Philosophy and Culture - rubric Editor-in-Chief's column
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Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. -


Abstract: The philosophy persisted throughout the centuries, and it shall not cease to exist, while the humankind is alive and is aiming to understand the secrets of nature, human spirit and divine secrets. Why do we need another philosophical journal now? We are trying to create a journal, which would attract scientists and researchers not only from the Institute of Philosophy, but from the other institutions as well…
Klyagin, N.V. - Darwinism in philosophical anthropology. pp. 0-0
Abstract: Darwinism provides that the development of the living nature is based on fighting for survival and the natural selection. Since the human being is part of the living nature, he is also part of the natural selection system. As for the human body, it is undoubted. However, once we come to the sphere of social organization and spiritual life of people, there are trouble…
Abstract: In the theory of symbol its correlation with the sign is one of the most topical theoretical problems, perhaps, the key one. In many philosophical texts these two terms are confused. At the same time, one needs to divide the two terms, in order to understand the nature of symbol more completely. This article by E.M. Spirova is aimed to solve this problem, based on the works of the recognized European philosophers.
Gurevich, P.S. - A politician or a municipallan. pp. 0-0
Gurevich, P.S. - Situations of the social crisis. pp. 0-0
Piscun, V.V., Piscun, A.S. - About possibility of the chanding subjectivity pp. 0-0
Gurevich, P.S. - What is elite? pp. 0-0
Gurevich, P.S. - Missing passionarity pp. 0-0
Abstract: Despite all efforts of the best minds of Russia, - heads of the country and Russian intelligentsia, - Russia still doesn’t have the national idea which would unite the nation and revive the country. Why have their projects failed? And would it be possible to “make” something as mysterious and powerful as the national idea is?
À. Â. Ïðîêîôüåâ - Èäåÿ ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè â «Óòèëèòàðèçìå» Äæ. Ñò. Ìèëëÿ (×àñòü 2.Îêîí÷àíèå) pp. 0-0
Abstract:  ñòàòüå ðåêîíñòðóèðóþòñÿ ïðåäñòàâëåíèÿ Äæ.Ñ.Ìèëëÿ î ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè (ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî íà îñíîâå ïÿòîé ãëàâû òðàêòàòà «Óòèëèòàðèçì»). Íåñìîòðÿ íà îáùóþ òåíäåíöèþ óòèëèòàðèñòñêîé ýòèêè ïðèäàâàòü èäåå ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè âòîðîñòåïåííîå è âñïîìîãàòåëüíîå çíà÷åíèå, Äæ.Ñ.Ìèëëü ñòðåìèòñÿ ñîõðàíèòü çà íåé òîò âûñîêèé ñòàòóñ, êîòîðûé îíà èìååò â æèâîì íðàâñòâåííîì îïûòå. Îñíîâíûì ïðèåìîì äîñòèæåíèÿ ýòîé öåëè ÿâëÿåòñÿ âûäåëåíèå ðàçíûõ âèäîâ ïîëüçû. Îäíîìó èç íèõ, à èìåííî óäîâëåòâîðåíèþ ïîòðåáíîñòè â áåçîïàñíîñòè, è ñîîòâåòñòâóåò èäåÿ ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè. Ñòðåìÿñü âñåñòîðîííå îáîñíîâàòü ýòó ïîçèöèþ è ñäåëàòü åå ïðèåìëåìîé êàê äëÿ óòèëèòàðèñòîâ, òàê è äëÿ ñòîðîííèêîâ ýòèêè òðàäèöèè è çäðàâîãî ñìûñëà, Ìèëëü ïðåäâîñõèùàåò íåñêîëüêî ïðîáëåì, àêòèâíî îáñóæäàþùèõñÿ â ñîâðåìåííîé ýòèêå, è ôîðìóëèðóåò öåëûé ðÿä ïðîòèâîðå÷èâûõ ñóæäåíèé, êàñàþùèõñÿ ñóùíîñòè ìîðàëè, ñïîñîáîâ âûÿâëåíèÿ ìîðàëüíî îáÿçàòåëüíûõ (ïðàâèëüíûõ) ïîñòóïêîâ, ñîäåðæàíèÿ ïðèíöèïîâ ñïðàâåäëèâîñòè.
Abstract: Continuing to wonder about the still missing national idea, the author analyzed various forms the national idea in our country could take: the unity of “Orthodoxy, sovereignty and nationality”, protective response to a severe crisis or something else…
Gurevich, P. S - Collapse of social ties pp. 0-0
Abstract: The problem of alienation and collapse of elementary social ties is one of the most discussed topics in the modern sociology and psychology. Analyzing such phenomena as autonomization of the society and the social chaos, the author questioned whether the collapse of social ties was an essential result of the progress.
Keywords: social ties, autonomization, social chaos, fragmentation.
Gurevich, P. S. - “Placelessness” of a human pp. 0-0
Abstract: the author described the situation in the modern society in terms of atopy (destruction of the social space) and achrony (loss of time). Accepting the obvious importance of personal autonomy, the author of the article however emphasized on the extreme of such “atomization” of a human in the modern world, -the loss of social identity.
Keywords: social philosophy, society, culture, atopy, achrony.
Gurevich, P. S. - Ambivalent attitude to the power pp. 0-0
Abstract: the author is analyzing the true causes of the “ambivalent” attitude to the power, people’s “love and hate” towards the government, from the philosophical, psychological and historical points of view.
Keywords: politics, philosophy, psychology, history, literature, power, political technology.
Gurevich, P. S. - Young bunches of anger. pp. 0-0
Abstract: the author is investigating the social phenomena of an important and meaningful stage in life, the youth.
Keywords: youth, psychology, philosophy, politics.
Gurevich, P. S. - Need for the world view pp. 0-0
Abstract: Resume: the author is talking about a very profound human need to view the world as one whole picture, a certain system of views on general laws regulating the world, society and human, i.e. the need for the world view.
Keywords: philosophy, human, society, world view, belief
Kanarsh, G. Yu. - Democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet and contemporary Russia. Part 2 pp. 0-0
Abstract: Abstract: the article considers the problem of correlation between the democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet and contemporary Russian politics. Relying on the researches of Russian political scientists, sociologists and social philosophers, the author demonstrated that the origins of authoritarianism may be found in the political practice of the middle of 1990th. It is also shown that the far evolution of political regime depended upon a failure of social-economical reforms of 1990th, but at the same time it got its own way because of the deep transformation of social structure of Russian society.
Keywords: politics, power, society, modernization, reform, democracy, authoritarianism, conservatism, legitimacy.
Gurevich, P. S. - Image of the Enemy pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: the article contains the author’s thoughts on a very old human stand in opposition between “us” and “the other”. Based on history of world religions and psychological theories, the author analyzed the origins of the “image of the enemy” in the world culture and human mind.
Key words: psychology, philosophy, history, religion, image of the enemy.
Gurevich, P. S. - New role of Russia pp. 0-0
Abstract: The author analyzed the consequences of Globalization in a few countries of the world including Russia, the latter often being called “the continental center”. The author stressed out the growing role of Russia and said that Russia needed a new image to take a decent place in the changing world.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, culture, globalization, the West, Russia.
Gurevich, P. S. - Meaning of Life and Devotion to It pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: according to the author, the meaning of life is a regulative term essential for any developed system of world perception. In this article the author analyzed how the views on the meaning of life and happiness developed throughout ages
Keywords: philosophy, history of philosophy, meaning of life, happiness
Gurevich, P. S. - Half of a Century after the Reformer pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: the article is devoted to Jean Calvin, French reformer who can compare to such great people as Martin Luther, Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus who all made a great contribution to free Europe from dogmatism and Medieval ignorance
Keywords: philosophy, religion, Jean Calvin, Protestantism, Reformation
Gurevich, P. S. - Sciences about Human. Where We All Come From. From Instrument of Labor to Information Society pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: review of Alexey Nikishenkov’s work ‘History of British Social Anthropology’. In his book Nikizhenko analyzed the theoretical grounds, formation and development of branches in British social anthropology, - a science which had made a great impact on development of the world social and humanitarian learning.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, history, British social anthropology
Gurevich, P. S. - Is Protestant Ethos Universal? pp. 0-0
Abstract: Drawing a parallel between the Athens of the 6th century A.D. and our modern world, the author talks about the decline of morals which has led to the crisis. It is underlined that the further progress of the society and the end of the world crisis directly depend on our coming back to the initial system of human morals.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, morals, system of morals, values
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - The Repressed Body Symptom pp. 4-7
Abstract: Viewing the problem of relation between body and consciousness the author focuses on such a sociocultural phenomenon as ‘the repressed body’. It is underlined that growing fetishism of the body in our culture reveals a deep denial of the body and everything related to it.
Keywords: philosophy, history of philosophy, in, body, consciousness, corporeity, reflection, society.
Gurevich, P. S. - Social Chaos pp. 4-7
Abstract: The author studies the phenomenon of social chaos and social changes as an essential part of history. It is underlined that the problem of social chaos becomes especially topical when a society is in the process of its transformation.
Keywords: philosophy, history, society, human, social evolution, social changes, social chaos.
Gurevich, P. S. - Leaving Nature? pp. 4-6
Abstract: The author analyzes the consequences of human’s alienation from ns nature. It is underlined how important it is for a human to try to achieve harmony and concord with nature. According to the author, value of life and nature should lie in the basis of human’s morals.
Keywords: philosophy, human, society, nature, life, the animal world.
Gurevich, P. S. - Tradition as a Guarantee of Stability pp. 4-7
Abstract: The author analyzes the epoch of many changes in Russia, - the epoch which denied traditions but at the same time, led to realization of important role of traditions in a destiny of our country.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, society, human, globalization, tradition, stability.
Gurevich, P. S. - Status of Philosophical Anthropology pp. 4-6
Abstract: In his instruction the editor-in-chief answers the main questions about philosophical anthropology as an independent science. It is underlined that many researches interpret philosophical anthropology as a particular sphere of philosophical knowledge, a particular philosophy and a unique way of understanding the meaning of existence.
Keywords: philosophy, anthropology, philosophical anthropology, science, human, society.
Gurevich, P.S. - The Age of Enlightenment: Discovery of a Subject pp. 4-7
Abstract: The author describes the change of views on human and his role in the world and society during the age of Enlightenment. It is concluded that the 18th century presented the two tendencies in philosophy: researches of human nature based on general universal laws, and views on human as an individual.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, Enlightenment, homo sapiens (the man of sense), subject, state institution, rationalism, individualism.
Gurevich, P. S. - Aggression of the Ignorance pp. 4-5
Abstract: The column is devoted to the ‘aggressive’ ignorance which made people burn books, create the ‘black’ list of ‘harmful’ books and… discuss a Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita from the point of view of extremism.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, extremism, religion, Russia, India, Bhagavad Gita, Hindu.
Gurevich, P. S. - Romantic Ideal of Human. Continued pp. 4-9
Abstract: The article is devoted to the ideal of human during the epoch of Romanticism. The author gives a detailed description of romantic views on human introduced by philosophers, poets and writers living back in those times.
Keywords: philosophy, romanticism, human, ideal, existence, East, Europe.
Gurevich, P. S. - The Phenomenon of Desacralization of Governance pp. 4-5
Abstract: Editor-in-chief’s column is devoted to the phenomenon of desacralization of governance. According to the author, this process started already in the 18th century and it is growing especially dangerous nowadays.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, history, governance desacralization, person, power.
Gurevich, P. S. - Are We Brutal Enough? pp. 4-5
Abstract: The editor-in-chief’s column is devoted to post-modernistic tendency to split and then bring together human nature and personality.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, post-modernism, disassembly, personality.
Gurevich, P. S. - Wishing for Truth, Wishing for Kindness pp. 4-6
Abstract: What does a modern human suffer from? Why deviant behavior is so widely spread nowadays? What makes us forget about life values and what role does literature plays in all that?
Keywords: philosophy, culture, human, society, truth, kindness, literature, deviations, values.
Gurevich, P. S. - Benefits of Human Life pp. 4-5
Abstract: The editor-in-chief’s column is devoted to the development of the needs and benefits of human life from Aristotle to a German philosopher Schopenhauer. In this regard the editor in chief also discusses the concepts of morals, spirits, will and guilt.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, benefits, needs, spirit, moral, knowledge.
Gurevich, P. S. - What Forms the Spiritual Culture of the Society? pp. 4-4
Abstract: In his column the editor-in-chief discusses spiritual culture of the society and its elements. The author defines spirituality as one’s ability to experience high feelings, adore the depth and power of human thought, feel love for his Motherland and create and put into life his ideals. At the same time, spiritual culture of the society consists of such elements as our values and relics.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, society, spirituality, spiritual culture of the society, values, relics.
Gurevich, P. S. - Is Despotism Doomed to Fail? pp. 4-6
Abstract: The article is devoted to despotism as a social phenomenon. The author stresses out the difference between despotism and dictatorship.
Keywords: The article is devoted to despotism as a social phenomenon. The author stresses out the difference b
Gurevich, P. S. - Futurological Boom pp. 4-5
Abstract: Nowadays social philosophy offers a great number of contradictory scenarios, models and prognoses. Quite often we get the impression that the history is fraught with tectonic quakes. Computers are assuming the role of oracles. The author underlines how valuable all the prognoses are but at the same time he draws our attention at Oedipus effect which means a hidden and manipulative implementation in sociology. The author also makes a suggestion that there should be many scenarios because it would provide a wide choice in social philosophy.
Keywords: philosophy, oracle, ‘storm of the future’, scenarios, politics, humankind, consciousness, futurological boom, expertise, social practice.
Gurevich, P. S. - Globalization and Multiculturalism pp. 4-5
Abstract: Globalization is a new form of modernization succeeding the epoch of conolization and industrialization. Being the reflection of objective social processes, this phenomenon is fundamentally revolutionary and violent. It is not only that the USA tries to subdue gigantic transformations to the interests of the ‘golden milliard’. There is no doubts that globalization, being mostly IT phenomenon, is opposite to culture deep inside.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, globalization, civilization, history, society, European world, social status, problem, economics, identity.
Gurevich, P.S. - Human Concept in Philosophy of Life pp. 4-6
Abstract: History of philosophical anthropology, in fact, does not consider the problem of human as it has been formed in the philosophy of life. However, the above mentioned topic was somehow covered by this branch of philosophy. In particular, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Klages, Theodor Lessing and Leo Frobenius touched upon very important philosophical anthropology issues in their works. Their ideas are continued and developed now.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophical anthropology, life, spirit, mind, sociality, human, being, will, intuition.
Gurevich, P. S. - Quo Vadis, Human? pp. 4-8
Abstract: Discussion of perspectives of human existence is one of the eternal issues in world philosophy. This issue is mostly related to the three factors: tremendous achievements of human mind, transformation of human nature and realization of human destiny. Much can be said about scientific progress and expectations from it. Science has allowed to create the modern civilization as it is, with its wealthy life, unbelievable resources a nd grandiose communications. The whole picture of the world has been changed. Scientists have figured the human genome. Now they are trying to reveal the main secrets of nature by using the hadronic collider. People can now cure cancer of almost all organs, transplant the heart, attach legs and hands and even clone humans.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophical anthropology, human, existence, humankind, science, noosphere, evolution, cosmos, bios.
Gurevich, P. S. - Architect of the New Generation pp. 4-9
Abstract: Human is not like a machine with a number of features and functions. In his being human shows certain existential contradictions. Human is born in the natural world but he lives in a society. Human has both instincts and consciousness. He is an animal and at the same time he is not. Having descended from Adam, he is a natural creature but he has a divine beginning at the same time. As Erich Fromm said, human is nearly the most eccentric creature in the Universe.
Keywords: philosophy, human, identity, experimentalism, technical equipment, evolution, genetics, social practice, cosmism, noosphere.
Gurevich, P. S. - Philosophical Way of World Perception pp. 4-5
Abstract: Religion serves the needs of one’s soul. Human appeals to God when he suffers from loneliness, fear of death or internal pressure. Mysticism charms with its opportunities to make communication with God deeper and brighter. It gives hope for a miracle. Science demonstrates unchallenged triumph of a learning mind. Being the basis of civilization, science does not only explain spiritual truths but also helps people to make their life longer and better. So what are the peculiarities of philosophical way of world perception?
Keywords: philosophy, world perception, understanding of the world, spiritual structure, human, practice, cogitation, truth, free spirit, personality.
Gurevich, P. S. - Is Culture Threatened to Die? pp. 5-9
Abstract: The article contains a critical analysis of the works by modern philosophers who speak of the death of culture in the modern world. According to the author, being an anthropological attribute of human, culture does not ‘die’ but only change drastically.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, human, life, values
Gurevich, P. S. - Oppositions of Culture pp. 5-9
Abstract: Continuing to talk of the so-called ‘death of culture’, the author studied its ‘oppositions’ which can seriously change the familiar essence of culture. According t the author, culture can be absorbed by civilization, religion and barbarianism. However, such ‘absorption’ only change but does not ‘kill’ culture.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, religion, barbarianism, civilization
Gurevich, P. S. - N. A. Berdyaev’s Paradox: ‘Culture is a Great Failure’ pp. 5-8
Abstract: The author thinks over N. A. Berdyaev’s saying that ‘culture is a great failure’. It is underlined that it is possible to understand what the great Russian philosopher meant only if we appealed to his teaching about being, freedom, creativity and transcendence.
Keywords: philosophy, culture, being, freedom, creativity, transcendence
Gurevich, P. S. - Words and Sayings pp. 5-7
Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the role of ‘simple’ words and sayings in our life. It is underlined that words and sayings reflect the epoch and should be ‘treated with caution and respect’.
Keywords: philosophy, words, sayings, culture, society
Gurevich, P. S. - My War pp. 5-6
Abstract: The author shares his impressions of the Great Patriotic War of the 1941-1944th. It is noted that everyone has his own impression and memories of the war. It is also underlined that even though the war is coming the part of our past, today we realize the great meaning and great tragedy of the war even better than yesterday.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, culture, history, Great Patriotic War
Gurevich, P. S. - Cultural Creativity Space pp. 5-7
Abstract: The article is devoted to the special features of philosophy of culture as a science in comparison to cultural studies. The author underlines the need for more profound researches in the area of philosophy of culture in Russia
Keywords: history, philosophy, culture, cultural studies, philosophy of culture
Gurevich, P. S. - Transformation of the Union between the Beautiful and State Institution pp. 5-7
Abstract: Being not only the social, but also the anthropological phenomenon, state institution is the expression of various sides of human culture. The author of the article studies the concept of state institution from the point of view of culture and philosophy. In his article the author answers the question whether we must look for certain esthetics in a state institution
Keywords: philosophy, culture, art, state institution, post-modernism, values
Gurevich, P. S. - Being of a Human pp. 5-8
Abstract: The article is devoted to the conception of ‘being’ as a philosophical category. The author compares the concepts of ‘being’ and ‘freedom’. According to the author, being is the highest point of personal freedom and the goal we all strive for
Keywords: philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology, being, freedom
Gurevich, P. S. - Cultural Code pp. 5-6
Abstract: With regret the author talks about the loss of cultural code, - the generality of meanings and values the previous generations had. According to the author, today’s culture has broken into a number of codes but not all of these new codes deserve to be named ‘cultural’
Keywords: philosophy, culture, cultural code, civilization, generation
Gurevich, P.S. - The concept of "holon" in the aesthetics of K. Wilber. pp. 5-10
Keywords: philosophy, ethics, nature, philosophic secret.
Gurevich, P. S. - Anniversary as a Reason for Disgrace. pp. 5-8
Abstract: Based on a few journalistic articles about provocative facts from lives of the great scientists and writers, the author of the article sharply criticizes modern journalism for concentrating on the scandalous facts of the great people’s lives. According to the author, it allows us to feel that they were simple people just like us but it certainly lowers the magnificence of their scientific discovers.
Keywords: philosophy, literature, psychology, science, journalism
Gurevich, P. S. - Psychokenet in Cyberspace. pp. 5-8
Abstract: Wondering about the process of informatization of the modern society, the author distinguishes such terms as ‘intellectualization’, ‘education’ and ‘informatization’. It is underlined that even though the modern humanity lives in the epoch of information, it does not give us enough grounds to talk about true, spiritually-based, intellectualization of the society.
Keywords: philosophy, human, society, cyberspace, intellectualization, psychokenetics
Gurevich, P. S. - Special Time Of Thinking. pp. 5-8
Abstract: In his article the author views the methodology of philosophical anthropology as a special time of thinking viewing human in a concrete historical, social, existential and psychological situation.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophical anthropology, psychology, methodology, human, method, philosophical learning
Gurevich, P. S. - Knowledge and methodology of philosophical anthropology. pp. 5-8
Abstract: The article considers the basic methodological principles of philosophical anthropology, in particular, conception of knowledge and its types and interpretation of the essence and origins of human.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophical anthropology, knowledge, cognition, methodology, principles, human
Gurevich, P. S. - Arthur Schopenhauer About ‘the Interesting’. pp. 5-7
Abstract: The author studies the defi nition of ‘the beautiful’ and ‘the interesting’ in works by a famous philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. Particularly, it is underlined that there is a certain need in considering ‘the interesting’ as a separate category in esthetics.
Keywords: philosophy, esthetics, the beautiful, the interesting, cogitation, will, mass culture
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. - Language as a treasure of ideology


