Psychologist - rubric Psychology and pedagogics
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Psychology and pedagogics
Kholina O.A., Petrova E.G. - Analysis of Students' Beliefs about Interpersonal Conflicts (the Case Study of Russian and Ukranian Students) pp. 1-10


Abstract: In this article the authors provide a content-analysis of psychological literature and definitions of such concepts as 'conflict', 'interpersonal conflict' and 'communication'. The authors analyze various views on interpersonal conflicts and compare their structural elements as well as analyze types of responses. The subject of the research is the beliefs represented by students of different nationalities regarding interpersonal conflicts. The object of the research is the students of different nationalities who study at one University and communicate. The purpose of the research is to discover and compare particularities of what students of different nationalities think of interpersonal conflicts. The main research methods used by the authors include tests (Buss-Durkey Inventory and Thomas Conflict Mode Instrument), interview, content-analysis, and research results statistical processing method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze psychological particularities of students' views on interpersonal conflicts in terms of cross-cultural communication in groups of students belonging to different nationalities and studying at one University. The results of this research have demonstrated that students of both nationalities have quite adequate views on interpersonal conflicts and choose the conflict mode in accordance with their personal traits and life experience. As a result of the research, the authors describe quantitative and qualitative differences, however, these differences are statistically insignificant. 
Khrisanova E.V. - Peculiarities of Cognitive and Socio-Psychological Development of Preschoolers with Different Statuses in Kindergarten Senior Groups pp. 1-13


Abstract: The aim of the article is to study individual features of the development of children with high, middle and low status in kindergarten senior groups. To achieve the goals of the research, the author of the article have solved the following tasks: theoretical analysis of associated literature in order to substantiate the theoretical approach to the research; development of the framework of concepts and methods that reveals peculiarities of cognitive development and anxiety level of preschoolers with different statuses within the group; and analysis and interpretation of the results. The research involved eight kindergarten senior groups of the Moscow district. The total number of respondents is 159 children aged 6-7 years. The researcher has applied different groupds of methods: theoretical analysis of social and psychological sources on the matter; experimental methods to define specific features of cognitive development and anxiety level of preschoolers with different status in kindergarten senior groups; and methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical data including mathematical statistics methods. The researcher has discovered the relationshp between the level of a child's cognitive development and their status and role position in an informal intragroup structure of the kindergarten senior group. The results of the empirical research demonstrate that over 50% of children have a high intragroup status. The level of cognitive development of low-status children is considerably lower than that of high-status and mid-status children. The majority of children who attend kindergarten senior groups have a high or increased anxiety level. The researcher also gives an interpretative analysis of the aforesaid phenomenon from the point of view of the psychosocial development theory. 
Nurgaliyeva M., Bulatbayeva A.A., Esenova K.A., Ramazanova S.A. - Features of motivation of educational activity of teenagers pp. 1-7


Abstract: The subject of the study is the motivation of educational activities of teenagers of secondary school. The object of the study is adolescents aged 14-15 years. The authors of this article consider the problem of the success of educational and cognitive activity of senior schoolchildren, due to the low level of educational motivation, studied in the framework of the master's thesis "Formation of the success of educational and cognitive activity of adolescents in the educational environment of the school". This article presents a theoretical overview of the features of the educational motivation of adolescents and the perceived motives of educational activity, as well as their impact on the success of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The main issues considered in the article are the peculiarities of the expression of certain motives in learning. The main conclusions of this article are presented in the form of research results reflecting the leading conscious motives of educational activity of adolescents in secondary school. The authors consider such criteria of educational motivation as the desire for achievements and knowledge, a positive attitude to learning, preference for a particular subject in the school curriculum, relationships with teachers, the ability to plan and self-regulation, attitude to self-education, the influence of external motives, a sense of duty and responsibility. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to identify the features of the motivation of educational activities of adolescents in Kazakhstan secondary schools. The novelty of the study is to identify the relationship between educational motivation and the success of educational and cognitive activity of high school students.
Shtyrev M.M., Bashkin E.B. - Features of the expression of value-semantic determination of leadership among students of different fields of training. pp. 1-17



Abstract: This article analyzes the difference in the severity of value-semantic predictors that influence the manifestations of leadership among students. The study involved students in 5 areas of specialties: economists; political scientists; philologists; lawyers; journalists. The relevance of the study is due to a number of factors. The first is the lack of theoretical and methodological elaboration and conceptually categorical justification of the leadership problem, which makes it difficult to conduct scientific research in this area. The second is the need to educate leaders who will be important figures in modern society, in demand not only from business and production, but also from the state, which is ready to support them. The third is information pressure on young people from the outside, which provokes the emergence of new destructive tendencies. The analysis of variance is carried out. The results of testing according to 6 methods are presented by indicators of rank criteria. Students-journalists have marked the expression of value-semantic predictors. It is recommended for journalism students to actively develop and strengthen their leadership potential. It is important to be aware of your values and beliefs, as well as learn to build effective communication strategies. The revealed features of the value-semantic determination of leadership in each specialty provide a platform for creating individual and group programs of correction and development of leadership skills. These results can also be used as methodological tools in the planning and implementation of educational work with students.
Dianov S.A., Dianova Y.V. - Value and Semantic Grounds for Obtaining Education in the Postgraduate Course of the National Research University pp. 14-21



Abstract: The article deals with a range of issues related to motivation factors for admission to graduate school and behavioral reactions in the process of studying under the programs of scientific specialties in a modern national research university. Using the example of the implementation of postgraduate programs in political sciences at a technical university, the key motives of young specialists to continue their studies at the university are revealed. The features of the motivational and value sphere of graduate students mastering the training curriculum and performing the tasks of research work are determined. The reasons for expulsion from graduate school, the reasons for failure in the educational program, as well as the motives for frequent academic leave are analyzed. The article presents arguments in favor of the author's hypothesis about the need to develop postgraduate studies in the humanities and social sciences in technical universities. Political science education contributes not only to the conscious choice of the profession of an engineer or a highly qualified specialist for state and municipal service bodies. A young researcher gets the opportunity to recognize the value-semantic grounds for working in the organization of higher education. A potential high school teacher develops stable ideas about pedagogical ethics, about the psychology of communication with students of different age groups, about the inadmissibility of forms of deviant behavior when performing professional tasks.
Klyatis A.E. - Peculiarities of the Education Environment at Orphanages in Different Countries pp. 20-30


Abstract: In his research Klyatis emphasizes the importance of creating safe and developing education environment at orphanages. The researcher demonstrates that external conditions have a direct influence on children's mental and physical development, their main abilities that are essential for maintaining successful interactions with the surrounding world and, consequently, full involvement into the education process. At orphanages the key negative factor of the education environment is the phenomenon of deprivation that influences practically all sides of life and directions of children's development while they stay at orphanages. In order to provide a better insight into the education environment of abondened children, the researcher analyzes experience of foreign states in creating favorable conditions at orphanages. The author of the article emphasizes differences in organizational approaches, public evaluation and legal component of the system of raising orphans in different countries of the world. Based on the example of one Russian boarding school, the author provides a description of typical features of Russian orphanages. The author also analyzes the concept of education environment taking into account international experience. The purpose of the research is to summarize latest data and to make an objective evaluation of orphanages in our country. The author proves the insufficient development of the system of orphans' up-bringing in Russia compared to the practical experience of other countries. At the end of the research the author concludes about the need to inquiry into the possibility of the crucial reformation of the Russian institutional system of raising orphans. 
Bragina E.V. - Overcoming barriers in teaching adult learners: prospects for using the theory of self-determination pp. 21-37



Abstract: Adults are a fast—growing group of students in the Russian higher education system. Socio-demographic status, morphological and personal characteristics, as well as the specifics of adult education create significant obstacles for many of them to successfully study in higher education. In the short term, universities will have to rethink their educational programs, evaluate resources and reorganize the educational process so as to help adult students overcome these obstacles and meet their educational needs. The successful participation of adults in additional and continuing education, the elimination of barriers to learning are the key tasks of a modern university. This study was conducted using a critical analysis of the literature on adult learning to answer three questions: 1) what factors and barriers affecting adult learning are highlighted by modern authors? 2) what motives are inherent in adult students? 3) how to overcome obstacles in adult learning? Based on the results of the study, a classification of barriers in adult learning has been developed. The main motives for obtaining higher education by adult students are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the need for flexible curricula and auxiliary resources that students can adapt to the requirements of their work and life. Based on the theory of self-determination, recommendations have been developed to increase the involvement of adult students in the educational process.
Gilemkhanova E.N. - Contextual model for assessing socio-psychological security of educational environment of the school pp. 24-37


