Sociodynamics - rubric State and civil society
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State and civil society
Zaitsev A.V. - The Principle of Feedback and Institutionalization of the Dialogue Between the State Institution and Civil Society pp. 1-21
Abstract: The present article describes the process of institutionalization of the dialogue between the state institution and civil society in modern  Russia. The emphasis is made on the theoretical and methodological basis of institutionalization of the dialogue-oriented interaction between the state institution and civil society. Dialogue between the state institution and civil society in modern Russia is compared to the civil dialogue in the EU. The author of the article also describes the mechanisms of feedback in the process of communication between the government and society.    
Borisenkov A.A. - The concept behind administrative decisions pp. 1-27


Abstract: This article investigates the nature and types of administrative decisions and their implications for political power and social control. It analyzes the problems of interpreting administrative decisions. It shows that an administrative decision is a distinct executive phenomenon, designed to determine the direction of executive action. The article considers the peculiarities of democratic administrative decisions and how they differ from democratic decisions. Lastly, it spells out a principle governing administrative decisions which is one of the principles of political influence.
Borisenkov A.A. - Definition of Political Activity pp. 1-28


Abstract: The author of the article studies the definition of political activity and describes the features and criteria of political activity. The author states that the definition of political activity is usually replaced with the definition 'political behavior'. The author proves that there is a close connetion between political power and political authority, in particular, provision about political power being the method of political activity. The author also suggests that we should analyze the definition of 'political participation'. At the end of the article the author concludes that the features and criteria of political activity include, firstly, the ability to use political power and secondly, the target of political activity achieved through the decision making process. Noteworthy that the 'ability to use politial power' is underlied as the main feature and criteria of political activity. The author offers the defintion of political activity as the form of social activity that uses political power and serves to make governing decisions. Based on that definition of political activity the author formulates the principle of political development. 
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - Political socialization and identity in the conditions of transformation of the Russian society. pp. 1-58


Abstract: The article concerns the mechanisms of sustainable political stability through the preservation of the social institutions and development of the political culture. The transitional movement of the political system in the society depends upon the permanent process of reproduction and development of the political culture, which is performed via learning and acceptance of its norms, values and models of political behavior by the people.  In the conditions of crises and transitional society when the types of political culture are changing, significant problems appear in the sphere of preservation and sharing of the political experience, the continuity of the political institutions, norms and values.  In the state where both political and economic systems have changed there appeared an ideological vacuum, and the basic values got redefined. The role and value of the political socialization is growing and its result should be a new political culture of the population. The subjects of the political process are active factors within this process, who act to achieve certain goals. It may be a person, who made a decision and implements it, or a group, being formally or informally organized, a movement, which is capable of uniting representatives of various social classes, ideological, religious and other positions.  However, sometimes the "participants" take part in the political process without fully understanding its meaning.  Sometimes they may be involved in certain actions by accident or against their will.  As a result of interaction of the political subjects, there form inner sources for the development of the political process and they may be regarded as the sources for its self-development.  The transition of political values, positions and behavior models is performed when an individual is influenced by the socialization factors, and when the political system is transformed, the political socialization agents also change.
Znamenskiy D.Y. - State Institution and Civil Society in the Process of Estabishing Priorities of National Research and Development Policy pp. 1-17


Abstract: The article is devoted to the nature of participation of various institutions of civil society in formation of the national research and development policy in modern Russia. This is a subject matter of the scientific research conducted by the author. In this regard the author raises a problem of publicity of state policy in general and research and development policy in particular.Describing the main approaches to formation of priorities of national policy, the author develops V. V. Lobanov's idea. Lobanov defined political, subjective and objective approaches to the problem. The current approach used by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is described by the author of the article as a 'national and administrative' approach representing combination of the objective approach with certain elements of the subjective approach. Further the author of the article describes the role of institutions of civil society in formation of the national research and development policy and as well as the role of the government as a moderator of this process. Analyzing views of a number of researchers who studied the problems of development of civil society, the author makes a conclusion about insufficient degree of openness and publicity of the specified process. In particular, the author stresses out very insignificant role of political parties, weakness and small number of specialized NPOs and the lack of a good dialogue between the state institution and academic community concerning definition of priorities of the national research and development policy and reformation of Russian science. 
Zaitsev A.V. - Institutionalization of Pubic Debates in France and the Dialogue Between the State and Civil Society in Public Policy of Modern Russia: Comparative Analysis pp. 1-41


Abstract: In article it is told about need of an institutionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society. Thus the author relies not only on theoretical judgment of this problem, but also on the basis of the komparativny analysis addresses to experience of modern France and an institutionalization of public debate in this country. Unlike the concept "dialogue of the state and civil society" of France the concept of "public debate" which are institutionalized in public policy by a number of laws and regulations is used. Unlike France, the institutionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society is in public policy of modern Russia at the initial stage. Development and acceptance of the corresponding legislative and legal base is necessary for giving to this process of bigger dynamics. The term "institutionalization" in political science is considered doubly: first, as establishment, creation, formation of new institutes; secondly, as fixing, rooting and stabilization of already existing institutes. It means that the institutionalization is treated at the same time both as establishment, and as rooting of institutes [3]. The village of Huntington of which in the western literature quite often call "father" of concept of an institutionalization, belongs its classical definition: "The institutionalizing is a process by means of which the organizations and procedures get the value and stability" [13, page 32]. On the Village of Handington, "institutes are steady, significant and reproduced forms of behavior [13, page 32]. Thus institutes it not only the organizations, but also "procedures which can possess various level of an institutionalization" [13, page 32]. In order that level of an institutionalization was considered high, in society stability, repeatability, and the importance have to take shape of behavior of people. Proceeding from it, the institutionalization can be considered as process or, more precisely, set of the processes, proceeding during a certain interval of time and society expressing these or those requirements [4].Necessary condition of typification or process of emergence of institutes is the habitualization [1, page 32 page]. Habitualization, that is an oprivychnivaniye (from English Habitual, an oprivychnivaniye) precedes emergence of institute, but typification is the beginning of emergence of new institute. Thus the institute is defined by P. Berger and T. Lukman as "mutual typification of customary actions"
Znamenskiy D.Y. - Activities of Socially-Oriented Non-Profit Organizations in the Spheres of Science and Technologies: System Dynamic Approach pp. 1-14


