Philosophical Thought - rubric Social dynamics
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Social dynamics
Ilinskaya S. - Ethical choice of a modern Russian family as a political decision pp. 1-12


Abstract: Mundane lifestyle puts modern Russian families in the situation of having to make a number of decisions with extremely significant implications for the society and the state; this is why this question requires separate attention from the worldview and politological perspective. The goal of this work consists in proving that some private intra-familial strategies are so crucial for harmonization of the Russian society and preservation of the Russian state that this circumstance exalts them to the status of a political choice. Leaning on the methods of critical analysis of social reality, the authors reviews each direction of the possible strategies of Russian family as an individual task. This leads to the conclusion that some of them are crucial not only for strengthening the Russian statehood, but even for preservation of human species and “reboot” of the history of mankind in  the context of implementation of the multiple local and global catastrophic scenarios. The operative motive of every Russian family in committing their marginal (from the standpoint of consumer logics) choice each time is its strict moral criteria.
Ziyazov R.A., Khramova K.V. - Philosophical Foundations of Social Conflict pp. 1-6



Abstract: This article is devoted to the study and consideration of the provisions on the philosophical foundations of social conflict, the nature of social conflict, as well as the problems and prospects of their resolution in the modern world. The text notes that the lack of theoretical understanding of the problem of social conflicts makes it difficult to logically solve practical problems aimed at preventing conflict situations in the modern community. The article examines the difficulties encountered in the localization and resolution of conflicts, thoroughly analyzes the entire course of the conflict development with the subsequent establishment of its possible causes and consequences. Also, this article discusses the causes of social conflicts in modern society, as well as the features of their occurrence. The works on the development of problems of methodology and general theory of conflict occurring in society are noted.  In our country, there is a tradition of studying social conflicts through the objective contradiction of the interests of the majority of social groups, which dictate to the parties the logic, duration, degree of tension of the struggle for the satisfaction of urgent needs. However, it is not always necessary to equate objective contradictions of social groups with conflicts. The conflict is somehow connected with people's subjective awareness of the inconsistency of their interests as members of certain social groups. Aggravated contradictions generate open or closed conflicts only when they are deeply experienced by people, are realized as incompatibility of interests and goals. Taking into account the fact that philosophers in the Ancient World began to be interested in the nature of conflicts, the representatives of three modern socio-philosophical concepts of conflict made the greatest systematic contribution to its understanding: the concepts of positive-functional conflict proposed by L.Kozerom: R. Darrendorff's conflict models of society and K. Boulding's general theory of conflict.
Tuzovskii I.D. - Utopian universals in the context of the concept of “information society” pp. 18-29


Abstract: This article explores the problem of utopian universals applicable to the concept of “information society”. The author interprets utopian universals as most general representations on the best social structure that became widespread within a particular epistemological tradition. The subject of this research is the determination and evolution of the universal social attributes characteristic to projects of best social structure within the epistemological tradition of scientific rationality developed throughout the XVI – XXI centuries. From T. Mohr's "Utopia" to D. Bell's "post-industrial Society" and M. Castells '"Information Age", the author traces the universal features of social attribution. The researcher comes to the conclusion that projects of an optimal or ideal social structure, changing their concrete form of expression, retain a utopian character throughout the entire line of development of the epistemological tradition of scientific rationality. Utopian universals of aggregation and codification of theoretical knowledge, transformation of science into the major driving force of political and economic development, transition of power to the wisemen-philosophers, collective maximally egalitarian and democratic participation in decision-making is the attributes that to greater or lesser degree are inherent to the utopias of Western civilization, beginning with the work of T. More. These same attributes retain in the concept of information society, which allows raising the question of the need for critical revision as a theoretical scientific concept and practical political project of the information society.
Balakleets N.A. - Power and Transgression: phenomenon of masses in the contemporary social space pp. 33-44


