Politics and Society - rubric The dialogue of cultures
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The dialogue of cultures
Poltorakov A.Y. -
Poltorakov A.Y. -
Èâàíüêî Í.À. -
Neimatov A.Y. -
Galiev F.K. -
Chusova N.S. -
Parkhomenko R.N. -
Nikitina A.D. -
Karpova E.V. -
Karpova E.V. -
Karpova E.V. -
Zhabina V.V. -
Nikandrov A.V. -


Rozin V.M. - Internet kak vid virtual'noi real'nosti i ego vliyanie na razvitie cheloveka i kul'tury. (Postanovka problemy). pp. 0-0
Saidov A. Kh.,Abdullaev E. V. - «Tak govoril Zaratustra»: mezhdu Zapadom i Vostokom. pp. 0-0
Mikhalenko Yu.P. - Rannekhristianskaya teologiya v ee vzaimodeistvii s klassicheskoi greko-rimskoi kul'turoi. pp. 0-0
Shapiro, E.A. - Teachings on categories of scientific political and legal study. pp. 0-0
Abstract: Categories of the scientific political and legal study are of the most general character, and their use in the political science and jurisprudence helps to achieve better analysis of functioning and development of state and law. E.A. Shapiro’s article contains analysis of political and legal categories, such as form and contents of state and law, state and law as freedom and necessity, state and law as a complex and as its components. As the author notes, the latter category was paid little attention in theory and calls for evaluation in detail…
Maremkulov, A.N. - Place and role of legal provisions in the legislative acts of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic. pp. 0-0
Abstract: This article includes the study of legislative acts of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, which is, in turn, used as an example to show the value and place of legal provisions, their role in ensuring the unity of goals and purposes of the normative legal system at its current stage of development. The subject of the above-mentioned study includes legal regulation, which show specific features of development of multiethnic subject of the Russian Federation.
Seidov, Sh. G. - Information society and changes of foreign political relations in the modern world pp. 0-0
Abstract: In this article the author presented the methodological approach to study of the information society as a factor, which influences the changes in the modern international political relations.
Bayev, V.G. - Karl Schmitt on the fenomenon of Hitler in German history. pp. 0-0
Voronetsky, P.M. - Legal nature and status of the state language of the republic as a constituent subject of Russia pp. 0-0
Abstract: There are many state languages on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to part 2 of the Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republics, which are the constituent parts of the Russian Federation, have a right to establish their own state languages in addition to the federal language. The quantity of languages are not limited, and some Republics established two or more state languages in addition to the federal language. The status of these state languages is rather different from a federal state language. This article by P.M. Voronetsky is devoted to these differences…
Chikhladze, L.T., Babaeva, Y.G. - Constitutional legal regulation of religious unions. pp. 0-0
Bogatyrev, K.A. - The Northern Caucausus conflict in the USSR: the religious aspect. pp. 0-0
Bogatyrev, K.A. - Social and cultural aspects of Japanese economical model. pp. 0-0
Abstract: The article reflects on key social tendencies and principles, which facilitated the phenomenon of “Japanese economical miracle”. The author shows the key principles of formation of production specialists, much attention is paid to the formation of the moral aspect of a person. Keywords: sociology, Japan, economics, society, symbiotic cultures, education, tradition, history of development, culture and ethics, morals
Galiev, F. Kh. - Legal Culture as a Legal Reality pp. 0-0
Abstract: If we consider a civil society as a society which has reached a rather high level of its development, then the borders of infl uence of traditional social norms must cover all the life spheres this civil society consists of and provide required harmonic and optimal regulation of social relations.
Keywords: legal studies, law, culture, reality, civil society, usual society, social norms, traditional teachings, religious teachings, morals.
Neymatov, A. Ya. - Russian-Saudi Relations in the Context of Saudi Foreign Policy Priorities pp. 0-0
Abstract: Currently, Russia considers Saudi Arabia as one of the key states in the Arab-Muslim world. Both sides manifest their interest in expanding relations, but at the same time, there is some mutual suspicion and misunderstanding of the foreign policy basis of each party. Infrastructure, energy, real estate, education, medicine, banking and petrochemicals are among the most promising areas of Russian-Saudi cooperation. Besides, there are other ways to develop relations between Russia and KSA, which are detailed in this article.
Keywords: Middle East, Russian-Saudi relations, KSA, foreign policy priorities.
Popova A.V. -


Popova, A. V. - The Model of Cross-Cultural Competence of a Teacher at Educational Institution pp. 11-17


Abstract: By analyzing psychological and pedagogical literature on professional identity of teachers and special features of their teaching activities in the modern cross-cultural conditions of Russia, the author of the article defi nes the main contradictions between the current training of teachers and particular teaching activities. These contradictions show themselves in situations of cross-cultural interaction between actors of teaching activities when the national identity and professional identity encounter. In order to prevent errors in situations of cross-cultural interaction, it is necessary to create teachers’ cross-cultural competence at the earliest state of their training. Such cross-cultural competence is the element of the general competence in communication with the representatives of other cultures. The author of the article presents the model of cross-cultural competence of a teacher at educational institution. The model is based on the structuration theory offered by Anthony Giddens. The author believes that the competence building approach to formation of the teacher’s identity and cross-cultural competence will contribute to a teacher’s success in today’s cross-cultural environment, prepare him for any changes of the environment and allow him to change his teaching activity in accordance with changed conditions.
Keywords: professional activities, professional identity, competency building approach, cross-cultural competence, model, reaction, cross-cultural skills, ethnic tolerance, cross-cultural interaction, cross-cultural situation.
Karpova, E. V. - Objective Conditions for Perception of Space in Philosophy and Law Concepts of Natural Law pp. 35-44
Abstract: All the variety of external conditions for perception of space is viewed from the point of view of natural law approach. Objective legal reality is described as the combination of ideal factors (God, Logos, mind, justice, freedom, distance) and real factors (social and living conditions, prevailing type of industrial relations). It is concluded that conceptions of natural law approach draw out the special picture of philosophical and law concepts where vertical and horizontal elements are crossed. Principles of formal inequality and equality, ontological unity of divine mind and human society sets the direction of cogitation and defines peculiarities of external objective conditions for philosophy and law perception of space.
Keywords: philosophy, perception, space, natural law, law, activity, God, Logos, equality, inequality.
Chertkov, A.N., Artamonova, N.V. - Legal culture and activities of electors. pp. 37-44
Asadullaev, I. K. - Some Grounds of New Materialism pp. 39-48
Abstract: New materialism is based on the unity of current material attributes – the ideal and the material (what exists at the moment). It accepts the idea of the ideal length and universal law of the advancing refl ection and mutual refl ection of the ideal and the material and comes to accept the thesis that Plato’s ideas do not contract to the new materialism. New materialism is based on infi nite categories, universal laws and principles.
Keywords: philosophy, Aristotle, ideal, material, attribute, ideal length, advancing, refl ection, material, Evald Ilyenkov.
Jabina, V.V. - Innovative culture as a factor of balanced innovative development of the society and man. pp. 39-50
Abstract: This article analyzes the innovative culture as a way of human adaptation to modern society and innovation. The author founds that in the development of innovative culture a special role is played by process of formation of the model of democratization of innovations aimed at reducing the possible risks of innovation. The author points out that one of the most important functions of an innovative culture is to manage the innovation process.
Keywords: philosophy, innovative culture, innovative society, innovative development, the risks of innovation development, diffusion of innovations, democratization of innovation, open innovation, innovation process, innovative personality
Saidova, H.A. - School of the people’s democracy – elections of the representatives of the people and their advisors in the Republic Uzbekistan. pp. 41-69
Abstract: One of characteristic structures of the civil society in Uzbekistan is the so-called “machalla”, which is at times called the school of Oriental democracy. The functions of the “machalla” as a body of social self-government of the people are very broad, and under the Constitution of December 8, 1992 it is recognized as a constitutional institution.
Shugurov M.V. -


