Legal Studies
Legal Studies
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Abazaliev Il'yas Muratovich - Post-Graduate Student at National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod; 603115, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ashkhabadskaya, 4
Abakarova Natal'ya Viktorovna - Director, Medical centre "Bekhterev"; 690000, Russia, Primorskiy kray, Vladivostok, ul. Okeanskiy pr., 85
Abakumova Evgeniya Vyacheslavovna - Student at Southwest State University, Department of Civil Law; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast, Kursk, ul. 50 let oktyabrya, 94
Abaturov Aleksandr Ivanovich - senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal and Penal Law at Kirov Branch of the Academy of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service.; 610050, Russia, g. Kirov, ul. Kol'tsova, 18
Abdukarimova Nazira Eshmukhamedovna - associate professor at Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn
Abdulvaliev Almaz Firzyarovich - Docent of the chair of criminal law disciplines, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; 38 Lenin Street, Tyumen, Tyumen region, 625000, Russia
Abdulin Robert Semenovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process at Kurgan State University, resigned judge of the Kurgan Regional Court, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. ; 640000, Russia, Kurgan region, Kurgan, Pushkin str., 187
Àáäóëèí Ðóñëàí Ðîáåðòîâè÷ - judge, Arbitration Court of the Kurgan region; 640000, Russia, Kurganskaya oblast', g. Kurgan, ul. Klimova, 105
Abramov Sergey Gennad'evich - Associate Professor of the Depatment of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 109456, Russia, g. Moscow, pr-d 4-I veshnyakovskii, 4
Avdalyan Artur Yashevich - Associate Professor of the Department of Law Disciplines at Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies; 141222, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', pos. Cherkizovo, ul. Glavnaya, 99
Avdeeva Natal'ya Ivanovna - lecturer of the Department of Civil Law at South-West State University; 305025, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. Ippodromnaya, 53
Averina Kristina Nikolaevna - Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process,  The Academy of Public Service and Administration of the Komi Republic; 167000, Russia, g. Syktyvkar, ul. Kommunisticheskaya, 11, kab. 508v
Agakishiev Eldar - post-graduate student of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal Legislation and International Law at Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; 117218, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. B. Cheremushkinskaya, 34
Aganina Renata Nadimovna - Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Agapov Igor Olegovich' - Junior Scientific Associate, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 620057, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66
Agafonov Matvei Nikolaevich - Postgraduate student of the Department of Financial, Banking and Customs Law named after Professor Nina Ivanovna Khimicheva, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratov region, Saratov, Chernyshevsky str., 104
Ageev Vyacheslav - Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Linguistics; National Research University "MEI"; 111250, Russia, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya str., 14
Ageeva Alexandra - post-graduate student of the Department of European Law at Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 76, aud. 302
Adrianovskaya Tat'yana Leonidovna - Associate Professor of the Land, Labor and  Environmental Law at Kuban State Agrarian University
Adygezalova Gyul'naz Eldarovna - Docent, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Kuban State University
Airikh Vitalii Aleksandrovich - Post-graduate student of the Department of Management of Public Order Services at Academy of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 30149, Germaniya, Niedersachsen oblast', g. Hannover, ul. Herrenhäuser Str., 61
Aisner Larisa Yur'evna - Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Expertise at Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University; 660100, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Lenina, 117, kab. 412
Akunchenko Evgenii Andreevich - Docent, the department of Tort Law and Criminology  Siberian Federal University; Leading Researcher at Anti-Corruption and Legal Expertise Center of Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, kab. 1-22
Alekseeva Marina Gennad'evna - Auditor at the Chamber of Accounts of Podolsk district; 146100, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast, g. Podolsk, ul. Revolyutsionnyi Prospekt, 52/38
Alekseenko Aleksandr Petrovich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 41, room 5502
Aleksova Anastasiya Vyacheslavovna - Post-graduate student of the Department of Justice, Prosecutor's Supervision and Criminal Science at Far Eastern Federal University
Aleshin Denis Olegovich - Master's student, Department of Russian History from Ancient Times to the 20th Century, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, nab. University, 7-9
Aleshkova Natal'ya Pavlovna - Vice-Chairperson of the City Administration of the City of Surgut; Russia, 628403, Tyumenskaya obl., Surgut, ul. Engelsa, d.8.
Aliev Timur Firudinovich - Student; East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 664017, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Almaeva Yuliya Olegovna - Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan).; 423822, Russia,  Naberezhnye Chelny, pr. Moskovskiy, d. 67.
Alpatov Alexey - Vice-Director of the Financial University under the auspices of the Government of the Russian Federation; 400078, Russia, Volgograd, ul. Kubinskaya, d.26.
Alymov Anton Alexeevish - Master’s Degree, the department of Civil Law, Southwest State University ; 305040, Russia, Kursk, 50 Let Okryabrya 94, office #535
Amaryan Laura Azizovna - lawyer at Potential Plus Company
Amelin Roman Vladimirovich - Associate Professor at Saratov State University, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law; 410012, Russia, Saratov, ul. Astrakhanskaya, 83
Aminov David Isakovich - Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure at the State University of Management; 109542, Russia, Moscow, Ryazanskiy Prospekt, 99, of. A-403
Andreikin Aleksandr Borisovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Medicine and Law of the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.; 125284, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d. 12/13.
Andrianova Natalia Gennadievna - Researcher at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Process of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Andryushchenko Angelina Valer'yevna - Postgraduate at the Department of Civil law of the National Research Tomsk State University ; 634050, Russia, Tomsk, ul. Lenina, 36
Anisimov Aleksei Ivanovich - Post-Graduate Student at North-West Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 199034, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, liniya 7-Ya v.o., 16-18
Anisimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Docent, the department of State Legal Disciplines, Northwest Institute (Branch) of O. E. Kutafin Moscow State University of Law; 160000, Russia, Vologodskaya oblast', g. Vologda, ul. Marii Ul'yanovoi, 18, of. 312
Antipova Kseniia - Postgraduate student, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 119606, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Pr. Vernadskogo, 84
Antonov-Romanovskii Grigorii Vsevolodovich - Assisistant to the State Duma Deputy, State Duma of the Russian Federation; Russia, Moskva, ul. 2 Zvenigorodskaya, d. 15.
Antonova Elena Yur'evna - Department of Criminal Law and Forensic Studies of the Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law; 680042, Russia, g. Khabarovsk, ul. Tikhookeanskaya, 134, kab. 435
Antsiferov Nikolai Viktorovich - Docent, the department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedure, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia ; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya Street 6, office #458
Apostolova Natalia - Associate Professor at Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Southern Federal University; 344002, Russia, Rostovskaya oblast', g. Rostov-Na-Donu, ul. Ul. Pushkinskaya, 70
Ardashev Roman Georgievich - Senior Educator and Coordinator, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Zoi i Aleksandra Kosmodem'yanskikh, 8
Asadov Ramu Beyukhanovich - senior lecturer of the department of state law and management of customs activitieslaw, Law Institute of Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs (VlSU); editor-in-chief, NPZH Dialog (; 600000, Russia, g. Vladimir, ul. Gor'kogo, 87
Asalkhanov Timur Yulevich - lawyer at Law Bereau of Moscow 'Asalkhanov and Partners'
Askerova Matanat Pasha - Senior Educator, Docent, the department of Criminal Procedure, Forensics and Forensic Examination, Academy of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan; AZ1000, Azerbaidzhan, g. Baku, ul. Vidadi, 158
Astakhova Marina Anatol'evna - Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical and Public Law Disciplines Tyumen State University, PhD in Law; 69 Nemtsov str., Tyumen, Tyumen region, 625002, Russia
Atabekov Atabek Rustamovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Legal Institute, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6
Atanova Kseniya Alekseevna - student of the Far Eastern Federal University; Russia, 690090, Vladivostok, Oktyabrskaya, d.25. YSH DVFU
Afanas'ev Aleksei Yur'evich - Adjunct at Nizhni Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 603950, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ankudinovskoe Shosse, 3
Akhmadova Mar'yam Abdurakhmanovna - Post-graduate student, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, and Private International Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Akhrameeva Ol'ga Vladimirovna - assistant professor, Department of Law, Stavropol State Agricultural University; 355001, Russia, g. Stavropol', ul. Pushkina, 1, korp. 20
Ayupova Gul'naz Shamilovna - Postgraduate at the Criminal Law Department of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ; 620017, Russia, Yekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66, office 109
Babin Borys - Head of the Department of Administrative and Criminal Law at Odessa National Maritime Academy; 65029, Ukraine, Odesskaya oblast', g. Odessa, ul. Didrikhsona, 13
Babina Elena Alekseevna - trainee, Institute of the State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 123103, Russia, Moskva, ul. Zhivopisnaya, 6, korp. 2, kv. 19, of. Grabengasse.
Babich Irina Leonidovna - Chief Scientific Associate, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119334, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Leninskii Prospekt, 32a
Bagavieva Elina Aleksandrovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure and Law Enforcement Activity, Udmurt State University; 422231, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Agryz, ul. Naberezhnaya, 2 A
Bagandova Leila Zakirovna - Junior Researcher of the Scientific and Organizational Department; Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10, room 207
Bagautdinov Rustam Radikovich - Postgraduate at the Civil Law Department of the University of Management "TISBI" ; 420012, Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, ul. Mushtari, 13
Bagreeva Elena Gennadievna - Professor, Department of International and Public Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49/2 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russia
Badaeva Nataliia - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6, of. 359
Badikov Konstantin Nikolaevich - Associate professor of the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines at Vladivostok Branch at Russian Customs Academy; 690024, Russia, Primorskii krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Abrikosovaya, 5 a
Bakradze Andrei Anatol'evich - Professor; Department of Criminal Law, Procedure and Criminalistics; National Research University Higher School of Economics; 109028, Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Trekhsvyatelsky lane, 3, room 445
Balanovskii Valentin Valentinovich - Leading Scientific Associate, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; 236016, Russia, Kaliningradskaya oblast', g. Kaliningrad, ul. Aleksandra Nevskogo, 14
Baranov Vladimir Vladimirovich - Senior Lecturer at the IT Department of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ; 125171, Russia, Moscow, ul. Z. i A. Kosmodemianskih, 8
Bardeev Konstantin Andreevich - Lecturer of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Barkov Aleksei Vladimirovich - Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation
Barkova Alina Vasil'evna - Associate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 38 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187, Russia
Basalaeva Svetlana Pavlovna - Associate professor, Senior Scientific Associate, Department of Labor and Environmental Law, Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, aud. 3-04
Baskova Anna Valer'evna - Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the North-Western Institute (branch) O. E. Kutafin University (MSLA); 160000, Russia, Vologda oblast, Vologda, M. Ulyanova str., 18, office 312
Basmanov Nikolay - Master’s Degree in Law, Siberian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 630009, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Nikitina, 2/1, of. 24
Batchaeva Aminat Alkhazovna - Senior Educator, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, North-Caucasian State Academy ; 369012, Russia, respublika Karachaevo-Cherkesskaya, g. Cherkessk, ul. Sovetskaya, 267
Bakharev Dmitry Vadimovich - Professor, Department of Public Law, Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; 614012, Russia, Perm Krai, Perm, ul. Karpinsky, 125
Bakhteev Dmitrii V. - Docent, the department of Criminalistics, Ural State Law University ; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21, kafedra kriminalistiki
Bezborodov Julia Robertovna - Post-graduate student, the department of Private International Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Legal consultant “Robert Bosch” LLC; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, pr. Leninskii, 123, kv. 492
Bezgin Vladimir Borisovich - professor of the Department of History and Philosophy at Tambov State Technical University; 392000, Russia, Tambov Region, Tambov, str. Sovetstkaya, 106
Beketov Oleg Ivanovich - Professor, the department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of Internal Affairs Branches, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 644092, Russia, Omskaya oblast', g. Omsk, pr. Komarova, 7
Bekova Radima - Postgraduate student, Department of Constitutional Law, MP MGIMO; 119423, Russia, M oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Vernadskogo, 76
Belaia Olesia Valer'evna - Docent, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; 236041, Russia, Kaliningradskaya oblast', g. Kaliningrad, ul. A. Nevskogo, 14
Belikova Ksenia Michailovna - Professor, Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law of the O.E. Kutafin University (MGUA).; 9 Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., Moscow, 125993, Russia
Belkovets Larisa - professor of the Department of History of State and Law, Constitutional Law at Tomsk State University ; 630007, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 7, of. priemnaya
Belkovets Sergei Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Department of the Humanities Fundamentals of the State Service of the Siberian Institute of Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.; 630102, Russia, Novosibirsk, Nizhegorodskaya ulitsa, dom 6.