Abstract: Abstract. Language is a social phenomenon sui generis. The article shows that language as a whole is not differentiated ideologically and therefore is capable of expressing social consciousness in full scope. The problem of the interrelation between language and ideology is not confined only to the ideological relatedness of the linguistic sign. It also embraces a wide circle of problems associated with the choice of a language of communication, the attitude of society to different foreign languages, their evaluation, linguistic contexts. Linguistic purism is also ideologically conditioned. But the problem raised in the article presupposes first of all analysis of the very phenomenon of ideology. It appears now fully armed with theoretical earnestness, appealing to Marxism, psychoanalysis, post-modernism, synergetics. The article uses the method of text interpretation and standard methods of scientific research, including the method of comparative analysis, partially – methodological attitudes of hermeneutic and post-structuralist approaches to the study of texts. The novelty of the approach in the article is conditioned by modern interpretation of ideology, which was analyzed by K. Marx in his time. Now philosophy offers very deep thoughts about this phenomenon in works of such authors as Paul Ricoeur, Jean Baudrillard, Jurgen Habermas, Slavoj Žižek and other philosophers. The author turns to the work of the French philosopher O. Reboul to characterize various functions of ideology. The specificity of the article is that the author’s approach permits to analyze language from the perspective of power and love of power, to specify forms of ideological discourse.
Keywords: language, ideology, mythology, function, speech, text, deideologization, meta-language, truth, meaning
Gurevich, P. S. - Human Life world pp. 7-8


Abstract: Life world is the central issue in phenomenology. By nature, it is noting else but clarification of the meaning of human life in its cohesiveness and variety. It was Husserl who created the issue around human life world that seemed to be an obvious and normal state of things. This is why philosophers did not study the practical angle of human existence before him.
Keywords: philosophy, lifeworld, phenomenology, meaning, cohesiveness, variety, world perception, life experience, deconsecration of philosophy, truth.
Gurevich, P. S. - Specific Features of Anthropological Knowledge pp. 7-11


Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about paradigms being an essential part of modern anthropology. The paradox is that the most recent findings in philosophy of human are found side by side with previous, former concepts of human. For instance, Fedor Girenok’s notes published in the Literaturnaya Gazeta immediately caused a sharp response from scientists, educators and readers. Researchers reproached Fedor Girenok for discussing the nature of consciousness from the idealistic point of view instead of supporting materialistic views. Meanwhile Fedor Girenok shared the most recent discoveries in the sphere of studying brain activity. The author of the present article talks about philosophy and science, their relation and difficult, often dramatic connections. The author of the article tries to understand whether it is acceptable to apply the term «paradigm» to anthropology. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to specify peculiarities of the conclusions made by modern human sciences.
Keywords: philosophy, science, human, knowledge, paradigm, system, death of human, cognition of life, mental adventures, consciousness, brain.
Gurevich, P. S. - Language as a treasure of ideology pp. 7-11


Abstract: Language is a social phenomenon sui generis. The article shows that language as a whole is not differentiated ideologically and therefore is capable of expressing social consciousness in full scope. The problem of the interrelation between language and ideology is not confined only to the ideological relatedness of the linguistic sign. It also embraces a wide circle of problems associated with the choice of a language of communication, the attitude of society to different foreign languages, their evaluation, linguistic contexts. Linguistic purism is also ideologically conditioned. But the problem raised in the article presupposes first of all analysis of the very phenomenon of ideology. It appears now fully armed with theoretical earnestness, appealing to Marxism, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, synergetics. The article uses the method of text interpretation and standard methods of scientific research, including the method of comparative analysis, partially – methodological attitudes of hermeneutic and post-structuralist approaches to the study of texts. The novelty of the approach in the article is conditioned by modern interpretation of ideology, which was analyzed by K. Marx in his time. Now philosophy offers very deep thoughts about this phenomenon in works of such authors as Paul Ricoeur, Jean Baudrillard, Jurgen Habermas, Slavoj Žižek and other philosophers. The author turns to the work of the French philosopher O. Reboul to characterize various functions of ideology. The specificity of the article is that the author’s approach permits to analyze language from the perspective of power and love of power, to specify forms of ideological discourse.
Keywords: language, ideology, mythology, function, speech, text, deideologization, meta-language, truth, meaning.
Gurevich P.S. - Why do philosophical anthropologists criticize Aristotle? pp. 10-15


Abstract: This article attempts to respond to the critical assessments of Aristotle’s anthropological views. The ancient thinker is characterizes as a philosopher who stayed aside from comprehension of the problem of a human. On one hand, the multiplicity of discussed by Aristotle anthropological plots is impressive. On the other hand, he views a human as a natural creature, not expressing interest to the inner, introspective world of the human subjectivity. The representative of so-called nonclassical anthropology, assign to Aristotle the role of leader of the traditional anthropology that is deprived of the existential dimension. The author applies the method of historicism, placing Aristotle’s ideas into the context of ancient era. The article also analyzes the nonclassical philosophical anthropology, which allows implementing the method of comparative juxtaposition of the anthropological ideas. Fragmentary submersions into the texts of the ancient thinker were not accompanied by the attempt of integral comprehension of Aristotle’s views on human, his nature and essences, correlation between the reason and unreason, as well as connection between the corporeal and spiritual processes. Such approach towards the anthropological doctrine of Aristotle is also common to the Western literature. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the desire to give assessment to the anthropological doctrine of Aristotle as the leader of classical anthropology.
Keywords: Nature, Body, Soul, Unreason, Reason, Classical anthropology, Human essence, Human nature, Human, Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich P.S. - Value in the quantum prospect


Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation of value ideas under the influence of the quantum paradigm. What do we mean under the quantum paradigm? It is not only the newest concept in physics, and not even the modern scientific image of the world. Quantum consciousness represents a grandiose experiment of the transformation of the social and individual reality based on the patterns of behavior of elementary particles. Probably for the first time in history, physics invades the world of value absolutes, transforms them and readjusts almost our entire consciousness towards the quantum theory. How is that possible? It would seem that there is no link between the quantum thinking and drastic transformation of values in the modern era. Emerged as a peculiar revolution in physics, quantum idea not only signified a new scientific paradigm, but also produced a fundamental effect upon the value system of the current time, as well as future generations. It presented a complicated, nonlinear, uncertain and unstable world, which simultaneously exists in several states. Quantum paradigm broke the traditional perceptions about the Universe, reality, human nature, human as a unique creature, life and death, traditions and innovations, as well as sanctities that determine people’s behavior. Special attention is given to the principles of axiological interpretation. The author is first in the Russian literature to analyze the problem of values as it is posed within the quantum paradigm; he also notes the elimination of sacredness in explanation of human, human nature, sociality, and culture. The author suggest a thought that humanity again faces the “experience of reassessment of values”.   
Gurevich P.S. - Nietzsche about the lust for power


Abstract: This article is dedicated to analysis of the phenomenon of power and lust for power in F. Nietzsche philosophical heritage. The German thinker spoke from the perspective of the philosophy of life. He believed that the excessive dedication to rationality has hurt the European humanity. Representative of this direction attempted to understand life from itself. They advocated on the side of feelings and instinct. Nietzsche wanted to make his book “Will to Power” a programmatic work. But he left just a number of notes and aphorisms, which formed in the course of preparation of the book to completion. However, the combination of sparse notes reveals an explicit cognition of such complicated phenomenon as power. All of the existing human knowledge as a whole is the determination of will to power. The article is firs within the Russian philosophical literature to make an attempt of interpretation of Nietzsche’s views upon power in form of a specific field of his heritage. Nietzsche claimed that will to power can be examines as human basic instinct, but at the same time was looking for opportunity to explain the lust for power as a need, feeling, and passion. In philosopher’s interpretation of passion, we can notice strive for differentiation of this phenomenon from instinct. Interpretation of the tyranny of spirit particularized, and as a final accord of this reasoning about power, Nietzsche names it a demon. It is the universal passion that used by the politicians for consolidation of despotism. The article presents a distinct phenomenology of power.  
Keywords: Punishment , Subordination, Domination, Tyranny of spirit, Demonism, Feeling, Passion, Lust for power, Instinct, Power
Gurevich P.S. - Value in the quantum prospect pp. 11-15


Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation of value ideas under the influence of the quantum paradigm. What do we mean under the quantum paradigm? It is not only the newest concept in physics, and not even the modern scientific image of the world. Quantum consciousness represents a grandiose experiment of the transformation of the social and individual reality based on the patterns of behavior of elementary particles. Probably for the first time in history, physics invades the world of value absolutes, transforms them and readjusts almost our entire consciousness towards the quantum theory. How is that possible? It would seem that there is no link between the quantum thinking and drastic transformation of values in the modern era. Emerged as a peculiar revolution in physics, quantum idea not only signified a new scientific paradigm, but also produced a fundamental effect upon the value system of the current time, as well as future generations. It presented a complicated, nonlinear, uncertain and unstable world, which simultaneously exists in several states. Quantum paradigm broke the traditional perceptions about the Universe, reality, human nature, human as a unique creature, life and death, traditions and innovations, as well as sanctities that determine people’s behavior. Special attention is given to the principles of axiological interpretation. The author is first in the Russian literature to analyze the problem of values as it is posed within the quantum paradigm; he also notes the elimination of sacredness in explanation of human, human nature, sociality, and culture. The author suggest a thought that humanity again faces the “experience of reassessment of values”.   
Keywords: Value, Quantum paradigm, Reconstruction, Reality, Human nature, Axiology, Information, Phantasm, Sociality, Meaning
Gurevich P.S. - Nietzsche about the lust for power pp. 11-14


Abstract: This article is dedicated to analysis of the phenomenon of power and lust for power in F. Nietzsche philosophical heritage. The German thinker spoke from the perspective of the philosophy of life. He believed that the excessive dedication to rationality has hurt the European humanity. Representative of this direction attempted to understand life from itself. They advocated on the side of feelings and instinct. Nietzsche wanted to make his book “Will to Power” a programmatic work. But he left just a number of notes and aphorisms, which formed in the course of preparation of the book to completion. However, the combination of sparse notes reveals an explicit cognition of such complicated phenomenon as power. All of the existing human knowledge as a whole is the determination of will to power. The article is firs within the Russian philosophical literature to make an attempt of interpretation of Nietzsche’s views upon power in form of a specific field of his heritage. Nietzsche claimed that will to power can be examines as human basic instinct, but at the same time was looking for opportunity to explain the lust for power as a need, feeling, and passion. In philosopher’s interpretation of passion, we can notice strive for differentiation of this phenomenon from instinct. Interpretation of the tyranny of spirit particularized, and as a final accord of this reasoning about power, Nietzsche names it a demon. It is the universal passion that used by the politicians for consolidation of despotism. The article presents a distinct phenomenology of power.  
Keywords: Punishment, Subordination, Domination, Tyranny of spirit, Demonism, Feeling, Passion, Lust for power, Instinct, Power
Gurevich P.S., Smirnov A.V. - Philosophy in the battle for survival (interview of the editor-in-chief of the journal, Professor P. S. Gurevich with Director of the Institute of Philosophy of RAS, Academician of RAS A. V. Smirnov) pp. 15-22


Abstract: The interview is dedicated to the work of the new director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Academician Andrey Vladimirovich Smirnov. At the present stage, science as a whole and particularly philosophy is undergoing the battle for survival due to decrease in funding. At the same time, scientific department must search the extra-budgetary allocations, and hold the course towards youthification of the staff composition. The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has moved to a different building. It required strong effort of the director and the team to ensure the continual activity of all of the departments, preserve the traditions, and advance in all fields of the institute’s activeness. Answering the questions of the editor-in-chief of the journal “Philosophy and Culture”, A. V. Smirnov gives special attention to the actual achievements of the staff members over the recent year and favorable atmosphere of the Institute. The director of the Institute of Philosophy of RAS for the first time reasons on the specific events that took place throughout the year. However it is not a report, but rather an attempt to analyze the general direction of the activity of the Institute, its leading vector, and strategic plans. The Institute not just preserved the achievements of the previous years of work of this academic facility, but also ensured the breakthrough towards the considerable theoretical achievements that demonstrate the major role of philosophy in social life, as well as reveal the new opportunities of high reputation of the philosophy and philosophical reflection.
Keywords: Human, Science, Cognition, Quintessence of the era, Theoretical dissociations , Culture, Religion, Phenomenology, Consciousness, Philosophy
Gurevich, P. S. - Philosophical Traditions of Understanding Human pp. 141-143


Abstract: Philosophical understanding of human has a long history. The human issue did not appear in philosophy right away but it does not mean that the question about the essence and meaning of human existence has been asked only by modern philosophers. However, the concept and image of human have changed with time. Philosophers viewed human quite differently at different epochs. During Antique times, for instance, human viewed himself as the element of the existing order defining human existence. Eternal and cosmic elements as well as the objective purpose and universal norms stay above the subjective-voluntaristic ephemeral elements.
Keywords: philosophy, microcosm, human, gnostic human, Christianity, cosmos, Antique times, anthropological question, mind.
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S., Shazhinbatyn, A. - Ideologization and Deidologization pp. 155-161


Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about the role of ideology in the historical process. Social philosophers constantly argue whether ideology is of any use at all. On one hand the term ‘ideology’ was created at the Age of Enlightenment. There was a need in a particular theory that would describe the role of ideas, functions of doctrines and prove their unquestioning importance. On the other hand, quite a unique phenomenon called ‘ideological criticism’ was born at the same time. Discovery of ‘false consciousness’ seemed to have rich philosophical traditions but the tendency towards glorification of ideology and analysis of its essential role in human life. In order to compare different approaches to ideology, from denying to glorifying it, the author of the article uses traditions offered by historicism. He also uses the method of phenomenological analysis for analyzing such a complex social phenomenon. The main idea of the article and novelty of the research is that there is no single attitude to ideology. The process of ideologization is replaced with the process of de-ideologization. This is in many ways connected to the social and historical approach. At the meridian of its activity, the government always insists on creating a new ideology and tries to prove its importance and value for the society. In the meantime, new social forces trying to gain the power criticize the previous ideology and try to disclose social myths.
Keywords: ideology, falseconsciousness, ideological criticism, ideologization, re-ideologization, philosophy, world view, history, science, government.
Gurevich P.S. - Specificity of Ñharacters in the System of Spiritual Coordinates of Eduard Spranger


Abstract: The subject of study is classification of characters by the German philosopher and psychologist Eduard Spranger. People have long time ago noticed that the human has many faces. Socrates and Don Quixote, Falstaff and Maria Theresa, Sancho Panza and marquis de Sade, Alexander of Macedon and Harun who “ran faster than a fallow deer”, Marcus Aurelius and Dantes. Philosophers and historians sought similar and different traits in human beings. We see an individual as he conveys himself: as he moves, loves and feels, as his way of life is, as his needs, goals and longings, his ideals are and how he shapes them, what values drive him, what and how he does, realizes, creates. There are many approaches to dividing individuals as carriers of a character or type. The article offers a critical analysis of Spranger’s conception.The author uses methods and principles of philosophical anthropology. He takes into account many attempts at creating classifications of human characters. He analyzes psychological conceptions, too. In particular, the characterology of E.Spranger is compared with the typology of C.G.Jung.The characterology of Spranger becomes a subject of critical analysis for the first type in Russian literature. The author points to the arbitrariness of the principle from which the German philosopher proceeds when he describes various spiritual attitudes underlying some way of life or another. As a rule, one of such attitudes prevails in activities of a particular individual. Singling out fundamental values to which a human being is oriented in his behaviour and which finally predetermine him, Spranger does not take into account that in each of these spheres there can often be found individuals with directly opposite psychic properties and specific traits. In the article his principle is characterized as abstract.
Keywords: forms of life, spiritual sphere, psyche, typology, character, personality, man, behaviour, mind, affects
Gurevich P.S. - Specificity of Ñharacters in the System of Spiritual Coordinates of Eduard Spranger pp. 169-172


Abstract: The subject of study is classification of characters by the German philosopher and psychologist Eduard Spranger. People have long time ago noticed that the human has many faces. Socrates and Don Quixote, Falstaff and Maria Theresa, Sancho Panza and marquis de Sade, Alexander of Macedon and Harun who “ran faster than a fallow deer”, Marcus Aurelius and Dantes. Philosophers and historians sought similar and different traits in human beings. We see an individual as he conveys himself: as he moves, loves and feels, as his way of life is, as his needs, goals and longings, his ideals are and how he shapes them, what values drive him, what and how he does, realizes, creates. There are many approaches to dividing individuals as carriers of a character or type. The article offers a critical analysis of Spranger’s conception.The author uses methods and principles of philosophical anthropology. He takes into account many attempts at creating classifications of human characters. He analyzes psychological conceptions, too. In particular, the characterology of E.Spranger is compared with the typology of C.G.Jung.The characterology of Spranger becomes a subject of critical analysis for the first type in Russian literature. The author points to the arbitrariness of the principle from which the German philosopher proceeds when he describes various spiritual attitudes underlying some way of life or another. As a rule, one of such attitudes prevails in activities of a particular individual. Singling out fundamental values to which a human being is oriented in his behaviour and which finally predetermine him, Spranger does not take into account that in each of these spheres there can often be found individuals with directly opposite psychic properties and specific traits. In the article his principle is characterized as abstract.
Keywords: forms of life, spiritual sphere, psyche, typology, character, personality, man, behaviour, mind, affects
Gurevich P.S. - From Hegel to Marx, from Marx to Baudrillard


Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation of perceptions about labor from Hegel to Baudrillard. The article illustrates that Marxist interpretation of labor was based on the Hegel’s analysis of this phenomenon – that a man finds his essence in labor, which expresses release from nature and return to it. According to Marx, the main characteristic of people is their ability to embodiment (objectification) and realization of themselves in the product of their work; only by the virtue of this act of objectification, individuals find themselves capable of grasping their efforts and acquire self-conscience. Thus, the ability to voluntarily experience your own labor as a process of self-realization, forms a decisive prerequisite for good life. But this prerequisite is being destroyed by the establishment of capitalistic way of production, because wage labor deprives persons of the ability to control their work. Capitalism in such way presents a social form of life that opposes a man to its essence, by depriving him of the hope for a good life. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that the classical interpretation of the works of Hegel and Marx is being compared to the modern and post-modern views upon transformation of the entire social reality. Such outlooks allow looking at our reality from a complete different angle. Particularly, according to the opinion of Baudrillard, labor remains a human need, but in a different sense; it becomes equivalent to leisure.
Gurevich P.S. - From Hegel to Marx, from Marx to Baudrillard pp. 179-182


Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation of perceptions about labor from Hegel to Baudrillard. The article illustrates that Marxist interpretation of labor was based on the Hegel’s analysis of this phenomenon – that a man finds his essence in labor, which expresses release from nature and return to it. According to Marx, the main characteristic of people is their ability to embodiment (objectification) and realization of themselves in the product of their work; only by the virtue of this act of objectification, individuals find themselves capable of grasping their efforts and acquire self-conscience. Thus, the ability to voluntarily experience your own labor as a process of self-realization, forms a decisive prerequisite for good life. But this prerequisite is being destroyed by the establishment of capitalistic way of production, because wage labor deprives persons of the ability to control their work. Capitalism in such way presents a social form of life that opposes a man to its essence, by depriving him of the hope for a good life. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that the classical interpretation of the works of Hegel and Marx is being compared to the modern and post-modern views upon transformation of the entire social reality. Such outlooks allow looking at our reality from a complete different angle. Particularly, according to the opinion of Baudrillard, labor remains a human need, but in a different sense; it becomes equivalent to leisure.
Keywords: trud, chelovek, otchuzhdenie, simulyakr, opredmechivanie, tvorchestvo, simvol, proizvodstvo
Gurevich, P. S. - What is Negative Anthropology? pp. 275-278


Abstract: Today’s philosophical anthropology adopts methods of apothatic theology. Theological traditions connected with gaining insight into God’s purpose through denial of all its attributes and notations became a frequent practice in religious literature. It shows the fatigue from positive theology and appeal to final knowledge not only about God but also about human.
Keywords: philosophy, anthropology, apophatic theology, personality, human, life deserter, nature, superman, history, meaning.
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. - Hegel’s interpretation of labor


Abstract:   This article presents the analysis of the phenomenon of labor in Hegel’s heritage. It is suggested that the apology of labor takes it roots in the works of Hegel. His doctrine represents a culmination of the German classical philosophy in solution of the question on the relation on the active conscience to the external world, in other words in solution of the question about practice. This concept has formed under the influence of the English political economy of Adam Smith on one hand, and the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling on the other. The key towards understanding Hegel’s views upon practice is his interpretation of labor. The crucial moment of his concept of not only theoretical, but practical self-conscience, consists in the development of the conscious side of human activity. Practical attitude of a human towards the world for Hegel – is the key towards understanding the development of society. The author bases on the history of philosophy. Special attention is given to the theory of anthropogenesis. The initial point of Hegel’s concept about the activity of conscience is a living being, which has yet not become a human, but gradually overcomes its natural being and separates from the vital world. According to Hegel, it has a desire to cognize its essence through other beings, and for this purpose it needs to overcome only the natural existence. This rejection is a condition for transformation of a natural being into social. It means that a human attains its essence through labor, which expresses the liberation from nature and return to it as a result of attaining by human of its essence.  
Keywords: Labor, Self-conscience, Social practice, Natural being, Social life, Nature, Human essence, Activity, Slave and master, Human nature
Gurevich, P. S. - Theodor Adorno’s ‘Sad Science’ pp. 315-318


Abstract: The present article is devoted to the philosophy and creative work by Theodor Adorno. In 2011 the book ‘The Jargon of Authenticity’ written by the leading member of the Frankfurt School was published. The book was first published in Germany half a century ago and today the author of the present article tries to reveal the nature of Theodor Adorno’s ‘sad science’. The book presents a philosophical tradition named the ‘critical theory of ideology’. Adorno shows that ideology exists in particular forms that are called by intelligentsia and others by common jargon terms. These terms are used in teaching and at people’s universities and youth unions. Ideological jargon is standardized. However, it is also the language that seems to be ‘not for everyone’. People tend to be attracted to the feeling of belonging to these or those intellectual traditions rather than to the meaning of terms. In his research article the author uses different methods. First of all, he uses the historical method that allows him to describe the creative work by Theodor Adorno as a complete phenomenon. At the same time, the author also uses the phenomenological method that allows him to reveal the deep philosophical core of Adorno’s works. Hermeneutic method also allows to analyze the above mentioned form of ideology that reveals itself in hidden forms. The novelty of the article is the description of Adorno’s works as the ‘sad science’. Criticism of established forms of social communication implies the proof that these forms of social communication are void. The author of the article shows that jargon has a rather dynamic nature and reflects a rather negative spirit of those times as just serving certain social purposes.
Keywords: philosophy, social studies, esthetics, culture, Adorno, dialectics, ideology, power, jargon, embodiment.
Gurevich P.S. - Hegel’s interpretation of labor pp. 315-319