Abstract: This article examines development stages of the model for assessing sociocultural risks of educational environment and proving its predictive validity. The research idea implies that the proper assessment of risk potential of educational space requires correlating the two levels of educational environment of a public school – individual and contextual. Contextual level includes consideration of the following sociocultural factors of educational environment: psychological-pedagogical, socioeconomic, and geographical. The study was conducted out over the period 2017 to 2020. The two stages of research involved 7,331 adolescents from nine municipal and urban districts with different sociocultural parameters. The scientific novelty is substantiation by elaboration of the model for assessing sociocultural risks of educational environment based on the analysis of a set of sociocultural factors of educational environment: psychological-pedagogical, socioeconomic, and geographical. For empirical validation of the model, the author developed the program for assessment of sociocultural risks of educational environment of a public school, which allowed comparing theoretical and experimental data. The research is based on systemic approach and mining of heterogeneous data. The acquired results in allow objectivizing the impact of various contextual factors of educational environment upon timely adoption of preventive psychological, pedagogical, and administrative measures aimed at ensuring psychological security of the school.
Tolstykh L.R., Gol'bert E.V. - Features of the Motivational and Value Sphere of Students of Different Courses of Study pp. 24-31



Abstract: The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the motivational and value sphere of students of different courses of study. It was suggested that: 1. there are specific features of the motivational-value sphere of students studying at different courses; 2. there is a relationship between the course of study and motivational-value indicators of students. Research methods: "Study of motives of students' educational activity" modified by A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin, "Morphological test of life values" by V. F. Sopov, L. V. Karpushina, "Anchors of career" adaptation by V.A. Chiker, V.E. Vinokurova. The study was attended by students of 1-4 courses of the FSUE VO "ZabGU", in the direction of training 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education. 75 people participated in the study. As a result of the study, it was found that the majority of students, regardless of the course of study, have formed spiritual, moral and altruistic values of their future profession. The educational motivation of first and second year students is more focused on the successful implementation of educational and cognitive activities. External motivations of educational motivation, such as social approval/ punishment for senior students are non-priority and ineffective in the process of educational activity. The career orientations of junior students are of a mixed nature. For senior students, the nature of career orientations becomes more differentiated, a limited number of orientations dominate. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the established relationship between the course of study and indicators of the motivational and value sphere, such as: to ensure the success of future professional activity, one's own prestige, high financial status and the preservation of one's own individuality, as well as the establishment of an inverse relationship between the course of study and the indicator of successfully studying, passing exams with excellent and good grades.
Chernov D.N. - The Experience in Creating of Quasilanguage Material for Language Training in Middle School pp. 25-38


Abstract: The subject of research was the creation of quasilanguage material allowing to carry out language training based on the zone of proximal development of middle school children. A series of artificial texts consisting of quasiwords was designed. Based on the example of middle school children, the equivalence of the texts was studied by the level of difficulty of their translation into Russian . Strategies for translating of quasitexts and relevant individualized strategies for training children were identified. The text consists of words with root bases that are artificial constructions. These quasiwords have no analogues in the Russian language, but the formation of words is subordinated to any morphological / word-formation models. Quasiwords have a certain grammatical role in sentences. The rules of making sentences from these words are subordinated to the grammar and syntax of the Russian language. So a native speaker can potentially offer an adequate translation of such words to Russian language. It is shown that quasitexts are equivalent by the level of difficulty of their translation for middle school children. The author emphasizes the need to teach a child to develop an adequate strategy of problem solution in the course of training. The tanslation strategy  should focus on recreating the text’s general sense and its awareness with verification of the translation in compliance with the morphological and grammatical context. The author also assumes that in the course of training quasilanguage material may allow to minimize the knowledge that a child has about the Russian language and help a child to appeal to his or her own experience in live communication. This would sharpen the 'intuitive' search for meanings of words and texts in class. 
Gelman V. - On Compensation of the Impact of the Development of Information and Communication Technologies on Cognitive Functions pp. 28-37



Abstract: At present, serious technological changes are taking place in the world and especially rapidly in the field of information and communication technologies. These changes have a significant impact on all aspects of people's lives and activities. The subject of this article is the influence of the development of information and communication technologies on human cognitive functions. The effects of the Internet, smartphones, social networks, calculators, working with the keyboard, and reducing the volume of non-electronic reading are considered in detail. Particular attention is paid to the impairment of verbal and logical memory, the emergence of "digital dementia", the deterioration of analytical and logical thinking, the emergence of clip thinking, a decrease in communication abilities and the complication of current decision-making. A number of possible approaches are proposed as means to compensate for the decrease in the considered cognitive functions caused by the development of information and communication technologies It is shown that the necessary correction can be carried out by training weakening functions with the help of special cognitive gymnastics: suitable intellectual games, certain exercises. The system of compensating classes, including educational games and special exercises, can be combined into an academic discipline under the conditional name "intellectual culture" (by analogy with physical culture). The need to ensure a sufficiently high level of basic knowledge was also noted. In addition, it is proposed to adjust the education system to neutralize the observed negative trends.
Alperovich V. - Interpretative Repertoires of Perception of 'Friends' and 'Aliens' in Metaphors of Different Types and Narratives Used by Adults pp. 30-46


Abstract: The research is devoted to the problem of metaphorical and narrative foundations of such phenomena as 'discrimination' and 'hate speech'. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors and narratives about interaction with them that reflect different interpretative repertoires of perceiving the other person as either a «friend» or an 'alien'. The author has used both qualitative and quantitative research methods such as categorical analysis of metaphors, analysis of characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend, narrative analysis of situations about interaction with 'friends' and 'aliens', methods of mathematical statistics (cluster analysis, quartiles, nonparametric test). The author has discovered that different interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' are connected with various expression levels of adopting the discriminatory practices towards others. The author has analyzed four interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' with various 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors, the particularities of narratives about interaction with 'friends' and 'alien' persons and the characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend. The author has defined two interpretative repertoires with distinctions of 'friends' from 'alien' persons and with stabilized attribution of psychosocial features to them. The author has also discovered two interpretative repertoires with various features of 'friends' and 'alien' persons, non-stabilized in personal perception depending on interaction with them. It is quite evident that communication partners may actually become either friends or alients depending on the social-psychological environment they are in at present. For the first time in the academic literature the author has offered the given empirical model of interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' people expressed in biography narratives related to descriptions of 'aliens' and 'friends' and integrated metaphors of 'friends' and 'alients'. The results of this research can be of use in researches about conflicts and discrimination, in solving the applied tasks in psychology of conflicts, in psychological consulting and tolerance training.
Karaseva S.N. - Psychological and pedagogical support of the organization of professional tests in career guidance work pp. 30-46



Abstract: The updated standard of the federal educational standard of basic general education and the work program of education of an educational institution emphasize the relevance of the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for the organization of career guidance work. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of using such an innovative form of practice-oriented activity as professional tests. The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical support of the organization of professional tests in career guidance work. The author examines in detail the scientific sources of domestic and foreign specialists, analyzes the technologies of modeling the future profession, formulating a generalized concept of the phenomenon of "professional test" and filling it with components. It is important to determine the main directions of the organization of career guidance work. For this purpose, a questionnaire on the specifics of choosing a profession by schoolchildren was developed and tested, based on the results of which three groups of schoolchildren were identified and characterized. The results obtained made it possible to note the existence of a direct connection between the choice of a future profession and the understanding of the functional characteristics of a specialist, the condition of his work, the students' understanding of the functionality of a particular profession and knowledge of his working conditions. The desire to participate in professional tests of schoolchildren correlates with the choice of a future profession, an understanding of the job responsibilities of a particular specialty and working conditions, the ability to highlight the personal qualities of a particular specialist. The results obtained made it possible to identify the relevance of psychological and pedagogical support for the organization of professional tests in career guidance work. This activity is aimed at creating a system of socio-psychological measures that contribute to successful professional self-determination. It should include education, diagnostics, a series of professional tests and professional counseling. Each of the component areas has specific goals, objectives and technologies. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the developed program for the introduction of professional samples in career guidance work for students of grades 9.
Sholokhova E.N., Kazakova E.V., Sokolova L.V. - Psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders in the conditions of modern educational establishments of various types pp. 33-44