Shugurov, V.M. - The Phenomenon of Tolerance in Terms of the ‘Violence-Nonviolence’ Opposition pp. 43-58


Abstract: The research subject is the relationship between the phenomena of tolerance and non-violence. In his article Shugurov underlines that tolerance and nonviolence is generally incompatible with such a negative phenomenon as violence. Shugurov analyzes conceptual approaches to the relationship between tolerance and the “violence and nonviolence” opposition. He provides grounds for the statement that nonviolent patterns of communication and social interaction are more appropriate. Shugurov also carries out a detailed analysis of the phenomenon of violence and demonstrates the minuses of this social practice as well as the absence of any moral justification of violence in this age of tolerance. The analysis performed by the author is based on the historicism principle. A significant role in the author’s research has been plaid by M. Bakhtin’s theory that it is possible to deal with the foreignness of the other without turning him into “ours”. The main conclusions include conceptual provisions on the need to specify the phenomenon of tolerance in communication practices, on one hand, and nonviolence struggle, on the other hand. The main results of the research also include the author’s conclusion about tolerance as the mental attitude to communication borders that combine tolerance with the legitimate use of force.
Keywords: tolerance, cultural dialogue, globalization, conceptual recognition, force resistance, violence, nonviolence, compromise, moral ideal, communication.
Nikandrov, A. V. - Norberto Bobbio about Politics and Culture: Independence of Intellectuals and Autonomy of Culture pp. 45-50
Abstract: The article is devoted to intellectual discussions in Italy during the second half of XX century which were dedicated to the problems of autonomy of culture. Among numerous disputes and intellectual speeches the author stresses out the debates between Italian communists and a representative of liberal social philosophy, follower of Gobetti and Rosselli, Turinese professor in the spheres of philosophy of law and philosophy of politics, Norberto Bobbio who presented his original conception about intellectuals and political tasks under the conditions of cold war and growing block opposition.
Keywords: political studies, intellectuals, liberalism, culture, policy, bias, organic intellectual, negative freedom, liberalism, socialism.
Ayupova, Z.K. - Legal systems of the Central Asia states: experience and perspectives. pp. 50-60
Filimonov, G. Yu. - Multiculturalism in the USA and Europe: Political Technologies at Work pp. 62-72
Abstract: The survey provides information about the ideology of multiculturalism that is being used by U.S. and E.U. elites to promote a new model of society. The author believes that migration fl ows, which are still increasing, strengthen cultural diversity but erode nation-states, creating new types of political spaces.
Keywords: multiculturalism, USA, EU, melting pot, neomarxist, migration, tolerance, Earth Charter.
Parkhomenko, R. N. - Nikolai Berdyaev About Cultural and Political Peculiarities of Russia and Europe pp. 66-75
Abstract: The article is devoted to Nikolai Berdyaev’s ideas and thoughts about cultural and political peculiarities of Russia and Europe. Berdyaev showed his interst on the matter already in his early work ‘Fate of Russia’ which he wrote when Bolsheviks had come to power. Tragic events in Russian history which had long-term consequences not only for our country but also for the whole world made Berdyaev start thinking about the Russian people’s psychology, national identity and psychology of war and politics. Berdyaev makes an attemp to define what the soul of Russia is. The soul of Russia is contradictory and antinomic which is reflected both in the Slavophiles ’ ideology and Russian classical literature. In his works Berdyaev compared differences and similarities between the Russian mentality and European way of thinking and underlined rationailsm of a Westerner unlike spontaneous and chaotic Russian soul. Based on Berdyaev, the Western way of thinking is ‘weakened by rationailsm’ and focused on details while Russians are more interested in the nature of the problem in general. Russians try not only to describe and to set a problem but also to solve it no matter how difficult and abstract it is. This particular article is based on the study of a great number of Nikolai Berdyaev’s works as well as Russian and Western philosophers found both in Russia (at Lomonosov Moscow State University) and Germany (at Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Karlsruhe and University of Tubingen). The results of the study can be used in lectures on history of philosophy and political studies as well as in researches of Russian philosophy and history in Russia and Europe.
Keywords: political studies, Russia, Europe, messiahship, freedom, idea, Slavophilism, Westernism, Eurasianism, Nationalism.
Khudaverdian, V. Ts. - Phenomenon of the ‘Parallel Cultures’ in Foreign States: Social and Philosophical Interpretation pp. 77-81
Abstract: The article is devote to a rather new social phenomenon – so called parallel cultures. These cultures are the result of migration processes creating and stimulating a number of ethno-social problems. The point is that European and USA migrants mostly come from Muslim countries. They bring all their cultural baggage with them – their language, religion, cultural traditions, food and mentality. The author of the article believes that migrants are not that willing to integrate into Western society which creates the problem between migrant workers and native population.
Keywords: philosophy, society, xenophobia, integration, conflict, ethnic correctness, immigrants, tolerance, megapolis, patriotism.
E. M. Spirova - Etika protestantskaya i sotsial'naya. pp. 80-88
G.B. Byrbaeva - Conceptual approaches of European and American ethnology to role and influence of the Russian component in the Central Asia: problems of interaction. pp. 81-98
Asadullaev, I. K. - Existence and Non-Existence of the Numerous Universes. Concerning New Categories ‘Participation’ and ‘Non-Participation’ in Philosophy pp. 82-87
Abstract: There is a great number of universes which cannot be defined with reference to one another. In this regard, ‘nothing’ in our Universe is an ‘existence’ in another world; this is why universes are silent. Existence and non-existence are not abstract at all. They are related as certainties. Non-existence — nothing exists as a denial of another existence. They interact when the past and the future interact. All items are broken in the present.
Keywords: social studies, existence and non-existence, nothing, definition, numerous universes, categories, participation, non-participation, future and past, interaction.
K.A. Bogatyrev - Otnosheniya musul'man Tatarstana i Srednei Azii. (Istoricheskii ocherk). pp. 84-96
Spirova, E.M. - Symbol in the modern culture pp. 92-103
E.M. Spirova - Istoricheskie sud'by religii. pp. 96-105
Sudarikova, N.G. - Historical and legal aspects of legislation on responsibility for organization of a religious organization infringing upon personalities and rights of people. pp. 102-113
Abstract: As N.G. Sudarikova notes, at all stages of development of civilization there have been religious entities, which limited the rights of their followers or other persons. This article concerns the study of history of relations between the Russian state and religious entities, state regulation of activities of such entities.
V. M. Rozin - Musul'manka i ee mir. pp. 110-120
V. M. Rozin - Istoricheskii fakt, sobytie, interpretatsiya. Ili chto takoe sovremennaya istoriya? pp. 118-123
T.M. Svinina - Mekhanizm identifikatsii v kul'ture. pp. 121-128
A. N. Maremkulov - Voprosy istoriografii osvoeniya Severnogo Kavkaza Rossiiskoi imperiei v XVIII — XIX vv. pp. 124-130
Gulina O.R. - Spetsifika yazykovogo zakonodatel'stva v kontekste prava na ravenstvo/nediskriminatsiyu. pp. 124-129
Anri Froman-Meris - Vzglyad s Ke d’Orse (chast' 4. Prodolzhenie). pp. 131-149
Maremkulov A.N. - K voprosu izucheniya pravovykh aktov predstavitelei tsarskogo samoderzhaviya na Severnom Kavkaze XVIII-XIX vekakh : istoriko-pravovoi aspekt. pp. 133-139
Krutikov, M.Y. - Cultural-legal and social-economic aspects of realization of the right for judicial protection in the post-Soviet Russia. pp. 137-146
Abstract: The issue of effective realization of constitutional legal norms is especially important in the conditions of the transitional Russian society. Realization of the constitutional right for judicial protection is not only an institutional guarantee of the legal status of a person, but also the central motivation for the mechanism of social stability. As M. Y. Krutikov notes, in the modern Russia and important role in ensuring constitutional realization of rights shall be played by the three key institutions: prosecutors, advocates and ombudsmen. The responsibility for realization of constitutional rights and freedoms (and therefore, adequate functioning of a civil society) is on these three categories of legal professionals…
Karpova, E. V. - Objective Conditions of Space Perception in Philosophical and Legal Concepts of Legalism pp. 200-207


