Статья 'Разработка методики совершенствования и развития государственного контроля закупочной деятельности в МВД России' - журнал 'Теоретическая и прикладная экономика' - NotaBene.ru
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Theoretical and Applied Economics

Development of a methodology for improving and developing state control of procurement activities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Osipova Kristina Ivanovna

Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Accounting, V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

117437, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Akademika Volgina, 12










Abstract: To date, such a task as improving state and municipal control in order to focus it on assessing the effectiveness of budget expenditures, increasing the manageability of financial flows, as well as ensuring control over purchases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is of particular importance. Thus, the object of this study is the activity of state bodies in the procurement system. Based on this, this article presents the current author's methodology for improving the state control of procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article uses general scientific methods and special methods of statistical analysis, first of all approaches and methods of system analysis and general theory of systems, analysis and synthesis, as well as comparisons and generalizations. The use of the presented research methods made it possible to analyze the existing methods of state control of procurement activities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Ultimately, based on the research data obtained, the author developed his own methodology for state control of procurement activities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is most relevant today.


public procurement system, state control, procurement activities, efficiency of procurement activities, methods of control, evaluation criteria, departmental control, the Interior Ministry system, monitoring, rating indicator

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 Introduction. The public procurement system is one of the main and important instruments that regulate the economy, and which has a significant impact on the structure and dynamics of the economy, as well as determines the socio-economic development of the country. That is why it is so important to audit and monitor the state of the contract system. To this end, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the basics of public procurement activities and methods for evaluating their effectiveness.

The expediency and effectiveness of the procurement are the key indicators that distinguish the audit of procurement from the activities of other bodies conducting control in the field of procurement activities.

The issues of procurement efficiency were considered in their works by O.V. Buglimova [2], A.P. Gubina [3], A.A. Knutov [4], I.N. Makarov [7], V.V. Pankov [8]. The procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were analyzed directly in their works by E.A. Kuznetsov [5], M.V. Lilekina [6], K.I. Osipova [9], etc.

Relevance and significance improvement in the field of procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the priority areas of organizations, as it allows you to save financial resources, increase competition and shorten the delivery time of goods, works and services. State control of procurement activities is characterized by the presence of several methods. However, there is no unified methodology that would more fully and effectively assess the procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Results. The methodology proposed by the author combines several methods, according to the results of which the final assessment will be determined.

Monitoring should be carried out on an ongoing basis by collecting, summarizing, systematizing and evaluating available information.


































Figure 1 – Improved methodology of state control of procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (compiled by the author)

This information can be taken from a Unified information system in the field of procurement, from a regional information system in the field of procurement, from customers who purchase goods, works, services in accordance with Federal Law, from statistical reporting data and other open sources of information. The methodology is applied to customers who make purchases in accordance with Federal Law. As part of the study, the author has developed an algorithm for an improved methodology for state control of procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Discussion. Note that it assumes the presence of 6 stages.

At the first stage, the criteria for the effectiveness of procurement activities are monitored.

Rating points from 0 to 10 are assigned for each of the criteria as they are executed. In this case, a score of 0 will correspond to the lowest value, and a score of 10 will correspond to the highest value.

The main criteria that are evaluated are:



-compliance with legislation;

-efficiency of document flow.

As a result, at this stage, a comprehensive integral assessment is put down. The weights are distributed in this way:

-competitiveness – weight 0.2;

-economy – weight 0.45;

-compliance with legislation – weight 0.15;

-document management efficiency – 0.2.

At the 2nd stage of the author's methodology, the supplier is evaluated. Consequently, such indicators are analyzed as:

- financial results of interaction (total purchase costs, flexibility of pricing policy, etc.);

- the quality of the products supplied (compliance with the requirements of standards and quality certificates, the proportion of defects);

- reliability of logistics (ensuring the safety of cargo, compliance with the delivery schedule);

- lead time of the purchase order (total lead time, delivery time, shipment time).

Each of the indicators also receives points from 0 to 10 based on the results of their results.

At the same time, as a result, a complex indicator is formed, and the weights are distributed as follows:

- financial results of the interaction – weight 0.35;

- quality of the supplied products – weight 0.4;

- reliability of logistics performance – weight 0.15;

- lead time of the purchase order – weight 0.1.

At the 3rd stage, the customer is evaluated.

During the monitoring, the evaluation of the procurement activities of customers is carried out according to the following indicators: 

- implementation of procurement procedures;?

- compliance with the requirements of the procurement legislation;

- execution of contracts;?

- professionalism of customers and provision of qualified personnel.?

Evaluation of the effectiveness of purchases is made for each customer and for each indicator.

A comprehensive assessment is carried out based on the results of the reporting quarter and the reporting year.

Upon completion of monitoring, a quarterly analytical report is generated in the context of customers and a comprehensive integral indicator is calculated according to the customer's assessment.

It should be noted that the report allows, firstly, to compare the totals for each customer, ranking customers by the degree of efficiency of procurement.

Secondly, to identify problem areas in the activities of each customer by determining the indicators, the achievement of which reduces the effectiveness of procurement.

 Thirdly, to evaluate the values and dynamics of the indicators used in the calculation.

 Fourth, to identify approaches and give recommendations to customers on the definition of NMCC.

 Fifth, get complete information about the planning problems for each customer.

 Sixth, to increase the discipline of contract execution and analyze violations of the law during procurement.

Seventh, to increase the level of professionalism of customers in the field of procurement by increasing the number of seminars, round tables.

The next 4th stage is the calculation of a comprehensive indicator of procurement activity according to the methodology presented in Chapter 2. According to this assessment, such indicators as:

1. Savings when placing orders.

2. Compliance with legislation

3. Share of competitive procurement

4. Execution of plans when placing orders.

5. Discipline of contract execution.

6. The validity of determining the initial price of contracts.

The total indicator of a comprehensive assessment is determined by summing the values for each criterion, taking into account their weight coefficients [4].

K = K1 * 0.3 + K2 * 0.1 + KZ * 0.2 + K4 * 0.1+ K5 * 0.1 + K6 * 0.2 (1)

 Table 1 – A point scale for evaluating the effectiveness of activities

The final indicator of the integrated assessment (P), in points

Performance evaluation

K > = 8



6 = < K < 8

Moderately effective

5 = < K < 6


K < 5



Next comes the 5th stage at which a comprehensive assessment is made based on the results of all previous stages. To do this , the author suggests the following formula:

E 3=N 1 x 0.15 + N 2 x 0.25 + N 3 x 0.25 + N 4 x 0.35 (2)


Where E 3 is the final rating indicator of the state control of procurement activities;

P 1 is an indicator of the effectiveness of monitoring criteria for procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

P 2 – supplier evaluation indicator;

P 3 – customer evaluation indicator;

P 4 is an indicator of a comprehensive assessment of procurement activities.

At the same time, it should be pointed out that the higher the indicator, the higher the effectiveness of state control of procurement activities will be.

Conclusions. Due to the lack of an effective methodology of state control over the effectiveness of procurement activities, the author has developed his own methodology of state control to assess the effectiveness of procurement activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This methodology includes 6 stages, among which, at the first, an indicator of the effectiveness of monitoring the criteria of procurement activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is calculated, at the second, an indicator of supplier evaluation is calculated; at the third stage, an indicator of customer evaluation is calculated; at the fourth, an indicator of a comprehensive evaluation of procurement activity is evaluated; at the fifth stage, the final rating indicator of the state control of procurement activity is calculated. The sixth stage involves adjustments if necessary.

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