Belov Dmitry Olegovich - Lawyer, Director of the law firm "Zheleznyak and Partners", the Law firm "Zheleznyak and Partners"; 107045, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, bul. Rozhdestvenskii, 17, of. 4
Belolyubskaya Galina Stepanovna - researcher at the laboratory 'Human in the Arctic Region' at Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 677027, Russia, respublika Sakha, g. Yakutsk, ul. Petrovskogo, 1
Belyaev Ivan Yur'evich - Graduate student, Department of Theory and History of State and Law and International Law, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"; 443086, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Samara, ul. Moskovskoye shosse, 34
Belyaev Yurii Vladislavovich - lawyer, Law office N 544; 443112, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Samara, ul. Sergeya Lazo, 25A
Belyaeva Galina Serafimovna - Professor, the department pf Administrative and International Law, Belgorod State National Research Univeristy; 308015, Russia, Belgorod, Pobedy Street 85
Belyaeva Ekaterina Rashitovna - adjunct at Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 620057, Russia, Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg, str. Korepina, 66, of. 219
Berdnikova Anna Aleksandrovna - Assistant/Postgraduate Student of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125167, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt street, 49
Berezina Oksana Borisovna - Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence, Novosibirsk State Technical University; 630102, Russia, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, K.Marx Ave., 3 NSTU building, office 120
Berchanskiy Kirill Alekseevich - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penal Law, Saint Petersburg Law Institue (branch) of the University of Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 191014, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Liteinyi prospekt, 44
Bikkulov Artem Eduardovich - Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Surgut State University; 628400, Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Autonomous Okrug, Surgut, Lenin Ave., 1
Biyushkina Nadezhda Iosifovna - Professor, Head of the Department of Judicial and Prosecutor's Activities, Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky; 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23
Bleshchik Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Associate professor of the Department of Constitutional Law of the Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya str., 21
Blyashkin Alexey - team leader at General Radio Frequency Center; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, nab. Derbenevskaya, 7, stroenie 15
Bogdan Varvara Vladimirovna - Docent, the department of Civil Law, Southwest State University; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 94, of. 535
Bodrov Nikolay Filippovich - Associate Professor of the Department of forensic expertise Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD (Law); 123242, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9, room 729
Boldyrev Sergei Igorevich - Postgraduate student, Civil law department, Southwest State University; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast, Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabra, 94, office 535
Bolotov Maksim Viktorovich - Postgraduate student, the department of Commercial Law, Saint Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 7–9
Bondarenko Diana Valeryevna - Consulting Lawyer, Tomsk Oblast Department of Finance; Docent, the department of Civil Law, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics; 634000, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, pr. Lenina, 111, kab. 14
Bondar' Al'bert Yanovich - Teacher, Department of Physical Culture, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 664000, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Borisenkov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - professor of the Department of History and Political Studies at State University of Management. ; 109542, Russia, Moscow, Ryazanskii prosp., d. 99
Borisova Alena Sergeevna - Student at Moscow State University, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, stroenie 13-14
Bormotova Ladmila Valer'evna - Associate Professor; Department of Criminal Procedure Law; North-Western branch of the Russian State University of Justice; 197046, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Alexandrovsky Park, 5
Bosyk Ol'ga Igorevna - Senior Lecturer; Department of Civil Law and Labor Law; Surgut State University; 628415, Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Surgut, Lenin str., 1, room 724
Bocharov Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Law Disciplines at Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies
Bronnikov Ivan Alekseevich - associate professor of the Department of State Management and Political Technologies at State University of Management; 109542 Moscow, Ryazansky prospect 99. 
Budilina Ekaterina Ivanovna - Associate Professor; Department of Criminology; Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 350005, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Alexander Pokryshkin str., 4/9, sq. 342
Bukalerov Sergei Aleksandrovich - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Law Academy of the Ministry for Justice of the Russian Federation; 10a Bolshoy Karetny str., Moscow, 127051, Russia
Bulakh Evgenii Vasil'evich - Associate professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management at Far Eastern Federal University
Bulbacheva Anna Aleksandrovna - Senior Researcher at the Department of Planning and Control over Scientific Research of the Scientific and Research Center of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 125171, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Zoi I Aleksandra, , 8
Burtseva Viktoriya Vasil'evna - Postgraduate student; Department of Criminal and Penal Enforcement Law; Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratov region, Saratov, Volskaya str., 1
Butaeva Elona Sergeevna - Docent, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University); 362000, Ðîññèéñêàÿ Ôåäåðàöèÿ, Áóòûðèíà, 27
Butba Saida Rushnievna - Senior Lecturer at the Abkhazian State University; 354000 Russia, Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum, ul. Ardzinba, 126
Buyukli Vasil Illych - postgraduate student, National University Odessa Law Academy; 65000, Ukraine, Odessa, Fontanskaya doroga Natsionalnyi Universitet "Odesskaya Yuridicheskaya Akademia".
Vagonova Anna Sergeevna - Postgraduate at the Department of Banking of the Kutafin Moscow State University of Law; 127224, Russia, pr-d Shokal'skogo, 65, building 1
Vayshnarovich Galina Vladimirovna - Postgraduate at Bashkir State University; 450076, Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, ul. Zaki Validi, 32
Valiev Rafail' Gazizullovich - Associate Professor of the Department of the Theory and History of State and Law at Kazan (Volga State) Federal University; 420008, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Krmlevskaya, 18, of. 305A
Vanyan Diana Nikolaevna - Postgraduate student; Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; Kuban State University; 149 Stavropol str., Krasnodar, 350040, Russia
Vasileva Yana Valeryevna - Associate Professor of the Department of administrative and financial law, North-West Institute (branch) of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); 160000, Russia, Vologda region, Vologda, Maria Ulyanova str., 18, office 203
Vasilchenko Daniil Dmitrievich - Postgraduate at the Civil Law Department of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration ; 670013, Russia, Ulan-Ude, ul. Klyuchevskaya, 28
Vakhrameev Roman Gennad'evich - Senior Prosecutor Assistant; 620086, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Pavla Shamanova, 12, kv. 252
Verenich Igor Vasilievich - Docent, the department of Legal Studies, North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 199034, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. 7-Ya liniya vo, 16-18
Vereshchagina Alla Vasil'evna - Head of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690091, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 45
Vecherina Olga - Associate professor, Department of Mediation in Social Sphere, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education; Senior researcher, Centre of Investigation of Indian Philosophy and Culture “Purushottama”, RUDN University; 127051, Russia, Moscow, Sretenka str., 29
Veshkurtseva Zoia - Senior Lawyer, Consulting Agency “PAG”; 105066, Russia, Moscow, Dobroslobodskaya 7/1, office #3
Vinner Eleonora Romanovna - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 121374, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Vinnitskiy Andrey Vladimirovich - Professor, the department of Administrative Law, Ural State Law University ; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Vinokurov Alexander Yurievich - Director of the Research and Development Centre at the Academy of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; 117463, Russia, Moscow, pr-d Karamzina, 1 -1, app. 355
Vinokurov Vladimir Anatol'evich - Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Saint Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters named after Hero of the Russian Federation Army General E.N. Zinichev; 196105, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky ave., 149
Vinokurov Sergey Nikolaevich - Senior tutor of the department of Civil and Commercial Law in All-Russian State University of Justice (RAJ of the Ministry of Justice).; 121351, Russia, Moscow, St. Molodogvardeiskay, h. 46/1, off. 203
Vladimirova Galina Evgen'evna - associate professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at Surgut State University; Surgut, ul. Energetikov 22
Volkov Vladislav Eduardovich - Associate Professor, Department of State and Administrative Law, Samara National Research University; 443043, Russia, Samara region, Samara, Moskovskoe highway, 34
Volkova Margarita Andreevna - Junior Researcher at the Center for Anti-Corruption and Legal Expertise of Siberian Federal University
Volodin Evgenii Vladimirovich - postgraduate student, NP International Alliance "Labor Migration"; 101000, Moskva, Sretensky bulvar, d.6/1, str.1, ofis. 47.
Volokh Vladimir Aleksandrovich - Deputy head of the Department of Management of Migration Processes at State University of Management. ; 109542,, Russia, g. Moscow, Ryazanskii pr., 99
Voronin Viacheslav Nikolaevich - Senior Educator, the department of Criminal Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University ; 125362, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Svobody, 1, of. 2
Voronina Natal'ya Pavlovna - associate professor, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Law of the North-Western Institute (Filial office) of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Russia, Moscow, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya street, 9
Vronskaya Mariya Vladimirovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, 42 Balyaeva str., sq. 119
Vyrva Petr - Assistant, Senior Educator, the Department of Criminology and Tort Law, Law Institute of Siberian Federal University  ; 660098, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6
Gavrilov Vladimir Nikolaevich - Associate Professor, Department of Civil and International Private Law of the Saratov State Law Academy; Russia, 410056, Saratov, ul. Volskaya, d.1.
Galitskaya Ol'ga Ivanovna - Leading Scientific Researcher, Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Galkin Valerii Terent'evich - Docent, the department of History, Philosophy and Law, Yugra State University
Galiautdinov Rushan Radikovich - Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Institute of Law, Ufa University of Science and Technology; 450077, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Dostoevsky str., 131
Gao Yu - Postgraduate student, Department of Commercial Law, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, D., 7-9
Garipova Kristina Vital'evna - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Proceedings and Criminalistics, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University; 428000, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Kremlevskaya, 18
Garmaev Yury Petrovich - Professor of the Department of Criminal Proceedings and Forensic Studies at Banzarov Buryat State University; 670000, Russia, respublika Buryatiya, g. Ulan-Ude, ul. Sukhe-Batora, 6
Gasanov Amid Kamalovich - post-graduate student of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Process and Forensics at RUDN University
Gashin Artem Andreevich - post-graduate student of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law at Central Russian Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 302028, Russia, Orlovskaya oblast', g. Orel, bul. Bul'var Pobedy, 5a
Gerusova Sofia - post-graduate student of the Department of World Economy and Law at ITMO University (Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics); 192019, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Khrustal'naya, 14
Glazov Ilya Dmitrievich - Postgraduate student, Department of civil law, Moscow Financial and industrial University "Synergy"; 125315, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky ave., 80 K. E
Glushachenko Sergey Borisovich - Professor, the department of State Law, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia; 191186, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, nab. R. Moiki, 48
Golovkova Antonina Yur'evna - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Constitutional Law Department of Ural State Law University; 620000, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Golubev Stanislav Igorevich - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Goman Ol'ga Sergeevna - Educator, the department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of Internal Affairs Branches, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Gomzyakova Ekaterina Mizailovna - Bachelor, Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Vladivostok State University; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41
Gomonov Nikolai Dmitrievich - Professor; Department of Jurisprudence; Murmansk Arctic University; 183010, Russia, Murmansk region, Murmansk, Sportivnaya str., 13
Goncharov Vitalii Viktorovich - Associate Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University; 350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Goncharova Valeriya Andreevna - assistant professor, the department of Civil Law, Tomsk State University; 634050, Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk, Lenin str., 36
Gorban Vladimir Sergeevich - Head of the sector of Philosophy of Law, History and Theory of State and Law, Head of the Center for Philosophical and Legal Studies, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, winner of the Highest Legal Award "Lawyer of the Year" (2023) "For contribution to Legal Science", full member of the Academy of Military Sciences (Department of Military Law); 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Gorbunov Igor' Andreevich - Postgraduate student, Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6
Gorenko Maxim Gennad'evich - Lecturer; Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Gorokhova Svetlana Sergeevna - Associate Professor; Department of International and Public Law; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 109456, Russia, Moscow, 38 Shcherbakovskaya str., room 805
Gorian Kristina Vladimirovna - Assistant at the Department of Public Law of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 41-5505
Gorian Ella - Associate Professor, Vladivostok State University; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41, office 5502
Grigor'eva Ol'ga Gennad'evna - Associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Management Activity at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University); 117042, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ushakova, 8
Grishin Pavel Andreevich - Chief Expert of the Law Department at Governance of Rospotrebnadzor for the Samara Region; 443079, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Samara, pr-d Georgiya Mitireva, 1
Gromozdina Maria Vladimirovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Business Law of Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management; 630004, Russia, Novosibirsk, ul. Kamenskaya, 56
Gromyko Sergey Valer'evich - Vice Chairman, Honored Lawyer of Kuban, Territorial Electoral Commission of Krasnodar
Gruzdev Vladimir Sergeevich - Chairman of the Board, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia”; Chief Researcher of the Department of Philosophy of Law, History and Theory of State and Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Znamenka, 10
Gudkov Anton Pavlovich - Investigator for the particularly important cases of the Investigative department for the Magadan region of the Investigation Committee of Russian Federation; 685017, Russia, Magadanskaya oblast', g. Magadan, ul. Sovetskaya, 23, kv. 112
Gulemin Artem Nikolaevich - Associate professor, Department of Information Law, Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya str., 23, office 205
Gulyaikhin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich - Department of the Theory of Law and the Human Rights, Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 400089, Russia, Volgogradskaya oblast', g. Volgograd, ul. Istoricheskaya, 130
Gurchenko Evgenii Viktorovich - Counsel, Head of Litigation Practice at St. Petersburg office, EPAM Law; 22-24 Nevsky Ave., Saint Petersburg, Russia, 191186
Guselnikova Natalya Gennadevna - post-graduate student of the Department of Civil Law at Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Gutorova Alla Nikolaevna - Associate professor, Constitutional law department, Southwest State University; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast, Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 94, office 519
Davtyan Tsolak Agasovich - Postgraduate Student, Department of Legal Support of Market Economy, RANEPA (IGSU); 119571, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, of. 6
Davydova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Adjunct of the Department of the Theory and History of State and Law at Ural Law Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 620057, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66, of. 410
Davydova Marina Leonidovna - Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Minicipal Law of Volgograd State University; 400062, Russia, Volgograd, ul. Universitetskii Prospekt, 100