Abstract: Activity of socially oriented non-profit organizations acts as an object of research within the present article in the course of formation and realization of the state scientific and technical policy. Relevance of a case in point is caused by crisis of system of party representation and, as a result, special attention of researchers to activity of nonparty institutes of a political mediation to which it is obviously possible to carry also socially oriented NPOs. In the context of the declared subject it is thought important to pay attention to the following tendencies characterizing modern practice of public administration by science: a) increase in number and a variety of official structures for ensuring access of representatives of the interested public groups to formation of scientific policy, science funding and an assessment of its efficiency; b) increase in a role of the financing structures of an intermediate level, internal for science; c) development of partnership between various organizations and structures which are carrying out researches and development. System and dynamic approach to the analysis of a state policy and activity of socio-political institutes acts as a methodological basis of the real research. Scientific novelty of article consists in originality of the applied system and dynamic approach which consists in understanding of the specified activity in three aspects: a) spatial (from positions of institutional structure of subjects, and also area and the main directions of a state policy); b) temporary (i.e. the analysis of activity of the studied objects at different stages of their life cycle); c) technological (i.e. the analysis of methods and technologies of interaction of various socio-political institutes within the considered processes).Basic possibility of application of system and dynamic approach locates in article at research of activity of socio-political institutes (specifically - socially oriented non-profit organizations) in the course of formation and realization of a state policy.
Zaitsev A.V. - The Principles of Dialogue in Terms of a Dialogical Model of Relations Between a State Institution and Civil Society pp. 1-25


Abstract: Logical methods of the subject - subject interaction in the political sphere in general and, in particular, in management of political PR communications, are used extremely seldom, inefficiently and carefully, with a big share of suspiciousness and mistrust to bilateral technologies of public relations. The dialogical model still is on the periphery of the theory and practice of public relations. Thus many practicians are skeptical about possibility of its institutionalization in modern Russia where at the sphere of an interaktion of the state and civil society still there are monological, propaganda, manipulative, broadcasting and asymmetric dialogue communications. From here the problem of theoretical judgment and scientific and methodological representation of dialogical model of public relations follows. In this article as an object of research the principles of dialogue in the context of dialogical model of communications of the state and civil society act.As methodology for this research are used diskursivny, institutional, comparative, system, standard and other general scientific methods. Use of this methodology allows to formulate the basic principles of PR dialogue in the sphere of political communication and public relations of the state and civil society. To a problem of dialogue of the state and civil society, its institutionalization in the sphere of public policy and public relations, it is devoted some articles written by the author of this research. However up to the present research of the principles of dialogue in the context of dialogical model of communications of the state and civil society none of the Russian and foreign authors wasn't carried out. Therefore this article fills objectively existing gap in the theory and practice of the political dialogue which is, in turn, an object of research of modern political science.   
Zaitsev A.V. - The Dialogue Between the State Institution and Civil Society as a Form of Social Dialogue: Comparative Analysis pp. 1-25


Abstract: The author considers the concept "dialogue", along with political science, also in a number of interdisciplinary sciences. the author notes that dialogue, to be exact public dialogue, possesses numerous types and versions. It is noted that such specific features of "dialogue" still didn't involve a little close attention from outside of the Russian scientists-social scientists.The author notes that interdisciplinary character of an object of research, specifics of the tasks solved by this or that branch of scientific knowledge, feature of research and methodological tools, initial prerequisites and other aspects of studying of dialogue cause objectively existing diversification of the scientific paradigms inherent in this problem. Thus, at the heart of clarification of specifics and a place of dialogue of the state and civil society among other types and kinds of public dialogue, the author uses the tools inherent in a komparativny method of the analysis of political practice. Using a comparative method the author investigates political reality, seeking to unite empirical and theoretical levels of the analysis, having formulated on this basis valid judgments about the universal phenomena and interrelations in the sphere of the political relations and processes. Research of political dialogue is carried out in correlation to communicative theories of democracy. It is approved that there are two forms of dialogue: conflict and consensual. The author considers that dialogue of the state and civil society, having political lines, at the same time represents a special, most important look, the public dialogue affecting both social, and moral, both humanitarian, and the legal, and many other problems relating to the sphere of public policy.
Popova S.M., Yanik A.A. - Expansion of the “contact zone” of state and society as a relevant trend in the development of socio-political system of Russia pp. 1-22


Abstract: The subject of this research is the modern trends of the socio-political development of the Russian Federation that contribute into preservation of stability and adaptiveness of the social system under the conditions of a rapidly changing world. A special attention is given to the processes associated with the further expansion of the “contact zone” of society and state. The author particularly analyzes the data on the condition of the “third sector”, which can become one of the effective instruments to the targeted solution of the important social issues. The author reviews various phenomena related to the transition of the government towards customer-oriented principles of activity, as well as to the emergence of elements of e-democracy and general expansion of internet technologies into the political sphere. Based on the conducted analysis, the conclusion is made that the complex expansion of the “contact zone” between society and state, alongside with the use of various influential techniques aimed at strengthening the inner unity of society, represent efficient instruments that are able to ensure effective balance of stability and adaptiveness of the socio-political system of the Russian Federation under the current turbulent circumstances.
Lapina M.A. - Public administration in the transition to the information society pp. 1-22


Abstract: The subject of the article are the disclosure of the concept of the information society in the scientific and educational literature, the importance of the principle of transparency of public administration for the sustainable development of the information society. An analysis of existing international and national regulations, containing the principle of transparency (openness, transparency) in public administration and in the public service, showed a direct correlation with the development of the information society. At present, the principle of transparency contained in international agreements and national regulations, that are actively being developed on the scientific and methodological levels. However, this principle is not always clearly indicated in the basic regulations governing the civil service of the Russian Federation and the development of public administration, and therefore the question arose of the need to consolidate the regulatory principle of the sustainable development of the information society.The general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, comparative method, system analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logic) and the techniques used in empirical sociological studies (expert judgment and others) were applied during the study. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that it is necessary to establish a normative principle of transparency in laws and regulations in the field of public administration of the Russian Federation.The main contribution that is made by the author, is a comparative analysis of the terms "information society" and "transparency" ("openness") of public administration and the civil service for their close relationship with respect to the construction and sustainable development of the information society and improving the quality of life of citizens.The novelty of the article is to offer a model of sustainable development of the information society on the basis of the universal principle of transparency of public administration.
Sharapov R.I. - The conditions of political mobilization in the Internet pp. 1-8


Abstract: The subject of this research is the combination of stringent conditions for implementation of the successful political mobilization in the Internet. The relevance of this work is justified by the sustainable increase in the number of attempt of using the political mobilization technologies in the Internet. The previous research on efficiency of using the Internet platforms for the purpose of agitation during the period of electoral campaign into the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016 demonstrated that at the present time the representatives of the Russian parties confirm the possibility of agitation of the voters within the online environment. The effective realization of the offline political mobilization requires fulfilling a number of conditions, among which the author highlights the level of democratic freedom of the society, level of relative deprivation of civil society, as well as presence of a unifying idea and precise organizational strategy. The goal of the article consists in discovering whether these requirements vary in realization of the political mobilization within the online environment. The work is first to determine and classify the conditions necessary for organization of political mobilization in the Internet, as well as esteem if they are suitable for the Russian society. In the author’s opinion, only part of the essential conditions is currently fulfilled in Russia, thus the political mobilization in the Runet cannot be effective for the civil society overall at the present stage.
Karagodina O.A. - Sociocultural functions of charity in the Russian society pp. 1-7