Abstract: The article deals with the study of the phenomenon of the masses which is constituted in the contemporary social space. The author explicates a number of factors that impede the unequivocal social and philosophical definition of masses. Basing on the researches of Oswald Spengler, Gustave Le Bon, Gabriel Tarde, Elias Canetti, Herbert Marcuse, Jean Baudrillard and other thinkers, the author identifies two main trends in the interpretation of the mass phenomenon. According to the first of them, the mass is treated as an amorphous unorganized multitude, which has a transgressive character. In the context of the second trend mass forms of social life are considered as structured and orderly. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of the constitution of the masses, interaction of masses and power in the technological society.The study is based on the poststructuralist methodology that allows to interpret masses and power using such categories as "transgression", ontological "rest" and "excess". In addition, the author uses the method of comparative analysis and the interdisciplinary approach.The novelty of the research lies in explication of the dependence of masses characteristics on the specific of the social space which causes the masses constitution. The author introduces the concepts of "internal transgression topos" and "excess topoi", applying them to the analysis of social space elements. If the first of these elements are produced by a system of power relations with the aim of its self-preservation; the latter are used for the implementation of the strategy of eluding the mass forms of social existence.
Goncharov V.V. - Socio-historical conditions of the emergence and development of global constitutionalism pp. 34-45


Abstract: This article analyzes the socio-historical, socio-political, and socio-legal conditions of the emergence and development of global constitutionalism as a social concept over its main stages: -  the stage of formation of the social concept of global constitutionalism, determination of its framework characteristics, and formulation of the universal democratic values; -  the stage of establishment of international and supranational political-legal institutions, manifesting as the unified executive centers of regulation and control; - the current stage of the development of social concept of global constitutionalism, consisting in the forcible export of the values of constitutional democracy in planetary scale. The author believes that global constitutionalism as a social concept is mediated by certain socio-historical conditions of the emergence and development (socio-economic, socio-political and historical-legal), which in correlation and interdependence formed the basic requirements for this social concept, as well as determined the vector of its development.
Napso M.D. - Exclusion as a subject of socio-philosophical reflexion pp. 46-55


Abstract: The object of this research is the phenomenon of social exclusions, while the subject is the social processes that lead to the formation of this phenomenon. The author explores the notions of social exclusion and deprivation, conducts their comparative analysis, as well as underlines their congruity and distinctive features, and the correlation between them. Special attention is given to the analysis of the effect of the social environment, economic factors (first and foremost factor of poverty), as well as of the processes of social mobility upon the emergence of social exclusion; its cultural and emotional-psychological aspects are being examined. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the following positions: 1) increase in the number of socially excluded is the tendency of modern development, which makes this problem relevant from the perspective of theory and practice; 2)being the means of many multidirectional processes, social exclusion leads to the negative consequences for individual and collective existence.
Rostovtseva M.V., Khokhrina Z.V. - Social adaptation and social contradiction pp. 46-53


Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of social adaptation and the underlying social contradictions, which are resolved by an individual during interaction with the society. The authors describe the developmental stages of contradiction that correspond with the developmental stages of adaptation cycle. Interacting with social environment, an individual faced the differences and discrepancies of his own peculiarities with the specificities and demands of the social environment. Detection of the external differences conduces a person to immerse into his inner world and look for the answers aimed at searching harmony with social ambiance namely within it. In other words, the external contradiction encourages the inner struggle of personality with itself, motivates to self-analysis, self-reflection, mental and physical activity in search for resolution of a problem. The article determines the stages of adaptation process that correspond with the developmental stages of contradiction, as well as formulates classification of contradictions, which includes the following: contradictions of objective character, associated with the incompletion of an action; contradiction that necessitates the choice of a new action; contradiction associated with insufficient maturity or absence of necessary resources for adaptation; and contradiction associated with completion of an action. A definition is provided of social adaptation as a relationship between personality and environment, aimed at resolution of the emerging contradictions between them.
Prokhorov M.M. - The Need for a System-Based Transformation of the Russian Cultural Environment pp. 49-156


