes, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Russian Foreign Ministry; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Grachikov Evgeny Nikolaevich -
Associate Professor, Department of History and Theory of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10
Grigor'eva Ol'ga Gennad'evna -
Associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Management Activity at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University); 117042, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ushakova, 8
Grigor'eva Yuliya Gennad'evna -
senior researcher at Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhist Studies and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 670002, Russia, respublika Buryatiya, g. Ulan-Ude, ul. Buiko, 20a
Grigoryan Aramayis Vyacheslavovich -
Attache at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, the CIS Department, Russia Division ; Office 912, Government House #2, Vazgen Sargsyan 3, Yerevan 0010, Republic of Armenia
Gulieva El'mira Fikretovna -
student, Department of General History of the European and American States, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute for the Humanities; 107258, Moskva, bulvar marshala Rokossovskogo, d. 34/2
Gurkovskii Aleksandr Andreevich -
Postgraduate student; Department of International Relations, Political Science and World Economy; Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 9
Gusher Anatolii Ivanovich -
Director General of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center for Strategic Development"; 119146, Russia, Moskva, ul. 3 Frunzenskaya, 12.
Danilova Ekaterina Nikolaevna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of St Petersburg University; 193231, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, Prospekt Solidarnosti, 27/1, kv. 484
Danyuk Nikita Sergeevich -
Postgraduate at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of the RUDN University; Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Researches and Prognoses of the RUDN University ; 117405, Russia, Moscow, ul. Varshavskoe Shosse, 160, building 2 ap.127
Demetradze Marine Rezoevna -
CHIEF RESEARCHER; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. UNIVERSITY OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS; 2 Kosmonavtov str., Moscow, 117292, Russia
Demidov Aleksei -
Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, Medialogy, Political Science and History of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics; 191023, Russia, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Sadovaya, 21
Dzhabbarinasir Kh. R. -
Senior Lecturer, Department of Indo-Iranian and African Languages, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; 76 Vernadsky str., Moscow, 119454, Russia, Moscow region
Dzhanabi Yakub Sabikh -
Postgraduate student, Department of Oriental Languages and Linguoculturology, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603005, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 37
Dneprov Aleksandr -
political psychologist, NGO "Pravozaschtnyi tsentr"; Ukraine, Kyiv
Dobrokhotov Leonid Nikolaevich -
Professor at the Faculty of Sociology of Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119992, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii Prospekt, 27
Dohnalova Andrea -
Master's Degree Student at the Department of Slavic Studies of Masaryk University
Dudykina Inna Petrovna -
Economic Sectors Management Expert of the Analytical Centre under the Government of the Russian Federation; 107078, Russia, Moscow, Prospekt Akademika Sakharova, 12
El'nikova Yuliya Vasil'evna -
Professor; Department of Regional and Sectoral Policy; Kursk State Agrarian University named after I.I.Ivanov; Karl Marx str., 70, office 357, Kursk region, 305021, Russia
Emelianenko Ekaterina Gar’evna -
Independent Researcher; 199004, Russia, Saint Petersburg, line 3, 38, sq. 8
Ermolaev Artur Olegovich -
Candidate at MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University); 119454, Russia, Moscow, ul. Vernadskogo, 76
Ermolov Nikita Alekseevich -
Student at the Air-Force Academy; 394064, Russia, Voronezh, ul. Starykh Bol'shevikov, 54a
Erokhov Ilya -
Senior Researcher at the Sector of the History of Political Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12 str. 1., kab. 411
Zhukova Evgeniya Alekseevna -
Post-graduate student, the department of History of Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 109240, Russia, Moscow, Goncharnaya Street 12, office #1
Zaitsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich -
Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Political Studies at Nekrasov Kostroma State University; 156005, Russia, Kostroma region, Kostroma, Ovrazhnaya str., 20/23, sq. 1
Zaryanov Evgeny -
student, Department of Global Studies, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 117042, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Gorchakova, 9
Zverev Petr Gennad'evich -
deputy chief of the chair of international police cooperation and combatting crime via Interpol channels of the Peacekeeping training centre of the All-russian advanced training institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation; 142007, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3
Zeleneva Irina Vladimirovna -
Professor, Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Smolny str., 1/3, 8 entrance
Ziatdinov Damir Faritovich -
Postgraduate at the International Relations and World Politics Department of St Petersburg University; 199034, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, 7-9
Zobnin Aleksei Vladimirovich -
Associate Professor at Ivanovo State University, Department of World History and International Relations; 155524, Russia, Furmanov, ul. Griboedova, 4
Ivanov Oleg -
Director, Center of Social Conflicts Regulation; 129063, Russia, Moscow, Prospekt Mira 72, office #1207
Ivanov Stanislav Mikhailovich -
Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of Global Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Russia, Moskva, ul. Profsoyuznaya, 23.