Abstract: The object of this research is the sociocultural phenomenon of Russian charity, while the subject is the social functions of charity activities. The authors consider charity as a special type of practice of social interaction supported by the system of social aid institutions and manifested in the forms of civic initiatives, aimed at development of the comfortable and harmonious social environment. Charity carries out a number of functions: socializing, axiological, socioeconomic, communicative-integrative, and compensatory. Structural-functional approach was applied for assessing the functions of charity as a sociocultural practice; the article also used the methodological principles of unity of the historical and logical. A conclusion is made that performing the important sociocultural functions, Russian charity conduces the preservation and strengthening of the subject-object relations. It contributes to the development of high moral ideals and spiritual values, allows retaining the existential link between Self and Other, as well as avoiding negative consequences of globalization that unifies the national identity and distinctness.
Galkina N.Y. - Mechanisms of participatory budgeting in the context of social engineering pp. 1-10


Abstract: This article presents the overview of a section of the scientific practical conference “Social engineering: how social engineering changes the world”. The examination was conducted on the aspects of development of the participatory practices in Russia, namely the participatory budgeting (PB). Reports of the speakers demonstrated the path travelled by participatory budgeting in Russia over the recent years, transforming from a financial instrument into social influence, and becoming a field for active and entrepreneurial citizens. Inclusion of sociologists into the PB processes means better feedback from society and increased quality of project management. The research explores the questions of organization of practices of participatory budgeting, key discoveries and current challenges: absence of digitalization, difficulties with urban practices, involvement of population. Residents of the experimental territories demonstrate higher level of satisfaction with the quality of the infrastructure and work of the municipal and urban engineering, improvement in the dialogue with the local authorities, increase in the level of trust towards the leadership of the town and regional authorities overall.
Spirina A.S. - Network corruption and social trust in the Altai Region (results of a sociological study) pp. 1-14


Abstract: The subject of the work is the characteristic of network corruption and social trust in the Altai Territory. The analysis of social trust is based on the characteristics of generalized, institutional and particular trust. Network corruption is analyzed through the experience of the population using personal connections to solve their problems in seven areas: education, medicine, housing maintenance/repair services, social protection, police, work and obtaining registrations/various licenses. The purpose of the work is to characterize social trust and network corruption in the Altai Territory and to determine the presence/absence of differences in indicators of network corruption depending on the level of social trust. The research method was a questionnaire survey of the urban and rural population of the Altai Territory aged 18-70 years (n = 1200). To confirm the logic of statistical conclusions, a comparative analysis and analysis of conjugacy tables were carried out. The classification analysis method "classification trees" was also used. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the experience of using personal connections in education, social protection and in obtaining registrations / licenses differs depending on the place of residence of the population and the level of social trust. In particular, in the situation of using personal connections in the field of education, the territorial place of residence of the population, generalized and institutional trust are significant; in the sphere of the social protection system, generalized, institutional trust and the age of the population; when solving issues of obtaining registrations / licenses, particular trust and the place of residence of the population. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the role of social trust on the indicators of network corruption in regional society.
Neznanova V.S. - Features of Interaction Between State Power and Civil Society in the USSR. pp. 1-9



Abstract: The subject of this article is the process of interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR. The purpose of the work is to identify the features of the interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR, by analyzing the evolution of civil society in Russia and clarifying the features of the process of interaction between state power and civil society, to show what united state power and civil society in the USSR. The work is based on the research of domestic and foreign authors, the data of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, the Center for the Development of Non-Profit Organizations, etc. The following methods were used during the study: historical and philosophical analysis, comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the features of the interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR are revealed, the evolution of civil society in Russia is analyzed, and the features of the process of interaction between state power and civil society are specified. It is shown what united the state power and civil society in the USSR. The main conclusion of the study is that in the USSR, especially at the stage of the “nationwide state” (60-80s), a model of limited public (non-state) self-government developed, which included a number of important elements of civil society. However, the ideological, administrative and economic barriers that stood in the way of the development of a free civil initiative led to an increase in public apathy, on the one hand, and sharp public discontent, on the other. An actively dissatisfied part of society took advantage of the systemic crisis of the Soviet system in the late 1980s for its elimination. A new period of national history has begun.
Antropova I., Korobeinikova A.P. - Nonprofit organizations and unformalized socially important activeness of the citizens (regional aspect) pp. 11-18


Abstract: This article analyzes such social phenomenon of the Russian reality as reconceptualization of the third sector, which currently is not limited by the institutionalized NPO’s, but rather represents a complicated system that also includes the unformalized socially important citizens’ activeness (individual and group initiatives, public participation, and other forms of citizens’ self-organization by their place of residence). The authors attempt to explain the established situation of shift of the center of gravity of socially important activeness of the citizens from the institutionalized forms towards unformalized institutions. The article contains the results of the conducted personal questionnaire of the Sverdlovsk Region population of two age groups (16-29 and 30+), as well as survey of the experts (state and municipal officials, heads of the NPO’s). The authors provide the assessment of the current status of socially oriented NPO’s in Sverdlovsk Region, conditions for functioning of the NPO in the region, as well as forecast of the prospects of development of the third sector. The work also reflects the main trends characterizing the readiness of the Sverdlovsk Region population regarding its participation in the activity of NPO and socially important practices.
Medvedeva N., Frolova E.V., Ryabova T.M. - Nonprofit organizations in Russia: barriers and factors for development pp. 12-20


Abstract: The subject of this research is the functioning of the nonprofit sector, peculiarities and problems of cooperation of the nonprofit organizations with the government authorities of the Russian Federation. At the present stage, there is contradiction between the need for development of the nonprofit sector, as the key compensator of dysfunctions within the system of social services, and escalation of the risks and threats that limit its effectiveness. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of the fundamental problems of functioning of the nonprofit organizations under the current Russian circumstances, search for the methods of increasing its sustainability and adaptiveness, as well as provision of constructive cooperation with the government. The scientific novelty lies in determination of limitations and factors for development of the nonprofit sector in Russia. The key berries in development of the nonprofit sector in Russia imply the following: low level of financial, infrastructure and human resource security; weakness of state support; lack of the volunteering resources. The strategic directions of development of the nonprofit sector in the Russian Federation are: ensuring various approaches towards cooperation with the nonprofit organizations in terms of the territorial differentiation; legal, information, and strategic support of its initiatives; professional training of personnel; popularization of volunteering activity among population, including highly qualified individuals for realization of the auxiliary functions (legal, accounting, marketing); and increasing the efficiency of state aid.
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - Social role of intellectuals in the formation of the civil society. pp. 13-72