Abstract: Variety of external conditions of space perception is viewed from the point of view of natural law approach. Objective legal reality is shown as a combination of ideal factors (God, Logos, mind, justice, freedom, distance) and real factors (living conditions of a society, prevailing industrial relations). It is concluded that natural law conceptions outline the space pattern of law concepts where vertical and horizontal elements are crossed. Principles of formal equality and inequality as well as the principle of ontological unity of divine intelligence and human society are set forth by associated directions of cogitation and define specifics of external objective conditions of law space perception.
Keywords: philosophy, perception, space, natural law, law, reality, God, Logos, equality, inequality.
Ioshkin M.V. - The True Orthodox Christians in Tambov Oblast: influence on the youth at the brink of the 1950’s – o 1960’s


Abstract: The fight for the youth has always been very important for the political and religious unions, being in essence the fight for their future. Due to this fact, the study of the influence of the True Orthodox Christians on the youth during the “Khrushchev’s attack” on the church is quite interesting, particularly because namely the activity of the True Orthodox Christians was most noticeable among the unregistered religious unions at this point in time. Even though the territorial frameworks of the research are limited by the region of Tambov Oblast, its typicality allows extrapolating the majority of the results onto the history of almost entire Central Russia. At the same time, the regional localization lets us to clarify many conclusions by thoroughly examining the processes and phenomena. The author also tried to consider the fact that Tambov Krai traditionally is referred as one of the main forms of the Russian religious sectarianism. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is a first special research dedicated to the comprehensive examination based on the materials of Tambov Oblast of how the True Orthodox Christians, the True Orthodox Church, and the hesychasts affected the youth during the period of 1958-1964.
Ioshkin M.V. - The True Orthodox Christians in Tambov Oblast: influence on the youth at the brink of the 1950’s – o 1960’s pp. 223-231


Abstract: The fight for the youth has always been very important for the political and religious unions, being in essence the fight for their future. Due to this fact, the study of the influence of the True Orthodox Christians on the youth during the “Khrushchev’s attack” on the church is quite interesting, particularly because namely the activity of the True Orthodox Christians was most noticeable among the unregistered religious unions at this point in time. Even though the territorial frameworks of the research are limited by the region of Tambov Oblast, its typicality allows extrapolating the majority of the results onto the history of almost entire Central Russia. At the same time, the regional localization lets us to clarify many conclusions by thoroughly examining the processes and phenomena. The author also tried to consider the fact that Tambov Krai traditionally is referred as one of the main forms of the Russian religious sectarianism. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is a first special research dedicated to the comprehensive examination based on the materials of Tambov Oblast of how the True Orthodox Christians, the True Orthodox Church, and the hesychasts affected the youth during the period of 1958-1964.
Keywords: istoriya, religiya, istinno pravoslavnye khristiane, obryady, Khrushchev, Mamontovo ozero
Parkhomenko R.N. -


