Электронный журнал Философская мысль - №9 за 2013 год - Содержание - список статей - ISSN: 2409-8728 - Издательство NotaBene
Philosophical Thought
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Contents of Issue № 09/2013
Cycles and tides in the global world
Ursul A.D. - Thinker of the Global Epoch (On the 150th Anniversary of Vladimir Vernadsky) pp. 1-63


Abstract: The author believes Vladimir Vernadsky to be the founder of not only global world view and thinking but also global researches. The majority of his ideas were aimed at the planet development. We can say that he foresaw a completely new global stage and tendency of development of science in general. Vladimir Vernadsky's idea about the 'planetary' meaning of science have been already outlined both in current global processes and anticipation of future social and socio-natural evolutionary processes . Modern global studies and global researches have been developing within the framework of the philosopher's concepts including his teachig about noosphere. The author of the article describes how Verandsky's teaching about noosphere have been changed due to creation of the concept and strategy of sustainable development. It is underlined that there is a certain need in observance of one of the main principles of sustainable evelopment - the principle of preservation of biosphere. It is also assumed that today we are facing a new stage in the  development of the teaching about the sphere of mind. This new stage emphasizes the growth of importance of the processes of ecologization, futurization, informatization and globalization and their further development through the global process of sustainable development. The author considers the problem of creating a new type of intellect, noospheric intellect based on individual features of cogitation and thinking, mass media and global communications including systems of artificial intellect. 
Self-consciousness and identity
Pershin Y.Y. - Archaic Mind and Archaic Times pp. 64-85


Abstract: Time has always been an important subject of research. There are many theories of time that have been created from ancient times till present. Time is also one of the basic element of both archaic and modern picture of the world. When viewing the features of archaic mind, we should keep in mind that, on one hand, archaic mind itself is being developed in a time frame. On the other hand the concept of time is created by human mind.  Achaic concept of time describes not only time cyclicity but also linearity and synchronicity. This is understanding that the past, present and future are happening right now, all at the same time. This archaic concept of time is single and discrete at the same time. Archaic time can exist before time and develop in the other time. This concept of time is similar to archaic concept of space. 
Philosophy of language and communication
Kutyrev V.A. - Human Language: After Triumph, on the Road of Death... pp. 86-133


Abstract: Researchers debate over the paradigmal role of language in exlaining the reality. Why and where they lead to? In order to answer this question, we need to take a different look at the history of language.  Phenomenologically people differed from other living creatires by appearance and their ability to speak. At meetings with savages speech was the first determinant of their human status. The author of the article describes stages of the development of language from speech and writing to printed text and 'calculation' writing as the death of language or/and human. The latter is the structural and linguistic catastrophe. It is when we refuse from language as a carrier of sense and сщуь ещ digital ontology. Grammatology and numerical rhetoric are messengers of human consciousness turning to artificial intellect.The world is entering the age of Trans-Modernism where matrix or commutation become the prospect of development. In order to preserve our human reality, we need the For preservation of human reality we need to take care of the language and return to the traditional approach to philosophy. 
The torment of communication
Koren' R.V. - Grimaces of Mediaphilosophy: Brave Sense, 'Mediablisses' and Living Cell pp. 134-211


Abstract: As a free observer, the author of the article shares his own perception of the mass media, media discourse, media philosophy and other media phenomena and explains them from the point of view of systems science. The author provides translations and interpetations of basic terms in media philosophy and carries out a system analysis. The results of the analysis show that semantics of media philosophy is close to enthropic philosophy or 'funeral march in major'. The author anayzes the definition of the philosophical concept of 'transcenence' and demonstrates advantages of the Russian language in the course of this analysis. Living cell is presented as a fractal, a functional model and natural media preventing from the transformation of brave sense into damn eternity.     
Philosophy of science and education
Borisov S.V. - Scherzo or Science and Mind pp. 212-332


Abstract: The article 'Scherzo or Science and Mind' is the forth publication of the series 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade. 
Social dynamics
Rozin V.M. - Problems of Typological Research and Development as a Direction of Social Project Planning pp. 333-404


Abstract: The article is devoted to discussion of the three main topics: history and peculiarities of social project planning, example of an interesting social project called Donor and methods of typological research and development. The author shows that modern researches and studies still haven't overcome the two main disadvantages of social projects, low practical importance (the majority of social projects are either utopic or replaced with social manifesto, concepts and programs) and distortion of or ignoring social parameters usually set for a project. However, a social project is becoming more likely to be a success if the following conditions are provided: administrative support of a social project; sufficient funds to implement the project; creation of a team responsible for implementation of a project (must include methodologists) and conduction of necessary researches for developing and implementation of a social project. The latter is illustrated by the social project called Donor. The second part of the article is devoted to analyzing the modern situation that creates a need in developing a new typology of architectural and construction projects. The author also discusses a definition of the term 'type' and how the term has been developing in this day and age and offers a strategy of creating a new typology. The author introduces a dilemma about whether we should further study creation of a typology of architectural projects or typology of human behavior in the city while the author himself strives for the latter. 
Mysteries of the human being
Belyaev V.A. - Auguste Comte's Intercultural Project pp. 405-435


Abstract: The present article presents another stage of introducing the author's theory of interculture. In this part his study the author analyzes Auguste Comte's positivistic project. The author studies the challenge that triggered the creation of Comte's philosophy and his 'spirit of the positivism philosophy'. This challenge is viewed as one of the challenges to new European philosophy in general. In this regard, Comte's philosophy is shown as an attempt to perform 'just and fair diminition of human spirit' and to conduct intercultural revolution. Comte's positivism is described as some kind of a limit of materialistic targets of interculture.  A famous Comte's theory of three-phase development of the humankind is viewed as a strategy of overcoming a huge social crisis of the mankind. This is what became the main challenge for Comte. The author of the present article suggests to interpret new European projects of the conquest of nature as a projection of the project of conquest of human.  The article will be interesting for all who are into philosophical anthropology.   
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