Ikryam Assiya -
Student, Institute of Humanities, Higher School of International Relations, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195220, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdansky Prospekt, 28a
Il'ina Dar'ya Igorevna -
Member of the Centre for Production Forces Study of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Russian Academy of Sciences; 117997, Russia, Moscow, ul. Vavilova, 7
Ilina Elizaveta Vladimirovna -
Student, Global Politics Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University); 119454, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, 76 Vernadsky Ave., bldg. B
Imanalieva Mariya Almazovna -
Bachelor's degree, Department of Labor Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; 76 Vernadsky Avenue, Moscow, 119454, Russia
Yin Qun -
Post-graduate student, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, RUDN University; 250001, Russia, Shandong province region, Jinan, Wuyingshan Street, 10
Iryshkov Artur Vladimirovich -
Postgraduate at the School of Public Policy of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration ; 127221, Russia, Moscow, ul. Polyarnaya, 4 building 2, ap. 130
Israilov Adam Khamzatovich -
Postgraduate student at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN University; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Miklukh-Maklaya str., 6
Kazelko Alisa Andreevna -
Student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Trainee at the Center for Expertise of Sanctions Policy at the Institute of International Studies; 76 Vernadsky Ave., 11929, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, 76 Vernadsky Ave., room 4156
Kan Den Sik -
Associate Professor at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Department of Oriental Philology; 03680, Ukraine, Kyiv, ul. Bol'shaya Vasil'kovskaya, 73
Kanarova Victoria Nikolaevna -
Postgraduate student, School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9
Karlova Ekaterina Nikolaevna -
Senior Scientific Associate, the Zhukovsky – Gagarin Air Force Academy; 394018, Russia, Voronezh Oblast, Starykh Bolshevikov Street 54a
Karpovich Oleg Gennad'evich -
Deputy Director of the Insitute, Institue of Stategic Research and Forecasting of the People's Friendship University of Russia; 101000, Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya Street 6
Karyakin Vladimir Vasil'evich -
Scientific Associate at the Center for Defence Researches of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies; 101000, Russia, Moscow, ul. Flotskaya, 15B
Kasianenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich -
Postgraduate at the Department of International Relations of the Academy of Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Kirechko Ekaterina Mikhailovna -
Researcher. Instructor-researcher; 188233, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Luga, ul. Luga-3, 4/148
Kirikova Alexandra -
Student at the Southwest State University; 305000, Russia, Kursk, ul. 50-Let oktyabrya, 94
Kirichuk Dar'ya Anatol'evna -
Assistant, Department of Comparative Political Science, Peoples Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6
Kleshchenko Liudmila Leonidovna -
Senior lecturer, Department of Political Science, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia; 191186, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, nab. R. Moiki, 48, korp. 20, kab. 201
Klichnikov YUrii YUr'evich -
Professor; Department of Historical and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology; Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 9
Knyazeva Ekaterina Yur'evna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Public and Municipal Management of North-West Institute of Management
Kovalev Andrei Andreevich -
Associate Professor; Department of State and Municipal Management; Northwestern Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 199178, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sredny VO ave., 57/43
Kovaleva Alla Vladimirovna -
Professor, Head of the Department of Media Communications, PR and Advertising Technologies of Altai State University
Kovalevskaia Natalia -
Associate Professor at the World Politics Department of St Petersburg University; 199034, Russia, St Petersburg, Universitetskaya Embankment, 7/9
Koval'ska Marta -
Department of Russian Politics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 119991, Russia, Moskva, GSP-1, Lomonosovsky prospekt, 27-4.