Parkhomenko, R. N. - Russia and West: Law Against Morals? pp. 302-312


Abstract: The author of the article analyzes similarities and differences in spiritual and legal spheres of life of Russia and Western countries, first of all, Germany. For example, the cultural singularity of Europe is well proved by the fact that it developed as an integral Catholic world after the failure of the Western Roman Empire. In Western European countries Church established the unified system of regulations and the common space of values. That process was autonomous and did not depend on nonreligious social institutions or government. This is what created pluralism in Europe and dependence of relations between different institutions and social organizations on legal regulations. In Russia the absence of the bourgeois class, insufficient development of the legal sphere and political immaturity of the population resulted in the ‘special’ path of our country and created a special position of Russia between the Western civil society and Oriental despotism. The author of the present research article in detail views different points of view on the problems of cultural and historical features of Russia compared to the West and concludes that in the course of the historical development Russia created its own specific version of liberalism when legal guarantees of personal freedom were replaced with humanist ideals including the ideal of ‘truth’. Therefore, a specific feature of the Russian mentality is that Russian liberal ideology and legal regulations are in many ways based on morals and moral appraisal.
Keywords: Russia, West, Germany, right, freedom, morals, pluralism, state institution, church, liberalism.
Karpova, E. V. - Space as an Object of Philosophical-Legal Perception pp. 315-321


Abstract: Space is viewed as the object-situation in philosophical-legal perception or a sensual prescription described in terms of certain geometric proportions. Characteristics of space as the object-situation in the philosophical legal meaning include the following: display of private and public (horizontal and vertical) spheres; display of objective legal reality and subjective legal reality; display o the two counter-positions: external-internal, occupied – vacant, infinite – finite, where subjective legal reality is considered to be internal, vacant and finite while objective legal reality is shown as external, occupied and infinite. The place of a concrete legal situation is viewed as a subject of perception and a center of space in philosophical-legal meaning.
Keywords: philosophy, space, perception, socio-culture, right, object, situation, place, public, private.
Kosinova M. - Soviet cinematic diplomacy and relationships between the cinematographies of the Soviet Union and the United States during the World War II


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the relationships between the Soviet Union and the United States in the area of cinematography during the World War II. Political and military alignment that took place in this difficult period, and later the newly formed cooperation between the two countries contributed into the strengthening of cinematographic connections. A film director and stereo cinematography specialist A. N. Andriyevsky became the head of “Soyuzintorgkino”; the representative of the U. S. cinema committee became a well-known film director became M. K. Kalatozov, whose responsibilities consisted in propagation of Soviet cinema in the United States, selection of American films for USSR, as well as taking the business connections between the two countries in the area of cinema on the quality new level. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the selected topic; it combines the “historical narrative” of encyclopedical character, which thoroughly renters the material with regards to the history of development of international relations in the cinema sphere during the World War II, the method of philosophical understanding of the covered events, and the art history analysis of the representative material. The relations between the USSR and the United States in the area of cinematography of the XX century were developing erratically, and in many aspects depended on the foreign policy of the countries. However, namely during the Great Patriotic War, especially in the most difficult initial period, the Soviet cinematography significantly strengthened its positions in the international arena, thus this period represents a special interest. It was a real breakthrough in the sphere of international relations of the Soviet cinematography. The reasons of this breakthrough are being examined in this work.  
Keywords: Cinematography, International relations, World War II, USSR, United States, Soyuztorgkino, I. G. Bolshakov, M. K. Kalatozov, Movie rental, Cinema repertoire
Kosinova M.I. - Soviet cinematic diplomacy and relationships between the cinematographies of the Soviet Union and the United States during the World War II pp. 386-394


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the relationships between the Soviet Union and the United States in the area of cinematography during the World War II. Political and military alignment that took place in this difficult period, and later the newly formed cooperation between the two countries contributed into the strengthening of cinematographic connections. A film director and stereo cinematography specialist A. N. Andriyevsky became the head of “Soyuzintorgkino”; the representative of the U. S. cinema committee became a well-known film director became M. K. Kalatozov, whose responsibilities consisted in propagation of Soviet cinema in the United States, selection of American films for USSR, as well as taking the business connections between the two countries in the area of cinema on the quality new level. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the selected topic; it combines the “historical narrative” of encyclopedical character, which thoroughly renters the material with regards to the history of development of international relations in the cinema sphere during the World War II, the method of philosophical understanding of the covered events, and the art history analysis of the representative material. The relations between the USSR and the United States in the area of cinematography of the XX century were developing erratically, and in many aspects depended on the foreign policy of the countries. However, namely during the Great Patriotic War, especially in the most difficult initial period, the Soviet cinematography significantly strengthened its positions in the international arena, thus this period represents a special interest. It was a real breakthrough in the sphere of international relations of the Soviet cinematography. The reasons of this breakthrough are being examined in this work.  
Keywords: Cinematography, International relations, World War II, USSR, United States, Soyuztorgkino, I. G. Bolshakov, M. K. Kalatozov, Movie rental, Cinema repertoire
Yartsev S.V. -


Yartsev, S. V. - On the Question about Formation of the Tanait Community On the Shores of the Cimmerian Bosporus at the Second Half of the IIth Century BC pp. 494-503


Abstract: The subject under research is the appearance of Barbarian Tanaits in the civic communityof a Bosporan city Tanaits. Despite the fact that this is quite a popular theme in history, researchers still haven’t come to the same point of view on this phenomenon. All attempts to explain it are usually based on the process of sedentarization or interpretation of Tanaits as forced migrants. According to the author, in order to solve the aforesaid problem, it is necessary to appeal to the overall political and military situation in the Northern Black Sea Region at the second half of the XXth century BC. Thus, the purpose of the present research is to view the origin of Tanaits on the shores of the Cimmerian Bosporus in term of foreign political aspirations of the Roman Empire and Bosporan Kingdom. In his research the author uses an integrated approach to the sources and particular comparative method and makes a conclusion that the crisis that started in mid II BC in the Northern Black Sea Region and was caused by the migration of nomadic tribes into the region forced Roman people to change their strategy in the above mentioned region. The Roman Empire had to regain their contacts with powerful Sarmatian clans who helped to strengthen the Roman hegemony and return the lost peace to the Northern Black Sea Region. It is the author’s opinion t we should view the phenomenon of Tanaits from this point of view. The main conclusion made by the author is that individual representatives of Barbarian noblemen were gathered to form a civic community that had the same rights as Hellenes and inhabited Tanais in order to coordinate military actions with Sarmatian allies and to infl uence them through cultural expansion. The new hypothesis will defi nitely contribute to the creation of a holistic picture of the history of the Northern Black Sea Region during the Roman period.
Keywords: Roman Empire, Bosporan Kingdom, alans, tanaits, tamga, strategy, cultural expansion, Tanais, Sarmatia, late Sarmatian culture.
Shimanskaya A.A. -


