Электронный журнал Мировая политика - №1 за 2015 г - Содержание, список статей. ISSN: 2409-8671 - Издательство NotaBene
World Politics
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Contents of Issue № 01/2015
Questions of current interest
Manoilo A.V. - Color revolutions and the technologies for the disassembly of political regimes. pp. 1-19


Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the problems regarding disassembly of political regimes in the modern states (both authoritarian and democratic ones) and role of the color revolutions technologies in this process. The problems of disassembly of political regimes and related problems of color revolutions become especially topical nowadays. It has to do with more than just the fact that detailed evaluation of the events in Ukraine shows that they copy the scenarios of color revolutions in the North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Arabian Spring", and, more specifically, the revolutions in Egypt and Syria, showing that these events were not merely accidental, they were arranged and managed from a single decision-making center.  The cause of the above is that the new generation of the more subtle instruments of foreign political influence currently takes the place of traditional instruments, to which the international community is used to. These new methods combine force and information technologies for the manipulation of the mass conscience and mass behavior of large quantities of civilian population.
Theory and methodology of international relations
Borodin E.A. - Reasonable approach to global politics. pp. 20-46


Abstract: This article is devoted to the studies of the role of reason in the modern political processes, global politics and foreign policies of the nation-states. The article attempts to clarify the basic terms regarding the term "reason", showing how the factor of reason is comprehended by the parties to the political relations and political process. It is established that reason is a complicated structure, and it may manifest itself at individual, collective, and distributed levels in political and social activities of a person.  The appearance of the network structures in the modern society forms new network type of reason, which influences the reasonability criteria and evaluation of reasonability of certain political strategies and courses. As a result it becomes clear that speaking of reasonable policy, we often mean different bases and criteria for being reasonable. Moreover, different cultures have their own ideas of reason and being reasonable in political activities based upon their own traditions and values. At the same time the noosphere teaching of V.I. Vernadskiy allows to synthesize various approaches to reason and its role in politics within a single paradigm, which is brought together by the modern ideology of noovitism.
World politics
Khizrieva S.S. - Public diplomacy in the foreign policy of Brazil at the period of rule of L.I. Lula da Silva. pp. 47-54


Abstract: After the crash of the bipolar system of global order the practice of international relations has changed significantly. The changes mostly concerned appearance of new communications and information technologies. At the start of the XXI centuries many states have attempted to take a prominent position in the global community, searching for new efficient methods for the formation of foreign economic relations - political communications. Brazil applies new political communications technologies in order to spread Latin American values and to guarantee its leadership in politics and economy.  One of the directions of foregn policy of L.I. Lula da Silva was widening the scope of cooperation with the EU states, which could have  formed competition for the USA in Brazil due to the development of strategic partnership, and they also could have provided information support for Brazil as a result of information operations of the USA.  In addition, an important goal for L.I. Lula da Silva's office was to form a positive image of Brazil and its officials in order to widen the scope of cooperation between the two regions in various spheres.
Vinogradova E.A. - Role of the ALBA public diplomacy in the regulation of the Syrian conflict. pp. 55-65


Abstract: Politics of the ALBA states in the sphere of public diplomacy is one of the key foreign political targets for the ALBA states in their assymmetrical information strife with the USA. In the period from 2006 to 2013 the ALBA states have put their influence upon the international mass media in order to form a negative reputation for the USA. The strenghening foreign political dialog between the ALBA states and Syria, uniting the two regions based upon the platform of opposition to the unipolar influence of the USA opens additional perspectives for the formation of the new power centers against the monopolarity in the world. The methodology of the study is based upon systemic and structural-functional approaches, comparative historical and comparative political analysis, cultural civilization approach, methods of induction, deduction, construction, modeling, expert evaluation, analysis, synthesis, observation. In 2004 9 states of the Latin America and the Caribbean - Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Equador, Nicaragua, Dominicana, Antigua and Barbados, St. Vincent and Grenadines formed an international organization and sub-regional integration association ALBA: Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra America. Initiators of ALBA formation were Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.
Manoilo A.V. - Geopolitical picture of the modern world and controlled chaos. pp. 66-80


Abstract: The modern geopolitical worldview is quite instable. Its main specific feature is that the geopolitical borders dividing modern states and nations are based not as much on geographical borders, water and mountain ridges, rather they are in the minds of the people, dividing the society into "us" and "them" based upon certain national interests, values, ideological concepts, doctrines, models of political behavior, and both continental and island states may follow these models. The methodology of the article involves systemic, structural-functional, comparative, and cultural civilization approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation and modeling.  In order to support these borders in the mind of the people the symbols are used as markers for "our" people, allowing to distinguish "our" people and divide them from the "their" people. These markers may be primitive. It may be flowers (roses in Georgia, tulips in Kyrgyzstan, cornflowers in Belarus, cacti in Mexico, jasmine in Tunisia) in the hands of the participants of the color revolutions in the CIS, pieces of orange cloth in Ukraine or white ribbons in Russia, figs in Tunisia and Egypt, etc.
Russian foreign policy
Borodinov E.N. - Analysis of the foreign political operation in the Crimea. pp. 81-88