Abstract: The article shows the mechanisms of interrelation of the components of intellectual status in the process of formation of the civil society in Russia. Due to the close contact and mutual penetration of elements of social relations, there is inevitably a vast variety of versions and combinations of elements in various groups of intellectuals, and especially in some persons.  In other world this is a matter with a vast variety of individual manifestations.  Any attempts to regulate it too harshly, to deny the right of an intellectual for a harsh and somewhat skeptical attitude to reality may easily cause encroachment on the personal identity and lack of respect to it. However, intellectuals do not accept an anarchical approach to freedom and organization, absolutization of relativist attitude towards values and ideals.  Finally, in order to guarantee both possible types of behavior of intellectuals, it is necessary to strengthen its civil activism.  The term "civil activism" has two meanings. It reflects combination of currently topical aspects of social activities, or it includes political and legal independency of people.  Many topical problems of Russian intellectuals which serve as the basis for its oppositional attitude are due to their inclusion into a different class, where they are mixed with other groups of people, getting shadowed over, moved away, sweet-talked to in the mass media and coated in illusions. However no tricks can cross out the contradictions, which are due to the real difficulties. 
Kosorukov A.A. - Digital public sphere of modern society: peculiarities of establishment and control pp. 14-22


Abstract: The subject of this research is the digital public sphere, decentralized architecture of which in the early XXI century mediates the interaction between the state, corporations, and separate Internet users. The network neutrality of the first years of Internet existence as the foundation of public sphere in digital era experiences the challenges to of filtration and censuring of the Internet content, associated with the strengthening of the state information policy, as well as corporate strategies of adjustment of the tools of Internet control to the requirements of national legislation. Methodology of the research includes the historical and analytical methods that allow tracing the specificities of establishment and methods of control over the digital public sphere. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that leaning of examination of the modern empirical sources and foreign experience, the author analyzes the control methods over the digital public sphere, developed at the junction of the state and corporate interests, requirements of the national legislation, and principles of corporate development, which acquire special relevance on the background of expansion of the Internet culture and actualization of the questions of Internet responsibility and protection of the intellectual rights.
Nevskaya T.A. - Civil activism as a resource for political administration of media space: Russian and international experience pp. 18-29


Abstract: Currently, control over the political process is exercised not only on the physical level: a significant role in political transformations is also played by media space. Alongside the traditional forms, such as television, radio and periodicals, the Internet grows in popularity, being a platform for communication between most active social actors concerned with the problems of political, cultural and other social spheres. The virtual environment that opens doors for the promotion of civil initiatives. It is noteworthy that civil activity can have a destabilizing effect on the media space, when the population uses online platforms not as a resource of “soft power”, but as the means of influencing the government. The citizens’ pursuit of sociopolitical changes manifests not only in the forms of protest: media space affords opportunities for participation in various online platforms, forums, etc. for the citizens with active political position. At the same time, the virtual means of participation in such projects as a resource of political administration have certain limitations and are controlled by the government. Leaning on the comparative analysis, the author analyzes the theory of the question, as well as Russian and international practical experience pertaining to implementation of civil activism as a resource for political administration of media space. The conclusion is made on the level effectiveness of implementation of civil activism in media environment, its capabilities and limitations.
Surtaeva O. - Microlevel state of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai pp. 20-32


Abstract: This article provides the theoretical model of social mechanism of the formation of civil society. Macrolevel (institutional) is presented by the institutional structure of society, which includes three basic elements: formal-legal and administrative norms that are established and controlled by the government; sociocultural norms controlled by the civil society; and institutionalized social practices in the area of the formation of civil society. Mesolevel (socio-collective) is viewed from the perspective of the activity of legislative authorities in the area of the formation of civil society that is limited by the formal-legal framework, as well as the activity of nonprofit and other organizations that are directly or indirectly engaged into the process of formation and development of civil society. Microlevel (individual-personal) is described through the activity of the employees of nonprofit organizations and manifestation of social activeness of regional population. The analysis of the state of microlevel of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai was conducted using the method of questionnaire-based survey. The author assesses the state of civil society from the standpoint of the population of Altai Krai, analyzes the population’s attitude towards the work of the organizations of nonprofit sector, examines social activeness of the population of Altai Krai. The conclusion is made that the microlevel of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai is characterized by the contradictory tendencies: low information awareness of the population on the essence of civil society and activity of nonprofit organizations; low level of population’s engagement in activity of the third sector and paternalistic attitudes with regards to the government; but at the same time, fairly high potential of social activeness and tendency towards approving the socially active people.
Zaitsev A.V. - Institutional Dialogue in Communication Between State Institution and Civil Society: Theoretical and Methodological Approach pp. 21-54
Abstract: The article deals with the institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society in contemporary Russia in terms of structural and functional methodology. During the presentation of the material shows the structure of the dialogue, its actors, the elements that stage of the flow, level, as well as basic functions of Institutional dialogue between the state and civil society.Keywords: dialogue, the government, civil society, structural functionalism, the institutionalization.The institutionalization of the dialogue in Russia compared to the institutionalization of civil dialogue in the EU.
Trofimov E.V. - Definition and Special Aspects of Awards pp. 23-67


Abstract: In this article the award is viewed as a variety of incentives to identify their social and legal capacity as a means of public administration. Identification of the specific social and legal awards made in the context of a multidisciplinary approach and is based on the achievements of law, history, sociology, psychology, economics and philosophy. The article defines the specific characteristics of awards, isolating them from the ordinary rewards designated purpose and function of awards, the characteristic of awards as a socio-legal phenomenon. A significant part of the article on the analysis of form and content of awards and can not issue their differences without losing the reward of its social and legal characteristics. The award is determined by the author as a symbolic legal promotion, altering the status of the person in the system of social relations and etiquette, installed and used in a particular social group for the significant achievements that define the biography award-face and are essential for the social group (facility management) and represents its regulator.
Shchuplenkov N.O. - Role of the government in organization of the work of Komsomol in Soviet Russia and of the Russian student unions among white émigré (1917-1920’s) pp. 23-43


Abstract: The ideological doctrine of the modern Russia in the area of youth policy is characterized by the search of the optimal variants of organization of the adjoin cooperation of the government and society. The Russian young generation feels a need for development of the certain actions for the effective establishment of the dialogue with the authorities. We can observe a drastic reformation of the mechanisms of government influence upon education of the young generation in all spheres of social life. New economic, political, social, and spiritual institutions are being formed; their activity is aimed at coordination of efforts of the government and society. In this situation, turning to the historical experience of the establishment of youth policy in the Soviet Russia and student movement among white émigré becomes clear. Comparative analysis of the socio-political status and peculiarities of the work of Komsomol and student unions in other countries allowed examining the mechanisms of correlation between the government and youth communities on the stages of their conception. The young generation comprised a significant part of population, which was able and ready to work. And on their work and political activity, as well as on the attitude towards the government, depended the wellbeing and future prosperity of the country. Both, the Komsomol and student unions became an experimental platform for preparation of new personnel.
Maximova S., Morkovkina A. - Indexes of development of civil society in border regions of the Russian Federation pp. 25-37