Shimanskaya, A. A. - Kunga Dorje and his Book on Tibetan History ‘Debthar Marpo’ pp. 504-512


Abstract: ‘Debthar Marpo’ is a historical writing created by Kunga Dorje in Tibet the XIVth century. This book has never been translated to European languages and has been published only in the Tibetan language. Consequently, there are no comprehensive researches on the matter despite the fact that both Tibetan historiographers and European tibetologists have repeatedly underlined the importance of this source especially in terms of political history of Tibet and Central Asia. The article is devoted to Kunga Dorje’s personality and provides an insight into the political and cultural environment of that period. Undoubtedly, Kunga Dorje’s book is quite interesting for historians. This book has a complex structure and devoted to both political history of Tibet and history of Buddhist schools. Kunga Dorje starts with the description of life of Shakyamuni Buddha and touches upon the history of India and China. Particular parts of the book re devoted to Tangut and Mongolian people. Such a scheme is based on the concept developed by all Tibet historians and researchers of Buddha. Tibet is a heir and successor of India in expansion of the Teaching of Buddha.
Keywords: history, Tibet, Tibetan studies, historiography of Tibet, history of Tibet, oriental studies, Central Asia, Tibetan literature, Buddhist studies, Buddhism.
Egorova M.A. - Human in a multicultural society: the problem of self-identification


Abstract: The subject of this research is the examination of the process of self-identification taking place during the formation of multicultural society with its diversity, and at the same time, specific issues common to such type of social structure. The author touches upon the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of multiculturalism and self-identification within the multicultural space. Multiculturalism is also being views as the scheme of social structure in different countries of the world, particularly in the countries of Western Europe and European Union. An attempt is made to pursue correlation between the various groups within the framework of multicultural societies in other regions of the world, namely in Asia (accent is made on China and Taiwan). The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to explore the nature of multiculturalism and the problem of self-identification of a human in the multicultural society on the macro-level, and simultaneously on the micro-level, in other words, on the level of separate individuals. The conclusion is made on the necessity to search a comprehensive approach from the side of the hosting societies on integration into the society, as well as with regards to specific individuals (on the level of schools, colleges, language centers, etc.).
Keywords: conflict, self-identification, nation, religion, culture, identity, globalization, multiculturalism, integration, dialogue of civilizations
Egorova M.A. - Human in a multicultural society: the problem of self-identification pp. 542-556


Abstract: The subject of this research is the examination of the process of self-identification taking place during the formation of multicultural society with its diversity, and at the same time, specific issues common to such type of social structure. The author touches upon the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of multiculturalism and self-identification within the multicultural space. Multiculturalism is also being views as the scheme of social structure in different countries of the world, particularly in the countries of Western Europe and European Union. An attempt is made to pursue correlation between the various groups within the framework of multicultural societies in other regions of the world, namely in Asia (accent is made on China and Taiwan). The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to explore the nature of multiculturalism and the problem of self-identification of a human in the multicultural society on the macro-level, and simultaneously on the micro-level, in other words, on the level of separate individuals. The conclusion is made on the necessity to search a comprehensive approach from the side of the hosting societies on integration into the society, as well as with regards to specific individuals (on the level of schools, colleges, language centers, etc.).
Keywords: conflict, self-identification, nation, religion, culture, identity, globalization, multiculturalism, integration, dialogue of civilizations
Sahin K. - Dynamics of Globalisation in the Field of Culture


Abstract: The main aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the processes of globalisation in the field of culture, its main models and special features. Special attention is paid to the expansion of Western (first of all, American) culture to different regions and countries of the world, loss of traditional values and lifestyle, the national identity crisis, consolidation of material values and their prevalence over the spiritual values, as well as Americanisation of life in many countries of the world, etc.  In summary, facts and conclusions are presented that prove that cultural globalisation occurs under the dominance of Western (American) culture. However, the East, in its turn, also influences the West, so the interconnected processes of Westernisation and Easternisation are taking place. The author adhered to the complex approach and the principle of objectivity. The study relied on the method of historical-sociological analysis, as well as the logical method that imply the examination of social processes in their historical consequence and logically generalised. The author used the methods of analysis and synthesis, studying cultural aspects of globalisation both partially and as a whole. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that despite the doubtless universal distribution of Western values and orientations, the Western culture has not become universal on a global scale by now. The ideas of cultural diversity are being gradually consolidated, that brings the lacking elements to the system of public values. The consolidation of the idea of cultural diversity implies the necessity for every single society to learn how to select some components from other cultures, which should not create obstacles for self-identification within the framework of the emerging collage of the elements from different cultures.
Keywords: strong-weak cultures, Easternisation, hybridisation, localisation, sub-globalisation, American cultural imperialism, global culture, globalisation, alternative globalisations, Westernisation
Shakhin K. - Dynamics of Globalisation in the Field of Culture pp. 696-701


Abstract: The main aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the processes of globalisation in the field of culture, its main models and special features. Special attention is paid to the expansion of Western (first of all, American) culture to different regions and countries of the world, loss of traditional values and lifestyle, the national identity crisis, consolidation of material values and their prevalence over the spiritual values, as well as Americanisation of life in many countries of the world, etc.  In summary, facts and conclusions are presented that prove that cultural globalisation occurs under the dominance of Western (American) culture. However, the East, in its turn, also influences the West, so the interconnected processes of Westernisation and Easternisation are taking place. The author adhered to the complex approach and the principle of objectivity. The study relied on the method of historical-sociological analysis, as well as the logical method that imply the examination of social processes in their historical consequence and logically generalised. The author used the methods of analysis and synthesis, studying cultural aspects of globalisation both partially and as a whole. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that despite the doubtless universal distribution of Western values and orientations, the Western culture has not become universal on a global scale by now. The ideas of cultural diversity are being gradually consolidated, that brings the lacking elements to the system of public values. The consolidation of the idea of cultural diversity implies the necessity for every single society to learn how to select some components from other cultures, which should not create obstacles for self-identification within the framework of the emerging collage of the elements from different cultures.
Keywords: strong-weak cultures, Easternisation, hybridisation, localisation, sub-globalisation, American cultural imperialism, global culture, globalisation, alternative globalisations, Westernisation
Sidorova E. - Multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in US and Canadian policy


