Sociodynamics - rubric Issues of social partnership
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Issues of social partnership
Mit'ko A.E. - To the question on the modern social mission of the Church: practical aspect pp. 7-12


Abstract: The subject of this research is the organization of social ministry in the eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article analyzes the concept of social mission as a particular type of church ministry formed at the intersection of missionary activities and social work. The unity of target of missionary activities and social work allows determining this type of ministry. The institutionalization of the target of social mission is conducted through application of various criteria. Special attention is given to the role of the diverse forms and methods of social mission as the additional criteria for segmenting the target of social mission. The research is carried out via the methods of hermeneutics as the foundation of missiological methodology. Within the framework of this research, the author analyzes the regulatory documents of the Russian Orthodox Church. The scientific novelty lies in segmentation of the destination field of social mission. For the first time, the categories of social work recipients are presented as the target of social mission. This article reveals the prospects for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of missiology and social diaconia. Social ministry of the Church is viewed in the context of missiological goal setting.
Rogach O.V. - Prospects of application of the mechanism of social partnership within the middle school educational space pp. 16-26


Abstract: The subject of this research is the transformation of the foundations of interaction between the actors of educational space in the context of expansion of social component of the management process as a possibility of application of the mechanism of social partnership within educational space of the middle school. The goal of this work is to define the promising directions of application of this mechanism for development of the educational branch based on the analysis of theory and practice of organization of the social partnership. Special attention is given to the questions regarding the investment of consolidated efforts of the authorities and society in formation of the social procurement for the educational services of middle school as one of the leading directions of Russian education strategic development. The author reveals the content of the concept of “social partnership in education” as the constructive alignment of interests of the actors of educational space based on the choice of a corresponding model of social interaction. The work also defines the possible methods of socio-engineering activity of ensuring social partnership in educational space of a modern school. Leaning on the results of this research, the author determines the prospects of application of the mechanism of social partnership within the Russian management practice.
Ovrutskiy A.V. - Social marketing in the mirror of economic sociology pp. 32-49


Abstract: The subject of this research is the socioeconomic content of the phenomenon of social marketing. The object is the scientific texts dedicated to the topic of social marketing, which explicate the social content of the studied practices (mostly sociological works), as well as their economic components (marketing sources). Another object of this work became the implemented campaigns of social marketing, which analysis allowed determining the vectors of technologies, subject matter, instruments, target audience and the development trends. The goal lies in identification of the content, structure and functions of social marketing, as well as analysis of the explanatory schemes of its occurrence and functioning. The research is conducted within the methodology of economic sociology and reveals the content of social marketing. The author differentiates the concepts of “social marketing” and “societal marketing”. The criteria for comparative analysis are the following: purpose of practices, effects, type of communication, competitive environment, mechanism, target audience, structure of marketing, character of basic demand, and motivation. The author also describes the economic (marketing) and social content of technology.
Vinogradova I.A., Ivanova E.V., Blinova A.O. - The University's "Third Mission": Exploring the Potential of University Campuses in Interaction with Urban Communities pp. 33-49



Abstract: City universities play a leading role in the formation of the educational, socio-cultural, intellectual environment of the city. At the same time, a new paradigm of interaction between universities and citizens is being formed as part of the implementation of the idea of "cities as communities of citizens", when urban communities become full-fledged subjects of city development along with city authorities. In this regard, the subject of the study was to identify the potential of the university in interaction with urban communities. Research methods: survey, focus group interview with elements of brainstorming. The study involved representatives of various urban communities of Moscow (N=170), students, teachers of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (N=358).      The results of the study. The priority areas of interaction between university campuses and urban communities can be identified as: educational (counseling and support of citizens, courses, clubs, webinar programs, clubs for children and adults, lectures; popularization of topics at the request of communities; supervision and care); diagnostic; research; volunteer; sports and recreation; infrastructure; cultural and leisure; expert; development of the city's infrastructure. When building such interaction, it is important to take into account: regulatory and legal aspects of providing university infrastructure to urban communities and attracting teachers and students to implement educational programs for citizens of different ages; the financial side of interaction with urban communities; requests from urban communities; psychological and organizational aspects of interaction with urban communities; interaction with municipalities and representatives of district administrations, educational and other organizations working with the public and interested in the resources of the university.
Kosorukov A.A. - Corporate citizenship as a form of social partnership between government and business in public sphere pp. 45-58


Abstract: The subject of this research is the corporate citizenship as a new form of social partnership between government and business in public sphere. Special attention is given to the principles and norms of the activity of “corporate citizen” that takes not only the socioeconomic responsibility pertinent to society and territory of the country in the context of his activity, but also the more extensive sociopolitical responsibility that touches upon the entire range of problems faced by the government and society. The article also considers the question about the practice of establishment of corporate citizenship in modern Russian, issues and prospects of the transition from government control over corporate social responsibility towards the more multifaceted landscape of administration, corporate self-control, socially responsible investment, adherence to the ethical and international norms of corporate citizenship. Methodology of the research includes the historical method, expert evaluations and polls, analytical reports. The scientific novelty consists in comparative analysis of the foreign practice of corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship, as well as examination of the problems and prospects of establishment of the corporate citizenship in modern Russian considering the peculiarities of its historical development, necessity for the existence of paternalistic model of social security and interaction with the nongovernmental organizations, practice of socioeconomic partnerships and agreements with the regional authorities and business, as well as regional strategy of long-term socioeconomic development.  
Mkhitaryan D.A., Ryabova T.M. - Modern prospects for the development of intersectoral social partnership in single-industry towns pp. 47-59