Damm Irina Alexandrovna - Director of the Center for Corruption Prevention and Legal Expertise, Head of the department of Delictology and Criminology, Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, aud. 1-22
Danilov Igor - Head of the Department of Jurisprudence, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies; 630108, Russia, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Plakhotny str., 10, room 437
Danilov Petr Sergeevich - Senior lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky; 644065, Russia, Omsk region, Omsk, ul. 50 Years of Trade Unions, 100/1, office 315
Danilova Natalia Vladimirovna - Docent, the department of Administrative and Financial Law, Tyumen State University; 625000 Russia, Tyumen, Lenina Street 38
Danilovskaia Anna Vladimirovna - Associate professor, Higher School of Private Law, Pacific State University; 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, 134 Pacific Street, office 417
Dvortsov Vadim Evgenievich - Judge Assistant at the town court of Mineral'nye Vody, Stavropol region; 357203, Russia, Stavropol region, Mineral'nye Vody, pr. K. Marksa, 58
Dementyeva Anisya Aleksandrovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics, St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; Senior Educator, the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 191014, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, Liteinyi prospekt, 44
Demidov Nikolai Voltovich - DEMIDOV Nikolay Voltovich – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Communications, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Civil Rights, West-Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice;; 634050, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, ul. Moskovskii Trakt, 8, kab. 210
Demidova Lyudmila Nikolaevna - Docent, the department of Criminal Law, National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise; 61002, Ukraine, Kharkov, Pushkinskaya Street 77
Den De Un - adjunct of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines at Far Eastern Law Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Denisultanov Islam Salaudinovich - Student, Saratov State Law Academy
Derbysheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Senior Educator, the department of Public Law, Liberal Arts University ; 620041, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Zheleznodorozhnikov, 3
Derevyagina Ol'ga Evgen'evna - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Competition and Financial Law at Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6
Deryugin Roman Aleksandrovich - Deputy Head of the Department of Forensic Science at the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 620017, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66
Dekhtyar' Ivan Nikolaevich - Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Municipal Law, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratov region, Saratov, Volskaya str., 1
Dzidzoev Ruslan Mukharbekovich - Professor, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Kuban State University; 350063, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Postovaya, 8
Dzodzikov Zelim Uruzmagovich - independent researcher; 44 Vatutina str., Vladikavkaz, Russia, North Ossetia-Alania region, 362025
Dobrynina Larisa Yur'evna - Docent, the department of Civil Law, Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Dondokov Zhargal Darmaevich - Postgraduate student of the Department of Civil Law of the Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Dostavalova Alena Sergeevna - Postgraduate student, Department of Civil Law and Process, Ural Institute of Management (branch) of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 620144, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, ul. 8 Marta, 66
Dresvyannikova Elena Anatol'evna - Associate professor at the All-Russian Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Department of General Legal Disciplines; 142008, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3
Druzhinin Andrei - Candidate of Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of General and Russian Church History and Canon Law, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University; 127051, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Likhov Lane, 6 building 1
Druzhinina Anna Valentinovna - Docent, the department of Civil Law, International Innovation University
Duben Andrei Kirillovich - Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Assistant, Department of Civil and Administrative Proceedings, Russian State University of Justice; 119019, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Dubova Mariya Evgen'evna - Attender of the Faculty of Training of Operational Staff of the Divisions of Economic Security and Corruption Prevention, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Student, the department of Criminology, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Dubovik Ol'ga Leonidovna - Chief Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Znamenka, 10
Dudin Pavel Nikolaevich - Leading scientific fellow at the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetological Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 670000, Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Borsoeva str., 13, sq. 31
Dusaev Rostislav Naufaldovich - professor, department head at Northern Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (under the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Dusaeva Miroslava Rostislavovna - assistant at Northern Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Evteev Konstantin Igorevich - Postgraduate at the Department of International Private and Civil Law of MGIMO (Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) ; 119454, Russia, Moscow, prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Egorov Vadim Valerevich - Postgraduate Student at Nizhny Novgorod State University, Department of Theory and History of State and Law; 603115, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Ashkhabadskaya, 4, kab. 25
Egorov Sergey YUr'evich - Doctor of Laws, Doctor Habilitatus in Theology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Moscow Tax Institute; 123308, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, 3rd Khoroshevskaya str., 2
Egorova Alexandra Konstantinovna - Postgraduate student of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Moscow State Institute (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; 119454, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 76
Egorova Olga Aleksandrovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Civil and Administrative Legal Proceedings, Russian Academy of Justice; 195299, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Daniila Kharmsa, 3, of. korp.1
El'chaninov Andrei Petrovich - Associate Professor at Samara Juridical Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Department of Criminal and Penitentiary Law; 443115, Russia, Samara, ul. Demokraticheskaya, 37, kv. 131
El'chaninova Ol'ga Yur'evna - Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; 443115, Russia, Samarskaya oblast, g. Samara, ul. Demokraticheskaya, 37, kv. 131
Epifanova Elena Vladimirovna - Associate professor at Kuban State Agrarian University ; 350089, Russia, Krasnodar, ul. Bul'var Platanovyi, 9
Eremeev Sergei Gennad'evich - Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines at Siberian Law Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russua
Erzin Ratmir Maratovich - Lecturer at the department of International and European Law of N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University; 430028, Russia, the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, ul. Esenina, 1, of. 57
Ermakov Dmitrii Sergeevich - Professor, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, International Innovation University
Ermakova Irina Viktorovna - Lawyer at "Rödl & Partner" LLC; 107023, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Elektrozavodskaya, 27, str. 2
Ershova Kseniya Andreevna - Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law at Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 23, kab. 410
Eseva Elena Yur'evna - Postgraduate student, the department of National Security, Baikal State University of Economics and Law; 665719, Russia, Irkutska oblast', g. Bratsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 32, of. 1
Efimovskii Andrei Vasil'evich - Deputy Head of the Research Department, SaintPetersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1, room 406
Ekhlakova Yuliya Vasil'evna - lawyer, Legal Clinic LLC; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41
Zhevnyak Oxana Viktorovna - Associate professor, Department of Regulation of Economic Activity, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Gagarina str., 27, sq. 98
Zheldybina Tat'yana Anatol'evna - Docent, department of the Theory of State and Law, Saratov State Law Academy; 410004, Russia, g. Saratov, ul. Vol'skaya, 1, kab. 209
Zherebchikov Dmitriy Pavlovich - Senior Scientific Associate at Tambov State Technical University; 392000, Russia, Tambovskaya oblast', g. Tambov, ul. Sovetskaya, 106
Zhidkikh Anatolii Aleksandrovich - leading scientific researcher, Scientific Research Institute - Academy of Prosecution General of the Russian Federation.; Russia, 123022, Moskva, 2ya Zvenigorodskaya, d. 15.
Zhuravleva Anna Sergeevna - junior scientific researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Academy of Prosecution General of the Russian Federation; Russia, 123022, Moskva, 2 Zvenigorodskaya ul., d.15.
Zaborovskaia Iuliia - Educator, the department of State Legal Disciplines, Kuzbass Institute Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; 654000, Russia, Novokuznetsk oblast', g. Novokuznetsk, prospekt Oktyabr'skii, 49, of. 102
Zadorina Mariia Andreevna - Associate professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Ural State University of Economics; 620144, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta str./narodnaya Volya, 62/45, office 750
Zainullin Ruslan Il'darovich - Professor, Department of Criminalistics, Ufa University of Science and Technology; 450005, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Dostoevsky str., 131
Zaitsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Political Studies at Nekrasov Kostroma State University; 156005, Russia, Kostroma region, Kostroma, Ovrazhnaya str., 20/23, sq. 1
Zaitseva Olesya Viktorovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and Procedural Law, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratov region, Saratov, Volskaya str., 1
Zayceva Ol'ga Anatol'evna - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Saint Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of University of Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 191014, Russia, Leningradskaya oblast', g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Liteinyi Prospekt, 44
Zalesny Yatsek - Professor at the Institute for Political Studies of the University of Warsaw; 00927, Pol'sha, g. Varshava, ul. Novy Svyat, 67
Zarubin Ivan Sergeevich - Senior Executive at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; 115324, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ovchinnikovskaya Nab., 18/1
Zatonov Rudolf Iurevich - CEO of «Prolegal» LLC; 199155, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Embankment of the Smolenka River, 3, building 1, 100
Zverev Petr Gennad'evich - deputy chief of the chair of international police cooperation and combatting crime via Interpol channels of the Peacekeeping training centre of the All-russian advanced training institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation; 142007, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3
Zvyagin Viktor Nikolaevich - Head of the Department of Medical Criminalistic Identification of the Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d.12/13
Zemskova Elena Yur'evna - Vice-Chairperson of the Department of Molecular and Genetic Studies of the Russian Center for Judicial Medical Expertise.; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d. 12/13
Zimneva Svetlana Viktorovna - Docent, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Tyumen State University; 625003, Russia, g. Tyumen', ul. Volodarskogo, 6
Zozulia Aleksandr - Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; 196105, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Moskovskii Prospekt, 149
Zolotareva Anna Borisovna - Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Services, head of the laboratory for legal expertise; room 548a, 3-5, Gazetny Lane, Moscow, Russia, 125993
Zolotova Olga Igorevna - Assistant at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Kursk State University; 305000, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, 29, of. 606
Zolotovskaia Elena Anatol'evna - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 41
Zurnachyan Avak Sergeevich - Senior Educator, Department of State and Municipal Management and Personnel Management, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast', g. Magnitogorsk, prospekt Lenina, 24
Ibragimov Konstantin Yrievich - Postgraduate student; Faculty of Law; St. Petersburg State University; 199106, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Bolshoy Vasilyevsky Island ave., 71
Ivanov Vladislav Yur'evich - Adjunct, the department of Forensic Science, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ; 620057, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66
Ivanov Pavel Leonidovich - Vice-Director on High Technology Studies of the Russian Center for Judicial Medical Experties of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d. 12/13.
Ivanova Zhanna Borisovna - Associate Professor at Komi Republican Academy of Public Service and Management ; 167982, Russia, the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, ul. Kommunisticheskaya, 11
Ivanova Inga Alekseevna - Post-graduate student, the department of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure, North-West Institute of Management branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 199034, Russia, g. Cankt-Peterburg, liniya 7-Ya v.o., 16-18
Ivanova Liliya Viktorovna - Assistant Professor of the Criminal Law and Procedure Department of the Tyumen State University; 625000, Russia, Tyumenskaya oblast', g. Tyumen', ul. Lenina, 38
Ivashchenko Violetta Vladislavovna - Postgraduate, Department of Criminal law and Criminal Procedure Law, Institute of Law, North-Caucasus Federal University; 355000, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Stavropol, Pushkin str., 1
Idirov Yerlan - postgraduate student of the Department of Criminal Procedural Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9
Izmerov Andrei Ivanovich - Electoral Commission of Krasnodar, Member of the Commission with a casting vote right
Ilin Andrei Vladimirovich - Docent, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Siberian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Ilin Ivan Yurievich - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Law Enforcement, Russian University of Transport (MIIT); 127994, Russia, Moscow, Obraztsova str., 9c9
Il'in Il'ya Vyacheslavovich - Dean, Head of the Department, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Russia, 119991, Moskva, Leninskiye gory, d.1, str.51, Faculty of Global Processes of the Moscow State University
Ilyasov Anvar Aidarovich - Post-graduate student, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation  ; 117218, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Bol'shaya Cheremushkinskaya, 34
Inshakova Agnessa Olegovna - Head of the Department, Volgograd State University; 400062, Russia, Volgograd, pr-t. Universitetskiy, d.100
Isaev Viktor Ivanovich - Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Vocational Education of the Russian Federation; Head of the Sector of History of Socio-Economic Development, Institute of History of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 630090, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Akademika Nikolaeva, 8
Isaeva Klara Asangazyevna - professor at Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn; 720033, Kirgiziya, g. Bishkek, ul. Kievskaya, 132, uchebnyi korpus ¹2
Isaeva Kristina Vadimovna - Master's Degree, North Caucasus branch of the Russia State University of Justice (Krasnodar)
Ismatulloev Bakhodurdzhon Ismatulloevich - Adjunct, the department of Constitutional Law, Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 117997, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, 12
Kabanov Pavel Aleksandrovich - Professor, the department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law; 420111, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Moskovskaya, 42, of. NII protivodeistviya korruptsii
Kabytov Pavel Petrovich - Senior Researcher; Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; 34 Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117218, Russia
Kazanchev Ivan Timofeevich - judge at Mineralnye Vody City Court for the Stavropol Krai; 357203, Russia, Stavropol Krai, Mineralnye Vody, Karl Marx' str., 58
Kalinin Aleksandr Nikolaevich - Member of the Board of the RSPP, Deputy Head of the RSPP Commission on Communications and Informatization, Head of the RSPP Expert Group on Information Security, Chief Designer of GAS "Elections" in 2003-2005.; 123242, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Bol'shaya Gruzinskaya, 20-24
Kalinina Alla Leonidovna - Postgraduate student, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; 117218, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. B.Cheremushkinskaya, 34
Kalinkina Viktoriya Viktorovna - Master's Degree, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Siberian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 630102, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Nizhegorodskaya, 6
Kalyuzhny Yury Nikolaevich - Assistant professor, Department of Administration of Work of Public Order Units, Staff Training Centre, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 125171, Russia, Moscow, Zoya And Alexandra str., 8
Kamchatov Kirill Viktorovich - leading scientific researcher, Scientific Research Institute of the Prosecution General of the Russian Federation; Russia, 123022, Moskva, 2 Zvenigorodskaya ul., d.15.
Kanatov Renat Kanatovich - post-graduate student of the Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law at RUDN University
Kapustina Valeriia Anatol'evna - Associate Professor, Chief of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at Novosibirsk State Technical University; 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, K. Marx Ave., 20/6, room 306
Karataev Andrei Vladimirovich - student, the Department of Justice, Prosecution Control and Forensic Studies of the Far Eastern Federal University; Russia, 692800, Bolshoi Kamen, ul. Lenina, d.30.