Abstract: The subject of this research is the prerequisites of establishment of civil society in the following six constituents of the Russian Federation: Altai Krai, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Transbaikal Krai, Kemerovo Oblast, Omsk Oblast, and Orenburg Oblast. The article determines the attitude of population towards civil society, rights and responsibilities of a citizen, level of responsibility for the events taking place in the country, region, city, household; assessment of the level of concord and unity in the society; assessment of the level of commonness with various categories of co-citizens; assessment of the possibility of efficient interaction between the representatives of diverse social groups; level of activeness of participation in different types of public activity alongside the work of public organizations; state of the sociopolitical conditions for development of civil society in the regions. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the main spectrum of the established issues in the area of development of the nonprofit sector of the six regions of the Russian Federation, as well as proposition of the constructive directions of formation and development of civil society. The conclusion are oriented towards the description of peculiarities of development of the civil society, as well as underline the key problems and prospects in activity of the nonprofit sector in the Russian Federation and six border territories from the perspective of population. The priority directions in development of civil society are being revealed.
Zaitsev A.V. - Deliberative Democracy as an Institutional Dialogue Between the Government and Civil Society pp. 29-44


Abstract: The article tells about the difference between deliberative democracy model of electoral and liberal democracy, and its proximity to the representative democracy and participatory democracy. We consider the origin of concepts "deliberative democracy" and "deliberative politics", their semantic, semantic and epistemologichesie shades. In this case, the author describes the deliberative model of democracy even as an institutionalized dialogue between the government and society, the state and civil society. The role and value of deliberative process, the exchange of ideas, views, opinions, including dialogue in the formulation and adoption of a reasoned and balanced political solution. This procedure allows to legitimize this discourse-communicative process. Provides views of deliberative politics by different authors, with a focus on political philosophy S.Benhabib that deliberative process links to the procedure of legitimizing decisions. In conclusion, we consider the problem of the relevance of deliberative democracy for Russia.
Zaitsev A.V. - Dialogue Between State Instuttion and Civil Society As the Negotiation Process: Linguistic and Political Aspects pp. 34-47
Abstract: This article describes the process of transformation of definitions of 'dialogue' anda new term 'negotiations'. In this regard, the dialogue between the state institution and civil society in modern Russia is viewed as a negotiation process. At the same time, these terms are not only similar but also different in some way. Political negotiations and the dialogue between the state institution and and civil society have a significant impact on the political language and political practice of modern Russia .
Maslanov E.V., Maslanov D.V. - Typology of projects in the field of political crowdsourcing in Russia pp. 37-46


Abstract: This article gives special attention to the question of application of the new information and communication technologies in government administration. The author believe that the Internet became one of the key technologies that changed the “image” of society, ways of interaction between people, and mechanisms of distribution of information. In turn, the “Arab Spring” and other events demonstrated that Internet technologies actively and effectively are used in construction and management of the political changes. One of such technologies is the political crowdsourcing. The variety of projects that use crowdsourcing requires systematization and classification. Therefore, the author attempt to typologize the existing projects, and clarify how the different types of these projects affect the society and government authority. Referring to the political reality of modern Russia, the work analyzes and classifies the existing within the country projects. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the purpose of establishing the appropriate classification of the projects in the area of political crowdsourcing, the two main substantive criteria consisting of the organizer and goals of the projects, are being determined. Based on them, the authors formulate the typology, which includes four main groups with characteristic to each of them peculiarities. The development of each of these groups, in other words, increase or decrease in the amount of projects, intensity of implementation of the results of their work by the government bodies, can demonstrate the dynamics of development of interaction between the society and the government in Russia.
Gryaznova E.V., Zelenov L.A., Vladimirov A.A., Treushnikov I.A. - Methodological principles of the study of welfare state pp. 38-58


Abstract: The subject of this research is the methodological principles of the study of social state. The object is the welfare state. Special attention is given to the questions associated with the formulation of methodology of research of the welfare state throughout the process of its establishment and development. Relevance of this work is dictated by the fact that as the notion of welfare state has ambiguous interpretation, causes by the ambiguity of interpretation of the research methodology. The author suggest reviewing the possible options of resolution of the methodological problems in examining the welfare state, which will allow developing the promising models of welfare state that require the demands of modernity. During the course of this work, it was substantiated that “welfare” is the attribute of the state. The main issue of the inaccuracy of methodology consists in shifting away from the dialectics and its principles or their inappropriate application. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the need for formulation of the attributive concept of welfare state.
Neznanova V.S. - Legal framework of interaction between government authorities and civil society (on the example of Saint Petersburg) pp. 42-48


Abstract: The subject of this article is the process of interaction between the government and civil society. The goal is to prove that a promising legal framework for the development of dialogue between the government and civil society exists not only in Russia overall, but in separate regions as well. The author achieves the set goal by analyzing the evolution of civil society in Russia and understanding peculiarities of the process of interaction between the government and civil society in Saint Petersburg. The article leans on the data provided by the center “Strategy”, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Civic Chamber of Saint Petersburg , “Center for the Development of Nonprofit Organizations”, etc. The scientific novelty consists in determination of peculiarities influencing the process of interaction between the government and civil society in Saint Petersburg. The main conclusion lies in the statement that Saint Petersburg has a decent legal and social framework for further advancement of interaction between the government and civil society: presence of normative legal base for regulating such interaction; presence of a relatively large number of registered nonprofit organizations in Saint Petersburg; active work of a number of nonprofit organizations reflected in mass media; existence of community boards on the territory of Saint Petersburg. Overall, Saint Petersburg offers all conditions for effective interaction between the government and civil society.
Vasil'ev V., Dekhanova N., Kholodenko Y. - Factors and trends of social differentiation: new risks pp. 43-55


Abstract: The goal of this article is the analysis of the impact of digital transformation upon social and economic structure of modern society, principles of social management, and structure of social ties. A conclusion is made that society is not fully adjusted to the changing social circumstances, which elapse oversensitively on the background of aggravation of socioeconomic and political problems. Analysis is conducted on the problem of social inequality in modern Russia, including recently most relevant spatial and digital inequality. Methodological framework contains the theoretical scientific methods, systemic approach, analysis of empirical data of sociological research and statistical data. Emphasis is made on the social challenges that would face Russian society in the conditions of digital transformation. The author underline the ambiguity of consequences of digital transformation for the modern Russian society and the state. The government should focus of finding adequate response to the global challenges and help the citizens to adapt to major social changes that affect socioeconomic space of the country in the conditions of globalization and digitalization.
Vlasova O.I., Zaglodina T.A., Kostina N.B., Chebykina I.V. - Pension investment and pension capital as the objects of institutional analysis pp. 43-53