Abstract: This article concerns the analysis of the foreign political operation in Crimea, which was implemented by the armed forces of the Russian Federation  ("polite people"), the author provides evaluations of efficiency of this operation, conclusions are made on the key elements of unexpectedness and conspiracy. Considering the fact that the documents on this foreign political operation are not in open access,  the conclusion that secrecy was upmost important follows from the statements of the Russian politicians and diplomats, who have commented on the results of reunion of the Crimea and the Russian Federation.  It is noted that in spite of the fact that this foreign political operation was successful and its goal was achieved, it did have some shortcomings, which may be explained by the specific features of the Crimean precedent. As a result of the analysis the author reveals some moments which partially showed the participation of the Russian armed forces in the events in the Crimea.  The conclusion is made regarding what could be done to avoid the preliminary publicity on the fact of participation of the Russian armed forces. The conclusions in this article may be used for planning and implementation of similar scenarios. 
Political modernization of international relations
Zaryanov E. - Soft power as a characteristic feature of political influence of a superpower state in the multipolar world. pp. 89-122


Abstract: This article concerns specific features of influence of the superpowers upon the international political processes ongoing in the modern multipolar world. The multipolar world today is an international configuration, where the world is divided into the spheres of influence among the superpower states, and none of the existing power centers is capable of independently pushing its will into the other sphere without a wide-ranged coalition of powers. There is no method to change the amount of sphere of influence, rather than by force.  In such a situation the importance of the non-military influence in international relations, including soft power resources are regarded as politicians and legal scholars as an important resource for the foreign political power of a state claiming the status of the global center or an apex of power, in other words, the superpower status.  In spite of the disputes regarding intepretation of the term, it should be stated that the term "superpower" now returned into the lexicon of political science after it has been ignored by most American, Western European and Russian specialists in the sphere of international relations.  This article provides analysis of hte modern changes in the political map of hte world. It is pointed out that in the modern rapidly changing multipolar world the non-forceful methods of influence gain more and more importance, and they form the modern system of international relations.  The role of soft power and its cultural communication instruments for the political influence of superpowers in the modern global world is growing.  In the conditions of multipolar world the formation of the soft power potential as the means for national and international security becomes one of the key factors for the preservation of state sovereignty, territorial integrity of the state, consolidation of the society, formation of the conditions for successful resolution of the internal problems, and accordingly for the active foreign policy of the state. 
Challenges and threats to international security
Shitova E. - Methods of fighting corruption in Brazil: achievemetns and new challenges. pp. 123-143


Abstract: Corruption is a large-scale problem throughout the political system of Brazil. Corruption permeats all of the levels of state administration (federal, regional, municipal) and all of the branches of power. In spite of the measures taken at the state level the problem of corruption remains ttopical. The controlling services become more and more branched, but they do not become more efficient.  The informal practices of public relations form an important part of the Brazilian culture and influence its efficiency. Corruption in Brazil is caused both by the imperfections of the instituions themselves and by the cultural acceptance of it.  The methodology of the article involves systemic, structural functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, observation and modeling.  The article involves analysis of the nature of the corruption "Brazilian style", its cultural specificities, and measures against it at all state levels since 2000s, including the agencies responsible for fighting corruption, legislative regulation of corruption, results, which have been achieved and the new challenges.
Bondarchuk A. - Face and nature of the Ukrainian fascism. pp. 144-152


Abstract: The author of this article recently visited the assembly of the "Svoboda" party, where Oleg Tyagnibok was moved for Presidency in Ukraine. The article expresses his opinion as a citizen and a professional psychologist.  There are many young people among the delegates, including the members of the new Kyiv Government and several governors assigned via the quota of the Svoboda party. There are people no older than 30 judging by their looks among the governors.  All of them have no administrative experience, except for managing sotnyas at the Maidan. It is not known how such inexperienced cadres shall manage state administration. The association has started, and usually the organizational issues are dealt with at this stage. And even at the initial stage there were things, which shocked, worried, amazed and scared the author as an independent observer.  The methodology of the article is based upon the systemic and structural-functional approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, construction, induction, deduction and dialectics.  The ideology of the Right-wing ultra-nationalism (de facto Fascism) is forced into Ukraine by someone's skilled hands. This is a political technology is aimed for development of the mutual fear among the Russian and Ukrainian people, "demonizing" and forming the image of the Russian and Ukrainian enemies serving the interests of the American expansionism in order to escalate the enmity among our peoples in order for Ukraine to fight Russia "till the last Ukrainian person". The danger of Fascism in the Ukrainian society is real. However, there is a counter-potential, and it is not limited just to South-Eastern regions.
International conflicts
Ivanov S.M. - Events in Ukraine and in Syria: a vivid example of double standards policy of the USA. pp. 153-158