Karimov Rinat Mikhailovich - Postgraduate student, Educator, the department of Organization of Judicial and Law Enforcement Activity, Russian Academy of Justice; 141410, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Khimki, ul. 9-E maya, 21, of. 3
Karimova Saniya Anvarovna - Student, Tyumen State University; 625000, Russia, Tyumen Oblast, Tyument, Lenina Street 38
Karpova Elena Vladimirovna - Karpova Elena VladimirovnaAssociate professor, G. I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Department of Public Law Disciplines; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast', g. Magnitogorsk, ul. Lenina, 38, aud. 294
Karpukhin Dmitrii Vyacheslavovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Kartsevskaya Ol'ga Aleksandrovna - Judge; Second Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction; 29 Vereyskaya str., p. 34, Moscow, 121357, Russia
Karchevskyi Mykola - Professor, the department of Criminal Law, Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.A. Didorenko (Ukraine).; 91055 Ukraine, Lugansk, Kotsyubinskogo Street 19, office #774
Kachina Natal'ya Veniaminovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law at Siberian Federal University
Kevorkova Diana Ashotovna - Attorney at EPAM Law, Master's student of Department of Administrative and Financial Law, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, nab. University, 7-9
Kilinkarov Vladimir Vital'evich - Head of Russian Practice in PPP and Infrastructure "Dentons"; 125196, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lesnaya, 7, office 107
Kireeva Anastasia Viktorovna - Ph.D. in Jurisprudence, Leading Researcher of the laboratory of Budgetary Policy of the Institute for Applied Economic Research Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 119571, Russia, gorod Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str.1
Kirikova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna - Student at Southwest State University , Department of Civil Law; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast, Kursk, ul. 50 let oktyabrya, 94
Kiseleva Elena - Associate Professor, Southern Federal University; 344000, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, B.sadovaya str., 105/42
Kitaeva Viktoriia - Lecturer, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Voronezh State University; 10A Lenin Square, Voronezh, Voronezh region, 394018, Russia
Kitsing Vladimir Arvuvich - Postgraduate student of the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law of the State Academic University of the Humanities; 119049, Russia, Moscow, lane. Maronovsky, 26
Klykov Gleb Igorevich - Postgraduate, Law Department, Synergy University; 125190, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt str., 80, office
Kovaleva Rimma Vladimirovna - Student, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Vol'skaya, 1
Kovalenko Mariya Andreevna - Junior Researcher at the Research Laboratory «Legal Regulation in the context of digitalization», Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Volgograd State University; 400002, Russia, Volgograd region, Volgograd, Universitetskiy Prospekt, 100
Kovrigin Anton Aleksandrovich - Postgraduate student, Department of Civil Law, Synergy University; 125190, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 80G
Koglina Viktoriya Aleksandrovna - Post-graduate student at the Department of Weapon Studies and Trace Evidence Analysis of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 117437, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, 12
Kodan Sergei Vladimirovich - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation; Chief Scientific Associate, Department of Scientific Research Governance; Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law, Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlvskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21, of. 210
kozhevnikov oleg aleksandrovich - Head of Legal Support of the Legal Department, Yekaterinburg Municipal Administration; 620131, Russia, g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Metallurgov, 52, kv. 21
Kozhokar' Igor' Petrovich - Docent. Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kozlova Yuliya Anatol'evna - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Law and Process, Novosibirsk State Technical University ; 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, Prospekt Karla Marksa 20/3b, office #241a
Kolesnikov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - lawyer at Department of Finances of Moscow; 125047, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Miusskaya Ploshchad', 2/2, of. 502
Kolesnichenko Ol'ga Viktorovna - Associate Professor; Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines; Civil Law Disciplines; Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education 'V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia'; Ryazan branch; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education 'Tyumen State University'; 390043, Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, Krasnaya str., 18, room 508
Kolieva Angelina Eduardovna - PhD Applicant at Adygeya State University, Department of Civil Law; 18, Russia, The Republic of Adygeya, Maykop, ul. Lebedeva, 22, kv. 64
Koloskova Olga Aleksandrovna - Student, Department of International and Integration Law, RANEPA; 82 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 117571, Russia, federal destination city
Komarov Anton Anatolevich - Associate Professor; Department of Criminal Law and National Security; Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management; 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Kamenskaya str., 52/1, office 503
Konovalov Aleksei Olegovich - postgraduate student, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Siberian Institute of Management.; Russia, 630055, Novosibirskaya oblast, Novosibirsk, ul. Musy Dzhalilya, 14/1, kabinet 2.
Korobko Kseniya Igorevna - Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin; 25 Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167005, Russia
Korovin Kirill Sergeevich - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of State and Law, History of State and Law of the V.F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University; 620137, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya str., 21
Korchagin Anatolii Georgievich - Professor of the Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law at Far Eastern Federal University; 690088, Russia, g. Vladivostok, ul. Voennoe Shosse, 28, of. 37
Koryukina Anastasiya Andreevna - Student, Saratov State Law Academy
Koryakina Zinaida Ivanovna - Associate Profesor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process at North-Eastern Federal University; 677000, Russia, respublika Sakha (Yakutiya), g. Yakutsk, ul. Belinskogo, 58
Kostrykina Viktoriya Vital'evna - Senior Researcher at Center for Anti-Corruption Management and Legal Expertise at Siberian Federal University
Kocheva Darina Viktorovna - applicant; St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 44 Liteyny Ave., Saint Petersburg, 191014, Russia
Kravets Anna - Senior Educator, the department of State and Municipal Administration, Siberian Institute of Management, banch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 630102, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Nizhegorodskaya, 6, of. 335
Kravets Igor - Head of the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, Novosibirsk National Research State University; 630090, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Pirogova, 1
Kravtsov Aleksey Yur'evich - Dean of the Law Department, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 664020, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. 4-Ya sovetskaya, 1, kab. 109
Krasnova Kristina Aleksandrovna - Leading Scientific Associate, All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 123995 Russia, Moscow, Povarskaya Street 25, building #1
Krasnopeev Ilya Sergeevich - Deputy Head of the Department of In-Office Audit of the Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in Zheleznodorozhny district of Krasnoyarsk 
Krasnyakov Nikolay Ivanovich - Deputy Director, the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk National Research University; 630009, Russia, Novosibirskaya oblast', g. Novosibirsk, ul. Pirogova, 2
Krivosheev Egor - Lawyer, "Orbita" LLC; 620078, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Vishnevaya, 69S, of. 208
Krotov Andrei Vladislavovich - ANO VO Nizhny Novgorod Institute (branch) of Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics; 603074, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovskoe highway, 20
Kruglov Viktor Viktorovich - Professor, the department of Land, City-Plannina and Environmental Law, Ural State Law University
Kruchinin Vladimir Nikolaevich - Head of the Department of Public and Private Law of the Voronezh Filial Office of hte Russian State Social University; Russia, Voronezh, ul. Leningradskaya, d.62.
Kruchinin Sergei Vladimirovich - senior scientific researcher, "VELBORN" Ltd. ; 394066, Russia, g. Voronezh, ul. Zadon'e, 9, of. 14
Krylov Alexandår Andreevich - The Department of State Administration, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia ; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Lobachevskogo, 74, kv. 2
Ksendzov Yurii - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process at St. Petersburg Institute (Branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice; 199178, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. 10-Aya liniya v. o.,, 19
Kubatko Svetlana - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process at Institute of Service, Tourism and Design, branch of the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU); 357500, Russia, Stavropol'skii krai, g. Pyatigorsk, ul. Partizanskaya, 1b
Kudelkin Nikolai - Leading Scientific Associate; Department of Environmental, Land and Agrarian Law; Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Kuznetsov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - Docent, the department of State Legal Disciplines, Russian State University of Justice (Krasnodar)
Kuznetsov Vladimir Ivanovich - Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence under the Government of the Russian Federation
Kuznetsov Evgenii Nikolaevich - associate professor of the Department of Civil Proceedings at Ural State Law University; 62042, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21, of. 404
Kuznetsova Almira Raisovna - Lawyer, St. Petersburg Bar Association "Triumph"; 191186, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Malaya Morskaya str., 11 premises. 188-1, of. 331
Kuznetsova Ekaterina Igorevna - Legal Adviser at the "Ingosstrakh" company; 117624, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Skobelevskaya, 21, kv. 45
Kuznetsova Nadezhda Gavrilovna - assistant of the Department of Civil Law at Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Kolmogorova, 52
Kuzmin Igor Aleksandrovich - Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 664035, Russia, g. Irkutsk, ul. Shevtsova, 1
Kuzmina Elizaveta Alekseevna - Post-graduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch), University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation; 191104, Russia, g. Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, pr. Liteinyi, 44
Kuleshova Evgeniya Aleksandrovna - Analyst, OOO "Aksencher"; 115054, Russia, Moskva, ul. Paveletskaya pl., dom 2/2, of.7.
Kulikov Egor Alekseevich - Docent, the department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Altai State University; 656031, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, pr. Stroitelei, 38, kv. 34
Kulichev Roman Borisovich - Judge of the Tushino District Court, Moscow; Moscow, Panfilov Heroes, 26, 1
Kul'bitskii Boris Nikolaevich - Vice-Director on Scientific Issues of the Russian Center for Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich - Director, Plekhanov Institute of Legal Research and Regional Integration; 125430, Russia, Moscow, Stremyannyi per., 36
Kurchinskaya-Grasso Natalia - International Law Scholar, Grasso Law Firm (Italy – Russia); 90046, Italiya, g. Monreale, ul. Xvi Marzo, 18
Kuryachaya Marina Mikhailovna - Docent, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Kuban State University; Member of the Public Chamber of Krasnodar, Member of Public Expert Council of Electoral Commission of Krasnodar; 350000, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Rashpilevskaya, 43
Kukharuk Vladimir Vasilevich - Assistant professor, The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); 410056, Russia, Saint Petersburg, V.O. str., 10th line,, d. 19 lit. A
Kutsenko Kirill Igorevich - Doctor, Judicial Medical Expert of the Russian Center for the Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Kushkhova Bela - Associate Professor of the Department of the Civil Law and Process at Institute of Service, Tourism and Design, branch of the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU)
Lazota Lukas Agusto - postgraduate student, Department of Civil and Labor Law, The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.; Russia, 117198, Moskva, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, d.6.
Laikova Elena Aleksandrovna - Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, EAST SIBERIAN INSTITUTE of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 664009, Russia, yadrintseva str. 29/9-22 region, Irkutsk, Yadrintseva str., 29/9, sq. 22
Lapaeva Valentina Viktorovna - Chief research assistant at Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 
Laptev Andrei Sergeevich - Chief Inspector, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kurgan region; 640000, Russia, Kurgan region, Kurgan, Kuibyshev str., 81
Larichev Aleksandr Alekseevich - Associate Professor at the Department of administrative, financial and information law of the Northern Branch of The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); 185002, Russia, Petrozavodsk, ul. Onezhskoi Flotilii, 51
Lebedeva Antonina Konstantinovna - Associate professor of Forensic Expertise’s department at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); 125993, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Lekanova Ekaterina Evgenevna - Postgraduate student, Yaroslavl Demidov State University; 150003, Russia, Yaroslavskaya oblast', g. Yaroslavl', ul. Sobinova, 36a
Leonov Sergei Nikolaevich - Doctor, Judicial Medical Expert of the Russian Center of Judicial Medical Experties of the Ministry of Healthcare; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d.12/13
Lepshakov Kirill - Advocate Collegium of Association "Pliev, Lepshakov and partners" of the city of Moscow; 108815, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky Ave., 11/19
Letuta Tatiana - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Department of Administrative and Financial Law at Orenburg State University; 460018, Russia, Orenburgskaya oblast', g. Orenburg, ul. Prospekt Pobedy, 13
Ligai Leonid Yur'evich - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Lipinsky Dmitriy Anatol'evich - Professor, Togliatti State University; 445667, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti, ul. Belorusskaya, 14
Listratov Ivan Vadimovich - Student, Department , Vladimir Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 600017, Russia, Vladimirskaya oblast', g. Vladimir, ul. Gor'kogo, 59
Litvin Il'ya Il'ich - Postgraduate at the Department of Criminal Proceedings of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 620057, Russia, Yekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66
Litvinenko Daria Alekseevna - Postgraduate student, the department of Commercial Law, Saint Petersburg State University; Assistant Notary, Notary's Office
 ; 199106, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, 22-ya liniya V. O., 7
Litovko Andrei Sergeevich - Postgraduate student, Department of International and Public Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 55 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russia
Logvinova Inna Vladimirovna - Docent, department of Legal Provision of Administrative Work, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; 119454, Russia, Moskva oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Lolaeva Albina Slavovna - Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law, Gorsky State Agrarian University; Associate professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University; 362027, Russia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Kirova str., 74, sq. 127
Lomov Ivan Sergeevich - Postgraduate student; Department of Financial Law, Constitutional, Civil and Administrative Proceedings; Southwestern State University; 305040, Russia, Kursk region, Kursk, ul. Fifty Years of October, 94
Lopatin Dmitry Aleksandrovich - senior researcher of the Department of Special Training at East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 664074, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 110, of. 108
Lukoianov Nikita Viktorovich - Lecturer at the Department of International Private and Civil Law of MGIMO; 119602, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Lutsenko Nadezhda Sergeevna - adjunct of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Execution Law at Far Eastern Law Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 680020, Russia, Khabarovskii krai, g. Khabarovsk, per. Kazarmennyi, 15
Lykov Andrey Yurievich - Postgraduate student; Department of Theory and History of State and Law; Siberian Federal University; 6 Maerchaka str., Krasnoyarsk Territory, 660065, Russia
Lysenkov Sergei - professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at St. Petersburg Military Institute for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198205, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Letchika Pilyutova, 1, kab. tigp
Lysenkova Marina Fedorovna - lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, Cultural Reserch and Political Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities.