Abstract: The article is focused on the analysis of events of social dynamics in Ukraine which gained resonant value in evolution of Russia and all world community (elimination of a mode of Yanukovych, a referendum in the Crimea on March 16, 2014, reunion of the Crimea with Russia, formation of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics, the armed opposition in the southeast of Ukraine, aspiration of the authorities of Kiev to "natsification" of all country, etc.) . Return of the Crimea to Russia was supported within the country: passed numerous meetings in many cities, the humanitarian assistance, etc. gathered. Events show communication with events of "reorganization" of the USSR, intention of Russia to leave an object state to the subject status. As methodology in article the materialistic dialectics acts. The traditional dialectics and its principles are supplemented with the provision on alternativeness of dialectics positive and negative as to a new historical form of contrast of dialectics and metaphysics. In such context the author offers the special methodology of research combining dialectic and system approaches. It is used at disclosure of alternatives of "economy" and "economism", as an analog of "mechanical philosophy' in the sphere of social dynamics, a political subsystem of social system and "Machivellianism", as kinds of a reductionism in a political subsystem of social dynamics. It is shown that the most important line in finding of subjectivity is finding of the last eventually each member of society, and not just the head of state when freedom and "sovereignty" belong, in the spirit of east monarchy, only to one or limited number of persons. This process correlate with inevitability of system change of the Russian culture in spheres of economy and socio-political system, ideology and education, a family and other social subsystems. In a context of social dynamics it is proved that described events appreciably are connected with events of "reorganization" of the USSR, its positive and negative lines, up to known revision of its results.
Semenov V.A. - Specific features of existence conditions of the open dynamic systems at the social level of integrational superorganization: a problem of extrapolation of universal synergetic regularities within the framework of sociobiological paradigm pp. 52-61


Abstract: The subject of this research is the influence of specific features of the conditions for existence of the open dynamic systems that refer to the type of “society”. Such issue is considered from the perspective of extrapolation of the universal systemic functions of an open dynamic system upon the forms of socio-political organization, which possess sufficient size, structural complexity, and relative autonomy. The article reviews the three main aspects of this problem: first, the current trends in the social sciences that create a number of obstacles, including of subjective character, for free use of extrapolation of the universal systemic functions at the social level of the integrational superorganization within the framework of sociobiological paradigm; second, it is the functional analysis of the mechanisms of adjustment and development of the open dynamic systems; and third, it is a consideration of influence of the specific features of conditions at the social level of the integrational superorganization of open dynamic systems. Methodology of the research is constructed within the sociobiological paradigm based on the principles of the system analysis, abstract functionalism, and extrapolation of general synergetic functions upon the development of the open dynamic systems at the social level of integrational superorganization. The scientific novelty consists in identification and analysis of the factors that cause deviations in formation of the adaptable mechanisms at the social level of integrational superorganization if compared with the adaptable mechanisms of the open dynamic systems of lower level. While concerning earlier and simpler forms of social organization extrapolation there can be noticed a rather high similarity with the adaptable mechanisms of lower levels, then in the course of evolution, complication, and growth of the "area of habitability" of social organisms has reduced, which led to modification of the adaptable mechanisms of modern societies. Taking into account the mutating factors will allow avoiding errors of the «blind» extrapolation of experience accumulated in the course of studying of the open dynamic systems of lower levels.
Loktionov M. - Emancipatory Approach as the Development of Critical Theory in Terms of Modern Interpretations of the Managable Society pp. 55-76