Kozlovskiy Vitaliy Vladimirovich -
Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno; 230029, Belarus, g. Grodno, ul. Gaspadarchaya, 23
Kolodub Grigorii Vyacheslavovich -
Associate professor, Department of Civil Law, Saratov State Law Academy; 410028, Russia, Saratov region, Saratov, Volskaya str., 1, room 521
Kolomeitsev Yurii Yur'evich -
Director of the Center of Social Innovations "the Black cube"
Kolomeitseva Natal'ya Andreevna -
Head of the department of Political Science, Far Eastern Federal University; 690922, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Pos. Ayaks Street 10, office # D545
Konovalova Kseniya Aleksandrovna -
Research fellow, Assitant of the Department of World Politics, Saint Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, nab. University, 7, building 9
Kontcova Elizaveta -
Postgraduate at the Department of World Politics of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3
Kosinova Marina -
Senior Scientific Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Motion Pictures Art of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography ; 249035, Russia, Moskva, Ryazanskiy prospekt, d. 99, State University of Administration
Kosorukov Artem Andreevich -
Senior Educator, the faculty of Public Administration, the department of Political Analysis, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119992, Russia, g. Moscow, Lomonosovskii prospekt, 27k4, aud. A814
Cottier Rodolphe Seabstien Pierre -
postgraduate student, Humanities Institute, History and Theory of Politics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195220, Russia, Leningrad region, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdansky Prospekt, 30
Kocherov Oleg Sergeevich -
Associate Professor; Faculty of Political Science, GAUGN; 603064, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Lenin, 70, sq. 40
Kochkin Mikhail Valer'evich -
Student at the Department of Asian Studies of MGIMO; 119454, Russia, Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Koshmarov Mikhail -
Director for the Development of Innovative Technologies, Russian Social Business Promotion Centre; 101000, Russia, Moscow, Luchnikov, 2
Krivov Sergei Valer'evich -
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, office building 2
Karabanova Mariia -
Leading Analyst, Center for Socio-Political Research and Information Technologies, Russian State University for the Humanities; 125047, Russia,Moscow, Miusskaya square, 6
Kuznetsov Denis Andreevich -
Associate Professor, Department of World Politics, MGIMO University; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Kuznetsova Anna Aleksandrovna -
Specialist on Scientific and Methodological work, Moscow Institute for Economics and Humanities; Russia, 119049, Moskva, Leninskiy prospekt, d.8, str.16.
Kuleshova Natalia Sergeevna -
Professor at the Institute of African and Asian Studies, Department of Political Studies (Asia and Africa), Moscow State University ; 125009, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Mokhovaya, 11, str. 1
Lebedev Sergei -
Management Consultant; 117499, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Shvernika, 5
Linets Sergei Ivanovich -
Professor; Department of Historical and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology; Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 9
Lukashuk Anastasiya Aleksandrovna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Global Studies at Moscow State University; 119991, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, mkr. Leninskie gory, 1, str13A, of. 638
Liubimova Anzhela -
Postgraduate at the Educational Program "International Relations and World Politics" of Saint Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ul. Ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3
Mazur Olga Anatol'evna -
Postgraduate at Moscow State University, Department of Oriental Political Science; 101999, Russia, Moscow, ul. Mokhovaya, 11, of. 1
Mayorov Ilya Evgenyevich -
Senior Lecturer; Faculty of General Academic; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Postgraduate student; Institute Institute of Social Sciences; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 82 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 124365, Russia
Maiuet Maruan -
Master's Degree, Department of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moskva oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Ul. miklukho-Maklaya, D 17, Kor 1
Malashevskaya Maria Nikolaevna -
Associate Professor; Department of the Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries; St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 11, office 4a
Maleev Arian -
Post-graduate student, the department of Sociology of International Relations, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University ; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory 1, office #33
Mamatkhanov Rodion Sultanmuratovich -
Postgraduate student; School of international relations; St. Petersburg State University; 1/3 Smolny Street, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 191060