Abstract: This article examines the formation of institutional characteristics of pension investment of the Russian society. The goal lies in substantiation of feasibility of application of the institutional approach to relatively new elements of the Russian pension system – pension investment and formation of pension capital. The author observes the current social inquiry for the development of institutional practices of pension investment. The process of establishment of the institution of pension investment entail the manifestation of such aspects as: sources of the formation of institutions, sustainability, absence of violent fluctuations, share of the institutional norms by all its members, etc. Using the method of standardized mass survey within the framework of quantitative paradigm, the author carried out the applied sociological research, which involved the working-age population. The novelty of this work lies in the attempt of institutional determination of the new social institutions: pension investment and pension capital; classification of the “pension issue” into a separate field of sociological knowledge. The acquired results indicate the emergence of social groups that are ready for sustainable pension investment practices, as well as certain population groups that demonstrate nihilism in this regard. It is stated that the declared institutional approach is relevant to sphere of pension investment; however, the formation of sustainable social entities requires the legitimate conditions for including more extensive groups into the processes of formation of pension capital. The presented materials can be valuable for the dealing with similar social issues, used in lectures on the topic, as well as by government representatives of all levels.
Demetradze M.R. - Protection of sovereign rights of the people and socio-cultural needs of individuals acts of civil disobedience. The tasks of post-Soviet societies pp. 44-74


Abstract: Work is devoted to creation of institutional model of civil disobedience as way of pressure of society upon the power for protection of social inquiries and interests which practice is absent in the former Soviet Union. Research objective: to show what type of political activity and a political representativeness is legitimate as from society, and the state; what spheres of political space civil society and where it is necessary to draw line between the right of civil society and state can capture; how to avoid danger of continuous mobilization of citizens against the state. An object of research is civil disobedience as the social movement, and object – the civil initiatives, civil activity directed on protection of the sovereignty of society (the main carrier of the power in the state) and from an arbitrariness of the authorities. The structure and functions of the organization of civil disobedience, sociocultural inquiries is allocated as motives of a protest, condition at which disobedience has legal character and as the social inquiry turns into pressure tool in hands of society, without conflicting thus to democratic procedures and norms.
Gryaznova E.V., Zelenov L.A., Vladimirov A.A., Treushnikov I.A. - Theoretical grounds of the attributive concept of welfare state pp. 44-71


Abstract: The subject of this research is the theoretical grounds of establishment of the attributive concept of welfare state, while the object is the welfare state. Special attention is given to such questions, as the problem of genesis of the welfare state, identification of the essence, goals, and key functions, and analysis of modifications of the welfare state. The study of theoretical grounds of establishment of the attributive concept of welfare state is accompanied by the analysis of historical examples of the evolution of such phenomenon and discussion of the current relevant issues that confirm the proposed theoretical positions. The result of this work consists in formulation of the key positions of the attributive concept of welfare state: sociality, genesis, essence, functions, and basis of typology. The developed theoretical grounds of the concept of welfare state are necessary for examination of such questions, as the state, society and people, state’s social functions, state social management, which comprises the subject of further research.
Bogomolova E.S. - PR-communication as the form and method of managing social relations in the current realities. Theoretical substantiation of the essence of communicative theories of authority and PR in pragmatic aspect pp. 47-53


Abstract: This article suggests examining the definition of PR-communication as the area of knowledge and sphere of activity in the political process. The role of communication approach in managing social relations by the government agencies is the key subject of this research. The author raises the issue of particular need of the state executive authority in the new forms and methods of interaction with the modern society. Trend towards the increase in demand regarding the answerability and transparency of the state apparatus in our county, in the author’s opinion, actualizes the application of communicative technologies in the work of PR-structures of the agencies of government administration. The research underlines the necessity in establishment of the bilateral model of political communication, the goal of which will become the search of compromises and strive for the achievement of social consensus. The author put PR-communication into direct dependence with the characteristics of viability of the government apparatus. The presence of communicative space between the authority and the citizens as a platform for legal confrontation of the interests and discussion between the parties will allow launching the process of quality reorganization of the system of social management.
Bakanova E.A. - Technoscience and civil society pp. 52-62


Abstract: The relevance of this work is substantiated by the current significant transformations taking place in epistemological core of the modern science. It leads to the emergence of the new form of organization of scientific activity – technoscience, which is referred to as the “face of modern science” by Bruno Latour. Technoscience manifests as one of the key drivers of the development of civil society and its self-consciousness, contributing to the constructive civic engagement, as well as expansion of the context of human activity. Thus, the goal of this research becomes the examination of the phenomenon of technoscience and its impact upon the development of civil society. Having analyzed the works of the Russian and foreign scholars dedicated to the concept of technoscience, the author determines that it is a complicated interdisciplinary phenomenon nuanced with pragmatism, constructivism, externalism, political bias, pragmatic and social orientation. It is substantiated that the achievements of technoscience are included into the sociopolitical context; as well as demonstrated that the integration of such achievements, particularly the IT technologies, into the “fabrics of vital world” of the society actively influences the formation of civic initiatives, mindedness and principles. Therefore, the crowd technologies acquire new content, encouraging the development of civic engagement and strengthening of civic self-consciousness.
Kosorukov A.A., Kshemenetskaya M.N. - Digital governance model at the current stage of the development of public administration pp. 57-69


Abstract: The subject of this research is the digital governance model that replace the Weber model, model of “progressive era”, and model of the new public management. The important components of the subject is the following: 1) open data that represent the numerous set of government data, technologies of their cloud processing, as well as distributed production involving the network of civic activists, use of the advantages of web-based applications “mash-ups” and crowdsourcing platforms; 2) big data as a combination of the modern methods of work with the volume database forming in the various spheres of social life – from security to online education and healthcare. Research methodology includes the historical and analytical methods that reveal the technological features of shifting towards the practice of digital governance. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on examination of the modern empirical sources and foreign experience, the authors analyze the innovative practices of introducing the digital governance model in public administration, including the implementation of open data into the production of government services, use of the new digital platforms and Internet-based applications, as well as big data, including the spheres of security and protection from emergency sitututations, education, healthcare, transport and budget.
Borisov A.M. - Political Organization of Society and Civilizational Progress pp. 59-77