Lyubarev Arkadiy - adviser at Kudrin Fund for Suport of Civil Initiatives.; 129090, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. 1-I troitskii per., 12 korp. 5
Lyutykh Oleg Yurevich - Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev; 660049, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Ady Lebedevoi, 89
Lyapustina Natalya Aleksandrovna - Master's degree; Law School; Far Eastern Federal University; 690091, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Oceansky Ave., 20
Magushov Sergei Vladislavovich - postgraduate, department of theory of state and law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Madatov Oleg Yakovlevich - General adviser, Interregional Public Movement for the Protection of the Rights of Servicemen and Their Families "Conscience of the Law"; 350072, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Moskovskaya str., 61, sq. 32
Mazein Artem Vladimirovich - Senior Lecturer; Department of Public Law Disciplines; Russian Technological University - MIREA; 66 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 620034, Russia
Mazepov Petr Evgenievich - Postgraduate student, the department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 109456, Russia, g. Moscow, pr-d 4-I veshnyakovskii, 4
Maile Aleksei Davidovich - Public Servant, Federal Department of the Questions of Migration and Refugees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany; Doctor of Law, Master's Degree in Administrative Sciences (Germany)
Makarenko Natal'ya Nikolaevna - lawyer at Chamber of Lawyers for the Moscow Region, chairman of the Expert Board at Chamber of Lawyers for the Moscow Region, lawyer at GRAD Company, post-graduate student at All-Russian State University of Justice; 140030, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', pos. Malakhovka, ul. Sovetskaya, -
Makarov Vladislav Olegovich - Docent, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Volgograd State University; 400062, Russia, Volgogradskaya oblast', g. Volgograd, pr-t. Universitetskii, 100
Makarov Igor' Yur'evich - Vice-Director on Scientific Issues of the Russian Center for the Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Makarova Tatiyana Vladimirovna - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Nizhnekamsk Filial Office of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute.; 423582, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Nizhnekamsk, ul. Mendeleeva, 2, kv. 54
Makartsev Andrei Alekseevich - Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Siberian University of Customer Cooperation; 630073, Russia, g. Novosibirsk, ul. Permitina, 18, kv. 23
Makiev Soslan Aleksandrovich - Docent, th department of Civil Law and Procedure, K .L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University; Áóòûðèíà 27
Makutchev Aleksandr Valer'evich - Docent, legal disciplines department, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University; 301205, Russia, Tul'skaya oblast', g. Sovetsk, ul. Pervomaiskaya, 39, kv. 2
Makushkin Vladimir Olegovich - Postgraduate at Kutafin Moscow State Law University ; 141068, Russia, Moskovskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Korolev, ul. Rossiya, Moskvoskaya Obl, Rossiya, Moskvoskaya obl, of. Rossiya
Malikov Sergey Vladimirovich - Senior Lecturer of Department of Criminal Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9
Malichenko Vladislav Sergeevich - Senior Researcher of the Department of Social Legislation, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; Researcher, Institute of National and Comparative Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”; 117218, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya Str., 34
Malykh Ivan Vladimirovich - Head of the department, “LUKOIL-Perm” LLC; 614077, Russia, Permskii krai, g. Perm', bul. Gagarina, 54a
Mamatov Valerii Georgievich - Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Proceedings of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; 117997, Russia, Moscow, per. Stremyannyi, 36
Mamatov Maksim Vladimirovich - head of the research department at Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation; 123022, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. 2-Ya zvenigorodskaya, 15
Mamitova Nataliya Viktorovna - professor and head of the Department of Branches of State Law at Institute of Management, Business and Law; 344068 Rostov-on-Don, pr. M. Nagibina 33à/47
Mamochka Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Assistant at the Department of Public Law of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690106, Russia, Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 41, office 5505
Mamychev Aleksei Yur'evich - Professor, the department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogolya Street 41, office #5501
Mantulina Oksana Olegovna - Postgraduate at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Deputy Assistant at the State Duma of the Russian Federation ; 117997, Russia, Moscow, Stremyannii Pereulok, 36
Markevich Anna Sergeevna - Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance of Saint Petersburg Mining University; 199106, Russia, St Petersburg, Vasil'evskii ostrov, 21 liniya, 2
Markin Aleksandr Valentinovich - Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure at Togliatti State University.; 445146, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti (khryashchevka), ul. Pervomaiskaya, 6
Markov Arman Agasievich - Postgraduate student; Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Markov Boris - Postgraduate student, Chair of Civil and Business Law, The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); 117638, Russia, Moscow, Azovskaya str., 2, building 1
Markova Tatiana - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law of the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSUA); 125993, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya Kudrinskaya str., 9
Marushina Valentina Andreevna - Master's degree; Institute of Law ; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 10 Stalevarov str., Moscow, 111555, Russia
Maslennikova Larisa Nikolaevna - Professor, the department of Criminal Procedure Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Maslii Andrei Igorevich - PhD applicant at Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Vol'skaya, 1
Maslov Igor' Aleksandrovich - researcher at Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Maslova Svetlana Valentinovna - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, St. Petersburg State University; 199004, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, lane. Volkhovsky, 3, of. 223
Maslyuk Pavel Maksimovich - Bachelor's Degree, the department of Civil Law Disciplines, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
Mayakova Elizaveta Olegovna - Graduate, Department of Administrative Law, Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Medvedev Valentin Grigor'evich - Professor, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Togliatti State University ; 445017, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti, ul. Mira, 96, kv. 143
Mel'nikov Viktor Yur'evich - Associate Professor at the Southern Federal University, Department of Municipal Law and Environmental Legislation; 344016, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Taganrogskaya, 112, of. 1
Mel'nikov Yurii Yur'evich - Senior Researcher at Central Research Institute of Public Health Care Organisation and Informatization under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Melnikova Yuliya Dmitrievna - Specialist student, Faculty of Pharmacy, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University; 197022, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 14
Mel'nichenko Sergei Vasil'evich - Post-graduate student, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University; 167001, Russia, respublika Komi, g. Syktyvkar, ul. Kommunisticheskaya, 25
Milaeva Oksana Vsevolodovna - Docent, the department of Philosophy and Social Communication, Penza State University ; 440035, Russia, Penza, Krasnaya Street 40, office #5
Milchakova Olesya - Associate Professor of the Department of Competition Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 123995, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya Kudrinskaya str., 9
Mironov Rinat - Professor, the department of Law, Eastern Economics and Law Academy of the Humanities; 450071, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Mendeleeva, 215/4
Mironchik Anna Sergeevna - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law at Siberian Federal University; 660049, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk G, ul. Maerchaka, 6, aud. 319
Mikhailov Anton Mikhailovich - Associate Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); 117279, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, ul. Trade Union, 93, sq. 59
Moiseeva Olga Vasilievna - senior lecturer of the Department of International Law at Tambov State Technical University; 392000, Russia, Tambovskaya oblast', g. Tambov, ul. Michurinskaya, 2A, kv. 13
Moldovanov Mikhail Mikhailovich - Department of Civil Law Disciplines at Russian State University for the Humanities; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka, d. 19
Mordovin Pavel Sergeevich - Chief Executive Officer of the department of Customer Interaction, Regional aircraft manufacturer "Irkut Corporation" JSC; 105005, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Leninskaya Sloboda, 26s5
Mordovina Anneta - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law at Institute of Service, Tourism and Design, branch of the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU); 357500, Russia, Stavropol'skii krai, g. Pyatigorsk, ul. Partizanskaya, 1B
Mordovtsev Andrei Yur'evich - Professor, the department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
Mordovtseva Tat'yana Vasil'evna - Professor of the Department of Humanities at Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics
Morozov Sergei Dmitrievich - Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy at Penza State University of Architecture and Building
Morkhat Petr Mechislavovich - judge of the Arbitration Court for the Moscow Region; 107053, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Akademika Sakharova, 18, kab. 604
Motrinets Sergei Ivanovich - postgraduate student, Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.; Ukraine, 04053, Kyiv, per. Nestorovskiy, d.4.
Mochalov Artur - Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional Law, Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya str., 21
Muratov Ruslan Adamovich - Postgraduate student, the department of Financial Law, O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 123001, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9
Murdalov Deni Ruslanovich - LLM, Senior Associate of AB "A2"; 121099, Russia, Moskva oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Smolenskaya, 10, kv. 161
Musatkina Aleksandra Anatol'evna - Docent, Bachelor's Program, Togliatti State University; 445000, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti, ul. Rodiny, 36, of. 57
Mukhin Igor' Valer'evich - Deputy Director General, “LUKOIL-Perm” LLC
Nagornaya Irina - Scientific Associate, Institute of Scientific Data on Social Sciences; Senior Educator, the department of Criminal Law and Criminalistics, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 101000, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, 20
Nagornov Kirill Igorevich - Scientific Associate, the faculty of Law, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University; 420008, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan',, ul. Kremlevskaya, 18
Nadtochii Svetlana Olegovna - the department of Foreign Languages, Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture
Nadtochiy Yulia Borisovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and Innovative Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125167, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leningradsky Prospekt, 49
Nazmutdinov Bulat Venerovich - Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Comparative Legal Studies at National research university "Higher school of economics" 
Narina Nina Vladimirovna - Senior Scientific Researcher, Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Naryshkina Svetlana Yur'evna - Postgraduate student, Department "Jurisprudence", Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS); 55a Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117279, Russia
Nasonov Sergei Aleksandrovich - Lawyer, Moscow City Bar Association; Docent, the department of Criminal Procedural Law, O. E. Kutafin Moscow State University; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street 9
Naumenko Olga Nikolaevna - Professor, the department of History, Philosophy and Law, Yugra State University; 628012, Russia, Khanty-Mansiiskii avtonomnyi okrug, g. Khanty-Mansiisk, ul. Chekhova, 16, of. 303
Naumov Viktor - Associate Professor at Saint Petersburg University, Leading Research Fellow at the Center for the Economics of Continuing Education of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Head of Russian Practice for Intellectual Property, Information Technologies and Telecommunications, Partner at the International Firm Dentons ; 191011, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Nevskii Prospekt, 32-34, building A
Nguyen Tat Thanh - Lecturer at the Institute for Public Security ; 708000, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City,  Thu Duc district, Hanoi highway, km 18
Neganova Ekaterina Nikolaevna - Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Problems of Prosecutor's supervision and legality enhancement in the sphere of human and civil rights and freedoms of the research and development center of the Academy of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation ; 123022, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. 2-Ya zvenigorodskaya, 15
Neznamov Andrei - Head of the Research Center of the Problems of Regulation of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Lawyer at the International Firm Dentons; 125047, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lesnaya, 7
Nesterov Aleksandr Ivanovich - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; 117513, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Akademika Bakuleva, 2, kv. 127
Nikitenok Diana Yur'evna - Master's Degree, the department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
Nikitin Vladimir - Lawyer, Moscow City Collegium of Advocates; Educator, Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation; 105120, Russia, g. Moscow, per. Malyi Poluyaroslavskii, 3/5, stroenie 1
Nikitina Anna - Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law, Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law; 680042, Russia, Khabarovskii krai, g. Khabarovsk, ul. Tikhookeanskaya, 134
Nikitina Valeriya Alexandrovna - Post-graduate student, the department of International Private and Civil Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Head of thr Department of International Legal Cooperation and Risk Management within WTO System and Other International Organizations, All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs and Feed ; 119454, Russia, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo 76
Nikiforova Anna Vladimirovna - Department of Comparative Law at Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of  Sciences.
Nikolaev Vitalii Vladimirovich - Postgraduate at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ; 125993, Russia, Moscow, ul. Leningradskii Prospekt, 49
Nikonovich Sergei Leonidovich - Professor of the Department of Law Disciplines at Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies
Nikulin Viktor Vasil'evich - Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Tambov State Technical University; Russia, 392000, Tambov, str. Sovetskaya, h.106
Novgorodov Dmitrii Aleksandrovich - Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Rights and Administrative Activities of the Police, Moscow Regional Branch of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot; 143100, Russia, Moscow region, village Staroteryaevo, MOF of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 21
Novikov Vladislav Sergeevich - Postgraduate Student, Department of International Private and Civil Law named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University; 119454, Russia, Moscow, Prospect Vernadskogo, 76
Novikova Yuliya Gennad'evna - Docent, the department of Judicial Proceedings and Law Enforcement Activity, Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin; 390015, Russia, Ryazanskaya oblast', g. Ryazan', ul. Belyakova, 10, kv. 30
Novitskaya Nadezhda Pavlovna - Lawyer at "Company "C" LLC; 198184, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Kanonerskii Ostrov
Novozhilov Sergei Sergeevich - Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Law, Moscow State Law University named after Kutafin O.E.; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Nogailieva Fatima Kurmanovna - Assistant, the department of Labor Law and Occupational Safety and Health, St. Petersburg State University ; 344037, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. 22 Liniya Vasil'evskogo, 7, of. 7
Nokhrin Dmitry - Vice-Chairman Adviser at the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; 190000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Senatskaya ploshchad', 1, office 1251
Oleynikov Sergey Nikolaevich - Associate Professor at the Department of Theory of State and Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University ; 61000, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Pushkinskaya, 77, room 38
Olefir Andrei Aleksandrovich - Post-graduate studet of the Department of Economic Law at National University "Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine" 
Osina Dina - Senior Educator, the department of Theory of Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Ostroushko Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Department of International and Public Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 38 Shcherbakovskaya Lane, office 805, Moscow, 109542, Russia
Pavlisova Tat'yana Evgen'evna - Docent, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Kuban State Agrarian University ; 350044, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13
Pavlova Anna Dmitrievna - Master, Department of Civil Law Disciplines, VVGU; 690014, Russia, Vladivostok krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41
Panokin Aleksandr Mikhailovich - Lawyer, Moscow Collegium of Advocates "Advocacy Partnership"; Docent, the department of Criminal Procedural Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street 9
Panteleeva Elena Vyacheslavovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure, Saratov State Law Academy; 410028, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Michurina, 85
Panshin Denis Leonidovich - Postgraduate at Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Criminology; 142007, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3
Paramonova Svetlana Vladimirovna - Head of HR Department of Ural State Law University ; 620012, Russia, Yekaterinburg, ul. Krasnykh Bortsov, 21-112
Parii-Sergeenko Evgeniya Pavlovna - PhD in Public Administration; Docent, the department of Civil Law Disciplines, Sochi Branch of All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); 354057, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Sochi, ul. Dagomysskaya, 42, kab. 205
Parfenov Arseny - Rector’s Advisor for Testing and Certification, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia; 196602, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Pushkin, shosse Pavlovskoe, 4, kv. 4
Parkhomenko Roman Nikolaevich - Docent, the department of Philosophy and Culturology, Russian University of Transport; 127994, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Obraztsova, d. 9, str. 9
Paskoshev David Dokkaevich - Master's Degree, National Research University ITMO
Paschenko Ilya Yurievich - Lecturer; Department of Administrative and Financial Law; Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin. Lecturer; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Gymnasium str., 30, of. -
Petrova Alina Viktorovna - Deputy Director Gazprom Social Initiatives Foundation; 119526, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 101 k. 3, of. Petrozavodskaya str., 13, sq. 303
Petrovskaya Miroslava Ivanovna - Senior Lecturer, Department of Legal Science, North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Petrovykh Natal'ia Nikolaevna - Deputy Head of the Organization Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Legislative Assembly ; 660009, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Lenina, 123d
Petrosyan Dmitrii Il'ich - Docent, the department of Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines, Vladimir Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Pibaev Igor Aleksandrovich - assistant professor of the chair of state legal disciplines of Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch) of the Moscow State University of Law named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL); assistant professor of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Law and Legal Support of the Public Service of the Law Institute of Vyatka State University; 610000, Russia, Kirovskaya oblast', g. Kirov, ul. Lenina, 99
Pigolkin Yurii Ivanovich - Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Department of Judicial Medicine; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Pitulko Kseniya Viktorovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Proceesings of the All-Russian University of Justice ; 199178, Russia, Saint Petersburg, liniya 10, 19
Platonova Valentina Igorevna - cadet at Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penalty Service of Russia
Platonova Natalia - associate professor, the department of constitutional law, MGIMO; 119454, Russia, federal city of Moscow, Moscow, 76 Vernadsky Ave.