Mamedov Intigam -
Postgraduate at Moscow State University, Department of Comparative Political Science; 119991, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii Prospekt, 27, of. 4
Mamychev Aleksei Yur'evich -
Professor, the department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogolya Street 41, office #5501
Manoilo Andrei Viktorovich -
Professor, the department of Russian Politics at the faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University ; 199992, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt 27, building #4, office #G-638
Mansur Daria Numman -
Assistant Professor; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Maurina Eva -
Professor, Department of Economics, the Vienna University of Economics and Business; Vienna
Mafuang Supatat -
Postgraduate student; Department of Comparative Politics; RUDN University; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Mekhdiev Elnur Tadzhaddinovich -
Scientific Associate, Center for Post-Soviet Studies of the Institute of International Research of Moscow State Institute of International Relations ; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Mekhdieva Ulker -
Senior Lecturer at the Civil Service and Personnel Policy Department of The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan; AZ1001, Azerbaidzhan, g. Baku, ul. Lermontova, 74
Milyukova Anna -
Associate Professor of the Department of Media Communications, Public Relations and Advertising Technologies of Altai State University; 656049, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, ul. Dimitrova, 66, of. 413
Mikhalev Alexey Viktorovich -
Director of the Centre for Political Transformations Studies, Buryat State University; 670000, Russia, respublika Buryatiya, g. Ulan-Ude, ul. Smolina, 24a, of. 4227
Mladenovic Maja -
Postgraduate at the Department of International Relations and Global Policy of St.Petersburg State University; 199106, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Shevchenko, 25 korpus 1, kv. 326
Morozov Evgenii -
Associate Professor at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University ; 455000, Russia, Magnitogorsk, pr. Lenina, 26, room 224
Morozova Natal'ya Mikhailovna -
Deputy Head of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Volga region branch; PhD in political sciences, associate professor at the Department of International Relations and Global Political Processes of Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod; junior researcher at the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Research Laboratory of Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Moroshkina Marina Valer'evna -
Researcher at the Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of RAS; 185030, Russia, Petrozavodsk, ul. pr. A. Nevskogo, 50
Moshkina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna -
associate professor of the Department of Public Law at Saratov State Socio Economic University.; 410028, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Vol'skaya, 10a, of. 525b
Murgas Roman -
Post-graduate Student of the Department of Applied International Analysis, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 119454, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Mukhamadeev Dmitriy Viktorovich -
Postgraduate at the Global Politics Department of St Petersburg University
Naryshkina Mariya Valer'evna -
External doctoral candidate, the department of Socio-Legal Disciplines, Transbaikal State University; Children’s Rights Ombudsman; Chief Specialist-Expert-Accountant ; 672000, Russia, Zabaykalsky Krai, Chita, Anokhina Street 67, office #5
Naumov Alexander Olegovich -
Professor; Faculty of Public Administration; Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119192, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky ave., 27/4, office A817
Neimatov Azad Yagutovich -
Doctoral student, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Comparative political science department; 119992, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovskii Prospekt St., 27 building 4
Nelaeva Galina Aleksandrovna -
Docent, the department of New History and International Relations. Tyumen State University ; 625003, Russia, Tyumen, Lenina Street 23, office #403
Nemtsev Ivan Anatol'evich -
post-graduate student of the Department of Global Studies and Geopolitics at Siberian Federal University; 663690, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Zelenogorsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 5a, kab. 6
Nefedov Sergei Aleksandrovich -
Leading Researcher; Department of Coordination of Research and Innovation and Project Activities in the Specialty, Master's and Postgraduate Studies; Pyatigorsk State University; 357532, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 9
Nikolaeva Kseniya Dmitrievna -
Postgraduate at the International Relations Faculty of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3
Ovsyannikova Ol'ga Aleksandrovna -
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute; 119049, Russia, Moskva, Leninskiy prospekt, d.8., str.16.