Abstract: The subject of this research is the psychological component of school adaptation among first-graders of public and sanatorium-based boarding schools. The author describes and compares the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation. The goal consists in determination of peculiarities of the psychological component of school adaptation of elementary school students in the modern educational establishments of various types. The research involved 110 first-graders 7-8 years old (56 girls and 54 boys). The sampling is aligned by gender, age, and school. Research methodology contains the following projective techniques: ”Little Houses” by A. O. Orekhova; “Faces” by N. V. Lukyanchenko and T. L. Yadryshnikov; “House-Tree-Person” by J. Buck, with symptom complexes formulated by Bieliauskaitė. The method of descriptive statistics revealed that the majority of first-graders of sanatorium-based boarding school demonstrate negative emotions, insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence in themselves,  inferiority feeling and depressiveness; while the majority of children of public schools experience emotional maladaptation, emotional tension towards mastering school subjects. Using Mann–Whitney U test, the author determines that the students o sanatorium-based boarding school much rarely demonstrate emotional towards school activity; emotional maladaptation is more characteristic to the students of public schools. The research materials are applied in educational process by the pedagogues, psychologists, and school administrations for determining the individual and differentiated approach towards students; as well as in a cycle of scientific and practical seminars for school pedagogues and parents of the students.
Sennitskaya E.V. - Dependence of the Emotional State of the Reader and Listener on the Amount and Hierarchical Structure of Perceived Information pp. 34-39


Abstract: The object of the research is the emotional state of the reader and the listener while he(she) is percepting the information in different amounts and with different hierarchical structure. The work is devoted to the problem of how the emotional state depends on the structuring and dosing of the information. The main objective is to develop recommendations on how to structure and dose verbal, mathematical and motional information to avoid negative emotions that arise because of lack of information or its redundancy. The study develops information theory of emotions by P.V. Simonov. Theoretical significance of this research is to clarify the terms of «lack of information», «information overload». The findings of research can be used in teaching, advertising, political and clinical psychology. Methods of the research are an empirical study in the form of monitoring of the activities of school and university teachers, as well as a natural experiment with students of 9–11 grades and students of 1–2 college courses. The content of training conducted by the author or another teacher was modeled in the form of object-hierarchical scheme. Further, by observation and interviews changes in emotional state of the subject were indicated. Until now, the emotional state of the person considered by researchers only in connection with the content of the information perceived, whereas in the present study proves the connection between the emotional state and the structure as well as the amount of information, regardless of its content. The result of this study was the conclusion that when the unknown object is revealed less than three well-known ones, readers (and even more listeners) experience negative emotions, which subjects described as a depression or a pulling feeling of uncertainty, and in the case when the unknown object is revealed due to more than five known objects of a linear sequence, subjects experience negative emotions which are characterized as irritation, impatience, a sense of redundancy of the information and uselessness of the further disclosure of the object. In the case where an unknown object is revealed by three to five known objects the subjects define their state as a cheerful and upbeat, the information as inspiring, clarifying, helping them to slice and dice this information.
Savinkov S.N. - The Phenomenon of Paternity and Importance of Paternity in the Process of Family Education pp. 34-40


Abstract: Unlike the phenomenon of maternity, paternity still remains an understudied phenomenon in Russian psychological science. In his research Savinkov analyzes scientific approaches to analyzing the phenomenon of paternity as a topical issue of modern psychology. He analyzes paternity as a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly developing as a result of requirements the modern soceity faces. The researcher carries out comparative analysis of maternity and paternity. He unravels the phenomenon of paternity from the point of view of psychological science as well as describes the role of a father in the process of character education. Savinkov analyzes paternity as a socio-cultural phenomenon fixed in culture. Paternity is the least studied aspect of parenthood and thus is the most important issue for psychological and pedagogical science. As a result of his analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the matter, Savinkov concludes that the role of a father is as important in the process of child's education as that of a mother, however, paternity has a number of specific features which performance is laid upon a man. Today's fathers are able to provide good care of a child as well as to satisfy all the needs of a child. This, of course, has a good impact on the development of family relations and the feeling of paternity. This article will be of interest for researchers who deal with such issues as family education, child-and-parent relationships and practical psychologists who work in the sphere of family counselling.
Tatianchenko N.P. - Personality Determinants of Deviant Behavior Demonstrated by Technical College Students pp. 38-45


Abstract: The subject of this research is the personality determinants of deviant behavior of adolescents. The object of the rsearch is the students of technical college. The author of the article analyzes various types of deviant behavior that have been demonstrated by the students.Referring to the problem of teaching adolescents with deviant behavior in a technical school, the author of the article emphasizes the presence of certain difficulties in the organization of the educational process associated with increased excitability, impulsivity, lack of self-control in the motor and emotional spheres, propensity towards conflict, stubbornness, negativism, aggressiveness of such students. In this regard, special importance is attached to the timely identification of such students and the study of the relationship of deviant behavior with such psychological categories as hopelessness, anxiety,and self-esteem. In the course of the research, the following package of methods and psychodiagnostic tools was used: the questionnaire to determine the level of self-esteem (as offered by S.V. Kovalev), test for multidimensional assessment of child anxiety (MODT) (offered by E. Malkova (Romitsyna), deviant behavior inventory (offered by A. Oryol), Beck depression scale; and methods of mathematical data processing. The novelty of the research is caused by the authors' formulation and solution of the problem of determining personal determinants in the formation of deviant behavior among students at a secondary specialized educational institution. Theoretical and practical conclusions of the study can help a deeper understanding of the specifics of this phenomenon, the role of the technical school in the manifestation of deviations of a destructive orientation. The obtained empirical data to a certain extent expands the scientific understanding of psychological categories that contribute to the realization of deviant behavior and can serve as a basis for the further development of substantive aspects of the indicated problem. 
Chizhkova M.B. - Correlation between the health of first-year students and adaptation to educational environment of a medical university pp. 38-55


Abstract:   The article presents the results of research on the place and role of health in the process of adaptation of future physicians to educational environment of a medical university. The subject of this article is the dependence of physical and psychological health of first-year students on the of adaptation and anxiety indicators in the university. The research methodology is based on the representation of health as the fundamental determinant responsible for the dynamic balance between students and the new conditions of professional becoming. Methodological toolset contains the following psychological techniques: questionnaires “Adaptation of Students in the University” (T. D. Dubovitskaya, A. V. Krylova), “Anxiety of the Students” (modification of the questionnaire J. Taylor), MOS SF-36 questionnaire (J. E. Ware, adapted by E. I. Shubochkina and co-authors.). The research was conducted during one academic year and consisted of two stages: October 2018 and in April 2019; reference set involved 120 first-year students (63 and 57 people respectively). Implementation φ-Fisher multifunctional, parametric Student’s t-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, interpretation and summary of statistical data analysis allowed making conclusions that comply with the set goal advanced hypotheses: the dynamics of subjective assessment by first-year students of their physical and psychological health is characterized with the extended physical and social functioning, endurance, life activity in the context of lower level of role functioning substantiated by the emotional distress; dependence of health on adaptation and anxiety indicators is most evident during the fall semester and least evident in the spring semester; shift of this vector from academic to social adaptation, as well as substantial reduction in the number of intercorrelations, mainstream the problem of the dynamics of determinant impact of health upon the success of initial educational period. The acquired data can find practical implementation in development of theoretical-methodological framework for coordinating the adaptation process of first-year students to the educational environment of a medical university.  
Anisimova E.A. - Methods of Developing Positive Patterns of Behavior Demonstrated by Teenagers in Conflict Situations pp. 39-59