Abstract:   This article presents the analysis of the phenomenon of labor in Hegel’s heritage. It is suggested that the apology of labor takes it roots in the works of Hegel. His doctrine represents a culmination of the German classical philosophy in solution of the question on the relation on the active conscience to the external world, in other words in solution of the question about practice. This concept has formed under the influence of the English political economy of Adam Smith on one hand, and the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling on the other. The key towards understanding Hegel’s views upon practice is his interpretation of labor. The crucial moment of his concept of not only theoretical, but practical self-conscience, consists in the development of the conscious side of human activity. Practical attitude of a human towards the world for Hegel – is the key towards understanding the development of society. The author bases on the history of philosophy. Special attention is given to the theory of anthropogenesis. The initial point of Hegel’s concept about the activity of conscience is a living being, which has yet not become a human, but gradually overcomes its natural being and separates from the vital world. According to Hegel, it has a desire to cognize its essence through other beings, and for this purpose it needs to overcome only the natural existence. This rejection is a condition for transformation of a natural being into social. It means that a human attains its essence through labor, which expresses the liberation from nature and return to it as a result of attaining by human of its essence.  
Keywords: Labor, Self-conscience, Social practice, Natural being, Social life, Nature, Human essence, Activity, Slave and master, Human nature
Gurevich P.S. - Specificity of Ñharacters in the System of Spiritual Ñoordinates of Eduard Spranger (continuation)


Abstract: Constructing man is a paranoid desire of out time. It appears that a human being can be modelled. Like in a song, «I made you from what there was». But post-modernists do not remove from the agenda the problem of human wholeness. The main point is different: if man is not «disintegrated», the collected image of man will display its well-known conventionality, stereotyped nature. And this is no good. Human fragments should acquire some plasticity, readiness for unexpected combinations. A character that for many centuries was described as individuality makes way for a «dividual», an autonomous fragmentary entity. In this article, the author continues critical analysis of human typology developed by E.Spranger as an expression of some human value or another. The German scholar believed that transformation of education would discover this potential. But the value orientation that engenders this character has proven to be more essential.The author uses methods and principles of philosophical anthropology. He takes into account many attempts at creating classifications of human characters. He analyzes psychological conceptions, too. In particular, the characterology of E. Spranger is compared with the typology of social characters offered by E. Fromm.Spranger’s characterology becomes a subject of critical analysis for the first type in Russian literature. The author points to the arbitrariness of the principle from which the German philosopher proceeds when he describes various spiritual attitudes underlying some way of life or another. As a rule, one of such attitudes prevails in activities of a particular individual. Singling out fundamental values, to which a human being is oriented in his behaviour and which finally predetermine him, Spranger does not take into account that in each of these spheres there can often be found individuals with directly opposite psychic properties and specific traits. In the article, his principle is characterized as abstract. The article shows that analysis of market orientation by E. Fromm gives a more detailed understanding of the economic man.
Keywords: personality, culture, calculation, exchange of goods, utility, labour, market orientation, economic man, spirituality, depersonalization
Gurevich P.S. - Specificity of Ñharacters in the System of Spiritual Ñoordinates of Eduard Spranger (continuation) pp. 337-341


Abstract: Constructing man is a paranoid desire of out time. It appears that a human being can be modelled. Like in a song, «I made you from what there was». But post-modernists do not remove from the agenda the problem of human wholeness. The main point is different: if man is not «disintegrated», the collected image of man will display its well-known conventionality, stereotyped nature. And this is no good. Human fragments should acquire some plasticity, readiness for unexpected combinations. A character that for many centuries was described as individuality makes way for a «dividual», an autonomous fragmentary entity. In this article, the author continues critical analysis of human typology developed by E.Spranger as an expression of some human value or another. The German scholar believed that transformation of education would discover this potential. But the value orientation that engenders this character has proven to be more essential.The author uses methods and principles of philosophical anthropology. He takes into account many attempts at creating classifications of human characters. He analyzes psychological conceptions, too. In particular, the characterology of E. Spranger is compared with the typology of social characters offered by E. Fromm.Spranger’s characterology becomes a subject of critical analysis for the first type in Russian literature. The author points to the arbitrariness of the principle from which the German philosopher proceeds when he describes various spiritual attitudes underlying some way of life or another. As a rule, one of such attitudes prevails in activities of a particular individual. Singling out fundamental values, to which a human being is oriented in his behaviour and which finally predetermine him, Spranger does not take into account that in each of these spheres there can often be found individuals with directly opposite psychic properties and specific traits. In the article, his principle is characterized as abstract. The article shows that analysis of market orientation by E. Fromm gives a more detailed understanding of the economic man.
Keywords: personality, culture, calculation, exchange of goods, utility, labour, market orientation, economic man, spirituality, depersonalization
Gurevich, P. S. - Transformation of Text into Ideology pp. 423-428


Abstract: Texts often take shape of ideology. This is why it would be right to raise a question about whether ideology can be a scientific concept. According to Paul Ricoeur, the term ‘ideology’ has a wrong interpretation. This causes a number of wrong beliefs. Only precise semantic framework established as a result of ‘accurate description’ can sole such wrong beliefs. Paul Ricoeur refers this methodological approach to phenomenology (or so called semantic phenomenology).
Keywords: philosophy, phenomenology, discourse, text, wrong belief, methodology, cogitation, social critics, Paul Ricoeur, semantics.
Gurevich P.S. - The 100th issue of the journal


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of the general scientific policy of the journal “Philosophy and Culture” as this is the 100th issue of this journal. The author examines the development of the journal from its very first issues until present, marking the main milestones in its path. Over the years, the publication that is being issued under the authority of Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of sciences became a platform for the philosophical discourse for the scholars from various regions of the country – from Astrakhan to Odessa, from Belgorod to Vladivostok. The council of editors consists from the prominent Russian and foreign researchers. The journal was able to establish the permanent connections with a number of higher education facilities throughout the country – in Barnaul, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, and others. The author uses the methods of historical-philosophical research, as well as the abilities of hermeneutic analysis of philosophical texts presented in the articles of the journal. This work is first to examine the difficulties of the philosophical periodicals in Russia. The author underlines the hardships faced by the historical-philosophical process in our country. The attempts to “limit” philosophy have been noticed yet in the Imperial Russia. There have been tragic pages in the history of Russian philosophy after the Bolshevist Revolution. Over the recent years, the officials “pressed” philosophy in the educational system, as well as narrowed down the minimum requirements for the Candidate degree. Special attention in this article is given to the substantiation of the main directions of the journal during these years, as well as the future prospects of its existence.
Keywords: Social crises, Methodology, I, Consciousness, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Social processes, History, Culture, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. - The 100th issue of the journal pp. 473-476


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of the general scientific policy of the journal “Philosophy and Culture” as this is the 100th issue of this journal. The author examines the development of the journal from its very first issues until present, marking the main milestones in its path. Over the years, the publication that is being issued under the authority of Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of sciences became a platform for the philosophical discourse for the scholars from various regions of the country – from Astrakhan to Odessa, from Belgorod to Vladivostok. The council of editors consists from the prominent Russian and foreign researchers. The journal was able to establish the permanent connections with a number of higher education facilities throughout the country – in Barnaul, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, and others. The author uses the methods of historical-philosophical research, as well as the abilities of hermeneutic analysis of philosophical texts presented in the articles of the journal. This work is first to examine the difficulties of the philosophical periodicals in Russia. The author underlines the hardships faced by the historical-philosophical process in our country. The attempts to “limit” philosophy have been noticed yet in the Imperial Russia. There have been tragic pages in the history of Russian philosophy after the Bolshevist Revolution. Over the recent years, the officials “pressed” philosophy in the educational system, as well as narrowed down the minimum requirements for the Candidate degree. Special attention in this article is given to the substantiation of the main directions of the journal during these years, as well as the future prospects of its existence.
Keywords: Social crises, Methodology, I, Consciousness, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Social processes, History, Culture, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Unlearned History Lessons pp. 489-493


Abstract: The subject under review is the philosophy of history. This is the branch of philosophy that studies the historical process, the meaning and goals of history, the breakdown and sequence of the main historical eras and the relation between nature and history, freedom and necessity in the historical dynamics and the end of the historical process or, on the contrary, the endless future of the historical process. These general targets are achieved through solving more particular issues and answering more concrete questions such as: why do people keep memories about the historical process? Why would it be so dangerous to forget our history? What are the special features of the profound historical thinking? Is there a logic pattern in the development of history? What does the saying ‘History always gives a choice’ mean? What is the difference between the traditional society and modern society? Why are social revolutions so dangerous? What is the ‘Russian Idea’? Is the historical development linear or cyclic? What is the information society? Is there any progress in history or is the history and the world just coming to the global catastrophe? These historical questions and issues need more research and analysis. In his research the author of the article mostly bases himself on the historical method that allows to describe the logic of the historical process. The author also criticizes the positivistic approach to the description of the historical process. The scientific importance and novelty of the research is that the author tries to throw light on the main issues of modern philosophy of history. Obviously, these issues cannot be solved without considering a number of gnoseological and logical methodological issues. In particular, the French school ‘The Annals’ was founded based on the idea of social constructivism. According to the author of the article, the historical evidence as itself needs further research and interpretation.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophy of history, power, history lessons, the meaning of history, power mania, freedom, tyranny, war, poetics of everyday life.
Gurevich P.S. - The Link Between Human and His World


Abstract: The problems of the philosophical understanding of human have always been the priority in Paul Ricoeur's researches. In the present article Gurevich tries to describe the logic of the philosophical and anthropological views of that French researcher. Special attenion is paid to the problem of human subjectivity. Paul Ricoeur developed a whole framework of concepts to describe the connection between human and his inner world. Ricoeur's philosophy is related to Husserl's phenomenology, especially that of the period of Lebenswelt. Ricoeur's philosophy was also influenced by Heidegger's existentialism, Freud's psychoanalysis and Jean Nabor's 'reflective' philosophy. Paul Ricoeur noted that he tried to avoid following monistic or dualistic ontology but to focus on the semantics of the discourse between representatives of neurosciences and philosophers who declared themselves to be inheritants of the French reflective philosophy (from Maine de Biran and Ravaisson to Jean Nabor) and at the same time phenomenology (from Husserl to Sartre and Merleau-Ponty) and hermeneutics (from Schleiermacher to Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer). In his article Gurevich focuses on the anthropological theme in Paul Ricoeur's phenomenology. The French philosopher managed to find that very element in Husserl's philosophy that brought together phenomenology and existentialism. That allowed Ricoeur to reconstruct phenomenological concepts. In particular, Husserl interpreted the external aim (intention) as a cognitive act. That could be compared to the phenomenological way of thinking. However, Ricoeur believed intention to be an act of will which allowed him to bring together the elements of philosophical and anthropological ways of thinking and interpret a number of categories and concepts in philosophical anthropology. 
Keywords: situation in life, being, existence, philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, intention, culture, human, passion
Gurevich P.S. - The Link Between Human and His World pp. 491-495


Abstract: The problems of the philosophical understanding of human have always been the priority in Paul Ricoeur's researches. In the present article Gurevich tries to describe the logic of the philosophical and anthropological views of that French researcher. Special attenion is paid to the problem of human subjectivity. Paul Ricoeur developed a whole framework of concepts to describe the connection between human and his inner world. Ricoeur's philosophy is related to Husserl's phenomenology, especially that of the period of Lebenswelt. Ricoeur's philosophy was also influenced by Heidegger's existentialism, Freud's psychoanalysis and Jean Nabor's 'reflective' philosophy. Paul Ricoeur noted that he tried to avoid following monistic or dualistic ontology but to focus on the semantics of the discourse between representatives of neurosciences and philosophers who declared themselves to be inheritants of the French reflective philosophy (from Maine de Biran and Ravaisson to Jean Nabor) and at the same time phenomenology (from Husserl to Sartre and Merleau-Ponty) and hermeneutics (from Schleiermacher to Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer). In his article Gurevich focuses on the anthropological theme in Paul Ricoeur's phenomenology. The French philosopher managed to find that very element in Husserl's philosophy that brought together phenomenology and existentialism. That allowed Ricoeur to reconstruct phenomenological concepts. In particular, Husserl interpreted the external aim (intention) as a cognitive act. That could be compared to the phenomenological way of thinking. However, Ricoeur believed intention to be an act of will which allowed him to bring together the elements of philosophical and anthropological ways of thinking and interpret a number of categories and concepts in philosophical anthropology. 
Keywords: situation in life, being, existence, philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, intention, culture, human, passion
Gurevich, P. S. - Absurd but Beautiful pp. 579-582


Abstract: French author and philosopher Ablert Camus is often called the ‘artist of absurdity’. Albert Camus wrote that the feeling of absurdity awaits us at every corner. This feeling cannot be clearly defined but it is real. Mid XX century faced a new question about the meaning of beauty. Indeed, the Second World War caused enormous deaths and destructions and made us think about the fortune and purpose of art. There was even a thought that it would be impossible to come back to the usual beauty concepts after the horror of detention camps.
Keywords: philosophy, absurd, beautiful, beauty, Surrealism, fantasy, inspiration, creativity, automatic writing, author.
Gurevich P.S. - Freud endless and shimmering


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Sigmund Freud. On May 6, 1856 the world welcome one of the most renowned and successful researchers of human psychics Sigmund Freud. His name was firmly written into psychology, philosophy, and medicine. Paradoxicality of this consists in the fact that this person was not a physician in natural sense although he received medical education. Moreover, he was not a philosopher, and according to the word of Carl Jung, he did not possess a necessary philosophical competence, and had a rather skeptical attitude towards this area of knowledge. But at the same time, Freud became a founder of an independent philosophical direction – psychoanalysis. None of the philosophical direction of the previous century has passed by this name. Many philosophers rejected his ideas, but most often they continued to expand his discoveries. Freud was not a psychologist, but his name is associated with a radical reformation within the humanitarian knowledge – emergence of one of the five directions of the world psychology. As a clinical psychologist, he introduced into the world practice the principles of healing, which gained universal recognition. The author bases on the principle of historicism, attempting to evaluate Freud’s contribution into the humanitarian cognition, according to the impact of his doctrine upon the modern science and culture. The article attempts to demonstrate the importance of Freud’s heritage for many areas of modern science, as well as to reveal the greatness and limitation of his doctrine, considering the discoveries that gained recognition in the late XX – early XXI century. Quite often we can hear that Freud’s doctrine has outlived itself. In this regard, we should note the approach of J. Lacan, who was trying to preserve the psychoanalytical tradition which was under a threat in the middle of XX century. The author focuses his attention on the main achievements of Freud’s concept/
Keywords: Psychology of the masses, Dreams, Illusion, Personality, Psychosexual development, Psychics, Culture, Unconscious, Psychology, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. - Freud endless and shimmering pp. 625-628