Pletnikov Viktor Sergeevich - Associate Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law, Ural State Law Academy; 620000, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoflottsev str., 6, sq. 20
Pleshakov Aleksandr Mikhailovich - Professor of the Department of Criminal Law at Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Pleshanov Alexander - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Process at Ural State Law University; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21, of. 404
Pozhidaev Vitaliy Evgenyevich - Post-graduate student, the department of Civil Law and Proceedings, Moscow University for Industry and Finance "Synergy”; 125190, Russia, gorod Moskva, g. Moscow, Leningradskii prospekt, 80 korpus G
Polezhaev Oleg Aleksandrovich - Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law at Omsk State University; 644024, Russia, Omskaya oblast', g. Omsk, ul. M. Zhukova, 6, kv. 143
Polikarpova Irina Vladimirovna - Docent, the department of Criminal and Penal Law, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Ul.vol'skaya, 1
Polikarpova Ol'ga Sergeevna - Senior lecturer of the Department of Administrative Activities of the Department of Internal Affairs of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Polstovalov Oleg Vladimirovich - Professor of the Department of Criminology, Institute of Law, Ufa University of Science and Technology; 131 Dostoevsky str., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450077, Russia
Poluyan Dmitrii Anatol'evich - Postgraduate student; Department of Commercial Law; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education 'St. Petersburg State University'; 196084, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Krasutsky str., 3, lit. M, sq. 237
Polyakova Anastasiya Vasil'evna - Senior lecturer, Department of Forensic science, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod; 603105, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Boris Panin str., 5/5
Polyakova Kristina Yur'evna - Educator, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Kuban State University
Ponomarev Bulat Askarovich - Senior lecturer, Theory and history of the state and law department, Faculty of law of "Kazan (Volga area) Federal University"; 420008, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 18
Popov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - Postgraduate student, the department of Organization of Judicial and Law Enforcement Activity, Russian State University of Justice  ; 117418, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Novocheremushkinskaya, 69
Popov Andrei Vladimirovich - Deputy Head of the Krasnoyarsk territory Governor Directorate for Security and Prevention of Corruption and other Offences ; 660009, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Mira, 110
Popov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - Professor of the Department of Sociology and Conflictology of Altai State University; Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 66 Dimitrova str., office 513A, Barnaul, 656049, Russia
Popov Ivan Evgen'evich - Deputy, Stavropolsky District of Samara Region
Popov Konstantin Vladimirovich - Master's Degree, the department of Business Informatics and Economics in Industry, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Popov Sergei Anatol'evich - Docent, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, International Innovation University
Popova Elena Ilinichna - Senior researcher of the Department of legal research, generalization and analysis of judicial practice of the East Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice; 670000, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. I. Franko, 23A, kab. 7
Popova Elena - Professor, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines,  International Law Institute; 127427, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Kashenkin Lug, 4
Popova Iuliia - Postgraduate student, the department of Public Law, Liberal Arts University; 620041, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, per. Tramvainyi, 2/2, kv. 72
Preblagina Kristina Igorevna - Postgraduate student, Pushkin Leningrad State University; 196605, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe highway, 10, lit. A
Prizhennikova Alena Nikolaevna - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Arbitration Process of the Financial University under the auspices of the Government of the Russian Federation; Russia, 109456, Moskva, 4 Veshnyakovskii pr-d, d.1.
Proniakina Svetlana - Postgraduate student, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Voronezh State University; 394018, Russia, Voronezhskaya oblast', g. Voronezh, ul. Pl. Lenina, 10A, korpus 9
Prostoserdov Mikhail Aleksandrovich - Docent, the department of Criminal Law, Russian State University of Justice; 117418, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Novocheremushkinskaya Ul., 69, kab. 504
Pratasavitski Sergey - Associate Professor at Belarusian State University; 220050, Belarus, Minsk, ul. Leningradskaya, 8, office 213
Purge Anna Rolandovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law of Vladivostok State University; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41, office 5502
Putalova Irina Borisovna - Docent, the department of Mediation in Social Sphere, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Pshenichnyi Roman Viktorovich - Head of the Department of Narcotics Control of Rostov-on-Don Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
 ; 344015, Russia, Rostovskaya oblast', g. Rostov-Na-Donu, ul. Eremenko, 83
Pyatkova Oksana Vladimirovna - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, St. Petersburg Law Academy,; 192012, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Obukhovskoi Oborony,, 114
Rerikht Alla Al'fredovna - Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences; 117997, Russia, Moscow, Nakhimovskiy Prospekt 51/21
Rakitin Valerii Alekseevich - Senior Scientific Researcher, the Russian Center for Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Rakitina Ekaterina Vasil'evna - Associate Professor; Department of Civil and Criminal Law and Procedure; Chita Institute (branch) of the Baikal State University; 672000, Russia, Zabaikalsky Krai, Chita, Anokhina str., 56
Raskina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna - leading researcher at Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation; 123022, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Zvenigorodskaya 2-Ya, 15
Revenko Natal'ya Ivanovna - Associate Professor; Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics; Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky; 644099, Russia, Omsk region, Omsk, Krasina str., 2, sq. 40
Rednikova Tatiana Vladimirovna - Senior Scientific Associate; Department of Environmental, Land an Agrarian Law; Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Rezhapova Irina Mikhailovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian, Socio-Economic and Natural Scientific Disciplines at Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penalty Service of Russia
Reznik Elena Sergeevna - Senior Educator, the department of Private Law, Liberal Arts University  ; 620041, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Zheleznodorozhnikov, 3
Rekova Valeriya Sergeevna - cadet at Kuzbass Institute under the Federal Penalty Service of Russia
Repin Maksim Evgen'evich - head of the duty shift at Police Department No. 5 of the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Nizhni Novgorod
Rogova Evgeniya Viktorovna - Professor, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office, Associate Professor; 664009, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Mikn krylatvy str., 24, sq. 20
Rozin Vadim Markovich - Chief Scientific Associate, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 109240, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12 str.1, kab. 310
Romanov Aleksei Nikolaevich - Head of the Department of Public Law at Ural State University of Economics
Romanov Roman Vladimirovich - Post-graduate student, the department of Constitutional and International Law, University of Management “TISBI”; 420012, Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Mushtari Street 13
Ron'zhina Ol'ga Viktorovna - Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal Law of the Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, room 1-20
Rouvinsky Roman Z. - Docent, the department of History and Theory of State and Law, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management (branch) of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 46 Gagarin ave., Niznhy Novgorod, 603950, Russia
Rundkvist Anton Nikolaevich - Lecturer of the Department of the Theory and Methodology of Law at Liberal Arts University; 620041, Russia, Sverdlovskaya Oblast' oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Zheleznodorozhnikov, 3
Rushanyan Diana Arsenovna - Postgraduate student; Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; Kuban State University; 149 Stavropol str., Krasnodar, 350040, Russia
Rybka Oleg Sergeevich - Master's Degree; Law School; Far Eastern Federal University; 112a Oceansky Ave., Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, 690922, Russia
Ryzhkov Konstantin Sergeevich - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Procedural Law, Russian Academy of Justice; 454135, Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast', g. Chelyabinsk, ul. Energetikov, 63
Ryzhkova Evgeniya Konstantinovna - Master's Degree Student, Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Ryzhkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Associate professor at Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Federation; 119454, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76
Rykov Dmitrii Aleksandrovich - post-graduate student of the Department of Financial and Entrepreneurial Law at Baikal State University; 664009, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Aeroflotskaya, 6, kv. 70
Sabanina Natal'ya Olegovna - Docent, the department of Theory and History of State and Law, International Innovation University; 301650, Russia, Tul'skaya oblast', g. Novomoskovsk, ul. Berezhnogo, 12
Savelyev Yuriy Mihaylovich - Postgraduate Student and Senior Lecturer at Tolyatti State University, Department of Theory of State and Law; 445000, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Tol'yatti, ul. Ushakova, 57, of. 807
Savenkov Dmitry Aleksandrovich - Docent, the department of Theory of State and Law, Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 117997, Moscow, Akademika Volgina str., 12.
Savin Viktor Tikhonovich - Professor at the Department of Land, Labor and Environmental Law of Kuban State Agricultural University ; 350044, Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13, kab. 417
Savichev Aleksei - Postgraduate student, the department of Administrative and Financial Law, All-Russian State University of Justice ; 117638, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Azovskaya, 2, korp. 1
Savoskin Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Head of the Department of constitutional and international law, Ural state university of economics; Professor of the Department of constitutional law, Ural State Law University. V.F. Yakovlev; 620144, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta str./narodnaya Volya, 62/45, office 750
Savchenko Marina Stanislavovna - Professor, Head of the Department of State and International Law at Kuban State Agrarian University; 350044, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13
Sagdeeva Liya Vladimirovna - Postgraduate at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; 614077, Russia, Perm', ul. Arkadiya Gaidara, 5-66
Sazonova Kira L'vovna - Docent, the department of State Legal Disciplines, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 119606, Russia, g. Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 84
Sakaeva Kristina Ushangievna - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, North Ossetian State University after K. L. Khetagurov
Salikov Marat Sabiryanovich - Professor, Department of Constitutional Law, Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev; 54 Kolmogorova str., office 314, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, 620034, Russia
Salkazanov Alan El'brusovich - Post-graduate student, the department of Criminal Law, O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 123995, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9, kab. 464
Sapparov Rinat Ramisovich - prosecutor assistant at Ramenskoye City Prosecution Office; 140100, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Ramenskoe, ul. Nogina, 8
Sapfirova Apollinariya Aleksandrovna - Head of the Department of the Land, Labor and Environmental Law at Kuban State Agrarian University; 350044, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Krasnodar, ul. Kalinina, 13
Sarygina Elina Sergeevna - Associate Professor at the Department of Judicial Expert Examination and Law Enforcement Intelligence Operations of Moscow Academy of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation; 125080, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Vrubelya, 12
Satushieva Lyubov' Khabasovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov; 361534, Russia, respublika Kabardino-Balkariya, g. Baksan, ul. Pushkina, 225
Safin Robert Raufovich - Senior Lecturer at Kazan Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny branch ; 423812, Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, pr. Mira, 68/19, office 335
Svetskiy Arseniy Vladimirovich - Junior Researcher of the Environmental, Land and Agrarian Law Department, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10 Znamenka str., Moscow, 119019, Russia
Seilkhanova Saida Aidarbekovna - senior lecturer at Alma-Ata Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sekretaryov Roman Viktorovich - Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law of Vladivostok State University; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41, sq. 5502
Seleznev Andrey Valerievich - Director of the KGB SB "Edelweiss Family Center", teacher of the branch of the Moscow Psychological and Social University in Krasnoyarsk; 660049, Russia, Krasnoyarskii krai, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Surikova, d. 6, kv. 34
Semerikova Alla Albertovna - Lawyer at Bar Association of the Tver region.; 141207, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Pushkino, pr-d Chekhovskii, 5 A
Semkina Tat'yana Aleksandrovna - Bachelor, Department of Civil Law Disciplines, VVGU; 690014, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Gogol str., 41
Semiannikova Dina Aleksandrovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Law of the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 197022, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, 66
Senokosova Ekaterina Konstantinovna - Senior lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky; 644065, Russia, Omsk region, Omsk, ul. 50 Years of Trade Unions, 100/1, office 315
Sergeev Dmitrii Borisovich - Docent, the department of State Law, N. A. Katanov Khakassian State University
 ; 655017, Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Lenina Street 90
Serebriakov Andrei - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Law, Altai State University ; 656049, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, pr-kt Sotsialisticheskii, 68, kab. 415
Seregin Kirill Valer'evich - post-graduate student of the Department of the Theory and History of Law and State at Dubna State University; 141980, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', g. Dubna, ul. Universitetskaya, 19
Serova Olga Aleksandrovna - Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process at Pskov State University; 180000, Russia, g. Pskov, ul. Lenina, 2, of. 21
Sidneva Anastasiya Mikhailovna - External Doctoral Candidate, the department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 105187, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Shcherbakovskaya, 38
Sidorenko Elina Leonidovna - Professor, the department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Director of the Center of Digital Economics and Financial Innovations; Head of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Assessment of Cryptocurrency Circulation; General Director of the Platform "For Business"
Silaeva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - senior lecturer of the Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law at Kazan State University of Innovation. V.G. Timiryasova (IEEP); 420111, Russia, g. Kazan', ul. Moskovskaya, 42
Simonova Svetlana Sergeevna - associate professor, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service (Volgograd Filial Office); 400131, Russia, Volgogradskaya oblast', g. Volgograd, ul. Gagarina, 8, kab. 408
Sinelnikova Valentina Nikolaevna - Professor, Department of Civil Law of the Scientific Research Institute - Higher School of Economics; 101000, Russia, Moskva, ul. Myasnitskaya, 20.