Abstract: Society is the community of people which historically developed in a certain territory, reproducing itself and developing on the basis of work and application of various forms of manifestation of activity having the systems of values, and also institutes of self-organization and management. Politicization of the public relations caused allocation by political and legal science of subjects of the political system of society considered by the author as an object of research. Refer various public associations, local governments, labor collectives, the destructive self-organizing structures and communities of delictual participation in public life, the state and its bodies as a special link of political system to its components. Applying methods of synthesis of theories of development of society, the analysis of views of the political organization of society, logical justification and proof we come to the conclusion in activity and materialistic manifestation of a political position of the citizen which is formed, including, legal means. The hypothetico-deductive method allows to see communications between interests of the citizen and publicly expressed values and the purposes of social progress. However the citizen and society in most cases are objects of political influence. The operating legal mechanisms of realization of the political rights and duties of citizens limit their opportunities to influence the political organization of life. This circumstance allows to see system of limiting factors of influence on civilization progress. We believe possible to express a political and legal problem as follows: citizen as political force of society (citizen as element of political system of society). Thus a certain novelty to research is given by the offered interpretation of political system of society which surely has to include the citizen as the actor of political life of the state. Realization of this concept in acts of political and legal construction could promote an embodiment in life of interests of most of voters that would allow society to resolve the socio-political conflicts to bigger efficiency and to develop for the benefit of each member of this society. Conditionality of any events for the institutionalized communities has very difficult, complex character and, despite a certain influence of subjective factors, the balance of influence as a result is always displaced towards the objective. Progress of a human civilization allows social and regressive development of separate communities. However they, having lost ability to estimate realities at a certain stage, over time always come back to objective perception of reality and start generating ideas of social progress, and then to look for concrete ways of correction of the mistakes. 
Vodenko K.V. - Cultural and worldview aspects of correlation of power, property and management in Russian society pp. 59-67


Abstract: The object of this research is the socioeconomic relations in the Russian society. The subject is the specificity of interaction between power, property, and management in Russia, taking into account the transformation in the cultural and worldview aspects of public consciousness, which are associated with the development of civil society in Russia. The goal of the article lies in examination of peculiarities of interrelations between the power, property, and management in the Russian society. The author carefully analyzes such aspects of the topic as the cultural and worldview foundations of syncretism and prospects of the divergence of power, property, and management in Russian in the context of development of civil society. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the fact that the basic institutions of Russian society are characterized by the syncretism of power, property, and management. Under the conditions of development of the modern Russian society, the article analyzes the prospects for expanding the opportunities of self-governance and growth of the political and economic subjectivity of the citizens, which will encourage the innovation development of the society overall. Search for the ways of divergence of power, property, and management is tightly connected with the development of civil society in Russia. This process is complicated by the fact that the majority of Russians still understand the pole of authority as the are independent from the civil control.
Uldanov A.A. - Protest public as a source of civic initiatives: on the example of mass protests in Russia 2011-2012 pp. 61-101


Abstract: The subject of this research is the phenomenon of protest public in the context of its effect the establishment of public civic initiatives in Russia. In the modern society, one of the causes for public gathering is protest. It is the correlation between public gathering and protest activity, with emergence of public civic initiatives within it that becomes the object of author’s research. On the example of mass protests in Russia during 2011 and 2012, the author makes an attempt to characterize Russia’s protest public and determine the level of its effect upon the formation of new or support of the old civic initiatives. The methodological base for this work consisted of neo-institutional approach, and systemic analysis of the theoretical sources. Empirical foundation for this research is built on the data from social polling and materials of applied research on the protests of 2011-2012. Emergence of the public allowed realizing the attempt for basic request of solution to pressing issues. Despite the certain level of the diversity in its participants and inconsistency of this public, we can still underline the important result of its actions – civic initiatives that have formed within the protest public, which allowed to partially get around the closed nature of Russia’s political system. The author comes to a conclusion that in the conditions of lack of channels for influencing policy, realization of alternate initiatives that are formulated based on the realistic request of the citizens, rather than the will of the branches of government, remains one of a few mechanisms of public politics within the country.
Abramov R.A. - The role of regional mass media in formation of the state ideology of promoting positive image of the Union State pp. 66-74


Abstract:   The subject of this research is the sociocultural and economic relations that emerge during the formation of state ideology of the image of Union State. The object is the regional mass media of the Union State, since information support on carrying out the budget of the Union State falls predominantly upon one global mass media source and does not promote the image of the state throughout the regions. The article examines mass media that are either private or state by the form of ownership, as well as provides the scenarios of development of the situation, when each of the mass media sources has access to the government procurement as the main channel of financial support of their activity. The author also reviews the impact of the federal and regional mass media upon the formation of image of the state through propaganda of the independent support of mass media or within the state programs. The article demonstrates that the Union State is in the position, when the global space faces the process of globalization and establishment of block formations. Development of Russia-Belarus Union has over 20 years of experience in building the intrastate partnership. The Eurasian Economic Union was founded on similar experience. The overcoming of contradictions and obstacles towards the future integration is based on the opportunities of ensuring the sustainable factor of joint development. And without any doubts, this factor must be the economic one. However, each block formation has its own environment for development, which in many ways represents the source of searching the ways of coexistence. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of the new methods pertaining to the current tasks of mass media to realize their functions. It is suggested to use the thematic of the social network structure, when the news and messages of the authorities reach the broader audience, because they carry maximal personalization and the interests is based on the cognitive strive for increasing the level of information awareness about the social conditions. The article also presents the regional aspects of such activity.  
Kachurova E.V., Streltsova T.P., Medvedev S.V. - Barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region pp. 66-75



Abstract: The relevance of the study of subject-object interaction in regional management is due to the need to use the constructive potential of management actors and substantiate optimal methods for overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction of participants in the process. The article attempts to analyze the barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region. The paper examines the currently existing approaches to the study of the structural content of the concept of "region". The interaction of public authorities with local self-government bodies is studied, as a rule, either in the context of the problem of differentiation of competence between public authorities, or in the format of understanding the interaction between them. At the same time, the discussion in sociological science about the correlation of regional and municipal interests, about the delimitation, redistribution and transfer of powers between levels of public authority is far from over. The article uses a method of analyzing the processes of subject-object interaction based on the concepts of symbolic interactionism and social subjectivity. Overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction requires developing effective strategies, improving communication, increasing trust between participants, reducing technical limitations, improving information security, expanding cultural dialogue, as well as developing organizational mechanisms, creating adequate management structures and allocating sufficient resources to implement management tasks. To do this, it is necessary to improve coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and subjects of the region, increase the efficiency of the management apparatus, ensure access to resources and financing, as well as actively develop information and communication technologies for data collection and analysis. It can be argued that the subject-object interaction in the management of the region depends on the political goals of the state, the effectiveness of its management apparatus, the level of development of self-government and resource capabilities due to interaction with the economic market and interference in economic processes.
Antonovich I.V., Velikzhanina K.A., Kalinina Y.A., Mazailova T.A., Chudova S.G. - Practical aspect of charity in modern Russia (on the example of Altai Krai) pp. 68-74


