Статья 'Повышение эффективности использования МКС: современные подходы к коммерциализации космических экспериментов' - журнал 'Исследования космоса' - NotaBene.ru
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Space Research

Uvarov V.B. Increasing the eficiency of the use of the ISS: modern approaches towards commercialization of space experiments.

Abstract: This work is devoted to studying the conditions for eficient development of the space infrastructure as a com-ponent the new space economy. The subject of the analysis is the place and role played by the manned orbital complexes, including the International Space Stations (ISS), in creation of technological innovations that can also be implemented in the “earth” economy. Special attention is given to the analysis of current approaches towards commercialization of the results of scientiic research conducted on the ISS, as well as assessment of prospects of transfer of modern foreign organizational and administrational solutions in this area to the Russian space industry. On the example of the space experiment “Organaut”, prepared for the interests of a private company, the author demonstrates the practical possibility of transfer of modern in-ternational technological solutions on expediting the tempos of expansion of the space infrastructure into Russian practice. A conclusion is made on the need to reduce the bureaucratic cycle of preparation of space experiments and reasonableness of implementation of special institution of development outside the perimeter GK “Roskosmos”.


International Space Station, ISS, Space Economy, Space Activity, Commercialization, US Orbital Segment, Russian Orbital Segment, US National Laboratory, NASA, Kibo

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