Abstract: The author examines the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism, as well as its main concepts. The definitions of the notion “multiculturalism” and its main forms are being reviewed: relationship between the government and indigenous people; subgovernmental nationalism or nationalism of minorities; interaction with groups of immigrants. In this research multiculturalism is being analyzed through the prism of globalization; the author points out the possibility of its transformation into the stage of “creolization”, as well as describes its negative aspects that are highlighted by the successive critics of multicultural policy. It is also noted that a doctrine based on presumption of the equality of cultures can become an alternative to multicultural policy. Scientific novelty consists in determination and solution of specific tasks of the complex assessment of multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in the policy of the United State and Canada, particularly through the prism of globalization. The author gives an original vision of the existing form of multiculturalism in countries benefitting ethnical differentiation as long as it does not contradict the state interests. A comprehensive study of the works of successive critics of the multiculturalism policy is being conducted.
Keywords: globalization, integration, ethnic groups, positive discrimination, immigration, multiculturalism, cultural diversity, indigenous minorities, creolization, liberal society
Sidorova E.P. - Multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in US and Canadian policy pp. 704-709


Abstract: The author examines the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism, as well as its main concepts. The definitions of the notion “multiculturalism” and its main forms are being reviewed: relationship between the government and indigenous people; subgovernmental nationalism or nationalism of minorities; interaction with groups of immigrants. In this research multiculturalism is being analyzed through the prism of globalization; the author points out the possibility of its transformation into the stage of “creolization”, as well as describes its negative aspects that are highlighted by the successive critics of multicultural policy. It is also noted that a doctrine based on presumption of the equality of cultures can become an alternative to multicultural policy. Scientific novelty consists in determination and solution of specific tasks of the complex assessment of multiculturalism as a methodological principle and scientific category in the policy of the United State and Canada, particularly through the prism of globalization. The author gives an original vision of the existing form of multiculturalism in countries benefitting ethnical differentiation as long as it does not contradict the state interests. A comprehensive study of the works of successive critics of the multiculturalism policy is being conducted.
Keywords: globalization, integration, ethnic groups, positive discrimination, immigration, multiculturalism, cultural diversity, indigenous minorities, creolization, liberal society
Korneeva T. - Justification of the Concept of Imamah in Nasir Khusraw's Philosophy


Abstract: In contemporary world, more and more conflicts occur because of the differences between various Muslim sects. The author sees the cause of misunderstanding between the Western culture and the Arab-Muslim culture in the fact that in the basis of the two cultures there are different ways of understanding reality. To understand the events that take place in the Muslim world today, one should refer to the philosophers of the past, who in their works described the classical models of political structure of the Muslim society. The Ismailis of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region of Tajikistan highly appreciate and honour the outstanding Ismailian philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1074). In the present article the author analyses the development of the concept of Imamah in the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The analysis is based on the two treatises by the Ismailian philosopher: "Zad al-musafirin" ("Travellers' supplies") and "Disclosure and liberation" ("Gushaesh Islands rahaesh") in Persian. The author concludes that the concept of Imamah strongly influenced the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The concept of Imamah was developed both in epistemology and in eschatology of the Ismailian philosopher. Nasir Khusraw argued the need for the Imamah not only on a personal, individual level, but also on the level of the whole universe.
Keywords: Imam of the time, history of mankind, conceptual theory, West and East, Arab-Muslim culture, concept of Imamah, Nasir Khusraw, Ismailism, Ismailian hierarchy, Fatimid Caliphate
Korneeva T.G. - Justification of the Concept of Imamah in Nasir Khusraw's Philosophy pp. 930-937


Abstract: In contemporary world, more and more conflicts occur because of the differences between various Muslim sects. The author sees the cause of misunderstanding between the Western culture and the Arab-Muslim culture in the fact that in the basis of the two cultures there are different ways of understanding reality. To understand the events that take place in the Muslim world today, one should refer to the philosophers of the past, who in their works described the classical models of political structure of the Muslim society. The Ismailis of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region of Tajikistan highly appreciate and honour the outstanding Ismailian philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1074). In the present article the author analyses the development of the concept of Imamah in the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The analysis is based on the two treatises by the Ismailian philosopher: "Zad al-musafirin" ("Travellers' supplies") and "Disclosure and liberation" ("Gushaesh Islands rahaesh") in Persian. The author concludes that the concept of Imamah strongly influenced the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The concept of Imamah was developed both in epistemology and in eschatology of the Ismailian philosopher. Nasir Khusraw argued the need for the Imamah not only on a personal, individual level, but also on the level of the whole universe.
Keywords: Imam of the time, history of mankind, conceptual theory, West and East, Arab-Muslim culture, concept of Imamah, Nasir Khusraw, Ismailism, Ismailian hierarchy, Fatimid Caliphate
Panteleev E.A. - Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar Region in the Second Half of XX - Beginning of XXI Centuries


Abstract: The article deals with the contemporary cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Krasnodar region, first of all in the field of arts and culture. The author of the article examines in detail such questions as establishment and consolidation of twin-city relations between the cities and stresses that after the establishment of the first of such relations between Ferrara and Krasnodar, Livorno and Novorossiysk, and later — between Rimini and Sochi, the interaction of Italy with the Kuban in the area of culture and arts moved to a new institutional level. Using the methods of comparative analysis and the analysis of various international mass culture events visited by the Italian representatives, as well as the number of the bilateral exhibitions, forums and themed days, presentation of the Italian masterpieces and cultural assets on the Kuban and introduction of the Russian culture to the Italians, together with the mastery of the Kuban vaudevillian, theatrical, choreographic, musical and artistic groups, allowed the author to draw a conclusion about a high degree of cultural and humanitarian interaction of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar region in the second half of XX — beginning of XXI centuries. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the versatile consideration of the different aspects of the formation of cultural relations between Italy and Sochi, and also the analysis of participation of the Cuban artistic groups and young talents in various contests and festivals, as well as other events of cultural and humanitarian nature in Italy. 
Keywords: cultural and humanitarian sphere, Gianni Rodari, principles of goodwill, Italian culture, friendship week, Kuban Cossack Choir, twin-cities, the Year of Italy, principles of peaceful coexistence, interregional cooperation
Panteleev E.A. - Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar Region in the Second Half of XX - Beginning of XXI Centuries pp. 1239-1245