Abstract: This article examines the problem relevant from the perspective of methodology of scientific analysis, as well as the practice of social life. The trend towards growing number of charity organizations and individual benefactors, functioning of charity as an effective tool for solving social and economic problems, distrust of population in the work of charity organizations led to the need for scientific analysis of population’s attitude towards charity in Altai Krai. As of today, such phenomenon has strongly establishes not only in the society and people’s consciousness, but also at the country level reflected in the regulatory acts, which emphasizes its importance. The attitude population towards charity work in Altai Krai was studied through the method of information gathering – questionnaire. The frame for sample selection consisted of the number of residents of Altai Krai. The conducted survey detected that the number of those taking part in charity is greater than those who are not. The prevailing types and forms of charity activity is monetary contributions to charity foundations and organizations, as well as targeted aid. As a result of this research, the authors established that the majority of population have positive attitude towards charity work. Most of the respondents have already participated in charity activity; while the rest are willing to take part, if the money are spent as intended or if their financial situation improves. The authors also note the gradual and stable increase in the number of charity organizations, foundations, philanthropists and volunteers, as well as the expansion of corporate charity.
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - Ideas of Solidarism in Terms of the Concept of Construction of the Civil Society in Russia pp. 72-137


Abstract: The authors of the article establishes the statement that in order to actually reinforce the civil society, it is necessary to develop the 'spirit of transformation' that includes professional responsibility, steady balance between freedom and equality, solidarism (communalism) and individualism, efficient cultural communication, natural evolutionary changes, willingness for 'gradual' reforms and etc.  It is the authors' opinion that the gap between individualism and solidarism is not so significant as it seems. Today these two phenomena are rather interpenetrating and flexible.  Each human must understand that there are other people around him. We depend on others and others depend on us as well. Therefore, the purpose of each person, group or class is to find the best way to live with others bu tnot to fight against another person, gruop or class. 
Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. - Post-national State and the End of Progress Era pp. 75-90


Abstract: The article is devoted to the relationship between social progress and productive forces development in the formation of global social and economic environment and the development of global resources and demography (systemic) crisis.Till the end of the 20th century, while the growth of available resourceful base of Humanity was ahead of the material production growth, the concept of irreversibility and the immensity of the technological and social progress adequately reflected the characteristics of the historical development of Mankind of the Modern Era and Contemporary HistoryHowever, by the end of the 20th century the progress, usually understood as the process of total universal gradual development, in which production growth significantly outpaced the population growth rate, has exhausted itselfIn the era of globalization world economy reached the limits of quantitative growth. In this situation increasing costs of the further social progress, as the main human potential growth factor, stopped being paid off by the economic growth, and social progress became possible only due to the resources redistribution in favor of transnational corporations and other non-state actors which form the basis of the global economy. But the redistribution of resources in the conditions of crisis growth means the separation of resources from previous social forms. Having exhausted itself in the role of the source and the necessary condition of social progress, scientific and technical progress turned into its opposite, having become a prerequisite for mass desocialization, pulling out a person from the former system of social relations.For the first time since the beginning of the Enlightenment, the economic and social regress has become full, if not a dominant component of the world development, an attribute of the globalization era. The global development vector change from the progress to the redistribution of limited resources in conditions of narrowed reproduction leads necessarily to change of the functions and forms of the modern state.Resource base of global non-state institutions and structures expansion becomes the dismantling of basic social institutions and functions of the state of the industrial era, primarily the spheres of human potential reproduction, that is, education, health, social protection. Accordingly, new forms of post-industrial or "post-national", a (postmodern) state appear, one of the main functions of which is the resources reallocation from the national economic and social institutions to the global ones. It is demonstrative that in the new, "post-industrial" and "post-national" forms state collapse in social institutions associated with the state and the nation as a social community of its citizens, while non-state institutions, first of all, ethnic and religious community, actualize, invading the spheres of social life, which were previously part of the state monopoly.The transformation of the nation-state in the modern type of "post-national" and even "anti-national" state, has gone so far that it is possible to speak of a new historical type of state, with different priorities, goals and values that are destroying the national economy and the structure of social protection and social reproduction of the population, ensure the establishment and development of alternative ways of organizing global social space, often related to economic and social regression, a significant strata of the population.
Izakson R.A. - Social structure in the State of Israel and socio-cultural environment pp. 75-85


Abstract: This article examines the relevant issues of social structure in the State of Israel. The author makes an attempt to explain the reasons of the deep inner rifts of the young nation, and demonstrates certain peculiarities of the social structure. Characteristics is given to the ethnocultural, political and other sociocultural approaches; the causes and factors of social stratification are considered. It is noted that Israeli society is multifarious due to mass repatriation from the countries of origin with different mentality, tradition, culture, and political views of members of the society. The author formulates the unique conclusions on each of the aspects of polarization of population; as well as proves that the country learned how to survive in any circumstances of is contradictory society, maximally satisfying the interests of all categories of citizens, and trying to reconcile the most oppositely polarized circles. The general conclusion is made on the uniqueness and specificity of social structure in the State of Israel.
Boronina L.N., Senuk Z.V., Bogatova P.V. - The experience of project evaluation of the socially oriented non-profit organizations of Sverdlovsk Region pp. 90-101


Abstract: This article examines the experience of tendering procedure and evaluation of projects introduced by the socially oriented non-profit organizations of Sverdlovsk Region for receiving the government subsidy for their implementation in 2016. The work analyzes the results of evaluation of the winning projects with assistance of the developed by the authors in the Ural Federal University parametric method of evaluation of projects. The authors provide the results of expert survey of the members of tendering committee about the flaws of methodology and procedure of evaluation of the projects, as well as difficulties faced by the experts during the course of evaluation. The article also presents the results of survey of the project developers from the associates of the non-profit organizations who introduced their projects for the contest in 2016. The conducted analysis has recorded a low quality of the presented projects, which is substantiated by two factors: lack of the project-conformable parameters of evaluation in the applied methodology, as well as imperfection of the form of project description in the materials of tender application. The conducted evaluation alongside the results of survey of the experts and developers of the projects testify to the need for amending the form of application and desirability of implementation of the parametric evaluation of the projects in practice of the future similar contests.
Svinukhova Y.N. - Models of quality of life management in the region: National Social Initiative (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) pp. 109-125



Abstract: The work is devoted to the study of the issue of quality of life management in the region on the basis of a new model presented by the National Social Initiative (NSI), as most consistent with the principle of human-centricity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the improvement of the quality of life of the population in the regions of Russia. The subject of the study is the models of quality of life management of the population in the regions of Russia. The actual basis of the study was made up of data from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, data from the Quality of Life Rating in the regions of the Russian Federation, materials from the Smarteca digital platform, as well as official materials and data from the Employment Service of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main constructs and a fragment of parametrization are given. Using the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the tools for analyzing and evaluating the quality of life within the framework of the designated model are described, and the results of content analysis of management decisions in the social sphere assigned to the region as the author on the Smarteca platform are also presented. Taking into account the identified problematic points, the current directions of development in the region are highlighted. Based on the analysis of the content of practices already replicated in the region, as well as the analysis of top projects presented on Smartec, some social management practices that are relevant in order to resolve the problems identified in the region are identified.
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