Abstract: The subject of the present research is the history of the genesis and development of the emancipatory systems thinking in terms of interpretation of social processes and critical systems approach. The author of the article examines the methods and approaches united by the idea of critical systems heuristics as well as the general aspiration to mobilize potential for critical review of established social and political doctrines through questioning authoritarian features of the modern world and demonstrating the ways towards transformation of these features. The author also touches upon the problem of the 'relativist' type of managing, arranging and using sytems methods in the organizational analysis. The method of the research is based on the analysis of the critical approach practiced by the Frankfurt School, especially Jürgen Habermas and his critics of technical and practical knowledge as well as their aplicability to the emancipatory systems management. In his research Loktionov provides an insight into the ideas of critical systems heuristics and the concepts of organizational ideology that develop a critical attitude to the ideological grounds of various systems approaches. The author also demonstrates that modern systems theory of management, especially emancipatory systems approach, have roots in Jurgen Habermas' theory of different kinds of knowledge. 
Bagrova E.V. - Critical analysis of implementation of post-industrialism in modern society pp. 67-76


Abstract: This article meticulously examines the concepts of post-industrialism alongside its key subject in the associated corporation, as well as development of the transnational corporations and labor relations between them and the employees. The subject of this research is the implementation of post-industrialism in modern society, which affects the public interests at the scale of national state, as well as private interests of the people living in modern society. The goal of the work lies in the analysis of specificity of implementing post-industrialism in modern society. The author analyzes the works of Bell and Toffler, who considers the post-industrial society in a positive way; introduces the views of Sorokin and Zuckerman, who give negative assessment to the ongoing transformations. In conclusion, the author demonstrates that the declared principles and values of post-industrial society are being realized differently in practice. Particularly, post-industrialization is implemented not as the increase of post-industrial production, but rather deindustrialization. At the same time, post-industrial society, in an attempt to the supremacy of technical knowledge, does not succeed.
Sizemskaya I.N. - Modernization projects and practices in Russia’s historical experience pp. 69-88


Abstract:     This article examines the models of modernizations followed by Russia, beginning with the reforms of Peter the Great and up until the XX century. Special attention is given to the trends of transformations, which in response to the challenges of time were carried out in the area of government structure and economic life of the Russian society, considering the historically established legal norms and spiritual-cultural traditions. In I. N. Sizemskaya research, the history of Russia’s modernization is presented as the history of geopolitical and cultural relations of Russia and Europe; the reforms of Peter the Great are being considered as its origins, which after accepting Christianity, became the first major attempt to include the country into the all-European course of development. The author believes that the reforms of Peter the Great were not a modernization in its classical form, i.e. a transition from the traditional society to modern society, but they drastically turned the society towards the reformations in the political-administrative, religious, and cultural institutions, as well as defined the beginning of its path towards the innovation development according to the vector of Modern Times. An important factor in this process became the establishment of a platform for the emergence of Russian culture, similar to European. As the next historically significant stage of modernistic reforms, the author reviews the reforms of Alexander II, which were actively supported by the Russian liberalism. Such reforms oriented towards capitalization of the Russian society, taking into account its actual state and readiness for the innovation transformations. As demonstrated by I. N. Sizemskaya, the West will become the example of development; capitalism will become the goal; and the “catching modernization” – the way for its achievement. Within the retrospective socio-philosophical analysis of the model of modernization, the author of this article bases herself on interpretation of modernization as the process that captures all spheres of social life and contains a sociocultural component as a guarantee for success, which provides a sustainable character to the implemented changes.    
Makhamatov T., Makhmatov T.T. - The concept of social capital: from empirical to theoretical pp. 69-78


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the philosophical examination of the concept of “social capital”, which at the presents time exceeds the framework of sociology and social psychology. However, the confined empirical content of the notion of “social capital” does not allow revealing the profound aspects of the objects at hand and does not produce the expected result. The subject of the research is the dialectical logics of shifting of the concept of “social capital” from empirical level towards theoretical, and acquisition of philosophical content based on determination of the ontological grounds of social capital. In the course of this research, the authors apply the methods of conceptual analysis and synthesis, principles of primacy of social being, systematicity, and dialectical controversy. The scientific novelty lies in revealing the dialectics of emergence of the new socio-philosophical category of “social capital” on the basis of “paradigm vaccination”, which takes place in the process of implementation in economic and politological articles of the applied empirical notion of social psychology and sociology – “social capital”; as well as in determining the ontological grounds of theoretical content of the indicated concept. The author conclude that the notion of “social capital” of theoretical level can be productively applied in socio-philosophical studies of the objective potential of social development, foundations of its stability and sustainable development.
Polyushkevich O.A., Antonova L.L., Kashchaev A.E. - Empathy and socio-cultural solidarity pp. 71-82