Ozen Murat Akhmet -
post-graduate student of the Department of International Relations at Baku Slavic University; AZ 1014, Azerbaidzhan, respublika Azerbaidzhan, g. Baku, ul. Suleiman Rustam, 33
Ozmanyan Midiya Saidovna -
Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 107031, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Rozhdestvenka, 12, kab. 402
Osipov Evgeny Aleksandrovich -
Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119334, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leninsky Prospekt 32a, 26
Pavlov Pavel Vladimirovich -
Professor, Director of Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems, Southern Federal University; 347922, Russia, Rostovskaya oblast', g. Taganrog, ul. Chekhova, 22, kab. 213
Parlanova Aila Telman kyzy -
Postgraduate Student, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, of. pod''ezd ¹ 8
Pashkovskaya Irina Grantovna -
Leading Scientific Associate, the Center for Euro-Atlantic Security, Institute for International Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia ; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, pr-t Vernadskogo, 76
Pashkovsky Petr Igorevich -
Professor; Department of Political Sciences and International Relations; V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; 295007, Russia, republic, Simferopol, pr. Akademika Vernadskogo, 4
Penkov Vladimir Fedorovich -
Professor, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Tambov State Technical University ; 392000, Russia, Tambovskaya oblast', g. Tambov, ul. Sovetskaya, 106
Pen'kov Mikhail Yur'evich -
Postgraduate at Moscow State Linguistic University, the Institute of International Relations and Social and Political Sciences ; 119034, Russia, Moscow, ul. Ostozhenka, 38
Pestcov Sergei Konstantinovich -
Head of International Relations and Regional Security Department at the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far-East; 690001, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Pushkinskaya, 89
Petrenko Anatolii Ivanovich -
Professor, Department of Russian Politics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Russia, 11991, Moskva, GSP-1, Lomonosovskiy prospe, d. 27, korp.4.
Petrunin Aleksandr Sergeevich -
Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; 603022, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Prospekt Gagarina str., 23
Plavinskii Vadim Borisovich -
Postgraduate at the Department of Public Administration and Political Technologies of the State University of Management; 119571, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82-84
Plokhotnikov Konstantin Eduardovich -
Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, MSU, Faculty of Physics, of. 2-40b
Polunina Ol'ga Sergeevna -
Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communications, Moscow City Pedagogical University; Russia, 129226, Moskva, 2 Selskhokhozyaistvennyi proezd, d.4.
Ponomarev Nikolai Vladimirovich -
Candidate at the Department of Applied Analysis of Global Problems of MGIMO ; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Priymachuk Dmitriy Vladimirovich -
Senior Research Fellow at Tomsk Interregional Institute for Social Sciences, National Research Tomsk State University; 634050, Russia, Tomsk, pr. Lenina, 36
Prilepsky Pavel Aleksandrovich -
Advisor to the Department for Monitoring the State of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations, Prevention of Extremism and Interaction with Religious Associations, Federal Agency for Nationalities.; 123112, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 10s2
Pripisnova Elena Sergeevna -
Senior Educator, the department of History and Theory of International Relations, N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University ; 603095, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Prospekt Gagarina 23
Poungchingngam Katima -
Postgraduate at the International Relations Faculty of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, pod''ezd ¹ 8
Ravochkin Nikita Nikolaevich -
Professor; Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences; Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev. Professor, Department of Pedagogical Technologies, Kuzbass State Agricultural University named after V.N. Poletskov; 650000, Russia, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, Vesennaya str., 28
Raikhlin Ernst Il'ich -
retired; Ernest Raiklin163 Moore Hill RoadGrahamsville, New York 12740-5611
Rep'eva A M -
lecturer, specialist of the Department of Russian Politics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 000000, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt, 27
Rogozhina Evgeniya Mikhailovna -
Docent, the department of International Relations and Global Political Processes, Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University ; 603155, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Minina, 31A, of. 1407
Rozhkov Ilya Stanislavich -
Second Secretary, Third CIS Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Applicant for a degree, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 119200, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, Smolenskaya-Sennaya ploshchad', 32/34
Rozanova Lyudmila Ivanovna -
Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Economics of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 185030, Russia, respublika Resp Kareliya, g. Petrozavodsk, pr. A.Nevskogo, 50
Romadan Liliya Igorevna -
Attache of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova; MD-2003, Moldova, g. Kishinev, ul. Ul. Shtefana chel, 153
Rustamova Leili Rustamovna -
Scientific Associate, the Groups on studying the Problems of Peace and Conflicts, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Profsoyuznaya, 23
Ruchina Valeriya Mikhailovna -
Graduate student; Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Local History; N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University; 23 Gagarin Ave., Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 603022, Russia
Ryzhov Igor Valerevich -
Professor, Head of the Department of History and Politics of Russia of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; Senior researcher at the international interdisciplinary research laboratory “Study of World and Regional socio-political processes” of the Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolyubov; 23 Gagarin Ave., Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 603022, Russia
Sagaidak Ekaterina Alksandrovna -
postgraduate student, Department of Political Science of the East, Institute of Asian and African States under the auspices of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.; 101000, Moskva, ul. Mokhovaya, d.11.