Abstract: In article the interrelation between the level of aggression and strategy of behavior in a conflict situation at teenagers, and also a question of formation of positive patterns of behavior in the conflict in this age group is investigated. It is known that the teenage age is one of the key moments of formation of the identity of the person, his views, interests, orientations. In this work the research conducted in educational Moscow region institution among pupils of the tenth classes by age from 15 to 17 years, directed on studying of the preferred strategy of behavior in a conflict situation is presented. The assumption of existence of interrelation between the level of aggression and the chosen strategy of behavior was the main hypothesis of research, namely the aggressions studying with high level and domination in group of contemporaries prefer not constructive ways of settlement of the conflict, in particular strategy "rivalry". Formation of positive patterns of behavior is possible by carrying out the correctional developing program with training elements. Studying of a conflictness of pupils of the chosen age group and the data obtained on this matter will help the teachers and psychologists working in educational institution, being guided by individual characteristics of separately taken pupils, to build the most effective programs of training and correction of behavior for persons with high rates of a conflictness. Besides, the developed methods and programs will allow to train pupils in the correct reaction in a conflict situation, and also to application of the gained knowledge in the field of settlement of the conflicts in everyday life at advanced age.As a result of the carried-out work the data allowing to judge interrelation of these two indicators were obtained. The hypothesis was confirmed, that is the assumption of interrelation of level of aggression, domination among contemporaries and the preferred strategy of behavior was true. The aggressions studying with high rates and domination chose such strategy of behavior as "rivalry", respondents with average or low values chose constructive ways of settlement of the conflict. Following the results of research the correctional developing program with training elements for correction of negative patterns of behavior of teenagers as a result of which the positive shifts allowing to judge efficiency of the offered program received was made and approved.
Iakimanskaia I. - Psychological features of self-attitude of teenagers engaged in sports pp. 39-50


Abstract: The article presents views on the concept of self-relation in the theories of domestic and foreign scientists. Having studied the structure of self-attitude, its components from the standpoint of various theoretical approaches, we, within the framework of our research, have defined the attitude to oneself as the most important form of personal relationships, each manifestation of a person as a subject of society is accompanied by the inclusion of his self-attitude. When considering the regularities of the formation of self-attitude in adolescence, we emphasize that it is he who is the sensitive period for the development of self-attitude in the integral structure of personality. The self-attitude of a teenager is constantly changing in the process of living this age period. Its complication, acquisition of greater stability and integration into a single system is natural. We were interested in the specifics of sports activity in the context of the development of self-attitude, the article discusses the features of the development of important personality traits associated with self-esteem and self-acceptance. In the study, we found that the self-attitude of adolescents involved in sports differs from the self-attitude of adolescents not involved in sports. The main differences are related to the higher self-attachment of adolescent athletes and their self-worth in contrast to adolescent non-athletes. Also, teenage athletes have a higher self-esteem of their health, intelligence, ability, peer authority and self-confidence than teenagers who do not play sports. Also, teenagers engaged in sports are characterized by high purposefulness, focus on the life process, the idea of themselves as the master of life and high meaningfulness of life in general. The results obtained during the study confirm the hypothesis that the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents engaged in sports differs from the level of general self-attitude and its individual indicators in adolescents not engaged in sports.
Kiseleva N.V. - Continuing Education as Perceived by Students at Particular Stages of Education pp. 41-50


Abstract: In her article Kiseleva analyzes the perception of the continuing education phenomenon by students at different stages of education, i.e. college, Bachelor Degree studies, Master Degree studies / Doctorate, additional education (retraining programs). Kiseleva analyzes what different groups of students think of a person who studies throughout his or her life. In additino, she also provides the results of her analysis of attributive beliefs of students on continuing education as these are viewed by teachers and other students. The author discovers statistically significant differences in attitudes towards continuing education demonstrated by students who are at different stages of education. The research involved 593 respondents and covered representatives of all stages of continuing education (college students, Bachelor Degree students, Master Degree students or Doctorate Degree students, and those who are undertaking retraining courses). In the course of her research Kiseleva has applied the following methods and tests:  standard questionnaire, Osgood's semantic differential method, and Schartz' Personaly Inventory. As a result of the research, the author has made the following conclusions. At the early stages of education (college and Bachelor Degree studies) students demonstrate mainly positive attitude to continuing education and perceive it as promising, beneficial, responsible, and interesting. At the same time, they are not ready to continue their education all their life, perhaps because they believe continuing education to be difficult and unnecessary. At the later stages of education students are more willing to study all their life and perceive continuing education as interesting, creative, desirable, important and satisfying. Only a group of respondents undergoing additional training (retraining course) relate continuing education to the development of particular professional skills, but even they do not perceive it as profitable.
Letyagina S.K. - The impact of life-meaningful and career orientations of parents upon formation of enviousness in young people pp. 41-48


Abstract: The subject of this research is the connection between formation of enviousness in young people and life-meaningful and career orientations of their parents. The object of this research is envy understood as the socio-psychological state of a person, which includes a set of negative emotions, realization of personal lower status, desire of direct or indirect leveling of sensed supremacy in the consistent social behavior. The question of contribution of parenting to the formation of personal enviousness in children of both genders remains insufficiently studied within the Russian and foreign literature. The empirical research surveyed 109 nuclear families, 59 of which had a daughter child and 50 have a son. Both, parents and their children of student age became the respondents. Diagnostic tools are comprised of the following questionnaires: “Methodology of studying personal enviousness” of T. V. Beskova, methodology “Career anchor” of E. Schein in adaptation of V. A. Chiker and V. E. Vinokurov, and the test “Life-meaningful orientation” of D. A. Leontiev. The conducted empirical research proves that the life-meaningful orientations of mothers do not affect the formation of enviousness in sons and daughters. Enviousness – disaffection among children of both genders is related to life perception of their fathers. In most cases, the enviousness of sons depends on the career orientations of fathers. Enviousness would be minimal, if their fathers are highly professional and successful.  
Pakhalkova A.A. - Emotional Well-Being as a Component of Education Environment Security pp. 44-65


Abstract: In her article Pakhalkova describes the problem of developing emotional well-being as a component of education environment secuity. The researcher analyzes different approaches to the definitions of psychological security, emotional security, emotional well-being, emotional ill-being, emotional health, etc. Psychologically safe or secure education environment is viewed as the environment free of any kind of violence that satisfies school student's need in personal open communication and has an important reference to him. Emotionally safe or secure education environment is viewed as the environment full of true positive emotions while negative emotions are minimized there. The purpose of the present research is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of developing emotional well-being at school as a component of psychological security of education environment. The researcher has applied theoretical research methods. Pakhalkova offers her own definition of emotional security of the education environment as an emotionally positive experience of a school student when all the social needs typical for children of his age are satisfied and this emotionally positive experience is stable with time. The researcher also examines the correlation between emotional well-being of students and their health and notes that emotional well-being has a positive influence on children's health. Pakhalkova also offers particular psychological methods allowing to achieve emotional well-being through developing children's ability to control and regulate their emotions. 
Dolganov D.N. - Metaregulation of Learning Activity pp. 45-52


Abstract: The author of the article makes an attempt to apply the concept of the metasystemic organisation of mental processes to research of learning activity. The subject of the research is the metaregulative influence of interpersonal relations of a learning actor on the process and success of learning. The author views learning activity as a system with a metasystemic level consisting of motivational processes. Other components of this system includes: direct academic activity as an individual system; success of learning activity; actor of learning activity; relations of an actor of learning activity. The empirical proof of the hypothesis included two stages. At the first stage the author conducted a general analysis of interpersonal relations, intensity of participation in extra-curricular activity and learning activity and their results, construction of predicative models allowing to predict success of learning. At the second stage the author carried out a teaching experiment allowing to prove the metaregulative influence of interpersonal relations on learning activity. The author has used the following methods: experiment, survey, semantic differential of interpersonal relations, inventory to assess one's ability to have a dialogue in interpersonal relations, and V. Leontiev's psychographic test. Statistical processing of the results was made by using the Statistica application. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: 1) application of the concept of metasystemic organization of mental process to studying learning activity significantly expands opportunities of understanding how learning activity is performed and what means regulate it; 2) the author has also discovered the metaregulative influence of interpersonal relations on one's learning activity; 3) the author has empirically proved the positive influence of interpersonal relations on one's learning activity and academic success. 
Reprintseva G.A. - Intracorporate Qualification Increasement of Awareness About Preschool Play Activity at Child Care Centers pp. 48-55