Abstract: The article deals with the contemporary cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Krasnodar region, first of all in the field of arts and culture. The author of the article examines in detail such questions as establishment and consolidation of twin-city relations between the cities and stresses that after the establishment of the first of such relations between Ferrara and Krasnodar, Livorno and Novorossiysk, and later — between Rimini and Sochi, the interaction of Italy with the Kuban in the area of culture and arts moved to a new institutional level. Using the methods of comparative analysis and the analysis of various international mass culture events visited by the Italian representatives, as well as the number of the bilateral exhibitions, forums and themed days, presentation of the Italian masterpieces and cultural assets on the Kuban and introduction of the Russian culture to the Italians, together with the mastery of the Kuban vaudevillian, theatrical, choreographic, musical and artistic groups, allowed the author to draw a conclusion about a high degree of cultural and humanitarian interaction of the Italian Republic with Krasnodar region in the second half of XX — beginning of XXI centuries. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the versatile consideration of the different aspects of the formation of cultural relations between Italy and Sochi, and also the analysis of participation of the Cuban artistic groups and young talents in various contests and festivals, as well as other events of cultural and humanitarian nature in Italy. 
Keywords: cultural and humanitarian sphere, Gianni Rodari, principles of goodwill, Italian culture, friendship week, Kuban Cossack Choir, twin-cities, the Year of Italy, principles of peaceful coexistence, interregional cooperation
Chirkin V.E. -


Chirkin, V. E. - Islamic Law: Some Social and Legal Indicators pp. 1299-1312


Abstract: According to some researchers, Islamic law is practiced by almost 1.6 billion people which constitutes 24.86% of the global population. 18.5 millions of these people live in Russia. Being a unified system of law, Islamic law has certain branches (depending on different classifications, Sunnites or Shiites living in the same countries or territorial branches of the fundamental classical Islamic law (Oman, Saudi Arabia and others) and a modernized branch (Egypt, Iraq and others). The author of the present article analyzes the nature of Islamic law and branches of Islamic law, peculiarities of the regulation of human rights, social order and public management from the point of civilization, social order, sociocultural approaches and constitutionalism. The author applies the historical method to describe the origin of Islamic law, different interpretations of Islamic law and the role of Islamic law in the modern world. The author also applies the methods of legal analysis of constitutions and other legal sources as well as the comparative analysis to compare Islamic system of law with other world’s legal systems, comparison of different legal systems of Islamic law, methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. The author assumes that Islamic law represents a special type of civilization which retains its grounds in the countries of Islamic fundamentalism (where it retains peculiar elements of semi-feudal nature) but gets dissolved in modernized or ‘advanced’ Islamic countries. According to the authors, differences in Sunnite and Shiite interpretations of law are not that significant in this case and concerns only domestic affairs while the difference between the other two branches are related to the convergence of different legal systems, their mutual influence and antagonisms (the latter is true especially for the countries of the fundamental Islamic law). The author of the article presents an original experience in evaluating Islamic law from the aforesaid points of view.
Keywords: Islamic law, civilization, economic formation of society (social order), socioculture, constitutionalism, domestic affairs, original experience, fundamentalism, postulates, mentality values.
Melnikova A.A. -


Melnikova, A. A. - Globalization Policy and Profound Cultural Grounds pp. 1340-1345


Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study one of the aspects of globalization process, i.e. distribution of the English language, from the point of view of the theory of linguistic relativity pointing out the relation between the language and mentality of the speaker. The author analyses the relation of the English language to the ‘to have’ group of languages and relation of the Russian language to the ‘to be’ group of languages as well as particular forms of expression of these relations in the language as profound cultural attitudes. This can be explained, on one hand, from the point of view of Fromm’s concept about orientation of human either at acquiring or existence, and from the point of view of globalization and stereotypes and attitudes behind the globalization process that determine the results (civilization crises fi rst of all), on the other hand. In conclusion the author recommends to promote philology in education including the system of higher education as the very fi rst anti-crisis measure.
Keywords: cultural studies, globalization, mentality, psycholinguistics, English, acquisition, crises, stereotypes, values, Russian.
Volokh V.A., Suleimanova S.S. - Role and Meaning of Media Politics in Migration Processes Administration


Abstract: The subject of the research is media politics. The object of the research is migration processes administration. The article analyses the synthesis of the notions “migration” and “communication”, and suggests the notion “migration communication”. The author highlights different degrees of sustainability of connections, communication, information exchange, as well as types and nature of such communication. Examining the development of civil society institutions in the field of migration, the author notes that the issues of migration are diverse and complex, which correspondingly requires the coordination of the activity of all decision-making structures which undoubtedly should be carried out based on the interaction between the representatives of governmental authorities and civil society. The study used such methodological approaches to the research on migration processes as logical analysis, synthesis, generalisation, analogies, classification, provisions of correlation-regression analysis, factor analysis. The authors come to a conclusion that in the formation and implementation of migration policy it is necessary to achieve communicative and informational identity. Considering the unity of migration and informational policy, the article analyses the notions of “power”, “informational power” and “spiritual power” in regard to “migration demographical policy”, justifying the unity of migration and informational policy. Migration and migration policy are of communicative nature and develop under information exchange, where a significant role is played by media communications and media, which creates the task of provision of ethnical and information identity with the means of political communication and information.  
Keywords: non-governmental organization, information analysis, civil society, media policy, migration processes, migration policy, migration, labour migration, conception, FMS of Russia
Volokh V.A., Suleymanova Sh.S. - Role and Meaning of Media Politics in Migration Processes Administration pp. 1427-1433