Siushkin Al'bert Evgen'evich - Docent, the department of Theory of State and Law, and Political Science, Penza State University ; 440035, Russia, Penza, Krasnaya Street 40, office #5
Skorobogatov Andrey - Professor, Chair of Theory of State and Law and Public-Law Discipline, Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan).; 420111, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Moskovskaya, 42
Slezin Anatoly Anatol'evich - Professor, the department of History and Philosophy, Tambov State Technical University  ; 392032, Russia, Tambovskaya oblast', g. Tambov, ul. Michurinskaya, 112, kab. 313
Slepnev Fedor - 4th year student, Faculty of Law, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "Higher School of Economics"; 123022, Russia, federal city of Moscow, Moscow, lane. Bolshoy Trekhsvyatelsky, 3
Smirnova Kseniya Vasil'evna - Lecturer at the Department of General Legal Training of the East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 664074, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 110
Smirnova Mariya Sergeevna - Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Vladimir branch of RANEPA; 59a Gorky str., Vladimir, Vladimir region, 600017, Russia
Smyshlyaev Aleksei Viktorovich - Leading Scientific Associate, Central Scientific Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
Sogomonov Dmitrii Karenovich - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Sokolova Marina Vladimirovna - Associate Professor; Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines; Vladimir Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 59 Gorky str., Vladimir, Vladimir region, 600017, Russia
Solovyev Andrey Aleksandrovich - Deputy President of the Commercial Court of Moscow region; Professor at Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University ; 107053, Russia, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Avenue, 18
Solovev Mikhail Sergeevich - Senior Educator, the department of Administrative Law, Ural State Law University
Sorokina Iuliia - Postgraduate student, the department of Civil Law, Russian State University of Justice ; 117418, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Novocheremushkinskaya, 69a
Sosnina Mariya Aleksandrovna - Senior lecturer, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Northern (Arctic) Federal University; 58 Lomonosov Ave., office 106, Arkhangelsk region, 163002, Russia
Sotnikov Konstantin Ivanovich - Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Sochneva Elena Nikolaevna - Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Grounds of Economy at Siberian Federal University
Spirin Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure of Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ; 620057, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Korepina, 66
Spirin Pavel Nikolaevich - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Far Eastern Federal University; 690922, Russia, Primorsky Krai, village Ajax, no. 10
Stankin Aleksei Nikolaevich - Associate Professor at the Department of Theory of State and Law of Togliatti State University; 445000, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Belorusskaya, 14
Starodubova Lyudmila Valerievna - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Tolyatti State University; 445045, Russia, Samarskaya Obl, G oblast', g. Samarskaya Obl, G, ul. Samarskaya Obl, G, 10, of. 180
Starodubtseva Victoria - Lawyer at the JSC "Renault Russia"; 111396, Russia, Moscow, ul. Soyuznyi Prospekt, 15
Stepanenko Vera Stanislavovna - Deputy of the Moscow State Duma, Commitee for Environmental Policy. ; 127994, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Petrovka, 22, of. MGD
Stepanova Anastasia - Junior Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Znamenka, 10
Strelkova Irina Ivanovna - Associate professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines at Noso Magnitogorosk State Technical University. ; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinskaya oblast', g. Magnitogorsk, Lenina, 38
Sukalo Vitalii Alekseevich - Postgraduate student, Department of Civil and Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of History and Law, Khakass State University; 655017, Russia, Republic of the Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Lenin str., 90
Sungurova Ekaterina Dmitrievna - Senior Educator, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. ; 163000, Russia, Arkhangel'skaya oblast', g. Arkhangel'sk, pr. Lomonosova, 58, of. 111
Sundetova Alina Nurlibaevna - post-graduate student of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 109456, Russia, g. Moscow, pr-d 4-I veshnyakovskii, 4
Suponina Elena Aleksandrovna - Docent, Head of separate subdivision of  "National Legal Service" LLC  in Voronezh.; 394026, Russia, Voronezhskaya oblast', g. Voronezh, Moskovskii prospekt, 4, of. 701
Surgutskov Vadim Igorevich - Docent, the department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of Internal Affairs Branches, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Susloparov Aleksei Valer'evich - Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal Law at Siberian Federal University
Sukharev Mikhail Valentinovich - Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Economics, Department of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 185030, Russia, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, A.Nevsky Ave., 50, office 313
Sukhareva Kseniia Sergeevna - Consultant of the Department of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the prevention of corruption and other offenses; Senior Lecturer of the Department of delictology and criminology at Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University; 6 Maerchaka str., 6, room 1-20, Krasnoyarsk Territory, 660075, Russia
Sushkin Nikolai Vladimirovich - Chief Expert of ECC, Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory; 672000, Russia, Zabaikalsky Krai, Chita, P. Osipenko str., 21
Sisoev YUrii Evgen'evich - Senior lecturer; Department of Organization of activities of Road Safety Units; Moscow Regional Branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after V.Ya. Kikot; 117437, Russia, Moscow, Akademika Volgina str., 12
Sychev Dmitry - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the St. Petersburg Law Institute (Branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; 194354, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Sikeirosa, 12
Ta Van Khoi - post-graduate student at Hanoian Law University; ​10000, V'etnam, g. Khanoi, ul. Nguen Chi Tkhan', 87
Tabakova Irina Nikolaevna - Counsellor at the Krasnoyarsk Territory Governor Direction on Organization of Interaction with Local Self-Government Authorities; 660009, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Mira, 110
Tereshchenko Nikita Vital'evich - Student, Saratov State Law Academy; 410056, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast', g. Saratov, ul. Vol'skaya, 1
Teryukov Evgeniy Olegovich - Head of the Legal Department of CJSC "Specialized Board No.4"; 693020, Russia, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 165 A - 15
Teterina Evgeniya Aleksandrovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Communications at Penza State University
Teunaev Akhmat Seit-Umarovich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminology of Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 603950, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, shosse Ankudinovskoe, 3, kab. 512a
Timofeev Evgeny Aleksandrovich - Head of Legal Department at the Kommash-Graz Trade Company, Ltd. ; 603093, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Delovaya, 5, of. 58
Timofeeva Irina Nikolaevna - Master's Degree, the department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Timoshenko Tat'yana Vladimirovna - resident physician, Russian Center of Judicial Medical  Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d 12/13
Timshina Ekaterina Leonidovna - Associate professor, Department of Linguistics for State Administration Personnel, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 119571, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82 str.1
Titov Sergei Nikolaevich - Docent, the department of Law, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University ; 432071, Russia, Ul'yanovskaya oblast', g. Ul'yanovsk, pl. Lenina, 4/5
Titorenko Semen Konstantinovich - Lecturer, Department of International and Public Law Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 125167, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky, 49/2
Tkacheva Tat'yana Vladimirovna - Docent, the department of History, Philosophy and Law, Yugra State University
Tkachenko Sergei Vital'evich - Associate Professor, Department of Social Technologies and Law, Samara State University of Communication Networks; 443090, Russia, Samarskaya oblast', g. Samara, pr.K. Marksa, 235, kv. 60
Tokareva Kristina Grigor'evna - Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law of the Institute for Economics, Management and Law (Kazan); 423822, the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Moskovskiy pr-t, d.67
Tokarchuk Roman Evgen'evich - Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Studies at Kemerovo State University.; 295053, Russia, respublika Krym, g. Simferopol', ul. Akademika Stevena, 14
Tolpegin Pavel Vladimirovich - scientific advisor, Institute for the Analysis of Political Infrastructure; Russia, 107031, Moskva, Petrovka, ul., d. 23/10, str.5.
Tolstikova Irina Nikolaevna - Associate Professor at the Department of Delictology and Criminology of the Siberian Federal University, Counsellor at the State Structure, Legislation and Local Self-Government Committee of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Legislative Assembly; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, room 1-22
Tomtosov Afanasii Arturovich - Senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure at North-Eastern Federal University
Topilin Igor Vitalevich - Postgraduate Student, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under The Government of the Russian Federation; 117218, Russia, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya str., 34
Topilina Tatiana - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedural Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9
Trefilov Aleksandr Anatol'evich - Post-graduate student of the Ministry of Finances at Moscow State University
Tribushkova Kseniya - Post-graduate student, Assistant, the department of Civil Law, Kuban State University; 350080, Russia, Krasnodar, Simferopolskaya Street 54, unit #126
Trofimets Irina - Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); 143962, Russia, Moscow region, Reutov, Nosovikhinskoe highway, 25, sq. 43
Trofimov Vasilii Vladislavovich - Director of National Research Institute of State Legal Research; Professor of the department of Theory and History of State and Law, Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin; 392008, Russia, Tambov, Sovetskaya Ûåêóóå 181 B, office #216
Trofimov Egor Viktorovich - Deputy Director for Science, St. Petersburg Institute (Branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice; 199178, Russia, g. Saint Petersburg, 10-ya liniya V.O., 19, lit. A, kab. 36
Trofimova Galina Anatol'evna - Expert, Scientific Research Association "Legal Initiative"; 664074 Russia, Irkutsk Oblast, Lermontova Street 8-1
Trokhov Maksim Sergeevich - Postgraduate student, Department of Civil Law, Moscow financial and industrial University "Synergy"; 125315, Russia, federal city, Moscow, Leningradsky ave., 80 K. E
Trubin Evgeniy Mikhailovich - Senior Executive Director of the Department for Policy-making and Strategic Development of the Self-regulatory Organization Council for Rail Transport; 105005, Russia, g. Moscow, per. Pleteshkovskii, 3, str. 2
Trukhan Roman Petrovich - Postgraduate student, Belgorod State National Research University; 629850, Russia, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tarko-Sale, Osennaya 11, sq. 27
Trush Vladimir Mikhailovich - Psychologist at the Psychological Laboratory of the Correctional Facility ¹16 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Murmansk region; 184355, Russia, Murmansk region, pos. Murmashi, ul. Zelenaya, 14/A, Office of the Correctional Facility ¹16, the Psychological Laboratory 
Trushova Irina Viktorovna - post-graduate student of the Department of Law at Far Eastern Federal University
Turkulets Valentina Alekseevna - Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Far Eastern State Transport University; 680021, Russia, Khabarovskii krai, g. Khabarovsk, ul. Serysheva, 47, of. 3348
Uvarov Aleksandr Anatol'evich - Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Orenburg State Agricultural University, Law School.; 460014, Russia, Orenburgskaya oblast', g. Orenburg, ul. Leninskaya, 65, kv. 66
Udintsev Gleb Vladimirovich - Postgraduate student; Institute of International Law and Justice; Moscow State Linguistic University; 109472, Russia, Moscow, Tashkent str., 22
Ulitin Ilya Nikolaevich - Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, KubSU
Ul'yanishchev Viktor Georgievich - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Ursul Arkadii Dmitrievich - Head of the Center, Scholar at theof the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Professor, Moscow State Univeristy; 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, building #51
Ursul Tat'yana Al'bertovna - Head of the Department at National University of Science and Technology "Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys" 
Usanov Dmitry Olegovich - lecturer of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines; 199155, Russia, St. Petersburg, nab. Morskaya, 33-3
Usacheva Elena Aleksandrovna - Applicant at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Department of Private Law; 394072, Russia, Voronezh, ul. Irkutskaya, 1a
Usacheva Larisa L'vovna - Senior Scientific Researcher, Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Usmanova Rezida Miniyarovna - Dean of the Law Faculty at Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University.
Usynin Vladislav Vital'evich - Postgraduate at the Institute for History and Law of Khakas State University; 655017, Russia, the Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, ul. Karla Marksa, 11
Ufimtseva Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Postgraduate at the Department of Theory of State and Law of Ural state law university; 620137, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Yekaterinburg, ul. Komsomol'skaya, 21
Farkhutdinova Yuliya Anasovna - Adjunct, the department of Civil Law and Procedure, St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Legal Consultant, Perm Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ; 198206, Russia, St. Petersburg, Letchika Pilyutova Street 1
Fat'yanov Il'ya Valer'evich - Judge, Magistrate of the judicial district No. 1 of the Berezovsky city judicial district of the Kemerovo region; 650000, Russia, Kemerovskaya oblast', g. Berezovskii, ul. Mira, 36
Fevralev Sergei Aleksandrovich - lecturer ; 456200, Chelyabinskaya Oblast, Zlatoust, ul. 30-letia Pobedy 15. 
Fedorova Anna Petrovna - Postgraduate Student of the Department of Civil Procedure of the USUU named after V.F. Yakovlev; 620137, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya st., 21
Fedorova Mariya Aleksandrovna - Senior Researcher at Center for Anti-Corruption Management and Legal Expertise at Siberian Federal University
Fedorchenko Artem Anatol'evich - postgraduate student, member of the International Law Association, Project Exploration and Scientific Research Institue of Maritime Transportation "Soyuzmorniiprojekt"; 125319, Russia, Moskva, Bolshoi Koptevskiy pr., 3.