Abstract: In her article Reprintseva underlines the importance of improving psychological and pedagigical competences and skills of preschool educators, especially in what concerns play activity of children. As a possible solution, the researcher offers to organize intracorporate qualification increasement sessions for educators. In this research Reprintseva sees non-formal intracorporate qualification increasement as an element of the author's model of integral development of preschool play activity (Reprintseva, 2018). The subject under research is psychological and pedagogical conditions of teaching and educating preschool educators as part of intracorporate qualification increasement sessions about preschool play activity. The main research method is the theoretical analysis of the aforesaid problem based on the results of previous empirical research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes psychological and pedagogical principles of educating and teaching preschool play activity to educators as part of intracorporate qualification increasement sessions, clarifies functions of the management, teachers and psychologists in the process of supporting incorporate qualification increasement of child care educators. 
Novgorodova E.F. - Personality Determinants of Subjective Well-Being Specific for Students with Secondary and Higher Professional Education pp. 51-65


Abstract: In her research Novgorodova analyzes psychological problems that may be encountered by young people (particularly students) and relate to the subjective well-being and personality factors. The researcher presents the results of her empirical research of correlational and causal connections between satisfaction with life, self-attitude and perfectionism based on the analysis of secondary and higher education students. The research involved 443 respondents. As a result of her research, Novgorodova has discovered statistically significant dependencies between such parameters as self-attitude and perfectionism on the one part and satisfaction with life on the other part. She differentiates predictors of subjective well-being depending on the kin dof education and builds the models of determinants of satisfaction with life that demonstrate the role of personality traits in the regulation of the cognitive component of the subjective well-being as it is felt by students from different organisational institutions. The author has used step-by-step causal analysis that allows not only to explain the areas and changes of the subjective satisfaction with life but also outline the promising areas and targets of psychological counselling for secondary and higher education students. The patterns discovered by the author would be of interest for practical psychologists and researchers who want to find out the cause of the low level of one's satisfaction with life. The author also discovered the interpersonal potential for optimisation and regulation of the quality of life of today's youth which creates the grounds for future experimental research. 
Alperovich V. - Metaphorical representations of difficult life situations and coping strategies of pregnant women pp. 52-63


Abstract: The presented research is based on the Russian concept of coping behavior. It is dedicated to the problem of pregnancy as a predictor of the dynamics of coping strategies of adult women. The goal consists in conducting a comparative analysis of coping strategies and metaphorical representations on the difficult life situations among pregnant and non-pregnant women. The subject of study became the coping strategies and metaphors of difficult life situations among pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. Content analysis of the metaphors, testing, and methods of mathematical statistics (H-criterion of Êruskal-Wallis, and regression analysis) are applied. The scientific novelty consists in determination of differences in the coping strategies of pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. A comparative analysis is conducted on their metaphorical representations of difficult life situations. The author establishes the impact of these representations upon the women’s choice of rational and adaptive coping strategies.  
Teryushkova Y.Y. - Communicative Competence as a Factor of Successful Adaptation of Students with Disabilities pp. 54-64


Abstract: The object of the research is the adaptation of freshmen, the subject of the reserch is their communicative competence as a factor of successful adaptation to studying at a University. The author of the article views such aspects of the topic as the process of adaptation to studying at a University, factors that have a good impact on adaptation of freshmen, and peculiarities of adaptation of students with health disabilities. The author defines a factor of successful adaptation to University studies, i.e. communicative competence, as the factor that can be influenced, thus increasing adaptation abilities of freshmen. The research consisted of three stages. The first one was the initial diagnostics, the second stage was a communicative competence training and the third stage was the final diagnostics. The research methods included: analysis of social and psychological adaptation offered by C. Rogers and R. Daymond, overall communicability evaluation by V. Ryakhovsky, communicative social competence inventory by N. Fetiskina, V. Kozlov and G. Manuylov, communicative skills test by L. Michelssohnen (adapted by Yu. Gilbukh), and questionnaire to assess the level of satisfaction with University studies. The main conclusion of the research is that an important factor of successful adaptation of students with disabilities is their communicative skills. Students with a high level of communicative competence or students who get an opportunity to take communication trainings at the first stage of their University studies overcome the adaptation period faster and better an ddemonstrate a higher level of  being ready to continue education in their major. The main contribution of the author to the topic is the development and testing of a series of trainings aimed at developing communicative skills of freshmen with disaiblities and freshment without disabilities. 
Manina V.A. - Analysis of the capacity for overcoming within the Russian psychological science pp. 56-64


Abstract: The object of this article is the concept of the “capacity for overcoming” in research of the national psychological science. Quite a large number of research of the Russian psychologists and physiologist, such as I. P. Pavlov, I. M. Sechenov, S. N. Chkhartishvili, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, etc., known as the founders of this psychological construct, are dedicated to studying the phenomenon of “overcoming”. The concept of “overcoming” is viewed in the context of willful behavior, reasonableness of actions, motivation for actions, self-regulation of behavior and activity. The author notes that the process of overcoming obstacles is different in humans and animals, as for humans the willful component is pivotal. The actions of a person when facing an obstacle – objective or subjective, is determined not by the primary motive, but rather by nature of the obstacle; the behavior strategy is formed depending on the characteristics of the emerged obstacle. A number of psychological research demonstrate that the concept of “overcoming” is examined not only in the context of will, but also as a complex process that involves temperament, separate qualities of the nervous system, personality traits, decision-making, motives, self-regulation skills, and other psychological constructs. The conclusion is made that the concept of “overcoming” is interdisciplinary, and requires further research, as well as analysis of formation of the capacity for overcoming in a human. The concept of “overcoming” was studied in a number of Russian psychological concepts, usually in the context of various psychological phenomena.
Manina V.A., Mugil' Y.V., Spasenkova S.V. - Psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming psychological barriers among university students from rural areas pp. 57-69


Abstract: The object of this research is the psychological barriers of students from rural areas. The subject of this research is the psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming psychological barriers among students from rural areas. The goal consists in theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming psychological barriers among students from rural areas during studying in university. The author attempts to identify the main types of psychological barriers common to the students from rural areas; determine the factors that impede overcoming the psychological barriers; develop and measure the impact of experimental program of psychological support of such students. The main conclusions lie in highlighting the factors that hinder overcoming psychological barriers by the students from rural areas during studying in university. In order to eliminate negative impact of the factors that inhibit overcoming psychological barriers among students, the author determined the psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to overcoming psychological barriers. Based on the data acquired as a result of theoretical research, was formulated and implemented the program of psychological support for the students from rural areas to help them overcome psychological barriers during studying in university. Assessment was conducted of a number of indicators among the students of control and experimental groups, prior and after the introduction of psychological support program.
Dmitrieva E., Gelman V. - The dependence of academic performance on emotional perception among children receiving additional music education pp. 60-72


Abstract: The subject of this research is the examination of age-specific changes with regards to correlations between academic performance and perception of emotional tone of speech among schoolchildren who receive or do not receive additional music education. The research involved 94 public school students in St. Petersburg aged 7-17 years, divided into three groups: 7-10, 11-13, and 14-17 years old. The hypothesis was advanced on the more pronounced correlation between the characteristics of emotional tone of speech and academic performance among children who receive additional music education; the degree of such correlation depends on the age of children. It is underlined that music lessons have significant impact upon emotional perception and successful learning and it is age-specific. The correlation analysis indicated that the greater ability to perceive emotional component of speech among children receiving additional music education corresponds with better learning outcomes compared to the reference group. It was determined that in the course of age development changes (decreases) the superiority of correlation between academic performance indicators and emotional perception among  schoolchildren receiving additional music education relative to such correlation among schoolchildren who do receive additional music education: it is most evident in the age group 7-10 years and lesser evident in the age group 11-13 years. By the age of 14-17 years, the impact of emotional perception upon academic performance decreases.
Kulikova T.I., Stepanova N.A. - The study of personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity pp. 63-74


