Genesis: Historical research
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Publications of Brovina Alexandra
Genesis: Historical research, 2020-6
Brovina A., Roshchevskaya L.P., Roshchevskii M.P. - Research of oil shale in the Komi ASSR during the Great Patriotic War: experience of the Professor D. N. Kursanov pp. 85-100


Abstract: The subject of this research is the historical role of Russian scientific community in studying the Arctic and Subarctic territories during the years of Great Patriotic War. The key goal consists in demonstrating the contribution of scholars to accumulation of scientific knowledge on the northern region in the context of solution of the priority government objective and establishment of scientific organizations on the European North of Russia in first half of the XX century. The main tasks of this research lie in reconstruction of the process of creation and activity of oil shale laboratory of the Base of Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union on studying the North under the authority of Professor D. N. Kursanov, who dealt with the questions of utilization of solid fossil fuels of the Komi ASSR. This topic did not receive due coverage within the scientific literature. For solution of the set tasks, the author attracted the unpublished archival materials from the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Archive of the Federal Research Center “Komi Scientific Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and National Archive of the Komi Republic; writings of the staff members of the indicated laboratory published based on the research results in 1940s, as well modern researchers of the depths of Russian North. The article explores the history of establishment of scientific department, development of scientific programs and plans, organization of interaction of academic community with the government and economic branches of the Komi ASSR. The main conclusions consists in the proof that the scientific-organizational activity of D. N. Kursanov led to conducting strategic research of defense designation on the problems of studying oil shale of the mineral deposit on Ayyva River, utilization of oil shale for motor fuel generation, and elaboration of new chemical products for defense industry. It is underlined that the high level of explorations and pilot surveys carried out by national scholars in these directions contributed to the development of new shale-chemical industrial sector of the country in the later years.
History magazine - researches, 2020-3
Brovina A., Egorova S.L. - Academician in Arctic expedition: reminiscences of B. L. Isachenko on the expedition in the Soviet ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov” in 1930 pp. 59-72


Abstract: The object of this research is the historical role of academic community in cognition and development of northern Russian territories. The subject of this research is the information value of the Arctic diaries of microbiologist B. L. Isachenko in the context of scientific development of Arctic territories in the early XX century. Detailed analysis is conducted B. L. Isachenko;s Artic diary, written in 1930 in the course of expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”, and its potential scientific application. The authors not only assessed the content of the diary note, but also pursued correlation with the historical context of expedition work in the Arctic during the late XIX – early XX centuries. The conducted analysis is of great interest to the historians of science, as it allows viewing the key milestones of life and creative path of the academician, as well as his contribution to the development of the Arctic. Systemic approach is used analyzing B. L. Isachenko’s Arctic diary in the context of history of Arctic development, as well as political and academic objectives of the country in 1930s. The author examines the field diary of the scholar based on then formation approach for understanding the essence of the document through its informational nature and determining its role in the social and personal space. The novelty of this work consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of the unique archival document, as well as in detailed analysis and citation of the personal diary of B. L. Isachenko, written in 1930 during the Arctic expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”. The content and emphasis of the document appeared to be more extensive than the scientific tasks solved by academicians in the course of expedition. The conclusion is made that diary of B. L. Isachenko clearly traces two thematic lines: records of external occurrences, and description of the ideas and concerns of the author. There are several factors that define information value of the source (scientific component; detailed breakdown of expedition rout and observations; description of daily routine during the expedition). The author demonstrates the ability to “walk” the Arctic route using diary notes, follow the impressions of the participant, and determine the scientific tasks set by the academician during the expedition.
Genesis: Historical research, 2017-10
Brovina A. - Scientific research of the territory of the European Northeast of Russia in the XX century: information potential of personal funds of the scientists of Komi Scientific Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences pp. 82-101


