Historical informatics
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Publications of Trishin Ivan
History magazine - researches, 2023-3
Trishin I. - Database in the Study of the History of Estates in the Moscow Region: Filling, Enrichment and Analytics pp. 29-39


Abstract: This article deals with the problem of accumulation and systematization of information in studies devoted to 3D reconstructions of objects of historical and cultural heritage. In the presence of a large number of heterogeneous sources, the researcher may get confused in the accumulated data, which significantly complicates his work. Since in research, the results of which are virtual reconstructions, text sources are used together with graphic, scientific and technical documentation, as well as physical objects undergoing preliminary digitization, the accounting and cataloging of sources cannot be neglected. The solution to this problem allows the most complete and efficient use of all the materials available in the study, which ultimately affects the quality of the reconstruction result obtained. In this article, using the example of a project for the reconstruction of estate complexes in the Moscow region, the author demonstrates the developed system of accumulation and enrichment of source information using modern database management systems and software tools for working with data. The information aggregated and described in the MySQL database is supplemented with information from open sources using web scraping technology in the Python programming language, acquires end-to-end identification and acquires usability in various studies. Standardized information allows you to quickly find the right source from the very top level, and its enrichment provides additional opportunities for analysis and synthesis of all aggregated material.
History magazine - researches, 2022-2
Trishin I. - The specifics of working with historical sources in virtual reconstructions of cultural heritage objects (on the example of suburban estates) pp. 53-60


Abstract: The article examines in detail the specifics of the historian's work with historical sources within the framework of virtual reconstruction projects of historical and cultural heritage objects. The author of the research reflects the basic classification of 3D reconstruction projects carried out by employees and students of the Department of Historical Informatics of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The paper highlights the main problems of using scientific and technical documentation and graphic sources, as well as ways to solve these problems. The main example of such projects were virtual reconstructions of estate complexes near Moscow, carried out by students of the department in cooperation with the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region (TSAMO). The author of this work, as a participant in one of the "manor" projects of virtual reconstructions, took part in the discussion and solving problems of working with historical sources selected for research. In 2020, the project participants created five virtual reconstructions of suburban estate complexes, work continues on other objects. The heterogeneous information obtained by researchers from sources was supplemented with photographic materials taken during visits to the facilities. The article notes the verifiability of these projects due to the synthesis of historical sources of different taxonomies. In the end of the research, the author draws conclusions about the prospects of virtual reconstruction project and its role in the study of the phenomenon of the noble estate of the Moscow region.
Historical informatics, 2022-2
Trishin I. - The use of data management technologies in the creation of historical Internet resources pp. 18-27


Abstract: In this article, special attention is paid to the problem of preserving and distributing the results of virtual reconstructions of historical and cultural heritage objects by creating specialized electronic reference books based on the Wordpress website builder. Using the example of the handbook on virtual reconstructions of estates in the Moscow region, the author shows how, with the help of modern data management technologies, it is possible to configure the system in such a way that its filling and administration take place with the least amount of time on the part of the authors of publications and the directory administrator. The main problem solved by such a system is the elimination of the need for manual entry of each article and subsequent approval of the publication in manual mode.    The author of the study presents an approbation of the use of data management technologies in historical Internet resources. The systems presented in the article are used in industrial data management systems, but their availability allows them to be used in other fields of activity, including as an auxiliary tool in scientific research. Automatic transfer of data from the user's web form to a new directory page significantly speeds up the task of filling an Internet resource. The proposed version of the directory was created using the MySQL database, the Apache NiFi data orchestrator and the Wordpress website builder. All the listed tools are free and available for download on their official pages.
Historical informatics, 2020-3
Trishin I. - 3D Reconstruction of Nikolskoe-Uryupino Manor Complex (Krasnogorskiy Urban Okrug, Moscow Oblast): Research Methods and Technologies pp. 211-234


Abstract: This article addresses spatial reconstruction of the manor complex with the help of 3D modeling and 3D visualization. The topicality of the issue is determined by a big number of dvoryane architectural monuments in Moscow Oblast which have been partially or totally lost, but bear historical and cultural importance at the local or the regional level. Not many of them will be restored but most of them are related to famous or influential noble dynasties that had played an important role in Russian history.  Virtual reconstruction of these complexes is a way to “revive” this history and search for new aspects of dvoryanstvo’s life in the 17th – early 20th centuries. The article describes the main methods and technological solutions of spatial reconstruction of a manor complex by the example of Nikolskoe-Uryupino Manor (Krasnogorskiy Urban Okrug, Moscow Oblast). The manor has become known due to Golitsyny dynasty that created a picturesque architectural and park ensemble. The current state of the complex and many different sources at hand provide for detailed reconstruction of the main buildings as well as create the surrounding space similar to the original one. The reconstruction is described in details starting with the source analysis and methodical studies to the description of the virtual projects visualization.
Historical informatics, 2018-2
Trishin I. - Creation of Software on the Basis of Unity 3D Game Engine to Reconstruct Facades of the Saint George Cathedral in Yuriev-Polskiy (Vladimirskaya Oblast) pp. 68-74


Abstract: The study aims at 3D reconstruction of the Saint George Cathedral facades (Yuriev-Polskiy) on the basis of white-stone décor by means of special software creation. The article discusses the creation of such a program which provides for reconstructing minute objects when merging their full-size models. The program is sure to be of interest both to scholars reconstructing cultural heritage monuments and readers who are interested in innovations in this field of history. The main methods are photogrammetry (digitization of stone reliefs) and programming of Unity 3D work C# environment. The author’s main contribution to this study is the creation of his own software designed for a user with minimum PC skills. As far as there are no specialized programs to reconstruct objects, the author hopes to help those who study the Saint George Cathedral and stimulate further ideas of software development in the sphere of historical and architectural studies. The result of this study is the program that is now being modified and tested.
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