Abstract: The subject of this research is the personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity. The object is the victim behavior of teenagers with intellectual incapacity. The goal consists in examination of personal factors defining the emergence of victim behavior among teenagers with intellectual incapacity, and possibilities of forecasting the behavioral type of a victim – active or passive. The authors analyze such aspects as behavioral disorders of teenagers with intellectual incapacity, heightened victimization as predisposition of teenagers with intellectual incapacity to becoming a victim of crime, or personal traits of teenagers of this category determining victim behavior. The novelty of the conducted research consists in identification of personal factors of victim behavior of teenagers with intellectual incapacity, expressed by combination of personal traits determining the behavioral type of a victim. The dominant personal factors include emotional, volitional, and behavioral. As a result of regression and correlation analysis, the author determines the direct close interrelation between the emotional and behavioral factors; direct moderate connection between volitional and behavioral factors; and reversed moderate connection between emotional and volitional factors. The acquired data allowed determining personal traits of the active and passive victims. An active victim is characterized with high level of frustration, impulsiveness and low level of self-control. A passive victim is characterized with high level of anxiety, insecurity and helplessness that form low self-esteem. Among the teenagers with intellectual incapacity such traits exceed the boundaries more often than among neurotypical age mates, which substantiates the presence of risk factors affecting their psychological security and lead to disorientation in social environment.
Karaseva S.N. - On the Necessary Conditions of the Development of the Strong Will of Teenagers Through Teaching Activities pp. 65-75


Abstract: From the ancient Greeks to the present day the psychological phenomenon of the will has been repeatedly subjected to philosophical reflection and research. As a rule, psychology views the term 'will' in terms of the activity environment, being defined as a regulator of the processes of activity. Having chosen the object of study volitional development of adolescents in educational activities, the author focused on the spiritual and moral conditions of such development. Special attention is also paid to the study of the structure and content, psychological mechanisms and external conditions of the volitional development of a teenager. The following methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation (diary), conversation, content analysis, analysis of the products of activities; Diagnostic methods “What is good, what is bad”, “How to act” (G. M. Freeman), questionnaire of value orientations (E. B. Fontalova), test questionnaire of developmental levels of personal will (I. I. Kuptsov, Yu. A. Eryomkin), expert assessment, self-assessment, psychological experiment on the volitional development of adolescents designed by the author; To analyze the data, mathematical-statistical methods were used (G-sign test and Fisher's angular transform method). A special contribution to the study of the problem posed by the author is that theoretically studied and concretized the meaning of the terms “volitional development”, “spiritual and moral conditions of volitional development”, “psychological and pedagogical conditions of volitional development”, and also developed the author’s methodology of volitional development in educational activities for teenagers and successfully tested.
Chernov D.N. - Actual Problems of Language Training in the "Zone of Proximal Development" of Schoolchildren pp. 67-76


Abstract: The subject of this research is the language training in the "zone of proximal development" at school age. The aim of this work is analyze the possibility of using quasilanguage tools to create the training programs to Russian rules in terms of establishing of a subject-subject interaction between a teacher and a schoolchild. The origins of the use of artificial language construction for the purpose of updating the creative potential of the recipient in literature (based on the example of writings by Lewis Carroll, 'mind-bending' language of futurists, modern children's story writers) and demonstration of the significant potential of grammar to convey meaning of sentences (L. Scherba, N. Khomsky) were analyzed. It was shown that experimentation with the language rules is a natural stage of child language development (in particular, during the period of children's word creation). The analysis of the current diagnostic and training techniques that use artificial language material with the purpose of updating the language of creativity of the child was performed. In his research Chernov has come to the following conclusions. Language learning at school must actualize the creative potential of language acquisition. Effective teaching technique is the use of artificial words, rules of inflection which are similar to the Russian rules, and use of artificial sentences and texts in which the combination of quasiwords is similar to the rules of Russian grammar. The balance between spontaneous and reactive training in the use of such language material is possible when the interaction between a teacher and a schoolchild is like the cooperation in the "zone of proximal development" of the child.
Siromakha O. - Concerning Unefficiency of Punishment as a Method of Up-Bringing pp. 80-101


Abstract: The level of tension and aggression have been growing lately. The government is trying to fight against aggression by stiffening penalties. Parents and mentors often do the same when they try to make children obey them. There is a belief that punishment is an essential part of up-bringing and we need to use punishment in order to bring up a healthy personality. The author of the article views punishment in terms of its efficiency and after-effect. The author also views consequences of such a method of up-bringing as competitiveness. Based on the analysis and review of literature, researches, articles and theses created by Russian and foreign authors, the author compares opinions of different researchers on the matter. The author describes other researchers' evidence that spanking and other kinds of cruel punishment applied to a child increase his aggression and cognitive decline while softer kinds of punishment develop infantile behavior, low self-esteem and psychological defense. The author gives examples on how we can make prohibition and enforcement less traumatic for a child. It is concluded that all kinds of punishment cause the result which is absolutely opposite to the results the parents are aimed at. On the other hand, friendly relations between parents and children help to develop the altruistic personality and communication skills. 
Shutenko E.N., Shutenko A.I., Vorotyntseva D.A. - The specifics of building a psychological space for the use of information technologies as tools for activating the personal potential of university students pp. 82-96



Abstract: The study is aimed at the development of the psychological-pedagogical construct of implementation the information technologies in higher education. The aim of the study is to determine the psychological conditions and logic of information technologies deployment to develop the personal potential of students. The authors use the methods of systematization and generalization, the method of conceptual-structural reconstruction, modeling and design, psychological testing and comparative analysis. As a result, presented the personal-oriented construction of ICT realization into the university training. It combines the principles of using ICT, the structure of educational communications and specific stimuli of ICT that activating the personal potential of students. The principles proposed in the construction serve as a psychological-pedagogical filter for the introduction of ICT (targeting, accessibility, redundancy, diversity, integrativity, sensitivity, synergy, refreshment, systematicity, scientific orientation, etc.). Compliance with these principles allows building on the basis of ICT a developed and psychologically correct system of educational communications, including such components as: didactic, information-gnostic, interactive, attractive-motivating, participating and other components. In the presented construction, the authors also offer a set of ICT stimuli that activate the personal potential of students: representative, exposing, adaptive, contact, search-heuristic, imprinting, control-evaluative, structuring, reflective, modeling, suggestive, translimitative, temporal, personalizing, inclusive, etc. Approbation this construction in the online learning showed the promise of its application in practice. The results of diagnostics using the self-actualization method (version of the POI test by E. Shostrom) showed that students have an increase in such indicators of personal potential as: self-support, self-regard and self-acceptance, as well as spontaneity, flexibility and productive relationship. The results obtained can be applied in the field of building student-centered digitalization practices of university education, the novelty of which lies in the indirect introduction of information technologies through the development of a variety of educational communications aimed at activating students' personal resources and capacities.
Vershinkina E.V. - Suicidal Behavior and Defense Mechanisms at Early Adulthood pp. 84-93


Abstract: In article the problem of suicide behavior at the advanced teenage age and its communication with protective mechanisms of mentality is investigated. The teenage age is characterized by formation of feeling of a maturity, critical for the individual psychological and physiological changes. There are considerable changes in Self-concept structure, tendency to the introspection amplifies, some personal qualities are exposed to essential revaluation. The main psychological sense of teenage suicides consists in desire to draw attention to itself, to the problem and to emotions in relation to current situation. Because of infantile ideas of death, the majority of teenagers has no real desire to die. Because of it the teenager such means of commission of the suicide act which are estimated by adults as not dangerous, but as in a condition of crisis it is difficult to teenager to predict the actions can get out, the way chosen by it can do serious harm physical a state or lead to death. In this article an inspection of a hypothesis of interrelation of the general intensity of protective mechanisms and tendency to manifestation of suicide reactions was carried out. For check of a hypothesis results the researches conducted among pupils of 10-11 classes at the age of 15-17 years were used. Still there is not resolved a question of what protective mechanisms are shown at various forms of suicide behavior. It is considered that at individuals with the raised tendency to suicide risk the general intensity of protective mechanisms is significantly higher, than at people with smaller suicide manifestations. For the persons inclined to suicide manifestations, mechanisms of a projection, intellectualization, denial and regression are most characteristic. In this research the hypothesis of interrelation of the general intensity of protective mechanisms and tendency to manifestation of suicide reactions was made and confirmed.
Alperovich V. - Metaphors of 'Friends' and of 'Aliens' with Different Ethnocultural External Appearance in Connection with Stratificational Characteristics of Adult Persons pp. 88-104