Abstract: The subject of the research is media politics. The object of the research is migration processes administration. The article analyses the synthesis of the notions “migration” and “communication”, and suggests the notion “migration communication”. The author highlights different degrees of sustainability of connections, communication, information exchange, as well as types and nature of such communication. Examining the development of civil society institutions in the field of migration, the author notes that the issues of migration are diverse and complex, which correspondingly requires the coordination of the activity of all decision-making structures which undoubtedly should be carried out based on the interaction between the representatives of governmental authorities and civil society. The study used such methodological approaches to the research on migration processes as logical analysis, synthesis, generalisation, analogies, classification, provisions of correlation-regression analysis, factor analysis. The authors come to a conclusion that in the formation and implementation of migration policy it is necessary to achieve communicative and informational identity. Considering the unity of migration and informational policy, the article analyses the notions of “power”, “informational power” and “spiritual power” in regard to “migration demographical policy”, justifying the unity of migration and informational policy. Migration and migration policy are of communicative nature and develop under information exchange, where a significant role is played by media communications and media, which creates the task of provision of ethnical and information identity with the means of political communication and information.  
Keywords: non-governmental organization, information analysis, civil society, media policy, migration processes, migration policy, migration, labour migration, conception, FMS of Russia
Shipovskaya L.P., Gemonov A.V. -


Shipovskaya, L. P., Gemonov, A. V. - Philosophical Interpretation of Heraldic Symbols in Pre-Mongolian Russia pp. 1439-1451


Abstract: The article represents an attempt to carry out philosophical analysis of heraldic symbols in ancient Russia before the Mongol Yoke. The authors of the article underline that a very efficient method of philosophical analysis in this sphere is the semiotic approach that allows to revealthe symbolic grounds of culture and human behavior in a society. The authors also touch upon the social-phenomenological approach and Jungian psychoanalytical conception as rather heuristic methods for philosophical discourse of heraldic symbols in pre-Mongolian Russia. The subject of philosophical analysis is the symbols of trident andbident that were shown on prints of ancient Russian knyazhes. Standard semiotic analysis which involves determination of the signifier, the signified and the referent (according to Umberto Eco’s methodological scheme) is complemented with philosophical and culturological interpretation of ‘three’ – the number that was represented in different cultural phenomena: Pythagorean numerology, Christian religion, and Hegel’s philosophy. Apart from that the author makes a hypothesis about analogy between the trident and the symbol of scythe or sickle on Medieval paintings. Another aspect of analyzing heraldic symbols of pre-Mongolian Russia is the color symbols shown in these paintings. At the end of the article the authors note that being the phenomenon of ancient Russian culture, heraldic symbols revealed the world view of our ancestors and their mentality that had an archetype nature.
Keywords: symbol, heraldic, coat of arms, archetypes, semiotics, trident, mentality, culture, triad, symbolism.
Sevoyan D.G. -


Sevoyan, D.G. - On the question about the primary activities of national cultural autonomies pp. 1479-1484


Abstract: The article is devoted to the changes in the Federal law on “National and Cultural Autonomy”. Now this law sets new goals for the named association including social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants. This brings the question about the role of national and cultural autonomies in the spheres of both language preservation in Russia and studies of Russian as an official language. The author of the article examines linguistic rights of national and cultural autonomies, discovers the existing problems and describes other forms of enforcement of the constitutional right of nations living in Russia to preserve their native languages. Both general and private research methods including the methods of analysis, analogy as well as legalistic, functional and comparative law methods have been used in the research. The legalistic method was used to clarify the meanings of laws regulating activity of national and cultural autonomies. The functional method was used to examine the main forms of enforcement of the constitutional right to native language preservation. Sevoyan demonstrates the need for giving additional preferences to national and cultural autonomies so that they can perform the new functions. Based on the results of the analysis of federal and regional legislations, the author concludes that activity of national and cultural autonomies have positive experience in harmonization of inter-ethnic relations by means of supporting cultural identities of nations living in Russia and adaptation and integration of migrants.
Keywords: national and cultural autonomy, native languages, adaptation of migrants, native language preservation, official language, national and cultural centers, national societies, communities, integration of migrants, state national policy.
Martyshenko N.S., Martyshenko S.N. - Conditions and trends for the development of international tourism market in Japan


Abstract: The subject of this research is the international tourism market of Japan – one of the bordering countries with Russia’s Primorsky Krai. The study of this market attains special relevance in light of introduction of the new laws by the government of the Russian Federation, which encourage the investment activity in Primorsky Krai, as well as the establishment of the new state economic policy of Japan with regards to tourism. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the exchange of tourists between the key actors of the tourism market of the Northeast Asia. Special attention is given to the types of tourism that can be in demand among the Japanese tourists and other bordering with Primorsky Krai states. The methodology of analysis of the market includes such components as collection of information about the size, dynamics, and potential of development of the market, structure of propositions on goods and services, behavioral peculiarities of the actual and potential customers, national specificities, as well as competitiveness between the manufacturers of products and services. Certain conditions for development of the mass foreign tourism in the region are being determined. The authors also highlight the tourism directions, the development of which can become the drivers of advancement of the international tourism in Primorsky Krai. The place of cruise tourism as the key type of tourism for the port city, along with the new opportunities for the growth of foreign tourism due to collaboration with other regions of the Far East are being defined.
Keywords: program of tourism development, consumer behabior, tourism infrastructure, ecological tourism, cruise tourism, event tourism, international tourism, tourism market, botanical garden, tourism potential
Martyshenko N.S., Martyshenko S.N. - Conditions and trends for the development of international tourism market in Japan pp. 1708-1718


Abstract: The subject of this research is the international tourism market of Japan – one of the bordering countries with Russia’s Primorsky Krai. The study of this market attains special relevance in light of introduction of the new laws by the government of the Russian Federation, which encourage the investment activity in Primorsky Krai, as well as the establishment of the new state economic policy of Japan with regards to tourism. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as the exchange of tourists between the key actors of the tourism market of the Northeast Asia. Special attention is given to the types of tourism that can be in demand among the Japanese tourists and other bordering with Primorsky Krai states. The methodology of analysis of the market includes such components as collection of information about the size, dynamics, and potential of development of the market, structure of propositions on goods and services, behavioral peculiarities of the actual and potential customers, national specificities, as well as competitiveness between the manufacturers of products and services. Certain conditions for development of the mass foreign tourism in the region are being determined. The authors also highlight the tourism directions, the development of which can become the drivers of advancement of the international tourism in Primorsky Krai. The place of cruise tourism as the key type of tourism for the port city, along with the new opportunities for the growth of foreign tourism due to collaboration with other regions of the Far East are being defined.
Keywords: program of tourism development, consumer behabior, tourism infrastructure, ecological tourism, cruise tourism, event tourism, international tourism, tourism market, botanical garden, tourism potential
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