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Sigmund Freud. On May 6, 1856 the world welcome one of the most renowned and successful researchers of human psychics Sigmund Freud. His name was firmly written into psychology, philosophy, and medicine. Paradoxicality of this consists in the fact that this person was not a physician in natural sense although he received medical education. Moreover, he was not a philosopher, and according to the word of Carl Jung, he did not possess a necessary philosophical competence, and had a rather skeptical attitude towards this area of knowledge. But at the same time, Freud became a founder of an independent philosophical direction – psychoanalysis. None of the philosophical direction of the previous century has passed by this name. Many philosophers rejected his ideas, but most often they continued to expand his discoveries. Freud was not a psychologist, but his name is associated with a radical reformation within the humanitarian knowledge – emergence of one of the five directions of the world psychology. As a clinical psychologist, he introduced into the world practice the principles of healing, which gained universal recognition. The author bases on the principle of historicism, attempting to evaluate Freud’s contribution into the humanitarian cognition, according to the impact of his doctrine upon the modern science and culture. The article attempts to demonstrate the importance of Freud’s heritage for many areas of modern science, as well as to reveal the greatness and limitation of his doctrine, considering the discoveries that gained recognition in the late XX – early XXI century. Quite often we can hear that Freud’s doctrine has outlived itself. In this regard, we should note the approach of J. Lacan, who was trying to preserve the psychoanalytical tradition which was under a threat in the middle of XX century. The author focuses his attention on the main achievements of Freud’s concept/
Keywords: Psychology of the masses, Dreams, Illusion, Personality, Psychosexual development, Psychics, Culture, Unconscious, Psychology, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. - Symbol as the Code of the Mankind


Abstract: Language experts are now discussing whether it is possible to invent a universal language for all nations. Many of them believe that one of the today's widely spoken languages like English or other language could become such a mean of universal communication. There have been attempts to create a universal 'artificial' language but none of these has been a success. Meanwhile, scientists are growing more and more confident that the language of symbols would be just right for the universal communication. It is already the code and set of passwords for politicians, people of art, advertising and business representatives. In this article Gurevich discusses the opportunity of creating the symbolic code that would be clear and understandable for all the humans. Gurevich analyzes the achievements of contemporary philosophy of culture. The author also bases his article on aesthetic researches and introduces the theory of communication for the purposes of the analysis. For the first time in social philosophy the author raises the question about creating a unified code of symbols for the universal communication in the process of global reconstruction of the world. In fact, such a language is already being created. Enormous numbers of people have entered the visionary worlds where symbol reigns. However, symbols do not have the features of national culture such as writing and alphabet. Taking this into account, it is necessary to admit that creation of a universal symbolic code is the topic that requires intense philosophical analysis. 
Keywords: symbol, language, global studies, writing, civilizational differences, culture, mentality, multimedia, politics, communication
Gurevich P.S. - Symbol as the Code of the Mankind pp. 643-646


Abstract: Language experts are now discussing whether it is possible to invent a universal language for all nations. Many of them believe that one of the today's widely spoken languages like English or other language could become such a mean of universal communication. There have been attempts to create a universal 'artificial' language but none of these has been a success. Meanwhile, scientists are growing more and more confident that the language of symbols would be just right for the universal communication. It is already the code and set of passwords for politicians, people of art, advertising and business representatives. In this article Gurevich discusses the opportunity of creating the symbolic code that would be clear and understandable for all the humans. Gurevich analyzes the achievements of contemporary philosophy of culture. The author also bases his article on aesthetic researches and introduces the theory of communication for the purposes of the analysis. For the first time in social philosophy the author raises the question about creating a unified code of symbols for the universal communication in the process of global reconstruction of the world. In fact, such a language is already being created. Enormous numbers of people have entered the visionary worlds where symbol reigns. However, symbols do not have the features of national culture such as writing and alphabet. Taking this into account, it is necessary to admit that creation of a universal symbolic code is the topic that requires intense philosophical analysis. 
Keywords: symbol, language, global studies, writing, civilizational differences, culture, mentality, multimedia, politics, communication
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Stupidity as the Sister of Absurdity pp. 645-650


Abstract: The author views stupidity as a social phenomenon. He analyzes gnoseological, social and psychological sources of this phenomenon. He also underlines that stupidity is difficult to be recognized because stupidity accompanies the mind and the mind always finds an excuse for stupidity using rather unexpected arguments. Meanwhile stupidity has many faces and is quite dangerous. The author of the article provides an insight into how stupidity has been viewed in the cultural history and analyzes Erasmus Roterodamus’ work The Praise of Folly and Kant’s thoughts regarding this phenomenon. In his research the author uses historical and phenomenological methods of viewing the problem. He also carries out the comparative analysis of interpretations of stupidity at different epochs and discusses the relation between these interpretations and events in modern life. The novelty of the present approach is in the fact that the relation between stupidity and absurdity is being discussed for the first time in philosophical and psychological literature and that the author draws our attention to the existential interpretation of social and cultural absurdities. The author offers a classification of different variants of stupidity and nonsense: historical (exemplary) stupidity, foreign (stereotypical) stupidity, ordinary (unlimited) stupidity, mystical (exclusive) stupidity, national (authentic) stupidity.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, absurdity, stupidity, reason, history, rationalism, mind, polysexuality, intellect.
Gurevich, P. S. - Fyodor Stepun about the Status of Philosophy of Culture pp. 733-735


Abstract: Philosophy of culture deals with a huge number of facts. These facts are described in cultural anthropology, sociology of culture, theology of culture, ethnology, cultural philosophy and history of culture. However, contradictory empirical facts do not always clarify metaphysical problems. Progression from one cultural epoch to another significantly transforms the cultural panorama. This creates a need in a theory which would describe the cultural process as something whole, variants of socio-dynamic models, archetypical situations and patterns of repetition and transformation of constant element of culture. Philosophy helps to understand diverse human experience and how it is possible to turn human to cultural cosmos. Philosophy of culture tries to go deep into the most unexpected and constantly renewed paradoxes of human existence while a cultural philosopher is meant to define general standards for evaluating existing cultural states. The question about the status of philosophy of culture was also discussed by a famous Russian philosopher Fyodor Stepun.
Keywords: philosophy, philosophy of culture, truth, philosophy of life, romanticism, human, soul, knowledge, East, Stepun.
Gurevich P.S. - New human ontology


Abstract: Is there a possibility for a new human ontology? Is it necessary to go back to the basic elements and meanings pertaining to human ontology? How relevant is the question raised by Max Scheler that in all abundance of our knowledge about the world, the least is about ourselves, thus there is a need for development of a new anthropology, a new doctrine on human being? Or there is no such situation or necessity in the new anthropology? This article contains the answers to these questions. The author compares the classical and non-classical versions of philosophical anthropology, and dwells on the historical fate of philosophical anthropology. The article suggests a thought that among other philosophical disciplines, in essence, only the philosophical anthropology has lost its subject – a human. It resulted in a paradoxical situation – this block of knowledge split into multiple “anthropologies”. The author proposes to develop a new anthropological ontology through apprehending the scattered knowledge on human being. The interpretation of the key notions of human, consciousness, and identity is being compared within the classical and non-classical anthropology.
Keywords: Philosophy of life, Quantum paradigm, Subjectivity, Identity, Consciousness, Reason, Human nature, Human, Human ontology, Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich P.S. - New human ontology pp. 781-784


Abstract: Is there a possibility for a new human ontology? Is it necessary to go back to the basic elements and meanings pertaining to human ontology? How relevant is the question raised by Max Scheler that in all abundance of our knowledge about the world, the least is about ourselves, thus there is a need for development of a new anthropology, a new doctrine on human being? Or there is no such situation or necessity in the new anthropology? This article contains the answers to these questions. The author compares the classical and non-classical versions of philosophical anthropology, and dwells on the historical fate of philosophical anthropology. The article suggests a thought that among other philosophical disciplines, in essence, only the philosophical anthropology has lost its subject – a human. It resulted in a paradoxical situation – this block of knowledge split into multiple “anthropologies”. The author proposes to develop a new anthropological ontology through apprehending the scattered knowledge on human being. The interpretation of the key notions of human, consciousness, and identity is being compared within the classical and non-classical anthropology.
Keywords: Philosophy of life, Quantum paradigm, Subjectivity, Identity, Consciousness, Reason, Human nature, Human, Human ontology, Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - The Influence of Nikolay Berdyaev on European Philosophy pp. 787-792


Abstract: Nikolay Berdyaev’ anniversary (140th anniversary of his birth) is a good reason to dispute against a number of opinions of Russian philosophers regarding evaluation of Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophical heritage. In their speeches and scientific articles philosophers often note that Nikolay Berdyaev’s ideas are not integral and his publications contain many contradictory statements proving that Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophical thought is rather contradictory and imperfect. Researchers also write that Berdyaev’s philosophy lacks originality and novelty and his only work that is worthy of attention is his ‘Philosophy of Inequality’ even despite the fact that the philosopher supposedly refused from his own work because it was too ‘anti-democratic’. Finally, researcherscomment that if Nikolay Berdyaev happened to be in the West, he would be regarded as the follower of the European existential tradition and wouldn’t even make a great contribution to it. In his article Pavel Gurevich uses the main concepts of existential philosophy and the global experience of philosophical understanding of human. The author of the article also uses discoveries of the personalistic philosophy as well as practical findings of the phenomenological reflection. The article presents the first attempt to provide an explicit description of the influence of Nikolay Berdyaev on the European philosophy. It is the author’s opinion that Berdyaev’s dialectics allowed him to enter the European philosophy not as an epigone but a great philosopher. The author also in detail views unexpected and original thoughts of Nikolay Berdyaev that made a great contribution to philosophy and anthropology.
Keywords: philosophical anthropology, existentialism, personalism, personality, being, spirituality, non-being, transcendence, society, human.
Gurevich P.S. - Human. Who is He?


Abstract: The subject of the research is the human identity in the situation of changing views on human nature. In the vocabulary of philosophical anthropology the terms 'human nature' and 'identity' have been reviewed and changed most of all over the past decades. Not too long ago 'human nature' was understood as a set of stable and permanent features, general dispositions and characteristics that express peculiarities of human as a living creature and that attribute to Homo sapiens at all times disregarding biological evolution and historical process. Today there are many debates on who a living creature is and what distinguishes a living creature from a cyborg. Moreover, the term 'human nature' loses its universal and abstract meaning. When a certain part of human population starts to become 'post-humans', general characteristics of human should become unstable, too. This raises a question about what part of humanity can be described through human nature. However, even more difficulties appeared when the term 'identity' was interpreted. In his article Gurevich has used the methodology of philosophical anthropology. Today's philosophical anthropology is not only a branch of philosophy or a certain philosophical discipline but a special way of thinking that can't be explained by the means of formal or dialectic logic. The initial point of anthopological philosophy has always been human in a concrete historical, social, existential or psychological situation. In his article Gurevich shows that modern transhumanism does not view human as an animal any more but at the same time human is not viewed as a social creature either. All the previous philosophical concepts of human are not 'legal' any more. We witness human stop being an animal. Transhumanists are not satisfied with the biological form of life any more. They prove that anthropomorphism is just one of the variants of intelligent life, thus other variants of intelligent life are also possible. However, human is not a social creature any more either. Quantum thinking creates new forms of coexistence and allows to distinguish an intelligent being from the social world. However, this is not the whole story. A new intelligent being becomes a Messiah who is intended to put the Universe in order and to achieve his destination which will allow to win the competition with other nonearthly creatures. All the previous definitions of identity become demolished. 
Keywords: philosophy, mind, human nature, identity, life, post-human, being, existence, quantum thinking, sociality, spirit
Gurevich P.S. - Human. Who is He? pp. 797-801


Abstract: The subject of the research is the human identity in the situation of changing views on human nature. In the vocabulary of philosophical anthropology the terms 'human nature' and 'identity' have been reviewed and changed most of all over the past decades. Not too long ago 'human nature' was understood as a set of stable and permanent features, general dispositions and characteristics that express peculiarities of human as a living creature and that attribute to Homo sapiens at all times disregarding biological evolution and historical process. Today there are many debates on who a living creature is and what distinguishes a living creature from a cyborg. Moreover, the term 'human nature' loses its universal and abstract meaning. When a certain part of human population starts to become 'post-humans', general characteristics of human should become unstable, too. This raises a question about what part of humanity can be described through human nature. However, even more difficulties appeared when the term 'identity' was interpreted. In his article Gurevich has used the methodology of philosophical anthropology. Today's philosophical anthropology is not only a branch of philosophy or a certain philosophical discipline but a special way of thinking that can't be explained by the means of formal or dialectic logic. The initial point of anthopological philosophy has always been human in a concrete historical, social, existential or psychological situation. In his article Gurevich shows that modern transhumanism does not view human as an animal any more but at the same time human is not viewed as a social creature either. All the previous philosophical concepts of human are not 'legal' any more. We witness human stop being an animal. Transhumanists are not satisfied with the biological form of life any more. They prove that anthropomorphism is just one of the variants of intelligent life, thus other variants of intelligent life are also possible. However, human is not a social creature any more either. Quantum thinking creates new forms of coexistence and allows to distinguish an intelligent being from the social world. However, this is not the whole story. A new intelligent being becomes a Messiah who is intended to put the Universe in order and to achieve his destination which will allow to win the competition with other nonearthly creatures. All the previous definitions of identity become demolished. 
Keywords: philosophy, mind, human nature, identity, life, post-human, being, existence, quantum thinking, sociality, spirit
Gurevich, P. S. - Reform VS Revolution pp. 883-888


