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Our Journals
DOI Publisher Prefix is 10.7256

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published four times a year

published 10 times a year

published 10 times a year

published six times a year

published every three months

published twice every six months

published every three months

published every three months

published every three months

published every three months

published every three months

published every three months

published every three months

published four times a year

published four times a year















Physics of biology and medicine
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Journals in science databases
ERIH PLUS - Åâðîïåéñêèé èíäåêñ öèòèðîâàíèÿ ãóìàíèòàðíûõ íàóê, îäèí èç êðóïíåéøèõ ìèðîâûõ èíäåêñîâ öèòèðîâàíèÿ.
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We adhere to principles of
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Today, the first issue of 2013 of the "NB: Financial law and administration" magazine has been published.
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Official Website of NOTA BENE / Aurora Group s.r.o.
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