Abstract: In this research Alperovich focuses on the problem of distinctions between representations about 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance reflected in metaphors and narratives. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance of persons with different stratificational characteristics (gender, age, level of education). The subject of the research is the metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' developed by men and women with incomplete and complete higher education at their early and middle ages. The author has used the followign methods: content analysis of metaphors, methods of mathematical statistics (cluster analysis, quartiles, nonparametric tests such as Mann–Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis H test). Based on the cognitive concept of metaphors, the author elaborated methods for studying metaphors of 'friends' and of 'aliens' presented by people with different ethnocultural external appearance. For the first time in the academic literature the author has discovered, that, towards early and middle ages, the tendency to attribute positive psychosocial features to 'aliens' with Slavic ethnocultural external appearance and to 'friends' and 'aliens' with 'Caucasian' ethnocultural external appearance intensifies. We start to perceive others in a more differentiated way. Respondents with incompleted higher education attribute negative psychosocial features to 'friends' and 'aliens' with Caucasian and Asian ethnocultural external appearance, evaluate negatively their roles in communication more than respondents with complete higher education. Male respondents emphasize differences from 'aliens', particularly from members of other ethnocultural groups, more than female respondents. The author describes four interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance. These repertoires differ in whether people attribute positive or negative social and psychological characteristics to 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearances as well as whether they view such interlocutors as competitive or cooperative. The author develops the empirical model of interconnections between metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance and personal stratificational characteristics. The results can be used in researches about conflicts and discrimination.
Alperovich V., Kolod'ko V.A. - The Relationship Between the Level of Marriage Contentment, the Images of 'Friend' and 'Allien' and Marriage Partner at the Stage of Early Maturity pp. 88-101


Abstract: The research presented in this article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the ideas of a person about other people on satisfaction with marriage. The purpose of the pilot empirical research was to establish the relationship between the images of "friendly" and "alien-lie" communication partners, marriage partner and satisfaction with marriage. The subject of the pilot empirical research: the level of satisfaction with marriage, the image of the marriage partner, the image of "his" person, the image of "alien" person. The results of the study can be applied in family psychology, family counseling. The following methods were used: testing, scaling, methods of mathematical data processing (Kruskal-Wallis criterion, Pearson correlation analysis, Spearman correlation analysis). For the first time, relationships of satisfaction with marriage, images of "friendly" person, "alien" person and marriage partner have been established. For the first time it has been shown that the image of a marriage partner as “friendly” person endowed with positive social and psychological properties is associated with high satisfaction with marriage. The image of an “alien” person is endowed with respondents who are satisfied with marriage, negative external, personal and socio-psychological properties. It was concluded that the image of "friendly" person is idealized, and the image of the marriage partner is realistic.
Kirakosyan A. - Improving Psychological Readiness of Primary School Students for Reading Correction pp. 94-134


Abstract: High-quality research of ways of increase of psychological readiness for correction of informative actions through use of the reception of the including activity developed in the activity theory is presented. Research is executed on reading material. Work includes implementation of correction of negative attitude the slabochitayushchikh of pupils of the 4th class to reading by means of carrying out within academic year of a circle on record of audiobooks. In article stages of change of the relation of pupils to reading and, respectively, stages of the organization of the course of a circle are in detail described. Research is executed with use of qualitative methods of collecting and the analysis of data – natural experiment, supervision, interview, the content analysis, interpretation, and also statistical methods of data processing. By results of research it is shown that increase of psychological readiness for occupations is connected with changes of sense of reading for pupils. Research is interesting as disclosure of reception of the including activity on correction material, and also has practical value as a way of increase of psychological readiness for occupation by reading.
Makarova M.V. - Coping Behavior of Students Depending on Their Level of Satisfaction With the Psychological Education Environment (The Case Study of the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics) pp. 102-125


Abstract: The actual area of studying coping behavior is the research of features of the identity of school students in their relationship with the coping strategy in the course of educational activity.The object of the present research is the coping behavior of students.The subject of the research is the coping behavior of students depending on their level of satisfaction with the psychological educational environment at an university. The research objective to study the coping behavior of students depending on their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the educational environment at a university.The hypothesis  is the supposition that a more constructive coping strategy is usually used by the students who are more satisfied with the educational environment of a university.  The following methods have been used: 1. The modified technique of determination of satisfaction with significant characteristics of the educational environment offered by I. A. Bayeva.2. The Coping Behavior Inventory developed by Richard Lazarus. 3. The Coping Strategy Indicator Inventory. The main conclusions of the conducted research are:The analysis of results of group with the low level of psychological safety of the educational environment shows that the following components entered the first factor: planning of a solution, positive revaluation, self-checking, acceptance of responsibility, floor, cognitive component. The distancing, flight avoiding, search of social support entered the second factor. The third factor included age, solution of problems and avoiding of problems.3 major factors peculiar to group which are highly appreciating the safety at university are revealed. The first factor included the following koping-strategy: positive revaluation, acceptance of responsibility, self-checking, search of social support, planning of a solution, distancing, flight avoiding. Entered the second factor confrontation (that is aspiration to behave aggressively and to answer actions respectively), a cognitive component, that is ideas of students of university, knowledge of it (it is expressed more at male respondents) and a behavioural component (consists in satisfaction with the specialty, future profession, the group, etc.). The third factor included the search for social support and the emotional component.
Sennitskaya E.V. - Managing the audience attention using object-hierarchical method of modelling and dosing of the information (on the example of a training session) pp. 102-114


Abstract: The object of the research is the attention of school and college students while they are percepting the information in different amounts and with different hierarchical structure. The work is devoted to the problem of how the attention of listener depends on the structuring and dosing of the information. The main objective is to develop recommendations on how to structure and dose verbal, mathematical and motional information to avoid the attention wandering and discipline breaching that arise because of lack of information or its redundancy. The additional objective is the development of the easy-to-use method of calculating of the amount of verbal information that can be used as a instrument of modelling of the training session. Methods of research are an empirical study in the form of monitoring of the activities of school and university teachers, as well as a natural experiment with students of 1, 3, 5 and 6 grades and students of 1–2 college courses. The content of training conducted by the author or another teacher was modeled in the form of object-hierarchical scheme. Further, by observation and audio recording changes in attention of subjects were indicated.The result of this study was the conclusion that when the abstract objects are revealed by less than 3 or more than 5 concrete ones, listeners experience the attention wandering and the discipline breaching. In case when the abstract objects are revealed by 3–5 concrete ones the teacher can easily maintain discipline during all the lesson at condition that the lesson is formed as a hierarchical structure with 4–5 branches, each of them with depth of 3–5 hierarchy levels. The findings of research can be used in teaching, advertising, political and clinical psychology.
Akimkina Y.E. - Differences in communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training pp. 113-127



Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training. The study of the communicative activity of students, its impact on their life becomes necessary due to their high involvement in the virtual world. The main form of interaction on the Internet for students is communicative network activity. The purpose of the research is to study the differences in communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training. The author used such research methods as: theoretical, empirical, methods of mathematical processing of psychological data: H-Kruskal-Wallis criterion, U-Mann-Whitney criterion. Computer data processing was carried out using the software packages "Excel" and "IBM SPSS Statistics 21". A set of the following methods is used: "Questionnaire of problematic use of social networks"; "Methodology for assessing involvement in the use of information and communication technologies". The empirical base of the study was 240 respondents, with an average age of 20.3 years. Students of the technical direction have an uncontrolled mental return to the virtual world, a tendency to use electronic technologies in a variety of ways; the cognitive absorption and the appearance of negative consequences of immersion in the Internet are slightly expressed in the scientific profile; the humanitarian direction lacks diversity in the use of electronic technologies, however, they have a high involvement in performing economic actions in the virtual world. It is important to note the existence of general trends that are independent of the professional direction of the training of students: the priority of online communication, communication in social networks, visiting the Internet in order to avoid feeling lonely. The results obtained during the study of the differences in the communicative network activity of students of different areas of professional training can be used to make practical recommendations for the formation and development of digital competence skills.
Frantskevich E.T. - Psychological Problems as the Risk Factor for the Safety of the Educational Environment pp. 125-174