Abstract: At the end of XIX century Japan was about to jump from feudalism into a modern world. How would it be possible to perform such transformation in history? Experience of Europe mostly showed that it would be impossible without a social revolution. As many social philosophers assumed, only a social revolution could enable a fast shift from one socio-economic system to another. Of course social reformation was also taken into account, but it was believed that only social revolution would break the ties of traditions. From the political point of view, all revolutions need a destruction or neutralization of inner enemies as well as forces incompatible with their historical orientation. A revolution would never be over unless that target was achieved. At the end of the century Japan dreamt of coming back to the Emperor’s reign. As a famous American researcher R. Benedict noted, Japanese tried to protect Japan from the influence of the other world and come back to the golden epoch of X century when the government was not ‘shared’ by the Emperor and Shogun. R. Benedict meant Meiji Restoration’s reforms (1867-1868) — so called bourgeois revolution in Japan when the institution of ‘shared government’ was eliminated and the Emperor’s power was restored. However, many Japanese did not like such outcome.
Keywords: philosophy, reform, revolution, history, society, evolutionism, social studies, politics, management, economics.
Gurevich P.S. - Abundance of the weighty thoughts (Critical commentary to Professor E. Y. Solovyev’s essay “Philosophy as Criticism of Ideologies” at the first session of the seminar of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, June 7 of 2016)


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the role of philosophy as an opposing instance with regards to ideology. This topic has a long history behind it, during the course of which the various outlooks upon this issue have been establishing. The discourse “criticism of ideologies”, having become relevant during the Enlightenment era, reflected the most popular commentary on this subject. The theory of interest, according to which reasoning of a person is defined by its instinctive or conscious interests, was developing within the theory of intentional deception. Over two centuries have passed since that time. A powerful intellectual movement aimed at criticism of ideology, irrevocably assigned to it a status of “false consciousness”.  Basing himself on the fundamental ideas of Solovyev, who presented an extensive program for debunking the ideology at a methodological seminar in the Institute of Philosophy, the author attempts to expand the frameworks of discussion on this topic.  For the first time in Russian philosophy, the author suggests a thought that the “criticism of ideology” as a certain research paradigm aimed at its exposure, outlived itself. A purely cognitive rejection of this phenomenon is not being accompanied by the versatile examination of the social phenomenon itself – ideology. As a result, the perception of ideology as an illusion became just the first level of thoughts on the matter.
Keywords: Openness of history, Truth, Deception, Cynicism, Skepticism, Historicism, Social myth, Ideology, Philosophy, Power
Gurevich P.S. - Abundance of the weighty thoughts (Critical commentary to Professor E. Y. Solovyev’s essay “Philosophy as Criticism of Ideologies” at the first session of the seminar of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, June 7 of 2016) pp. 929-934


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the role of philosophy as an opposing instance with regards to ideology. This topic has a long history behind it, during the course of which the various outlooks upon this issue have been establishing. The discourse “criticism of ideologies”, having become relevant during the Enlightenment era, reflected the most popular commentary on this subject. The theory of interest, according to which reasoning of a person is defined by its instinctive or conscious interests, was developing within the theory of intentional deception. Over two centuries have passed since that time. A powerful intellectual movement aimed at criticism of ideology, irrevocably assigned to it a status of “false consciousness”.  Basing himself on the fundamental ideas of Solovyev, who presented an extensive program for debunking the ideology at a methodological seminar in the Institute of Philosophy, the author attempts to expand the frameworks of discussion on this topic.  For the first time in Russian philosophy, the author suggests a thought that the “criticism of ideology” as a certain research paradigm aimed at its exposure, outlived itself. A purely cognitive rejection of this phenomenon is not being accompanied by the versatile examination of the social phenomenon itself – ideology. As a result, the perception of ideology as an illusion became just the first level of thoughts on the matter.
Keywords: Openness of history, Truth, Deception, Cynicism, Skepticism, Historicism, Social myth, Ideology, Philosophy, Power
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Labor as One of the Sides of Human Existence pp. 939-942


Abstract: The author of the article notes that the sides of human existence mean the kind of life styles and human activities that people can’t live without. In particular, labor has always accompanied human existence. However, the role of labor is singular for each society and depends on the values of each particular culture. In the European history, for example, labor has been glorified and appraised in poems but at the same time the role of labor has been underestimated and his importance for human existence has been denied. The author of the present article bases himself on the concept of labor offered by Karl Marx, in particular, his idea about labor being a true reflection of human nature. Arguing with Marx’ conclusions, the author, at the same time, shows how popular his ideas have been as well as his critics of the capital by using the two modes of human existence — to be or to have. The author also tries to discover the natural and social grounds of labor as a special type of human activity. To study the issue the author uses historical research methods. Pavel Gurevich describes how the concept of the genesis and development of labor as a specific activity was created in the history of European philosophy. The author also provides a comparative analysis of the theories of labor offered by Marx, Jaspers and Arendt. The novelty of the article is in the author’s intention to describe labor as a side of human existence and therefore underline a special role of natural and social grounds in the genesis of labor activity. The author also offers a hypothesis that labor is not always a necessary side of human existence but only under certain conditions described in the article.
Keywords: philosophy, human existence, human, human nature, labor, nature, transcendence, possession, function, sides of human existence.
Gurevich P.S. - Diverse and Searching Identity


Abstract: The article is devoted to a very complex anthropological and social phenomenon - identity. The author of the article studies the need for self-identity as the core and deep need which is rather difficult to be satisfied. However, Gurevich states that most of the previous concepts of identity turn to be unacceptable. For example, the belief of the modern period that both a stone and human want to be what they are predetermined to be seems to be rather disputable. Nowadays human often denies his identity, gets dissolved in social anonymity and gravitates towards the zero self-identity. In his article Gurevich shows that identification is a difficult, contradictory and paradoxical process. In his research the author has ued the methods of philosophical anthropology as the science that has already developed certain principles of the analysis of particular social and anthropological issues. The author also relies on the historicity principle focusing on the fundamental changes in the interpretation of this phenomenon. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that therein the author provides a synopsis of the problems associated with the identity phenomenon. The author emphasizes that identity is a purely human need and formed by human relations to a great extent. In this regard, identity is not a substance that starts to disappear as many authors write about. In this article Gurevich analyzes identity as the individual phenomenon first of all. However, he also demonstrates that aspiration for self-identity is typical not only for individuals but also for countries, cultures and civilizations. Special attention is paid to the 'divided consciousness' of human and identification paradoxes. 
Keywords: individuation, sociality, need, self-identity, civilization, culture, identity, image, identification, divided consciousness
Gurevich P.S. - Diverse and Searching Identity pp. 957-961


Abstract: The article is devoted to a very complex anthropological and social phenomenon - identity. The author of the article studies the need for self-identity as the core and deep need which is rather difficult to be satisfied. However, Gurevich states that most of the previous concepts of identity turn to be unacceptable. For example, the belief of the modern period that both a stone and human want to be what they are predetermined to be seems to be rather disputable. Nowadays human often denies his identity, gets dissolved in social anonymity and gravitates towards the zero self-identity. In his article Gurevich shows that identification is a difficult, contradictory and paradoxical process. In his research the author has ued the methods of philosophical anthropology as the science that has already developed certain principles of the analysis of particular social and anthropological issues. The author also relies on the historicity principle focusing on the fundamental changes in the interpretation of this phenomenon. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that therein the author provides a synopsis of the problems associated with the identity phenomenon. The author emphasizes that identity is a purely human need and formed by human relations to a great extent. In this regard, identity is not a substance that starts to disappear as many authors write about. In this article Gurevich analyzes identity as the individual phenomenon first of all. However, he also demonstrates that aspiration for self-identity is typical not only for individuals but also for countries, cultures and civilizations. Special attention is paid to the 'divided consciousness' of human and identification paradoxes. 
Keywords: individuation, sociality, need, self-identity, civilization, culture, identity, image, identification, divided consciousness
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P.S. - Social chaos in the works Jean Baudrillard pp. 1043-1046


Abstract: The article contains non-trivial interpretation of the social chaos. The author takes the concept of Jean Baudrillard as a basis, and then he shows that the breaks of history, various catastrophes and extreme events should not be regarded as failures within the planned, linear and rational development of the social processes. The chaos is not a deviation from the established historical roadmap. It does not exist as a backside of the rational interpretation of social processes. J. Baudrillard shows that social cataclysms, and extraordinary events are regular, since they are similar and they correspond to the social system itself. At the same time, the author notes the inconsistency of thoughts of the French philosopher, who considers that the ripening of the social disasters allows to get rid of irrational formations to some degree. Therefore, the critical pathetic of his original concept is not consistent. The position of the French philosopher is such that chaos gives birth to chaos, and at the same time it frees the historic process from various mystical events. It obviously requires additional arguments or more convincing illustrations.
Keywords: philosophy, chaos, history, cataclysm, society, rationalism, irrationalism, accident, regular evil, virtuality.
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. - Thought vs. feeling


Abstract: Multiple authors underline the discord between the thoughts and the feelings, which attributable to the modern man. It is noted that English-American analytical philosophy and continental existential philosophy are extremely disengaged. Moreover, the though and the feeling in the modern consciousness constantly try to rid themselves of each other. We can notice such discord in mundane, routine consciousness. What is the cause of this confrontation? How the mind can reunite with emotions? These questions are covered in the article. The author actively uses the achievements of analytical philosophy and existential experience, as well as applies the method of historicism, which allows demonstrating the dynamics of correlation between the thought and the feeling in different eras. This work contains the analysis of different concepts associated with the problem of though-feeling interrelation. A critical assessment is given to the projects which do not consider the achievements of analytical psychology. The solution to this problem consists in overcoming of these two extremities.  Of course the noticeable discord between the thought and the feeling is needed to be overcome, but at the same time, the abstract reasoning on sentimental upbringing does not take into account difficulties inherent to human psyche. The author suggests an opinion that not all abilities of a specific human can be unequivocally developed.
Keywords: Grief, Envy, Mindset, Suffering, Philosophizing, Deeds, Rationality, Feeling, Reasoning, Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich, P. S. - How to Uncover Secrets of Social Dynamics? pp. 1087-1091


Abstract: Social illusions have been accompanying humans throughout the history of human society. This is not surprising because social behavior of humans is not ruled by instincts or a biologically established program. Through trial and error humanity learns different forms of sociality. Noteworthy that trying to achieve happiness, humans are often drowned in utopia and violence. The English philosopher Karl Popper was right to say that the way to an ideal of happiness lies through the barbed wire. Meanwhile, we see that social illusions can be very different. There are dreams that encourage social enthusiasm, spiritual impulses and humanistic hopes. Yet there are social ideas that have a great destructive power and lead to slavery and death. It is most likely that the positive function of social illusions is to prevent people from repeating horrors and mistakes that have been known in history. Pavel Gurevich mostly bases his research on methods obtained from social philosophy. Atthesametime, healso uses what philosophical anthropology has to offer in human studies. The author also follows the historical analysis principles. The novelty of the article is in the author’s statement that it is impossible to fully understand the secrets of social dynamics. Forms of human social life are constantly changing. Science reveals new horizons of human existence. However, the attempt to explain history by universal laws ‘discovered’ by scientists was severely criticized by social philosophers.
Keywords: philosophy, history, social philosophy, social illusions, society, social dynamics, historicism, human, utopian thinking, human existence.
Gurevich P.S. - Thought vs. feeling pp. 1087-1090


Abstract: Multiple authors underline the discord between the thoughts and the feelings, which attributable to the modern man. It is noted that English-American analytical philosophy and continental existential philosophy are extremely disengaged. Moreover, the though and the feeling in the modern consciousness constantly try to rid themselves of each other. We can notice such discord in mundane, routine consciousness. What is the cause of this confrontation? How the mind can reunite with emotions? These questions are covered in the article. The author actively uses the achievements of analytical philosophy and existential experience, as well as applies the method of historicism, which allows demonstrating the dynamics of correlation between the thought and the feeling in different eras. This work contains the analysis of different concepts associated with the problem of though-feeling interrelation. A critical assessment is given to the projects which do not consider the achievements of analytical psychology. The solution to this problem consists in overcoming of these two extremities.  Of course the noticeable discord between the thought and the feeling is needed to be overcome, but at the same time, the abstract reasoning on sentimental upbringing does not take into account difficulties inherent to human psyche. The author suggests an opinion that not all abilities of a specific human can be unequivocally developed.
Keywords: Grief, Envy, Mindset, Suffering, Philosophizing, Deeds, Rationality, Feeling, Reasoning, Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich P.S. - Animal and Human


Abstract: The present article is devoted to critical analysis of the sociobiological concept of human. It is emphasized that this approach synthesizes social Darwinism, genetic determinism and ethologism. Sociobiologists advocate the expansion of the scope of biological researches that try to explain human nature. The main objective of sociobiological disputes is to answer the question to what degree the behavior of human is determined by genetic factors, or how cultural development corresponds to human genetics. Such research trend is called genetic-cultural coevolution. Some researchers are convinced that the behavior of human is entirely determined by sociocultural prerequisites. Others, on the contrary, consider that genetic factors play the dominating role in behavior of not only animals but also humans. In his article Gurevich has used theoretical achievements of philosophical anthropology that proves uniqueness of human as a living being of a special kind. The author also describes approaches to the subject of the research from the position of sociobiologists who depreciate or eliminate the role of cultural factors in human behvior and destination. In his article the author also critisizes sociobiology taking into account the latest developments of biology and philosophy of culture. It is shown that representatives of sociobiology assumed the role of orthodox evolutionists. As well as Charles Darwin, sociobiologists try to explain social behavior of animals from the point of view of the theory of natural selection. At the same time, the author has noted that there are no bases to accept achievements of population genetics without critics. Gurevich raises a question whether modern humans are capable of changing the nature of evolution. It is proved that one should not consider evolution only as a mean of species conservation. Evolution allows to mark out only conservative features, i.e. to inherit and keep only checked and selected features in the course of development.
Keywords: destructiveness, tradition, culture, animal world, sociobiology, human, animal, language, gestures, communication
Gurevich P.S. - Animal and Human pp. 1113-1116


Abstract: The present article is devoted to critical analysis of the sociobiological concept of human. It is emphasized that this approach synthesizes social Darwinism, genetic determinism and ethologism. Sociobiologists advocate the expansion of the scope of biological researches that try to explain human nature. The main objective of sociobiological disputes is to answer the question to what degree the behavior of human is determined by genetic factors, or how cultural development corresponds to human genetics. Such research trend is called genetic-cultural coevolution. Some researchers are convinced that the behavior of human is entirely determined by sociocultural prerequisites. Others, on the contrary, consider that genetic factors play the dominating role in behavior of not only animals but also humans. In his article Gurevich has used theoretical achievements of philosophical anthropology that proves uniqueness of human as a living being of a special kind. The author also describes approaches to the subject of the research from the position of sociobiologists who depreciate or eliminate the role of cultural factors in human behvior and destination. In his article the author also critisizes sociobiology taking into account the latest developments of biology and philosophy of culture. It is shown that representatives of sociobiology assumed the role of orthodox evolutionists. As well as Charles Darwin, sociobiologists try to explain social behavior of animals from the point of view of the theory of natural selection. At the same time, the author has noted that there are no bases to accept achievements of population genetics without critics. Gurevich raises a question whether modern humans are capable of changing the nature of evolution. It is proved that one should not consider evolution only as a mean of species conservation. Evolution allows to mark out only conservative features, i.e. to inherit and keep only checked and selected features in the course of development.
Keywords: destructiveness, tradition, culture, animal world, sociobiology, human, animal, language, gestures, communication
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Demagogue: History of the Concept pp. 1195-1199


Abstract: ‘Demagogue’ was quite a common word in the history of political thought. However, it’s been forgotten over the last decades. Other terms were started to be used to describe a leader’s activity in a negative light such as ‘manipulator’ and ‘populist’. Tracing back the history of this phenomenon, the author shows that this word now has different shades and meanings. It came from antique Greece and underwent radical changes in its meaning. Initially, the term had no negative meaning. For instance, when Aristotle wanted to express his attitude towards a leader or a governor who could make people follow him by using such methods as speech, actions or gifts, he called him a demagogue. Demagogues actually expressed people’s interests and protected their rights. Tyranny was well known in the Antique times. To protect people from despotism and to express their problems in a rightful way – this was what demagogues strived for. The author of the article also tries to compare the terms ‘social demagogue’ with ‘populism’ and ‘propaganda’.
Keywords: philosophy, social demagoguery, people, politics, leader, governor, power, Populism, propaganda, manipulation.
Gurevich P.S. - Can ideology be eliminated?