Fedotov Vasilii Vladimirovich - Post-graduate student, department of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure, Ural Institute of Economics, Management, and Law; 622000, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Tagil, ul. Lomonosova, 52, kv. 39
Phedotov Daniil Andreevich - Master's student, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University; 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya Embankment str., 7-9
Fedotova Yuliya Grigor'evna - Expert of the Centre for Expert Studies of the Faculty of National Security of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 119606, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 84
Fedulova Mariya Vadimovna - Head of the Department of Laboratory and Morphological Science of the Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Fedyunin Alexander - Postgraduate student, the department of Criminal Procedure Law named after N. V. Radutnaya, Russian State University of Justice (Moscow); 107996, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Bogorodskii Val, 8
Filimonov Andrei Anatol'evich - Lecturer at the Department of Special Disciplines of the Far Eastern Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladivostok branch; 690087, Russia, Primorskii Krai krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Kotel'nikova, 21
Filimonov Arkadiy Dmitrievich - Student of the Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the University of prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation; 664081, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Volzhskaya str., 51a, sq. 18
Filyushchenko Lyudmila Ivanovna - Associate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin; 620002, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Mira, 19, of. I-406
Fis'kov Ivan Aleksandrovich - adjunct at Far-Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 680020, Russia, Khabarovskii krai, g. Khabarovsk, per. Kazarmennyi, 15
Fomina Elena Evgen'evna - Senior Scientific Researcher, the Russian Center of Judicial Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Fomicheva Olga Anatolevna - Docent, the department of State Legal Disciplines, Moscow University of Finance and Law, Branch in Orsk; 462401, Russia, Orenburgskaya oblast', g. Orsk, ul.Stroitelei, 25
Frolov Aleksei Nikolaevich - Senior Lecturer at Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 603950, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, shosse Ankudinovskoe, 3
Funtov Dmitrii Alekseevich - Postgraduate Student, Department of Civil Law; Business Law; Family Law; Private International Law; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 49/2 leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russia
Khamidullin Ruslan Sibagatullovich - Senior Lecturer of the Criminalistics Department of the V.F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University; 620072, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Syromolotov str., 7, sq. 11
Khannanova Tat'yana Rashitovna - Head of the Department, Bashkirian State Agricultural University; Russia, 450001, Ufa, ul. 50 let Oktyabrya, d.34.
Khachatryan Milena Samvelovna - Senior Lecturer at Kursk State University ; 305000, Russia, Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, 29
Khashchina Ellina Eduardovna - Assistant at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Kursk State University; 305000, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, 29, aud. 606
Khvatova Mariya Alekseevna - Associate Professor, Department of Security in the Digital World, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Khvostitskii Maksim Valer'evich - Post-graduate student, the department of Civil Law and Process, Katanov State University of Khakassia; 655018, Russia, the Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Gertsena Street 14
Khovavko Sergei Mikhailovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Operational Search Activity and Special Technical Equipment at Krasnodar University under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Crimean branch); 295053, Russia, respublika Krym, g. Simferopol', ul. Akademika Stevena, 14
Khokhlov Vladimir Vasil'evich - Professor, Head of the Department of Judicial Medicine and Law of the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, d. 12/13.
Õóàí Þñèí - Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Law, Baikal State University; 664003, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. G. Irkutsk, ul. Baikal'skaya, 11, of. g. Irkutsk, ul. Baikal'skaya, d. 346, kv. 67
Khussein Akhmed Ben Ali - Employee of the Legal Department, Zularistan Ltd, Afghanistan; 1001, Afghanistan, Kabul, Shahid Mazari, Z-05
Khusyainov Timur Maratovich - Manager of the faculty of Humanitarian Sciences, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; 603000, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Bol'shaya Pecherskaya, 25/12, kab. 310
Tsaliev Aleksandr Mikhailovich - Head of the Department, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Northern Ossetia - Alania; 362041, Russia, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Vladikavkaz, pl. Svobody, d.1.
Tsar'kov Igor' Ivanovich - associate professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law at Volzhsky University after V.N. Tatischev; 445021, Russia, g. Tol'yatti, ul. Golosova, 107
Chagina Elizaveta Mihailovna - Junior Researcher ; Department of Private Law ; Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation; 31 Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117218, Russia
Chakiev Murat Akhmedovich - Senior Lecturer at the Criminology Department of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198096, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Charikov Aleksandr Viktorovich - Lawyer; 620130, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Lukinykh str., 5, office 516
Chekulaev Sergei Sergeevich - Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Far Eastern Federal University; Honorary Professor, Faculty of Oriental Languages, Mudanjiang Pedagogical University (PRC); 690922, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Russian Island, Ajax village, 10
Chervyakov Mikhail Eduardovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Expertise at Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
Chereshneva Irina - Junior Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; 119019, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Znamenka, 10
Cherkasova Oxana Vladislavovna - senior researcher of the Department of the Theory of Methodology and Legal Support of State Municipal Management at Ural State Technical University, State School of Management and Business; 620014, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Mira, 19
Chernyshenko Ilya Gennad'evich - Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; 38 Shcherbakovskaya str., Moscow, 105187, Russia
Chernyaev Gennadii Mikhailovich - Senior Lecturer, Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 394065, Russia, Voronezh, pr. Patriotov, 53.
CHESTNOV NIKOLAI EVGENEVICH - PhD Applicant at the Military University, Department of Criminal Law; 125252, Russia, Moscow, ul. Aviakonstruktora Mikoyana, 14, korpus2
Chetverikov Artem Olegovich - Professor; Department of Integration and European Law; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution 'Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)'; 123001, Russia, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9
Chizhov Aleksandr Vladimirovich - Graduate Student, Department of Civil Law and Process, Far Eastern Federal University; 690922, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Ayask village, 10
Chirkov Dmitry Konstantinovich - professor of the Higher school of business of management and right, "Russian State University of Tourism and Service" (RSUTS); 141221, Russia, Moskovskaya oblast', pos. Cherkizovo, ul. Glavnaya, 99
Chovgan Irina Valentinovna - postgraduate student, Department for the Humanities Policy, National Institute for Strategic Studies, Ukraine
Chornovol Evgeniy Petrovich - Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Ural Institute of Management (branch), Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia; 620990, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, ul. 8 Marta, 66, office 49
Chugunov Daniil Konstantinovich - Assistant; Law Institute; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; 87k1 Udaltsova str., Moscow, 119607, Russia
Chugunova Kseniya Yur'evna - Postgraduate student, the department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 123001, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Sadovaya Kudrinskaya, 9
Chuklova Elena Valerievna - Associate Professor at the Department of entrepreneurial and labour law of Togliatti State University; 445041, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Gidrotekhnicheskaya, 9-141
Chukreev Vadim Andreevich - Deputy Prosecutor, Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region; 21 Moskovskaya str., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620014, Russia
Chumakov Aleksey Vadimovich - lecturer of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensic Studies at Altai State University
Churilov Aleksei Yurievich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law of the Legal Institute of Tomsk State University; 634050, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, pr. Lenina, 36
Chufarova Ekaterina Nikolaevna - Judicial advisor, Charter Court of Sverdlovsk Oblast; 620075, Russia, Sverdlovskaya oblast', g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Pushkina, 19
Shavlovskaya Victoria Valerievna - Postgraduate student; Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; Kuban State University; 350000, Russia, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
Shaginov Bogdan Alekseyevich - post-graduate student of the Department of the Theory and History of State and Law at North Western Institute of Management at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 199178, Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, g. Saint Petersburg, ul. Srednii Pr. V.o., 57/43
SHalegin Stepan Pavlovich - Student; Northwestern Institute (branch) O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA); 160000, Russia, Vologda region, Vologda, Maria Ulyanova str., 18
Shamsutdinov Marat Minefaetovich - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"; 420111, Russia, respublika Tatarstan, g. Kazan', ul. Kremlevskaya, 18, kab. 309A
Shapiro Irina Valerevna - Docent, the department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Kuban State University
Vasil'ev Aleksei Mikhailovich - Associate Professor; Department of Legal Disciplines; International Innovation University; 354002, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Jan Fabricius str., 23 lit.5
Shapochanskii Vladimir Nikolaevich - Senior Researcher of the Department of Special Training at East Siberian Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 664046, Russia, Irkutskaya oblast', g. Irkutsk, ul. Baikal'skaya, 129
Shapsugova Marietta Damirovna - Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 119019, Russia, Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Znamenka, 10
Shatalov Stanislav Sergeevich - Research Fellow at the Institute of Applied Economic Research of RANEPA ; 119571, Russia, Moscow, ul. Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, building 1
Shvyrev German Sergeevich - post-graduate student of the Department of Civil Law at South-Western State University; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 94
Shebanov Dmitrii Valer'evich - lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 394065, Russia, Voronezh, prospekt Patriotov, 53.
Sheveleva Svetlana Viktorovna - Associate professor, Criminal law department, Southwest State University; 305040, Russia, Kurskaya oblast, Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabra, 94, office 518
Shepeleva Olga Rinatovna - Associate Professor, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; 196605, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe highway, 10, lit.A
Shestopal Sergey Stanislavovich - Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Russian and Foreign Law of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ; 690014, Russia, Primorskii krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Gogolya, 41, aud. 5501
Shigurov Aleksandr Viktorovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)" in Saransk; 430010, Russia, the Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 4-55
Shirko Tatiana Ivanovna - Associate Professor; Faculty of Historical and Political Sciences; National Research Tomsk State University; 634050, Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk, Lenin , 36
Shirochenskaya Irina Petrovna - Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov; 115184, Russia, Moscow, 1st Novokuznetsk lane, 5-7, office 103
Shirshanova Ekaterina Alekseevna - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminology, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Shikhovtsova Albina Olegovna - Postgraduate student, the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Nizhny Novgorof Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 603950, Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', g. Nizhnii Novgorod, pr. Gagarina, 46
Shishkin Vladimir Viktorovich - Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, University of the Russian Education Academy, Chelyabinsk Filial Office.; Russia, 454006, Chelyabinsk, ul. Krasnoarmeiskaya, d. 55.
Shishko Irina Viktorovna - Professor at the Criminal Law Department of the Siberian Federal University; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, of. 3-06
Shishulina Tat'yana Petrovna - Associate Professor; Department of DPR, GEND; Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, UMMC Technical University; 620012, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Mashinostroiteley str., 11, room 2-527
Shkabin Gennady Sergeevich - Chief Researcher, Research institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow; 117437, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, 12
Shkurova Polina Dmitrievna - Postgraduate at Kutafin Moscow State Law University; 125993, Russia, Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 9
Shleinov Artemii - Postgraduate student, the department of Civil Law, Russian State University of Justice ; 117418, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya Moskva, g. Moscow, ul. Novocheremushkinskaya, 69
Shmidt Tatiana - Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov; 656038, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 46, office 249
Shovkrinskii Artur Yusupovich - postgraduate student, Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Project Survey and Scientific Research Institute "Soyuzmorniiprojekt"; 125319, Russia, Moskva, Bolshoi Koptevskiy pr., 3.
Shugurov Mark Vladimirovich - Professor; Department of International Law; Saratov State Law Academy; 410028, Russia, Saratov, Volskaya str., 1
Shurlyakov Georgii Sergeevich - Postgraduate student of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Ural Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; 455000, Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, Domenshchikov str., 24
Shutova Yuliya Aleksandrovna - Postgraduate student, Department of Criminal Law, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Shukhareva Anna Vasil'evna - Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Process at Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 603950, Russia, g. Nizhnii Novgorod, ul. Ankudinovskoe Shosse, 3
Shchedrin Nikolai Vasil'evich - Professor, the department of Delictology and Criminology, Siberian Federal University ; 660075, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, ul. Maerchaka, 6, room 1-22
Shchedrin Nikolai - Head of the Department, Siberian Federal University; 660041, Russia, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Pr. Svobodnyi 81, pr. Svobodnyi 81 g kv. 13, of. pr. Svobodnyi 81 g kv. 13
Shchedrina Yuliya Vladimirovna - Associate professor, the department of entrepreneurial and labour law, Kursk State University; 305000, Russia, Kurskaya oblast', g. Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, 33
Shcherbanyuk Oksana Vladimirovna - professor, department of constitutional, administrative and financial law, Chernivtsi National University named after Yu.Fedkovicha, Faculty of Law; 58000, Ukraine, Chernovitskaya oblast', g. Chernovtsy, ul. B.khmel'nitskogo, 38, kv. 7
Shchuplenkov Nikolai Olegovich - senior lecturer, Department of History, Law and Social Disciplines of the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute; 357600, Russia, Essentuki, ul. Dolina Roz, 7.
Shchuplenkov Oleg Viktorovich - Associate professor of the Department of History, law and Social Disciplines at Stavropol State Pedagogical University; 357625, Russia, g. Essentuki, ul. Doliny Roz, 7
Erte Daria - Graduate student, Department of criminal law, Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia; 198206, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Yun Diana Andreevna - Student of Law Faculty, Vladimir branch of RANEPA; 600017, Russia, Vladimir region, Vladimirskaya, Gorky str., 59a
Yurishina Elena - Doctoral Candidate,Escuela Internacional de Posgrado, Universidad de Granada (International School for Postgraduate Studies, University of Granada)
 ; 18010, Ispaniya, g. Granada, Avda. Del Hospicio, s/n
Yurchenko Mark Aleksandrovich - Assistant, Department of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Department of Judicial Medicine; 125284, Russia, Moskva, ul. Polikarpova, 12/13.
Yakovenko Andrei Aleksandrovich - Assistant, the department of Competitive and Entrepreneurial Law, Far Eastern Federal University
Iakovleva-Chernysheva Anna Iurievna - Professor, the department of Civil Law Disciplines, All-Russian State University of Justice; 354000, Russia, Krasnodarskii krai, g. Sochi, ul. Dagomysskaya, 42
Yakunina Anastasiya Vladimirovna - Postgraduate student of the Department of State and Administrative Law, Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev; 443086, Russia, Samara region, Samara, Moskovskoe highway, 34
Yanchurkin Oleg Vladimirovich - scientific researcher, the Scientific Research Institute of the Academy of Prosecution General of the Russian Federation  ; 123022, Russia, gorod federal'nogo znacheniya, g. Moscow, ul. 2-Ya zvenigorodskaya, 15
Iaremchuk Viktoriia Pavlovna - Postgraduate student, Department of Forensic Research, St. Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia; 198206, Russia, Leningrad region, Saint Petersburg, Pilyutov Pilot str., 1
Yarovenko Vasilii Vasil'evich - Professor, head of the Department of Justice, Prosecutor's Supervision and Criminal Studies at Law School of the Far Eastern Federal University
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