Sociodynamics - rubric Political process
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Political process
Znamenskiy D.Y. - State scientific-technological policy of the Russian Federation: definition and approaches towards the research pp. 47-55


Abstract: The subject of this research is the state policy of Russian Federation in the area of science and technologies. The author thoroughly examines various approaches towards the determination of such category, and underlines the issue of insufficient research within the framework of political science. Indeed, the majority of works dedicated to the questions of state scientific-technological policy has been published by the representatives of other social sciences – economics, sociology, history, and juridical science. Special attention is given to the methodology of research of the state scientific-technological policy. The author’s main contribution consists in the following: substantiation of the position according to which the state scientific-technological policy should be interpreted not as a unilateral state activity, but as a result of cooperation between the authority and the various institutions of civil society (including scientific community); substantiation of the legitimacy of implementation of the systemic dynamic approach towards the research of state scientific-technological policy.
Znamenskiy D.Y. - On the Question about Applying a Dynamic Systems Approach to Studying the Processes of Creation and Implementation of State Research and Development Policy pp. 50-63


Abstract: The present article is devoted to problems of formation and realization of the state scientific and technical policy in modern Russia and to participation of various political institutes in this process. Relevance of the considered perspective as it is represented to the author, is that, despite visible stability, the Russian political system dynamically develops now. It, in particular, finds the reflection in expansion of processes of formation and realization of a state policy, including its such important direction, as policy in the field of science and technologies. System approach which provisions develop and supplemented with the author in relation to studying of processes of formation and realization of a state policy acts as a methodological basis of research. The main issue allocated by the author as scientific novelty is system and dynamic approach to the studied processes. So, According to internal logic of the most state policy it is expedient to assume that it has at least three measurements: spatial, temporary and technological. The first is interfaced to area of implementation of a state policy, and also to those political institutes and government bodies which are involved in this process. The second assumes allocation of a number of stages of life cycle of a state policy, namely its formation, realization and an assessment of its productivity and efficiency. The third means a key role of technologies of interaction of society and state in the considered processes. From positions of this approach the author considers the model of the state scientific and technical policy which developed in nastoyashshchy time in Russia and gives its developed characteristic.
Asevedo-Yakubovskaya K., Bogomolova E.S. - What do we know about the Russian GR? Theoretical and subject-object approach towards determination of the common in the sphere of business communication with government authorities pp. 81-87


Abstract: At present time, business community is one of the most influential actors in the political process of national and global scale. It is worth noting that the level of such impact of business structures increases, and the largest of them practically amalgamate with the government structures. Each large corporation or community has proprietary interests in small business associations, which conduces their active participation in the political arena. The development of the Russian business and concurrent increase of investment attractiveness of Russia as a whole and its separate regions in particular, require changes in the goals and mechanisms of communication between the commercial structures and government bodies. Mutual involvement of government, business community, and public organizations in establishment of the intelligible and stable system of relations lead to the expansion of strategic and tactical arsenal of communicative management in the sphere of government relations (GR). Revealing the notion of GR-interaction, the author focuses attention on the theoretical and subject-object approach towards determination of the common in the sphere of business communication with government authorities. In the aspect of presenting the new model of GR communication and its inclusion into the Russian political process, the author sees a necessary prerequisite to the discourse on establishment and modernization of the GR-interaction in the context of universal socioeconomic reforms. The central idea lies in the impossibility of ensuring the instrumental technological modernization without changing the business climate, investment policy, and formation of the normative legal base in the area of advancement of private interests.
Nikulin V.V. - Political and Legal Aspects of Arrangements and Activity of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation: Background of the Problem pp. 89-119


Abstract: The subject of research is the political-legal and historical-legal aspects of the organization and activity of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation. Its legal status as institute of adoption of the constitutional amendments and revision of the basic law is fixed in provisions of the 9th chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the order of election of the Constitutional Assembly, its numerical structure, term of activity, a basis of an operating procedure and many other features in the Constitution aren't opened. The federal constitutional law which is still not adopted is urged to define all these provisions. Theoretical bases of the constituent power, historical aspects of realization of idea of the Constituent, including in Russia are analyzed. The main attention is paid to consideration of history of the discussions about the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation occurring in the last twenty years in the Russian society, to the analysis of the relation of various political forces to convocation of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation, consideration various versions of the offered laws on the Constitutional Assembly. The considerable attention is paid to the analysis of discussion about expediency of adoption of law on the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation. The conclusion that the institute of the Constitutional Assembly  in Russia isn't designed even at the standard level is drawn. The ambiguity and inaccuracy of the constitutional provisions relating to the Constitutional Assembly demand their additional interpretation by the Constitutional Court before they become standards of the federal constitutional law. There is no the developed idea of structure of the Constitutional Assembly, conditions and initiators of its convocation, volumes and terms of office of the Assemby. The author counts on introduction of a certain contribution to scientific illumination of a problem of the relation of various political forces of Russia to improvement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and prospects of its change.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. - Open external political control over the Komsomol (the Young Communist League) organizations in the RSFSR (1918-1929). pp. 97-123


Abstract: The object of studies includes the basic directions, forms and methods of implementation of open external control over the Komsomol and specific members of the Komsomol organizations.  The chronological period of studies is between October of 1918 and 1929. The first date has to do with the formation of the Russian Young Communist League. The end of period has to do with the significant changes in social and economic policy of the Soviet state. In a number of issues the author uses regional localization of studies based on the Tambov province materials, which facilitates the more detailed studies of the juvenile history, allowing to correct some conclusions made based upon the analysis of the materials of central Party and Komsomol bodies. When studying the problem the authors follow the position of N.A. Volodina and understand political control as an immanently present quality of any state, which is a complex of power-related measures aimed at the control of individual behavior, all social groups and at the formation of the worldview and behavior of the majority of the population based upon the established ideological requirements and practical needs of the regime.  The political control is then divided into public an dsecret forms. The use of archive documents of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (and its Youth Filial Division in particular) played an important role in the studies of the problem.  The priority was given to the studies of the documents of the Central Komsomol Committee Foundation (F.M-1) RSASPH, which provides complete picture of the mechanism of open political control over the Komsomol. As a result of its evolution within the relevant period the situation was formed, when the Komsomol was allowed to take part in the political activities, but it was under the control of the Communist party and within the strict limits  defined by the Party. A powerful instrument of the political control within the studied period was the movement of workers and rural correspondents. While the main target for the activities for the rural worker correspondents was the inefficient officials, the article shows that they were also used for the control over the youth communist organization.
Naryshkina M.V. - Key technologies of political risks management in the activity of political parties pp. 146-158


Abstract: The subject of this research is the political risks management techniques in the activity of political parties. The article provides common characteristic of the content of political risk in the activity of political parties, as well as presents the generalized classification of political risks management techniques (humanitarian and mathematical). The author reviews the political risks management in the activity of political parties as a process that consists of several stages: planning of risks management, identification of risk, analysis of risk, planning of reaction to risk, response to risk, monitoring and control of risks. Special attention is given to the information and communication technologies (management of speculations, organization of feedback). The conclusion is formulated that the information technologies in politics (technologies of collecting, storage, processing, and transmission of information) are of crucial importance in functionality of the political parties. The proper and systematic application of the political risks management techniques allows rapidly resolving the emerging problems, as well as making the efficient political decisions.
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