Abstract: This article analyzes whether or not ideology can be eliminated, as well as the factors that affect it. The criticism of ideology as the “false consciousness” has deep roots. This type of consciousness is characterized as a manipulatory, selfishly implemented by ruling circles into masses. Multiple social thinkers appeal to debunk the ideology, as well as eliminate it from the social practice. At the same time, we can more and more often come across the opinion that such phenomenon cannot be overcome and cut to a minimum. Ideology performs certain functions in society. As demonstrated by the historical experience, a clear cognitive analysis does not change anything in its fate. The author is first in the Russian literature to give the descriptions and analysis of the social functions of ideology. It is noted that the interpretation of the functions of ideology naturally depends on the general interpretation of ideology as a social phenomenon. Due to the fact that in the modern sociology and psychology the understanding of ideology as social life for the most part does not exceed the simple contraposition of the ideological approach to scientific, or what happens even more rare – the value approach, the objective regulations of functioning of ideology on various stages of social development often escape the researchers.
Keywords: Utopia, Intelligentsia, Destructiveness, Values, Ideas, Deideologization, Social life, Social functions, Ideology, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. - Can ideology be eliminated? pp. 1235-1238


Abstract: This article analyzes whether or not ideology can be eliminated, as well as the factors that affect it. The criticism of ideology as the “false consciousness” has deep roots. This type of consciousness is characterized as a manipulatory, selfishly implemented by ruling circles into masses. Multiple social thinkers appeal to debunk the ideology, as well as eliminate it from the social practice. At the same time, we can more and more often come across the opinion that such phenomenon cannot be overcome and cut to a minimum. Ideology performs certain functions in society. As demonstrated by the historical experience, a clear cognitive analysis does not change anything in its fate. The author is first in the Russian literature to give the descriptions and analysis of the social functions of ideology. It is noted that the interpretation of the functions of ideology naturally depends on the general interpretation of ideology as a social phenomenon. Due to the fact that in the modern sociology and psychology the understanding of ideology as social life for the most part does not exceed the simple contraposition of the ideological approach to scientific, or what happens even more rare – the value approach, the objective regulations of functioning of ideology on various stages of social development often escape the researchers.
Keywords: Utopia, Intelligentsia, Destructiveness, Values, Ideas, Deideologization, Social life, Social functions, Ideology, Philosophy
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Paranoia of the Basal Convolution pp. 1243-1247


Abstract: The article is devoted to analyzing philosophical grounds of modern trans-humanism. The author is referring to the promising scientific achievements which allow to start thinking about creating a new human usually called ‘posthuman’. A number of published researches describe an incredible variant of post-human as a universal intelligent living creature when anthropopathy is only one of the variants. Not to dispute actual scientific achievements and their potentials, the author of the article pays attention to the narrow or even ludicrous philosophical and theoretical opinions on the aforesaid possibilities. There are researches that do not have a strong metaphysical framework of the key concepts like human, death, immortality or life. Many authors frankly neglect a great variety of philosophical concepts created by the humankind and ignores deep thoughts on the future in science fiction and utopian literature. Research methods used by the author of the article are based on historical and philosophical traditions. The author refers to the philosophical concepts that were created by the humankind for the purpose of understanding the fundamental concepts of the world order and human existence. When reflecting on the matter, Pavel Gurevich uses the rules of deductive and inductive logic, standard analytical procedures, hermeneutics and phenomenology rules. The novelty of the research is in the critical analysis of the simplified schemes for discovering the future. Researchers avoid discussing dangers, tricks or even fatal consequences that may be caused by convergent technologies. Convergent technologies are usually viewed only as completely beneficial future perspectives. Theoretical concepts are usually governed by the stereotypes of the modern consumer society according to which science serves to improve human life and provide new conveniences and benefits. However, the author of the present article believes that new discoveries and projects require the intense philosophical framework and detailed analysis, otherwise scientific achievements may turn out to be ruin or hazard to humanity.
Keywords: philosophy, science, anthropological crisis, trans-humanist projects, convergent technologies, life, death, immortality, human, post-human.
Gurevich P.S. - Philosophy of Labour


Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about the relevance of philosophy of labour as a special branch of current knowledge. This question comes to mind as a result of the devaluation of both the term 'labour' and obliged and important nature of labour. Consumer society cherishes the idea of the kind of society when humans withdraw themselves from labour activity and delegates all labour functions to machines. Such desacralization of labour creates numerous philosophical issues covered by the author of the present article. Within the framework of this branch of knowledge, it appears necessary to raise a question about the role of labour in human life in general as well as particular relation between labour and human nature. Gurevich bases his research on philosophical and anthropological research methods that view human nature as having the two meanings, general content of human existence and particular everyday human life. The author assumes that without understanding human nature, it is impossible to develop a universal comprehension of the phenomenon of labour. According to the author, labour is just another side of human existence just like love, game and death. There are the things human existence is impossible without. In addition, Gurevich also discusses the role of labour in human development. Gurevich also carries out a critical analysis of Georg Simmel's theory. The author also outlines a range of questions to be analyzed in the future. 
Gurevich P.S. - Philosophy of Labour pp. 1273-1276


Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about the relevance of philosophy of labour as a special branch of current knowledge. This question comes to mind as a result of the devaluation of both the term 'labour' and obliged and important nature of labour. Consumer society cherishes the idea of the kind of society when humans withdraw themselves from labour activity and delegates all labour functions to machines. Such desacralization of labour creates numerous philosophical issues covered by the author of the present article. Within the framework of this branch of knowledge, it appears necessary to raise a question about the role of labour in human life in general as well as particular relation between labour and human nature. Gurevich bases his research on philosophical and anthropological research methods that view human nature as having the two meanings, general content of human existence and particular everyday human life. The author assumes that without understanding human nature, it is impossible to develop a universal comprehension of the phenomenon of labour. According to the author, labour is just another side of human existence just like love, game and death. There are the things human existence is impossible without. In addition, Gurevich also discusses the role of labour in human development. Gurevich also carries out a critical analysis of Georg Simmel's theory. The author also outlines a range of questions to be analyzed in the future. 
Keywords: labour, philosophy, nature, human nature, human existence, society, life, values, equality, justice
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Social Demagogue as a Phenomenon pp. 1347-1352


Abstract: In the previous issue of the Philosophy and Culture journal the editor-in-chief’ column was devoted to the origin of the word ‘demagogue’ and transformation of its meaning during the Antique period. Tracing back the history of that phenomenon, the author showed how the term had been acquiring different shades and meanings. The term came from Antique Greece and completely changed its meaning since those times. Initially the word had no negative meaning. For instance, when Aristotle wanted to express his attitude to a leader who could lead people using such methods as speech, actions and gifts, he would call him a demagogue. In this issue the author continues the topic and discusses how the term developed after the Antique period. Today the term ‘demagogue’ has a negative and sharp meaning. When making a decision, a politician might turn out to be a demagogue or a cynic. Perhaps Machiavelli was right when he made it almost legal for a politician to lie to the people? What if politics and demagogue are twins? If they are, then people have the right to abandon such a politician. As an intermediary between different social layers, a politician has to cover up contradictions and create the impression of cooperation and harmony. However, sooner or later this becomes unbearable for the society. The author of the article traces back the history of development of the term in European interpretation and views important aspects of modern ideology.
Keywords: philosophy, demagogue, phenomenon, propaganda, myth, ideology, politics, rhetoric, apoliteia.
Gurevich P.S. - Anthropological plots of Aristotle


Abstract: The author attempts to reveal the essence of the anthropological plots developed by Aristotle. Aristotle highlights the notions of “class” and “type”, and according to this pattern as an illustration names a man. He interprets human as the creature of nature that occupies its niche in living nature. At the same time, Aristotle underlines the social qualities of human, and considers him a social creature. That is how the classical scheme of interpretation of human is being formed. Human is perceived as a thing among other things, who deserves a particular niche in the universe. The article determines the main position of classical tradition originated by Aristotle. The author uses the principle of historicism that allows him comparing the classical and nonclassical traditions in understanding of a human. For the first time in Russian literature, the extensive analysis of the anthropological concept of Aristotle is given. The author examines the interpretations of such basic notions as human nature and human essence. The two philosophical paradigms in interpretation of human are being analyzed. It is demonstrated that the anthropology of the essence and substance does not allow characterizing the being of a man, which is based on freedom and responsibility of a man for his being. Aristotle’s concept is subjected to criticism in the modern discussions. However, it is important to consider that in the broad heritage of Aristotle, have been formed the principles of specific contemplation of human, which perhaps lost their meaning in nonclassical understanding of human.
Keywords: Psychics, Universe, Substance, Type, Class, Philosophical anthropology, Social qualities, Essence, Nature, Human
Gurevich P.S. - Anthropological plots of Aristotle pp. 1379-1382


Abstract: The author attempts to reveal the essence of the anthropological plots developed by Aristotle. Aristotle highlights the notions of “class” and “type”, and according to this pattern as an illustration names a man. He interprets human as the creature of nature that occupies its niche in living nature. At the same time, Aristotle underlines the social qualities of human, and considers him a social creature. That is how the classical scheme of interpretation of human is being formed. Human is perceived as a thing among other things, who deserves a particular niche in the universe. The article determines the main position of classical tradition originated by Aristotle. The author uses the principle of historicism that allows him comparing the classical and nonclassical traditions in understanding of a human. For the first time in Russian literature, the extensive analysis of the anthropological concept of Aristotle is given. The author examines the interpretations of such basic notions as human nature and human essence. The two philosophical paradigms in interpretation of human are being analyzed. It is demonstrated that the anthropology of the essence and substance does not allow characterizing the being of a man, which is based on freedom and responsibility of a man for his being. Aristotle’s concept is subjected to criticism in the modern discussions. However, it is important to consider that in the broad heritage of Aristotle, have been formed the principles of specific contemplation of human, which perhaps lost their meaning in nonclassical understanding of human.
Keywords: Psychics, Universe, Substance, Type, Class, Philosophical anthropology, Social qualities, Essence, Nature, Human
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich P.S. - Congratulations to the Professor A.G. Myslivchenko on His Jubilee pp. 1389-1392


Abstract: As it has been already noted in previous reviews, the books published by Canon + provide us a great insight into the current historical and philosophical process. This time the author has selected the two books out of the variety of new books published. These two books are devoted to the logic of historical and philosophical reflection and try to answer the question about the framework of categories used in researches as well as the unacceptability of modernization of philosophical categories when analyzing ancient texts and old philosophical ideas. This, first of all, refers to the challenge contained in V. K. Shokhin’s book ‘Agatology’. V. Shokhin suggests that we should return to the term that is related to the morals and appeared before the term ‘axiology’. However, it is not only the terminology V. Shokhin talks about. In his book V. Shokhin raises many questions needed to be discussed as soon as possible. The same goal is supported by the materials of the Russian scientific conference ‘History of Philosophy: Challenges of the XXIth century’. A lot of famous philosophical historians, both Russian and foreign ones, participated in that conference. The general attribute of the conference was the discussion. There were many views expressed by philosophers but all of those viewed only expanded the horizons of the philosophical framework. All kinds of analysis methods were used. The principle of historicism was not only the principle of formulating questions but also the subject of long and detailed discussions. At the same time, philosophical historians demonstrated that the cultural and sociological analysis could actually apply to studying the historical materials. Very different methods of interpreting the world were used and a special role of inter-disciplinary researches was underlined. The novelty of these publications is in their authors’ attempts to overcome the challenge of modern historical and philosophical process. The relation between history of philosophy and philosophy in general was also thoroughly studied and discussed. The methodological criticism of modern Eurocentrism is also discussed as an obstacle in many modern researches in the sphere of history of philosophy. It is stressed out that many particular philosophical researches in India, China and Arabian West are included in the discussion of global and overall civilization problems. The question about overcoming stereotypes in teaching history of philosophy is raised and particular grounds for creating a branch of philosophy called ‘agatology’ are provided.
Keywords: tsivilizatsiya, varvarstvo, mirovye religii, evropotsentrizm, oksidentalizm, gumanizm
Gurevich P.S. - Spiritual Dispute of Civilizations


Abstract: The article is devoted to the choice of a global project. Creation of a global civilization was initiated by the European culture. Therefore, there is an opinion that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is dominating in the modern world.  This is the civilization which values are widely extended and affect the lifestyle of many peoples. However, there is also a so-called spiritual dispute ongoing between civilizations nowadays. American sociologist Samuel Huntington was the first one to mark out that tendency. Yet, the modern realities go beyond the bounds of Huntington's concept. It now becomes apparent that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is forced to meet the challenges of other civilizations and spiritual traditions. The author of the present article bases his research on the findings of today's comparative philosophy of culture. He has also used the achievements of philosophical anthropology which analyzes world processes from the point of view of human anture. In his article Gurevich has analyzed the global policy trends that appeared after Samuel Huntington's researches had been published. Rapid development of China and India has eventually changed the state of play in the world. Chinese civilization has become capable of running a global project of its own. In this regard, the author of the present article analyzes resources and claims of major civilizations for global leadership. The novelty of the author's approach to the problem is caused by the statement that none of modern civilization can actually prove their global projects to be immutable and universal. 
Gurevich P.S. - Spiritual Dispute of Civilizations pp. 1429-1432


Abstract: The article is devoted to the choice of a global project. Creation of a global civilization was initiated by the European culture. Therefore, there is an opinion that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is dominating in the modern world.  This is the civilization which values are widely extended and affect the lifestyle of many peoples. However, there is also a so-called spiritual dispute ongoing between civilizations nowadays. American sociologist Samuel Huntington was the first one to mark out that tendency. Yet, the modern realities go beyond the bounds of Huntington's concept. It now becomes apparent that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is forced to meet the challenges of other civilizations and spiritual traditions. The author of the present article bases his research on the findings of today's comparative philosophy of culture. He has also used the achievements of philosophical anthropology which analyzes world processes from the point of view of human anture. In his article Gurevich has analyzed the global policy trends that appeared after Samuel Huntington's researches had been published. Rapid development of China and India has eventually changed the state of play in the world. Chinese civilization has become capable of running a global project of its own. In this regard, the author of the present article analyzes resources and claims of major civilizations for global leadership. The novelty of the author's approach to the problem is caused by the statement that none of modern civilization can actually prove their global projects to be immutable and universal. 
Keywords: culture, civilization, globalism, spiritual dispute of civilizations, global leadership, global projects, dewesternization, nationalism, rationality, sanity
Gurevich P.S. - Can N. M. Karamzin be considered a philosopher?