Sedykh Natal'ya Sergeevna -
Senior researcher at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan; 420126, Russia, Kazan, 36A Levo-Bulachnaya str., sq. A
Semenyuk Aleksander -
Postgraduate at the Department of History of Social Movements and Political Parties of Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119234, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leninskie Gory, 1
Sidorova Elena -
Associate Professor at the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Local History; 603950, Russia, Nizhni Novgorod, pr. Gagarina, 23
Skripnichenko Dar'ya Vyacheslavovna -
Postgraduate at Moscow State University, Department of Russian Politics; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovskii prospekt, 27, building 4
Slobodyan Roman Andreevich -
Postgraduate at the International Relations Faculty of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, of. pod''ezd ¹ 8
Sokolovskiy Konstantin -
Docent, Professor of the Department of General subjects, Humanitarian-Technical Academy. Director of the Institute for Analysis of Socio-Political Processes; 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, Glavpochampt P.O. Box #144
Solodovnikova Anna Nikolaevna -
Assistant at the Department of Oriental Languages of Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Sosnitskaia Viktoriia -
Student, Chair of Global politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; 76B Prospekt Vernadskogo str., Moscow, 119454, Russia
Spektor David Mikhailovich -
Docent, the department of Architecture, Moscow State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; 109451 Russia, Moscow, 3-ya Kabelnaya 1
Spiridonov Vasilii Vladimirovich -
Senior Scientific Researcher, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosof, Faculty of Chemistry; 119991, Russia, Moskva, GSP-1, ul. Mendeleeva, Khimicheskii korpus.
Starkin Sergey Valer'evich -
Professor, the department of Political Science, Institute of International Relations and World History of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; Leading Scientific Associate, International Interdisciplinary Laboratory "Study of Global and Regional Socio-Political Processes", N. A. Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod; 603000, Russia, g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 1, kab. 307
Stenko Aleksandr Ivanovich -
Assistant; Department of History of Philosophy; P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Strakevich Anastasia -
Post-graduate student, the department of European Studies, St. Petersburg State University ; 191060, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, 8 pod''ezd
Strigunov Konstantin Sergeevich -
Lead Analyst, Association of Information Operations Specialists; 108851, Russia, Moscow, Vysotnaya str., 4-a, sq. 48
Surma Ivan Viktorovich -
Professor, the department of State Administration and National Security, Diplomatoc Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 119992, Russia, Moscow, Ostozhenka Street 53/2, office #220
Terebov Aleksandr -
Master's Degree Student at the Department of Global Policy of St Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo 1/3, 8 pod''ezd
Terekhov Mikhail Sergeevich -
Student, Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Smolny str., 1/3, 8 entrance
Titov Roman -
Candidate at the Institute for Law and National Security of RANEPA; 119571, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, of. 1
Tikhomirova Karina Sergeevna -
Graduate student; Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Local History; N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University; 23 Gagarin Ave., Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 603022, Russia
Tikhotskaia Maria Anatolievna -
Consultant at the External Relations Department of the Expert and Analytical Office of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Torosian Akop -
Coordinator of the Vitaly Churkin Moscow International Model of the United Nations, UNA-Russia; 129090, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 36
Trunov Igor' Leonidovich -
National President, the World Jurist Association; 101000, Russia, Moskva, Volokolamskoe shosse, 14.
