Статья 'Инициатива Люксембурга SpaceResources.lu и возможные последствия для регулирования мирового рынка космической деятельности' - журнал 'Исследования космоса' - NotaBene.ru
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Инициатива Люксембурга SpaceResources.lu и возможные последствия для регулирования мирового рынка космической деятельности

Popova Svetlana Mikhailovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-1348-4492

PhD in Politics

Leading Research Associate, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Fotievoi Str., 6/1, Moscow, 119333, Russia

Other publications by this author









New Space Activity, Space Resources, Space Law, USA, Luxembourg, Commercial Space, Outer Space Treaty, Moon Agreement, Asteroid Mining, Space Studies

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58. Étienne Schneider to Plead in Favour of Multilateral Agreement on Exploration and Use of Space Resources. 21 Apr. 2017. URL : http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/content/dam/spaceresources/press-release/2017/2017-04-21-press-release-visit-japan.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
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60. Luxembourg and the United Arab Emirates sign MoU on Space Resources. 10 Oct. 2017. URL: http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/en/actualites/2017/MoU-UAE.html (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
61. Luxembourg and Japan agree to cooperate on exploration and commercial utilization of Space Resources. 29 Nov. 2017. URL: http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/en/actualites/2017/Luxembourg-and-Japan-Agree-to-Cooperate-on-Exploration-and-Commercial-Utilization-of-Space-Resources.html (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
62. Luxembourg Government and GomSpace partner to develop new space activities in the Grand Duchy. 17 Sept. 2017. URL: http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/content/dam/spaceresources/press-release/2017/2017-09-27-press-release-mou-gomspace.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
63. Luxembourg government and Spire Global signed cooperation agreement to open an European HQ in the Grand Duchy. 15 Nov. 2017. URL: http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/en/actualites/2017/Luxembourg-Government-and-Spire-Global-signed-cooperation-agreement-to-open-a-European-HQ-in-the-Grand-Duchy.html (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
64. SpaceResources.lu: First-time FNR investment in space exploration projects. 23 Nov. 2017. URL: http://www.spaceresources.public.lu/content/dam/spaceresources/press-release/2017/2017-11-23-fnr-space-funding.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
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67. The space industry is now 2% of Luxembourg’s GDP, deputy prime minister Etienne Schneider says // CNBS. 11 Nov. 2017. URL: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/11/etienne-schneider-the-space-industry-is-now-2-percent-of-luxembourgs-gdp.html (data obrashcheniya: 01.12.2017).
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