Abstract: Thus article is dedicated to N. M. Karamzin as a philosopher. Indeed, first and foremost, he was a historian, as well as writer. However, he did not hesitate to refer to him as a philosopher. And in the author’s opinion, he has all the reasons to call himself a philosopher. N. M. Karamzin introduced the word “identity” into the Russian speech. It does not quite seem like a big achievement. In the XVIII – early XIX centuries many humanitarians were fascinated with creation of words. But the word “identity” invented by Karamzin, met the in-depth demands of the Russian, as well as European philosophy. The categorical discourse already contained the words “individual” and “individuality”. And now, it was the time to signify a person as a specific, highest measure, carrier of the high spiritual and social qualities. For the first time in history, Karamzin is characterizes as a philosopher. He did not just introduced a new word into philosophy, but the definition of “identity” reflected a drastic turn not only in Russian, but also European philosophy. After Karamzin, the Russian philosophy has referred to the topic of personality, which led to establishment of the personalist philosophy in Russia.
Keywords: Freedom, Integrity, Spirituality, Socialization, History, Identity, Individuality, Individual, Human, Personality
Gurevich P.S. - Can N. M. Karamzin be considered a philosopher? pp. 1483-1486


Abstract: Thus article is dedicated to N. M. Karamzin as a philosopher. Indeed, first and foremost, he was a historian, as well as writer. However, he did not hesitate to refer to him as a philosopher. And in the author’s opinion, he has all the reasons to call himself a philosopher. N. M. Karamzin introduced the word “identity” into the Russian speech. It does not quite seem like a big achievement. In the XVIII – early XIX centuries many humanitarians were fascinated with creation of words. But the word “identity” invented by Karamzin, met the in-depth demands of the Russian, as well as European philosophy. The categorical discourse already contained the words “individual” and “individuality”. And now, it was the time to signify a person as a specific, highest measure, carrier of the high spiritual and social qualities. For the first time in history, Karamzin is characterizes as a philosopher. He did not just introduced a new word into philosophy, but the definition of “identity” reflected a drastic turn not only in Russian, but also European philosophy. After Karamzin, the Russian philosophy has referred to the topic of personality, which led to establishment of the personalist philosophy in Russia.
Keywords: Freedom, Integrity, Spirituality, Socialization, History, Identity, Individuality, Individual, Human, Personality
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - ‘Oh, the Anger of Love and the Tenderness of Hatred’ pp. 1549-1554


Abstract: The article is devoted to the philosophical expertise of the term ‘hatred’. The author of the article analyzes hatred not only as an individual feeling but also as a social phenomenon. The author worries about the growth of hatred in the global community and Russian environment and tries to show that this dangerous symptom may lead to catastrophic consequences. In his research Pavel Gurevich analyzes historical disasters caused by fierce hatred. Hatred is viewed as a trigger of social convulsions. The author also thinks about how to decrease the degree of mutual intolerance so that hatred does not leave the burnt field of reason, the fur of ill affects and the boomerang effect. Methods used by the author in this article relate to the phenomenology of social thinking. The author bases himself on particular expressions of philosophers about hatred which creates a complete Gestalt picture of hatred as an emotional state. The author also uses the basic provision of psychoanalysis about ambivalent nature of human feelings and following Shakespeare describes hatred in love and tenderness as a disguise of hatred. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that neither philosophical no ethic vocabularies do not have a section devoted to this emotional state. The author proves hatred to be the irremovable feature of human nature. Based on Seneca, Friedrich Nietzsche, Erich Fromm, Jean-Paul Sartre and examples from the world and Russian history, the author describes different sides of this phenomenon, ist social, psychological and anthropological roots.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, rage, hatred, phenomenology, emotional ambivalence, hostility, malevolence, frenzy, history.
Gurevich P.S. - Philosophical Brotherhood


Abstract: This is the review of the encyclopedic dictionary 'Philosphers of Modern Russia' (content by M. Bakhtin published in St. Petersburg in 2015). The above mentioned encylopedic dicionary is not the first attempt to provide insight into philosophers and philosophy from the point of view of the development of the latter throughout the history. In this regard, we can't keep from mentioning Pyotr Alekseev's contribution to publishing editions of this kind. Those editions excelled in strict academic manner and well developed manner of materials selection and evaluation. The encyclopedic dictionary the author is talking now does not withstand competition with the previous editions. The dictionary lacks complete data about the most famous philosophers and the material selection has a random nature as the author says himself. Gurevich bases his research on strong experience in writing encyclopedia obtained during the Soviet times. He follows traditions of the best glossaries our academic literature is so rich with. The reviewer approves of the editor's attempt to provide comprehensive and extensive research which would allow to describe different sides of the historical and philosophical process. Unfortunately, such interesting idea has led to creation of the 'intermediate' kind of dictionary. It is more likely to be the groundwork for a future substantive edition that will provide a better picture of the life of the philosophical society in our country. 
Gurevich P.S. - Philosophical Brotherhood pp. 1593-1596


Abstract: This is the review of the encyclopedic dictionary 'Philosphers of Modern Russia' (content by M. Bakhtin published in St. Petersburg in 2015). The above mentioned encylopedic dicionary is not the first attempt to provide insight into philosophers and philosophy from the point of view of the development of the latter throughout the history. In this regard, we can't keep from mentioning Pyotr Alekseev's contribution to publishing editions of this kind. Those editions excelled in strict academic manner and well developed manner of materials selection and evaluation. The encyclopedic dictionary the author is talking now does not withstand competition with the previous editions. The dictionary lacks complete data about the most famous philosophers and the material selection has a random nature as the author says himself. Gurevich bases his research on strong experience in writing encyclopedia obtained during the Soviet times. He follows traditions of the best glossaries our academic literature is so rich with. The reviewer approves of the editor's attempt to provide comprehensive and extensive research which would allow to describe different sides of the historical and philosophical process. Unfortunately, such interesting idea has led to creation of the 'intermediate' kind of dictionary. It is more likely to be the groundwork for a future substantive edition that will provide a better picture of the life of the philosophical society in our country. 
Keywords: ethics, political philosophy, history of philosophy, social philosophy, theory of knowledge, philosophy, aesthetics, science, philosophical anthropology, culture
Gurevich P.S. - Phenomenology of religion as world relations


Abstract: The traditional to the sector of Professor V. K. Shokhin edition of almanac “Philosophy of Religion” (2014-2015 / edited by V. K. Shokhin. M.: Nauka – Vostochnaya Literatura, 2015. 590 p.) can be considered as precious heritage for the multidiscipline experts. It can be useful for the professionals in the area of philosophy, theology, religious studies, as well as wide audience of readers interested in philosophical-religious topic. Multiple foreign and Russian specialists were attracted to this work. The author uses the principle of historicism, which allows analyzing the spiritual experience of different eras, establish dialogues between the most remarkable representatives of the philosophy of religion. Almanac gives an idea about the status of large-scale research work in the area of philosophical knowledge. The chapter of almanac, which reveals the correlation between philosophy and mystical experience with consideration of the modern approaches and historical contexts, contains undoubtedly scientific novelty. This chapter is the arsenal of the in-depth ideas and revelations associated with mysticism. The publication presents polemics on the issues of historical orientation, as well as debatable topics of the modernity. The chapter dedicated to the translations of classical works can be truly considered priceless.
Keywords: Meditation, Contemplation, God, Faith, Esotericism, Mysticism, Spiritual experience, Theology, Philosophy of religion, Religion
Gurevich P.S. - Phenomenology of religion as world relations pp. 1609-1612


Abstract: The traditional to the sector of Professor V. K. Shokhin edition of almanac “Philosophy of Religion” (2014-2015 / edited by V. K. Shokhin. M.: Nauka – Vostochnaya Literatura, 2015. 590 p.) can be considered as precious heritage for the multidiscipline experts. It can be useful for the professionals in the area of philosophy, theology, religious studies, as well as wide audience of readers interested in philosophical-religious topic. Multiple foreign and Russian specialists were attracted to this work. The author uses the principle of historicism, which allows analyzing the spiritual experience of different eras, establish dialogues between the most remarkable representatives of the philosophy of religion. Almanac gives an idea about the status of large-scale research work in the area of philosophical knowledge. The chapter of almanac, which reveals the correlation between philosophy and mystical experience with consideration of the modern approaches and historical contexts, contains undoubtedly scientific novelty. This chapter is the arsenal of the in-depth ideas and revelations associated with mysticism. The publication presents polemics on the issues of historical orientation, as well as debatable topics of the modernity. The chapter dedicated to the translations of classical works can be truly considered priceless.
Keywords: Meditation, Contemplation, God, Faith, Esotericism, Mysticism, Spiritual experience, Theology, Philosophy of religion, Religion
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Evil Against Good pp. 1655-1659


Abstract: Is it possible to imagine a civilization where Evil is not only appealing but also has proven ideological and metaphysical grounds. When discussing the question about the relation between Evil and Good, philosophers tend to think of Good as a blessing and Evil as a fatal malice. Philosophers usually try to understand where Evil came from and whether we can and should eliminate it. They tend to think that Evil has a mission but what is that mission? Theologians and philosophers have many debates about it. The idea about a close relation between Good and Evil has been the subject of fierce discussions. The problem itself has a deep metaphysical meaning. However, the previous centuries showed that Good did not always oppose to Evil. Very often Evil had such undeniable arguments that modern researchers view it as a proved ontological ground. The author of the present article tries to understand the meaning of ontological interpretation of Evil, why Evil and Good always correlate and why Evil makes us think that God is not all merciful or powerful. The author also touches upon the question which was already raised by Soren Kierkegaard: does the existence of Evil present some kind of a paradox?
Keywords: philosophy, Evil, Good, God, choice, freedom, theodicy, morals, will, theology.
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Mournful Farewell to Expertise pp. 1707-1718


Abstract: The modern society cannot exist without an all-round social expertise. The social organism in itself has a very complex structure. However, never before there has been such an intensive social dynamics as the modern world is having today. The humankind is going through a radical transformation. Globalization processes have reshaped the political world map. The previous ideology is being destroyed and new spiritual movements are being created. Considering today’s competition between countries, only those states can win where leaders understand the need for changes and respond to challenges of the age. The present article is devoted to the analysis of social issues that have been discussed by the journalist of Vestnik Analitiki over one decade and a half. In his research Gurevich has used the method of historicism which allows to compare expert evaluations of famous social philosophers regarding social dynamics of the modern world. The article also contains the results of opinion surveys, brain storms and private researches of particular issues. The novelty of the article is caused by the necessity to summarize the results of the expert activity of the journal ‘Vestnik Analitiki’ for a significant period of time. Unfortunately, the journal does not exist anymore. We have to say farewell to the expertise even though it still remains an essential need of the modern society, but the author of the present article tries at least save the results of diligent researches. Pavel Gurevich deliberately uses the original text of expertise and at the same time analyzes them and provides an overview of the entire period of social expert evaluations in general.
Keywords: society, reform, social stratification, ideology, civilization, spirituality, humanism, power, management, history.
Gurevich P.S. - Your Turn, Director!


Abstract: The Philosophy and Culture Journal has been published for eight years by now. The Journal was included in the list of readings recommended by VAK (The Higher Attestation Commission). The Higher Attestation Commission has approved the status of the Journal again this year. During these years the Journal has become popular in almost all regions from Lvov to Vladivostok, from Odessa to Murmansk. The number of the manuscripts in editor's hand is the best proof of that. The editors office does not even have an opportunity to promptly publish all the articles received. The editorial board consists of famous foreign and Russian scientists. To a certain extent, the Journal contents demonstrate what is happening in Russian philosophy. In this article Gurevich analyzes the events referring to the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leader in this branch of science in Russia. The author bases his research article on modern interpretations of the philosophical process bringing forth a wide scope of researches in different fields, from epistemology to Oriental studies. The author of the article also discusses prospects of Russian philosophy after the Institute of Philosophy has been moved to another building, a new director has been selected, a wide-ranging discussion on further development of philosophy has been held at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the academic community of the Russian Academy of Sciences has offered to declare the year of 2017 to be the Year of Philosophy. 
Gurevich P.S. - Your Turn, Director! pp. 1757-1761


Abstract: The Philosophy and Culture Journal has been published for eight years by now. The Journal was included in the list of readings recommended by VAK (The Higher Attestation Commission). The Higher Attestation Commission has approved the status of the Journal again this year. During these years the Journal has become popular in almost all regions from Lvov to Vladivostok, from Odessa to Murmansk. The number of the manuscripts in editor's hand is the best proof of that. The editors office does not even have an opportunity to promptly publish all the articles received. The editorial board consists of famous foreign and Russian scientists. To a certain extent, the Journal contents demonstrate what is happening in Russian philosophy. In this article Gurevich analyzes the events referring to the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leader in this branch of science in Russia. The author bases his research article on modern interpretations of the philosophical process bringing forth a wide scope of researches in different fields, from epistemology to Oriental studies. The author of the article also discusses prospects of Russian philosophy after the Institute of Philosophy has been moved to another building, a new director has been selected, a wide-ranging discussion on further development of philosophy has been held at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the academic community of the Russian Academy of Sciences has offered to declare the year of 2017 to be the Year of Philosophy. 
Keywords: post modernism, Islamic studies, morals, ethics, intellectual atmosphere, reforms, philosophy, mind, sense logic, civilization
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