Abstract:   The subject of this research is the historical role of the scientific community in the cognition and development of the northern territories of Russia. The object is the information potential of personal funds of the scientists in the context of scientific development of the northern territories of Russia in the XX century. The author examines the documentary heritage of scientists of the European Northeast of Russia in the XX century, preserved in the funds of the Scientific Archive of Komi Scientific Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Particular attention is paid to the funds that reflect the development of the key scientific areas for studying the northern territories – the history of geological, biological and humanitarian research. Examination of the personal funds of scientists of a particular region is a relevant trend in studying the archive funds, which is associated with keeping the modern documentary systems in the archives that allow preserving the knowledge of an individual of a specific historical era, as well as capturing mental peculiarities of the society. The conducted analysis is of great interest for the historians of science for studying the major milestones of life and creative path of the scientists, as well as contribute into the development of Russian science. Author’s special contribution lies in the introduction into the scientific circulation of the vast documentary complex of personal origin that indicates the input of the scientific community towards cognition and development of the northern territories of Russia. It is determined that the personal funds of scientists may differ in quantitative and conceptual indexes, but always retain the typical structure usually presented in list of information blocks: science, teaching, organization of science, epistolary style, visuals. It manifests as a certain model, which through a particular set of documents on one hand is an example of a person with his interests, hobbies, life stages, career; while on the other – a slice of a specific historical period of the era itself.  The unique materials of the funds cover the history of scientific study of the Northern territories of Russia; provide an opportunity to assess personal contribution of the scientists into the scientific community and development of academic science in the Russian North in the XX century.
History magazine - researches, 2017-2
Brovina A. - The Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Life of the Scholar-Geologist V. A. Varsanofyeva (Based on the Material from Her Personal Archive) pp. 146-161


Abstract: The subject of this article is the historical role of the scientific community in the study and development of the northern territories of Russia. The object of this research is the scientific biography of the first Soviet woman-geologist – doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences V.A. Varsanofyeva. The author examines in detail such aspects as the role of V. A. Varsanofyeva in the history of the geological exploration of this vast, remote and poorly known territory in the south of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, in the study of the geological structure and mineral resources of the Komi ASSR. Particular attention is paid to the scientific, pedagogical, social and popularization activities of V. A. Varsanofyeva during her years of work in the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1954-1970, to the analysis of the documents preserved in her personal files at the Scientific Archive of the Komi Science Center of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences; to the contribution of this scientist to the development of the topic of the study of the Komi ASSR productive forces. The methodological base of the study comprises the basic principles of modern historical sciences: historicism and scientific objectivity, and also general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, description and construction of similarities. The scientific biography of the scholar-geologist V. A. Varsanofyeva is considered in the context of the contribution of the scientific community to the study and development of the northern territories of Russia. The author conducts an analysis of the vast document corpus from the scientist's private archive, which reflects her scientific, educational and social activity. The main conclusions of the study are the following: V. A. Varsanofyeva’s scientific activity, which lasted more than 60 years, is a milestone in the history of the geological exploration of this vast, remote and little-known territory; she laid the foundation for the research of the geological structure of the south of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The industrial development of the Republic of Komi is largely due to the success of geologists' work, among them that of V. A. Varsanofyeva rightfully occupies one of the first places. The materials from V. A.Varsanofyeva's personal archive are of great interest, as they allow us to learn not only the versatile activity of this scientist, her social circle and personal traits, but also the scientific community as a whole – the tireless workers of science, inspired by the great aims of understanding the surrounding environment and gaining new knowledge.
History magazine - researches, 2016-3
Brovina A. - The Polar Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences: on the History of Studying the European North of Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century


Abstract: The article focuses on the historical role of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the advancement of scientific knowledge and development of the Northern territories of Russia, The article’s research object is the activity of the Polar Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the work of the commission in studying the sub-Polar territories, its participation in the perspective economic planning and creation of permanent scientific institutions in the North of Russia. Particular attention is given to the commission’s complex expedition to the Northern Krai in 1933 – the Pechora brigade of the Polar Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The research’s methodology is based on the main principles of modern historical sciences: historicism and scientific objectivity, as well as the general scientific methods: source study, analysis and synthesis, description, analogy construction. The author’s main conclusions are: the Polar Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences carried out a large-scale project with regard to the North – a project focused on the study of a particular region, rich in energy resources, which in a certain sense determined the development direction of the region and country for the next century, and which linked the future of fundamental sciences with global national objectives.
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