Abstract: The concept of "psychological safety" persons in the educational environment and its relevance is considered. Risk factors, in particular concept of psychological trouble, as one of the main threats of safety of the educational environment are analyzed. Various risk factors and threats of psychological safety of the educational environment, its components are considered. Emotional safety as making part of all-psychological safety of the educational environment, its emotional component. Communication of emotional safety of the educational environment and health of the person, first, mental, and secondly, physical is traced. The concept of psychological trouble, as risk factor of safety of the educational environment is entered. As prerequisites of emergence of psychological trouble various factors act in different degree: biological (genetic or hereditary) or social and psychological, educational. At an assessment of level and expressiveness of psychological trouble of the personality it is necessary to take into account personal (individual) features, such as character aktsentuation. The solution of problems of psychological safety in the educational environment, in particular psychological trouble of teenagers, has to be carried out through programs and techniques of diagnostics of the personality and forming of individual correctional and scheduled maintenance according to personal features and character aktsentuation, also the psychologist needs to conduct work on improvement of interpersonal interaction and training in social skills of all participants of educational process. The assumption is made that sources and variety of manifestations of psychological trouble, and also exit options from a difficult life or extreme situation, in big degree are defined by psychotype of the personality and are covered in a character aktsentuation. At an adverse psychological situation there is a fixing of some pathological traits of character that prevents the teenager to adapt for environment and can become one of the reasons of his deviant behavior. Not incidentally aktsentuation of character are considered as prerequisites of abnormal (deviant) behavior of teenagers. In any case, it is possible to tell with confidence what these are the accentuation of personality traits that make the teenager's age and adulthood period 'difficult'. 
Deulin D.V. - Psychological Safety of Educational Environment at Law-Enforcement Universities pp. 128-140


Abstract: In the article the problem of psychological safety of the educational environment of a higher educational institution of law-enforcement system is considered. In work such phenomena as psychological safety, the educational environment, threats of psychological safety are investigated. Manifestation of psychological threats in educational space of higher education institution of law-enforcement system is investigated. Theoretically the classification from three groups of psychological risks allowing to carry out an assessment of levels of psychological safety of the educational environment locates. The first group of risks is formed by risks of psychological violence. The second group of risks includes the system of relationship with participants of educational process interfering satisfaction of basic needs in personal and confidential communication. The third group is formed by the system of the interpersonal relations with participants of educational process interfering recognition of the reference importance of the educational environment. For detection of specific features of psychological safety of the educational environment of higher education institution of law-enforcement system we used as unformalized methods (supervision, conversation) and unformalized methods of research (the modified Bayeva I.A. questionnaire. for cadets). Attraction of scientific attention to problems of rather closed educational environment of law-enforcement higher education institutions is the key moment in the course of preparation and education of highly professional experts. Process of improvement of mechanisms of ensuring psychological safety of educational space promotes decrease in level of psychosomatic frustration among trained, better assimilation of knowledge and skills and as a result – formation of the highly professional employee of law-enforcement system armed with all necessary competences. Unfortunately, psychological threats are actual and for the educational environment of higher education institutions of law-enforcement system. The major direction is development of the mechanism of decrease in the considered threats.
Grishchenkova A.E. - Age and Gender Features of School Students' Hostility pp. 139-316


Abstract: In this article gender and age features of manifestation of attribution of hostility by school students after viewing of violent plots in animated films are discussed. One of the most important factors of formation of aggressive behavior are cognitive abilities of the individual and the strategy of processing of information acquired by it. In a case when the person considers that negative intentions are the reason of provocative actions of another, it, most likely will behave same aggressive images in relation to the offender. While in a situation when he realizes that these actions are caused absolutely by other motives, aggressive reaction can not arise. Proceeding from it empirical research which purpose was to establish gender and age distinctions in manifestation of attribution of hostility (attribution of deliberate / accident actions, behavior models, punishment and forgiveness) school students after viewing of plots of the violent and nonviolent contents in animated films was conducted. Results of the conducted research are stated in the offered article. The obtained data were interpreted on the basis of the following methodological approaches:1. The theory of attribution of hostility of K. Dodge in which the attribution of hostility is considered as a tendency to attribute hostile intentions to other people, even then, when these intentions actually doesn't exist. 2. Information and procedural models of aggression of L. Hyusman according to which emergence of aggression is caused by existence of aggressive scenarios of behavior which represent the schemes of aggressive behavior supported with positive experience in different situations.3. Affective and dynamic approach of I. A. Furmanov according to which, in a situation of frustration or a deprivation three types of reaction are possible: in depression - aggressive type of behavior, passive and aggressive type of behavior and active and aggressive type of behavior. For achievement of a goal, in research the technique "Attribution of hostility" was used. This technique is developed by J. Hébert on the basis of model of processing of the social information of K. Dodge measuring children's attribution of hostility or peaceful intentions in hypothetically provocative situations and modified on the basis of the affective and dynamic theory of the aggression of I.A. Furmanov assuming variability of behavioural reactions to aggression provocation. Selection was made by 450 school students (225 girls, 225 boys) of three age groups: 6–7 years, 8–9 years and 10-12 years. As a result of the conducted research it was established that irrespective of a floor and age the school student after viewing of plots of the violent contents, at an atributirovaniye of actions of other person in a provocation situation, shows attribution of hostility, attribution of a namerennost and active aggression as behavior model, moreover he doesn't intend to forgive the offender, and to seek to punish him.
Anufriev A.F. - Description Pattern for Cases of Psychological and Educational Diagnostics pp. 141-174


Abstract: Object of research: Diagnostic activity of the psychologist in a consultation situation. The description of cases from advisory diagnostic practice as the important section of psychology and pedagogical diagnostics. Development of the scheme of the description of cases from diagnostic practice of the psychologist meeting the requirements of need and sufficiency of the characteristic of diagnostic process. Substantial components of the scheme. Its functions (registration of own experience of diagnostic activity, for the purpose of transfer to his other people, acquaintance with diagnostic experience of other psychologists, empirical verification of provisions of the theory). Empirical check of opportunities of the scheme for the necessary and sufficient description of diagnostic process. Methodology or research technique. Methodology: general scientific approach to studying of diagnostic process, the concept of the solution of psychodiagnostic tasks. Method: theoretical analysis, synthesis of psychodiagnostic practice Novelty and conclusions. Scientifically reasonable scheme of the description of cases from diagnostic practice of the psychologist, constructed on the basis of the stages of diagnostic process allocated in the general theory of the diagnosis and the concept of the decision psikhodiagno is developedsticheskikh of tasks. It is shown that the specified scheme contains as the general, i.e. not depending on specifics of diagnostic area, and special components and that it meets the requirements of completeness of the characteristic of diagnostic process. The conclusion that the specified scheme promotes increase of efficiency of diagnostic activity of the psychologist in an education system is drawn.
Suvorova N.V., Nakonechnaya E.V., Smirnaya A.A., Smirnova A.V., Shepeleva Y.S. - The level of adaptation to learning among first-graders brought up in families with different types of child-parent relationships pp. 159-182



Abstract: The subject of the study is the relationship between child–parent relations and the effectiveness of adaptation of first-graders.The purpose of the study is to determine the level of adaptation to learning among first-graders brought up in families with different types of child-parent relationships. The importance for a child of child-parent relations in a difficult period for him at the beginning of school education is emphasized by many authors. Often, the reason for difficulties in adapting to school lies in the lack of formation of personal forms of communication between a younger student and his parents, in the inability of parents to build communication with a child according to the type of "child – adult as equal", in the habit of a parent to communicate with an already grown-up child according to the stereotype formed in preschool childhood. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary School No. 19 named after A.V. Sedelnikov" of the city of Krasnoyarsk. 30 parents (mothers of first-graders) and 30 children aged 7 years were diagnosed. There is a direct relationship between child-parent relations and the adaptation of first-graders to school. Students who are brought up in families with a democratic type of upbringing are characterized by successful, full adaptation. Schoolchildren from families in which permissive and authoritarian parenting styles are the predominant types of child-parent relationships, incomplete adaptation and maladaptation prevail. The conducted research makes it possible to develop psychological programs to increase the level of adaptation of first-graders to education for parents with an authoritarian parenting style and for parents with a permissive parenting style.
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