Abstract: The subject of research is the empathy as a way of understanding the man and the world. The object of the study advocates the epistemological and ontological understanding of empathy place in the social reproduction of society. Particular attention is paid to the processes of social solidarity and disintegration, coming during the action or lack of empathy. Empathy is the condition and the possibility of social solidarity and social dynamics, especially when breaking down the basic categories of the social world order and form new strategies of social interactions and development. The methodological basis of research supports the social constructivism and the theory of social representations. These areas form a common methodological framework for analysis of social processes and allow you to systematically analyze social dynamics. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that in times of social change, economic and political crises, cultural and spiritual transformation, an important aspect of the integrity of society advocates social identity. Social identity demarcates the social space, clearly is a group of "friends", and gives a sense of security to members of the community. One of the key factors in the formation of social identity acts empathy - a sense of belonging a group, or action that defines the degree of social solidarity community. Social empathy is a complex phenomenon which contains as its structural elements the collective, as well as personal identity. An important element of these processes is the understanding of the formation and the impact of socio-cultural foundations of empathy are not equally manifested in different social groups of the modern Russian society.
Igosheva M.A. - Economic resource of ethnic identity in the conditions of current migration processes pp. 72-84


Abstract: The object of this research is the problem of confrontation between the traditional forms of economic activity of ethnocultural communities and unifying effect of economic integration in the context of migration processes. The establishment of world economic system in the modern conditions of global transformation created an unprecedented level of interdependence of the economies of nation states and general rules of their functioning. At the same time, the traditional forms of economies that are greatly affected by ethnic factor also retain. The author explores such questions as definition of the concepts “ethnic economy” and “ethnic entrepreneurship” within the scientific discourse, the factors of emergence of these economic phenomena, proclivity of particular ethnoses for commercial activity and small business. Special attention is paid to the analysis of ethnic entrepreneurship as a form of economic activity of local communities in the foreign cultural space. It is demonstrated that being in a new social environment and attempting to adjust to it, the representatives of ethnic group occupy free zones in economic system of the country, or create own forms of economic activity related to cultural traditions of the ethnos. The acquires results allow to theoretically substantiate that ethnic identity has a strong economic potential, which manifests in the forms of ethnic economy, ethnic entrepreneurship, and stimulates the process economic adaptation of migrants in the accepting society. Affiliation to a particular ethnocultural community significantly influences economic behavior of the people; its specificity is defined by the set of historical, cultural, and economic and living conditions of the ethnos. Economic potential of ethnic identity is substantiated by a number of factors: historically established forms of organization of economic activity of the ethnos; preservation of economic structure due to localization of life of the traditional communities; reproduction of the tested model of economic behavior; specifics of economic culture with the value orientations of a local ethnic community.
Goncharov V.V. - Dialectical model in the doctrine of social changes of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism pp. 75-86


