Статья 'Современная идея университета и возможная легитимация философии' - журнал 'Философия и культура' - NotaBene.ru
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Philosophy and Culture

Современная идея университета и возможная легитимация философии

Shipovalova Lada Vladimirovna

Doctor of Philosophy

Professor, the department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Saint Petersburg State University

197110, Russia, g. Sagkt-Peterburg, ul. Bol'shaya Zelenina, 26, kv. 22

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Abstract: The subject of this article is the problem of the legitimation of philosophy and the importance of philosophy at a modern university. The aim is to understand the place of philosophy at a University determined in terms of various purposes of this institution – on the one hand, the use, effectiveness and efficiency; on the other hand, the search for truth. The first purpose is associated with private interests and the second one is associated with universal values. The researcher has used the methods of problematization and contextualization. A modern problem of the university is the ambiguity of its target orientation. Looking for a solution to the problem requires an appeal to the origin of the classical university and its philosophical basis: Humboldt’s provisions about the university reform and Kant’s justification of the role of the Faculty of Philosophy. The conclusion is that philosophy, following the interests of truth, is uniquely capable and, in fact, should carry out criticism as the definition of the boundaries and conditions of use for any knowledge any regulations. Such analysis allows to describe interaction of private and public interests as the purposes of a University and legitimizes a specific role of philosophy. This is a relevant issue for modern times. 


faculty of philosophy, university, science, education, V. Humboldt, I. Kant, autonomy, private interest, modernity, criticism

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