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Publications of Illarionov Grigorii Andreevich
Philosophical Thought, 2023-9
Illarionov G.A., Gritskov Y.V., Zlobina S.D., Rakhinskii D.V. - Methodological foundations for the study of borderline forms of religiosity in a post-traditional society. pp. 1-18


Abstract: The subject of this work is methodological approaches to the study of religiosity in posttraditional conditions. Posttraditionality is a "fluid modernity", an "elusive world" is an era of mobile and indefinite cultural forms. In the conditions of posttraditionality, social reality is filled with a multitude of phenomena of indeterminate religiosity – quasi-religions, pseudo-religions, crypto-religions, etc., which cannot even be uniquely identified as religious within the framework of classical approaches, but to neglect their religious elements would mean incompleteness of their study. The purpose of this study is to propose a methodological approach to the study of religion and religiosity in a post–traditional society, which allows explicating its borderline, hidden and implicit forms. This goal requires and implies the formation of an appropriate understanding of religion and religiosity, this approach is foundational. The study proposes a methodological approach based on the synthesis of phenomenological, structural-analytical, hermeneutic approaches. Its basis is the distinction between religiosity as a function of internal experience and religion as institutionalized practices and ideas. Religiosity is a constant function of a person's connection with the subjective ultimate foundations of his existence, which serves as the foundation of a person's sense-setting and goal-setting, conditioning his self in those components that are connected with reality inaccessible to experience and reason. Religiosity expressed externally of a person collides with the totality of objective and objectified structures of reality, and the intentions of other people. The interaction of specific living conditions of people and their intentions generated by religiosity lead to the construction of practices that, through their habitualization, signification and institutionalization, form religion as a social institution. The intended result of the proposed approach can be described as a project of "cartography" of infinitely diverse phenomena of the religious life of modernity in its hidden, shadow forms – where the religious is implicit, borderline – but at the same time functional from the point of view of ultimate goal-setting.
Sociodynamics, 2018-9
Illarionov G.A., Mosienko M.K. - Philosophical analysis of the causes of popularity of computer games in the context of habitual approach pp. 40-51


Abstract: The object of this research is the computer game as a phenomenon of social life. The subject is the subjective and social substantiation of the growth of popularity of computer games. The author raises the following problematic questions: what is the cause of the rapid growth of popularity of computer games, what role do they play in social practices of modernity, what are the risks and prospects of the existence of computer game in the society? The question regarding the status of computer games concerns the more general social contexts, which justified the need for the analysis within the framework of social philosophy and allied disciplines. In methodological aspects, the research leans on the structural-functional approach, which views the computer games from the standpoint of theirs social functions and mechanism that force people to play. Structural position of the games in society is viewed through the prism of habitual approach to society, based on Pierre Bourdieu‘s understanding of the concept of “habitus”. A conclusion can be mane that the growth of popularity of computer games is explained by the manifestation of the inner intentions of a subject, which cannot be expressed in the real world. The technical improvement, when the growing capabilities of virtual environment open new opportunities for self-actualization enhance the popularity of computer games. The attractiveness of a computer game is explained by the identity of the real and possible within it. The actions do not carry an irreparable character; the flow of time is nonlinear and reversible. Moreover, the games possess a destructive and pragmatic potential; they are capable of gamifying the social existence, relieve the sufferings from the unrealized intentions of a person. However, the can turn into addiction and submerge the social life.
Philosophy and Culture, 2017-6
Illarionov G.A. - Problem of correlation between the notions “tradition” and “culture”: structural-phenomenological hypothesis pp. 15-24


Abstract: The subject of this article the problem of correlation and demarcation between the two key notions of sociocultural discourse – the “culture” and “tradition”. Pluralism of the use of such universal terms for denoting the complex of reconstructed sociocultural content lead to a situation when it becomes difficult to demarcate them. Thus, for example, the “Christian tradition” and “Christian culture” are similar terms in many ways by expressing the assemblage of Christian social relations, as well as material and immaterial products of activity of the Christians. The problem is aggravated by an extensive history of the diverse use of both notions, which substantiates the necessity in their phenomenological analysis, separate from multiple contradictory variations of the definitions. On the other side, for identification of the problem of the immense amount of individual manifestations of both phenomena – culture and tradition, it is essential to combine the phenomenological approach with structuralistic holism, which allows speaking of culture and tradition apart of their particular manifestations. For overcoming the established pluralism in order to demarcate the notions, but preserve their content, the author uses the method that unites phenomenology and structuralism, meaning the phenomenological reductions and orientation towards holism – dominance of common over private. A hypothesis is advanced that culture is viewed as a “universe of sociality” – a system that includes the results of activity, perceptions, and relations, where the tradition is a dynamic structure of culture, or its function of self-reproduction. Tradition consists in the passed down through the generations structural relation between the elements of culture and its variable actualization that depends on the interpretation of the transmitted content. Besides the theoretical prospect, the hypothesis provided methodological tool for studying of the cultural elements with respect to traditionalism through analyzing their structural relation and actualization that allows demarcating the traditional and speculative elements of culture. 
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