Abstract: The subject of the study is modern approaches to the development of intersectoral social partnership in single-industry towns. Research methods: analysis of research papers and publications devoted to the problems of social partnership and the development of single-industry towns, research of practices for the introduction of intersectoral social partnership in single-industry towns of Russia. The distribution of single-industry towns in Russia has been studied. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that this article presents a new look at the interaction between government agencies, business and public associations in single-industry towns; modern approaches to the development of intersectoral social partnership are analyzed and new methods and models of cooperation are proposed. It is concluded that intersectoral social partnership is of great importance for the development of the economy and social sphere of single-industry towns. One of its main advantages is the ability to combine the resources of various parties to solve common problems. Today, intersectoral social partnership can become an effective strategy for the development of single-industry towns, will attract new investments, create jobs, support entrepreneurship and the development of education. This model of cooperation makes it possible to combine the efforts of the state, business and public organizations to solve problems related to the development of single-industry towns. With the help of intersectoral social partnership, it is possible to implement new technologies and modernize infrastructure, which will create new jobs and increase economic activity in single-industry towns.
Vitvinchuk V.V., Dolzhenko R.A. - Crowdsourcing technologies in modern Russian journalism pp. 50-57


Abstract: This article analyzes the possibility and efficiency of application of the crowdsourcing technologies in the Russian  online mass media, which on one hand are aimed at reduction in content production costs, while on the other – at the quality evolutionary development in accordance with the principles of restructuring of the communication space. Mass media considers crowdsourcing as a phenomenon for attracting the open network community towards creation of the brand new content by the virtue of the users’ non-financial interest. The new forms of network interaction between the mass media and citizens are examined in response of the need for searching the “survival” strategies of journalism in the changing information world. The conclusion is made about the benefits of implementation of crowdsourcing in journalism under the conditions of development of the forms of interaction between the owners of crowdsourcing projects and concerned society. The article describes the approaches towards assessing the efficiency of crowdsourcing in mass media, as well as analyzed the potential results and advantages of its application. The authors suggest the original classification of possible crowdsourcing in mass media, and depict the basic types of crowdsourcing in this area.
Ryabova T.M., Medvedeva N.V. - Foreign practices of organization of partnership between the authorities and society: trends and issues pp. 114-125


Abstract: The subject of this research is the key trends and issues in organization of the social partnership in foreign countries. The object is the foreign practices of organization of the social partnership. In the current situation, socioeconomic development of a country suggests the search for ways to form the conditions for organization of the social partnership, and attract into the dialogue the representatives of authorities, businesses, and society for increasing the efficiency of resolving the socially important task for the society. The organization of social partnership is a necessary condition for the establishment of civil society. Thus, the main goal of this research lies in examination and analysis of the foreign experience of organization and realization of social partnership based on tripartism. The authors set the following tasks: determination of the diverse practices of organization of social partnership in the Western European countries; analysis of the conditions of organization of partnership between the authorities and society; identification of the main trends and issues within the practice of realization of social partnership. The analysis of the practices of organization of social partnership in various spheres of life was conducted in such countries as the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Germany, Finland, and Belgium. It is noted that the nonprofit organizations are largely involved in organization of social partnership in the social sphere abroad through the application of the following mechanisms: state subsidies, grant support, loans for additional education and training, government allowance, tax breaks. It is also highlighted that using such mechanisms, the government directly affects the work of the nonprofit organizations. The latter, as the members of such partnership, mark the problem of tender security for negotiating the state contracts.
Popov E.A. - Regional Features of Improving Human Potential and Social Wealth of Population pp. 118-164
Abstract: The article is devoted to the regional features of improving human potential and social wealth of population. The emphasis is made on discovering anthroposocial basis of human - categorial system defined by human life and his social relations. The issues of human potential and social wealth touch upon practically all human life. In the article the author aso gives the main criteria for defining regional features of human potential and social wealth development. 
Stukalova A.V. - State Policy for the Support of Young Mothers: Mechanisms and Social Technologies of Implementation pp. 205-221


Abstract: The author of the article provides the definition of the term 'social technology' and describes the most efficient mechanisms of the state support of young mothers in modern Russia by means of socialization technologies. Target programs are the most efficient mechanism of state policy for the support of young mothers. They allow to use new implementation technologies and to achieve the targeted support of young mothers promptly and effectively. At the same time, the author describes other mechanisms, too - program-based, information-based, organizational, political, economical and scientific. When studying technologies of socil support of young mothers, the author stresses out educating methods, technologies contributing to educaiton and employment and promotion of social activity. Moreover, support of young mothers sould be not the same everywhere. Quite on the contrary, there are must be different methods of young mothers' support depending on the level of economic development in each region of Russia. For now young mothers receive state support through implemented socialization technologies. Based on the author, socialization technologies mean the combination of sequence operations and procedures aimed at helping young mothers to adjust to their social roles as soon as possible. One of the conditions for implementation of these technologies would be the establishment of youth family policy at the federal and local levels. 
Timshina E.L. - Aims and strategies of the feminist movement in contemporary Russia pp. 362-378


Abstract: Issues relating to the aims and strategies of women's groups are of interest to modern researchers and generate much discussion and reflection on the nature of women's social groups, their activities, methods, and means of defending their interests. The use of material from a database of feminist non-governmental organisations to study the complex, multi-purpose phenomenon that is feminism has allowed for a detailed analysis of its various parties and constituents as well as the application of methods of statistical analysis, which have led to a deeper understanding of the topic.
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