Abstract: The Ukrainian crisis once again has vividly shown the double standards policy of the Western world. The hitmen of the "Right Sector" and pro-Fascist Bandera organizations took over and ruined government buildings, burnt people alive, fired shots at mlitia officials and common people from ambushes, but they are regarded as "fighters for freedom and democracy" in support of the new regime by the West.  The events in Ukraine and in Syria pose a vivid example of "double standards" policy of the USA. The methodological basis for the studies is formed with the systemic, structural-functional and comparative legal approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, modeling and forecasting.  At the same time the people of the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine, who have expressed their will to live and work independently without Kyiv via the regional referenda were regarded by the new Government and the West to be separatists and terrorists. Under a guile of anti-terrorist operation there was a large-scale punitive expedition against them with the use of military aviation, armoured vehicles and artillery.
Rep'eva A.M. - History of the border conflict between India and Pakistan. pp. 159-175


Abstract: The article poses an issue of the need to point out the unique character of each specific conflict. They take place with regard to the specificities, and the means of their regulation may be contradictory. The means of conflict regulation may be divided into two similar classifications, and the elements are somewhat connected with each other. Analysis of the borderline conflits has shown that the main cause of non-regulated border zones is the haste of Britain to leave its colonies in 1947. That is why, the object of studies in this article involves regional specificities of borderline conflict regulation in India and Pakistan.  The studies of regional specificities of regulation of borderline conflicts falls outside the scope of purely political studies, rather it is a topical area at the verge of several social sciences: political science, history, economics, jurisprudence, etc. The complex character of study required that in addition to general scientific methods (analysis, generalization, induction and deduction, analogy, classification and systematization method, comparative studies) the specialized methods were involved (procedural dynamic, structural functional, permissive). The key methods were comparative historical analysis and systemic approach. In both cases the parties look for cooperation, but in the case of conflict between India and Pakistan the interests of the parties in the region are different, and rapid resolution of the conflict seems impossible.  The Indian-Pakistanian conflict may be regarded as an international conflict due to the involvement of the third parties in its resolution. It may also be said that at the start of the new century the parties actively and fruitfully moved towards conflict resolution, but the terrorist acts and lack of trust of the states to each other stood in the way of its final resolution.
Manoilo A.V. - Color revolution in Venezuela. pp. 176-179


Abstract: The situation analogous to the Ukrainian situation is currently ongoing in Venezuela. There is a protest movement in Venezuela, which has all the elements of the classical color revolution. It may mean, that having implemented the color revolution scenario in Ukraine, the USA started dealing with another ally of Russia - Venezuela.  It also may be stated that now the USA sends the wave of color revolutions more than just one certain state (for example, Ukraine), rather the influence involves several strategic directions: Ukraine, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan, Venezuela (formerly Ukraine till February 2014) as strategic allies of Russia. The methodology of the article includes systemic, structural-functional, and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis and modeling. In case of Venezuela the so-called controlled chaos shall be involved to ruin the social unity of those, who gained many benefits from the peaceful revolution of Chavez, and to weaken other Latin American states, so they would not help Venezuela.
Manoilo A.V. - Countermeasures against the spread of color revolution ideology among the young people. pp. 180-191


Abstract: The issue of organizing countermeasures against the spread of the color revolution ideology among the University students is very topical nowadays. The student environment is mostly non-political, but it is very flexible. It easily supports any slogans, which allow the students to differ from their peers. The goal of activities in the student environment is boosting self-esteem, bringing variety into lives of students, dealing with boredom and looking for vivid impressions. Often this need of the young people in self-esteem is manifested through the denial of the existing norms and standards, including the fundamentals of the state structure. That is why the students are so eager to join any protest movements, which allow them to do so, treat any new member individually and provide them an active role in their work.  The methodology of the article is based upon systemic and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, observation, modelling.  All of the above differs from the pro-government youth movements, many of which are organized like neo-sects or military barracks, looking like "gray matter" going where they are sent.  Becoming a member of such an organization the student loses his freedom, and he gets a personal commander, whom he has to obey without any questions asked.
Information warfare
Veprintsev V.B. - Influence of information component on the interaction of geopolitical subjects. pp. 192-212