Trushcheva Anastasiya Aleksandrovna -
Postgraduate at Moscow State University, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science; 119234, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leninskie Gory, 1
Turhan Oğuz Alperen -
Postgraduate at the Department of International Relations and World Policy of St Petersburg State University ; 199034, Russia, Leningradskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Ul. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, 7-9
Wu Yanbin -
Postgraduate student, Department of International Security, Moscow State University; 101000, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Kravchenko, 7
Ueldanov Salavat Raisovich -
Postgraduate student, Department of Political Science and Political Philosophy, The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 53/2 Ostozhenka str., building 1, Moscow, 119021, Russia
Urazaeva Nailya Radifovna -
Associate Professor; Department of Linguistics and Translation; Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Ave., 26, room 224
Ursul Arkadii Dmitrievich -
Head of the Center, Scholar at theof the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Professor, Moscow State Univeristy; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, building #51
Uryupina Alisa Eduardovna -
Teaching and learning specialist, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; 76 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 119454, Russia
Fartyshev Arsenii Nikolaevich -
Leading Engineer at V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography ; 664023, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Ulan-Batorskaya, 1, of. 415
Fedyushko Dmitrii Igorevich -
post-graduate student of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries, Faculty of History at Lomonosov Moscow State University; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, bul. Tverskoi, 2, of. 207
Filipovi Aleksa -
Ph.D. in Political Science, Research Associate at the Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia; Trg Nikole Pa
Filippov Vasilii Rudol'fovich -
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Center for the Studies of Tropic Africa of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 123001, Moskva, ul. Spiridonovka, d.30/1 IAfrRAN
Frolov Dmitrii Borisovich -
Professor, Department of Computer Law, National Research Nuclear University MePhI; 101000, Russia, Kashirskoe shosse, 31.
Frolova Iuliia Nikolaevna -
Postgraduate at the Department of Global Policy of Saint Petersburg University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ul. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, 7-9
Khadorich Liliya Vyacheslavovna -
Researcher, Ibero-American Centre of Saint Petersburg University; 191060, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, 8 pod''ezd
Khadyrov Ravshan Yunusovich -
Postgraduate student, Department of World Political Processes, MGIMO; 115764, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, ul. Moscow, 63, of. Moscow
Han Shiying -
Postgraduate Student, Chair of International Security, School of World Politics Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1
Hao Long -
Doctoral Candidate at Peking University, the School of International Relations ; 100871, 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi, China
Kharlanov Aleksei Sergeevich -
Associate Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation ; 119021, Russia, Moscow, ul. Ostozhenka, 53/2, of. 220
Hauer-Tyukarkina Olga -
Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science, The Lomonosov Moscow State Univesity; 119991, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii pr-T, 27 k 4
Jeifets Victor Lazarevich -
Professor of Department of Theory and History of International Relations of Saint Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3, 8 pod''ezd
Khizrieva Sabina Sagidguseinovna -
postgraduate student, Department of Russian Politics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 119991, Russia, Moskva, GSP-1, Lomonosovskiy prospekt, 27, korp.4.