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of dialectical model in the doctrine of social changes of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism. Forming the dialectical model, this concept as a combination of the methods of argumentation, type and ways of reflexive theoretical thinking, which researches controversies found in the cogitable content of this thinking, emanates from a number of trends substantiated by the modern directions of development of neoliberal and neoconservative socio-philosophical concepts that dominate in the Western society and used by the global ruling class in the process of determination of directions of sociopolitical, state-legal, and financial-economic development on international, as well as national levels. The author justifies a thesis that in the context of the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism, dialectical model in the doctrine of social changes, acts as a system of methods of argumentation of substantiation of the natural evolutionary character of the origin of the world capitalist system (its economic basis and sociopolitical addition), necessity of it preservation and development in the interests of the entire humanity. At the same time, the capitalist society, inspired by Hegelian system, is viewed by the philosophical concept of global constitutionalism as the higher point of social development within the doctrine of social changes.
Mukin V.A., Efremov O.Y. - Probabilistic-statistical method of forecasting social phenomena pp. 115-124


Abstract: The subject of this research is the method of forecasting, methodology of assessment of the level of risk on management decisions. For examination of social objects, which have scales that are difficult to compare on the level of macroprocesses with large number of parameters, the authors use various models. Particularly, it is sociocultural and econometric models for the description of social phenomena. In this case, the necessity of combination of various model for the comprehensive research becomes relevant. Thus, the subject of this study is the optimization of probabilistic forecasting with the use of mathematical apparatus. The object of this study is the social phenomena that represent accumulation of the established interactions of people in the group or society. The authors review the possibility and philosophical grounds of application of the probabilistic-statistical method for the description of changes in social phenomena. The ways of determination and structuring of the driving forces of social changes using the scenarios of changes, as well as formulation of the model of transformation of sociocultural foundations, are being described.  The main conclusions are associated with examination of the question of social forecasting within the framework of possibility of implementation of the mathematical models and methods. The authors demonstrate the possibility of objective highlighting and determination of the factors influencing the social phenomenon in question, as well as analysis of their role regarding the impact upon the social phenomenon. These factors can be objectively arranged based on their importance towards the examined social phenomenon.
Rozin V.M. - Problems of Typological Research and Development as a Direction of Social Project Planning pp. 333-404


Abstract: The article is devoted to discussion of the three main topics: history and peculiarities of social project planning, example of an interesting social project called Donor and methods of typological research and development. The author shows that modern researches and studies still haven't overcome the two main disadvantages of social projects, low practical importance (the majority of social projects are either utopic or replaced with social manifesto, concepts and programs) and distortion of or ignoring social parameters usually set for a project. However, a social project is becoming more likely to be a success if the following conditions are provided: administrative support of a social project; sufficient funds to implement the project; creation of a team responsible for implementation of a project (must include methodologists) and conduction of necessary researches for developing and implementation of a social project. The latter is illustrated by the social project called Donor. The second part of the article is devoted to analyzing the modern situation that creates a need in developing a new typology of architectural and construction projects. The author also discusses a definition of the term 'type' and how the term has been developing in this day and age and offers a strategy of creating a new typology. The author introduces a dilemma about whether we should further study creation of a typology of architectural projects or typology of human behavior in the city while the author himself strives for the latter. 
Korolev S.A. - Everyday Life as an Emanation of Sociality: Transformations and Trends pp. 356-422


Abstract: The author of the article tries to develop methodological approaches to studynig everyday life as the layer of social life. In this respect, the author analyzes possibilities and limitations of using the theories of Bergman and Lugman in social and philosophical researches. The author concludes that Bergman's and Luqman's theories can apply only in case of the total 'symbolic universum' where the same phenomenon is typified by individuals who all have the same type of mind and interpret the phenomenon in the same way. In case of a more contradictory society, this concept requires a serious correction. The other problem covered by the article is the influence of modernization on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. The author shows that technological modernization of the everyday life in Russia has been quite a success. Technological innovations change the everyday life in many ways. However, there is the reverse process happening in parallel to the process of modernization. It is the segmentary archaisation of the everyday life and implementation of practices and stereotypes that were typical for the everyday life long time ago into the everyday life of the XXI century. Finally, the author of the article studies the influence of the government on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the centuries. The author states that in Russia, a constant invasion of the government into the everyday life is nothing else but the emanation of the archaic self-preservation strategy. 
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