Abstract: The character of modern geopolitical relations is to a great extent defined by the transformation of traditional geopolitics, which is implemented by the geopolitical subjects (subjects of geopolitical relations). This study regards geopolitical subjects as any structured communities of people, which are the subjects of geopolitical relations, that is, they have interests in gaining and preserving control over certain areas (territories, spheres) and the resources (energies) spread in them, forming to this purpose various institutional organizations (including states) and having the necessary potential for it. Having reclaimed traditional geographical areaas and having formed the most efficient system of social and political structure, which was possible at the time, corresponding to territorial and geographical conditions for the existence of this subject of geopolitical relations, most of the states as geopolitical subjects faced the problem of impossibility for further territorial development by direct territorial (geographical) expansion without inacceptable conflicts based upon the scale of the costs and damage. Successful competition in the international arena and in the end survival of a geopolitical subject becomes impossible without advanced technologies of managing resources of the territories controlled by this geopolitical subject.  In such a situation knowing the key mechanisms for the geopolitical interactions in the modern world become key for the administrative structures of the subject of geopolitical relations.  Also under the influence of the processes of transformation of the contents of aggregate geopolitical area the traditional models of geopolitical interaction gain new quality and principally new ones are born.
Frolov D.B. - The concept of the information joint staff and state information policy in Russia. pp. 213-224


Abstract: For over two decades Russia has been developing the model of the open society with the market economy, but still abroad it is regarded as an "Empire of Evil" or at least as its heir. It is facilitated by the active information pressing of the USA, the Great Britain and the European Union states. The information sing-along is formed with the former Socialist states. There are mixed feelings towards Russia. As a losing party in the Cold War it is looked down upon and despised. As an owner of the largest nuclear potential in the world it is regarded with envy and concern. The methodology of studies is formed based upon systemic and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and information political approach. While being unable to force a "new order" in Russia, as it was done in Yugoslavia, the Western states wage a complex information warfare against the Russian government and the Russian patriotic forces. We do remember that Russia lost in such an information war during the first war in Chechnya. Then the situation got a bit better, but we still cannot manage to win in the race for the public opinion abroad.
History of international relations
Kosinova M. - Formation and development of international relations in the Russian pre-Revolution cinematography. pp. 225-235


Abstract: The article concerns the history of formation and development of the international relations in the Russian pre-Revolution cinematography (1896-1917). At this time the cinema import prevailed over cinema export. And only in the  years of the First World War the proportion has changed, and the purchase of foreign films was abruptly lessened.  During the first decade the leaders in the Russian cinema market were foreigners, first of all, the French. The repertoire was also mostly foreign. The first Russian cinema enterpeneurs (producers, if one is to put it into mdern terms) started their work in the cinema sphere as representatives of foreign cinema firms in Russia. In order to gain the starting capittal they had to serve as intermediaries for the purchase of foregn motion pictures and sale of these pictures to the movie theaters, and later, to the distribution agencies. As for the movie expert, A.A. Hanzhonkov and A.O. Drankov have achieved most in this sphere. The basis for the successful enterpreneurship of A.A. Hanzhonkov was the distribution of foreign films (back when there was no Russian movie production). Then he invested the money into his own movie company.  He both bought foreign films and sold his films abroad. For example, the first cartoons in the world, which were made by V.Starevich at A.A. Hanzhonkov's studio with the method of dimensional animation were successful both in Europe and in the USA.  A. O. Drankov was the founder of the Russian theatrical cinematograph and movie chronicles successfully sold his motion pictures (both theatrical and documentary) in America, England, France and other countries.  In the pre-War yeras the Russian motion pictures played an insignificant role in the repertoire of the Russian movie theaters. The War has changed this situation in the cinematography market, and it lead to the abrupt fall of the import of foreign motion picture and the rise of national movie production. The main approach in these studies is a complex analysis of the issue. It combines the so-called historical narrative of encyclopedical character, where the matters of development of international relations of the Russian pre-Revolution cinematography are shown in much detail and consequitively, the method of phylosophical cognition of these issues, and the art criticism analysis of representative materials. While the history of Russian pre-Revolution cinematography was studied in much detail and volume in many scientific studies, the history of international relations in the sphere of Russian cinetmatography was not previously reflected in the scientific literature. The pre-Revolution period laid the foundation for the international relations of the Russian cinematography. However, the Revolution and the later change in the political regime has ruined these fundamentals. And the young Soviet cinematography had to form the international relations anew.    
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