Khlopov Oleg Anatolyevich -
Associate Professor at the American Studies Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities; 125993, GSP-3, Russia, Moskva oblast', g. Moscow, Miusskaya ploshchad'., 6
Kho Dun -
Mgr. at the Department of Regional Problems of the World Politics of Moscow State University
Hong Seryun -
Postgraduate at MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)); 119454, Russia, Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Huangfu Zhenhui -
Postgraduate student; Department of International Security; Lomonosov Moscow State University; 119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie gory str., 1
Zou Lihui -
Lecturer at the Center for China-Russia cultural connections of Heilongjiang University
Chebotarev Yury Anatolyevich -
Post-graduate student, the department of Applied Analysis of International Problems, Moscow State Institute of International Relations is an academic institution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 109383, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Shosseinaya, 39 k.1, kv. 13
Postgraduate student, Department of International Political Processes,SPbU; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, Smolny str., 1-3
Zhao Jielin -
post-graduate student of the Department of the Theory and History of International Relations at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moskovskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 21 k3, kab. 410
Zheng Yi -
Postgraduate at the Department of the Political Science of the East, Political Problems of International Relations and Global Development ; 119991, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leninskie Gory, 1
Chipizubova Polina Andreevna -
Student, Global Politics Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University); 119454, Russia, the city of Moscow, Moscow, Vernadsky str., 76, bldg. B
Chikhachev Aleksei Yurievich -
Post-graduate students, the department of European Studies, St. Petersburg State University ; 191060, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Smolnogo Street 1/3
Chmyreva Vera -
Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 32 Nakhimovsky Prospekt str., Moscow, 117218, Russia
Cho Yongsung -
Postgraduate at the Department of International Relations and Global Policy of St.Petersburg State University; 191060, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Smol'nogo, 1/3
Shamakhov Vladimir Aleksandrovich -
Director, North-West Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Shapiro Nataliya Igorevna -
Junior Research Fellow at the National Research Institute Of World Economy And International Relations ; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Profsoyuznaya, 23
Shapkin Mikhail Nikolaevich -
Post-graduate student, the department of Political Science of the Countries of the East, Lomonosov Moscow State University; 142172, Russia, Moscow Oblast, Sherbinka, Vodoprovodnaya Street 5A
Shebanova Mariya Andreevna -
postgraduate student, Department of Political Analysis, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.; 119991, Russia, Moskva, GSP-1, MGU, Lomonosovskiy prospekt, 27, korp. 4, fakultet gosudarstvennogo upravlenia
Shevchenko Yan -
Senior Lecturer; Russian State Social University (Anapa branch); 261 Turgenev St., Anapa, Krasnodar Territory, 353440, Russia
Shiriiazdanova Irina Fanilevna -
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN University
Shitova Elena -
postgraduate student, Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 115035, Russia, Moskva, Bolshaya Ordynka, 21.
Shkvarun Maksim Andreevich -
Postgraduate at the Department of History and Politics of Russia of the Institute of International Relations and World History of Nizhny Novgorod State University; 603005, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ul'yanova, 2, Institut mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii i mirovoi istorii
Shlyundt Nadezhda Yuryevna -
Associate Professor; Department of Legal Disciplines; Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute; 357108, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Nevinnomyssk, blvd. Mira, 17
Shorokhova Svetlana Petrovna -
Shorokhova Svetlana Petrovna, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Faculty of International Relations, Institute of World Civilizations; 117292, Russia, Moscow, Nakhimovsky Prospekt str., 48, office 96
Shugurov Mark Vladimirovich -
Professor; Department of International Law; Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratov, Chernyshevsky str., 104
Shchuplenkov Nikolai Olegovich -
senior lecturer, Department of History, Law and Social Disciplines of the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute; 357600, Russia, Essentuki, ul. Dolina Roz, 7.
Shchuplenkov Oleg Viktorovich -
Associate Professor, Department of History, Law and Social Disciplines, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute; 357600, Russia, Essentuki, ul. Dolina Roz, 7.
Ekazheva Elizaveta Bagautdinovna -
Mgr. at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN University
Eldeeb Amr Mohamed -
Associate Professor, Institute of International Relations and World History, N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. ; 603070, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova str., 2, bldg. 14, office 317
El'zeni Nedal Khafez Zakariya Khafez -
Postgraduate student, Institute of International Relations and World History, Lobachevsky University; 603022, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova str., 37
Yur Arseniy Sergeevich -
Student, Institute of Humanities, Higher School of International Relations, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195220, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdansky Prospekt, 28a
Yanik Andrey Aleksandrovich -
Leading Research Associate, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119333, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Fotievoi, 6, korp.1, of. 1
Yanikeeva Inna Olegovna -
PhD student, Department of World Political Processes, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; 142302, Moscow region, Chekhov-2
Yastremskiy Anatoly Mihailovich -
Professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of General Political Science; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, 49