Genesis: Historical research
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Publications of Krasnyakov Nikolay Ivanovich
Genesis: Historical research, 2018-1
Krasnyakov N.I. - Central Asian vassal-dependent khanates in the vicegerent government of the Imperial Russia pp. 28-45


Abstract: This article analyzes the geopolitical situation of the middle of the XIX century, when the Central Asian question began to hold an independent place in the Eastern direction of Russian geopolitics. It is emphasized that continued importance of this vector is expanding the boundaries of the Empire was determined not as much by the interests of industrial and trade development, but the need for sustainable impact upon the states of the Asian Region. The role of the army is underlined as a military and political guarantor and administrative personnel base of advancing the prestige of the Russian state in relation to polyethnic feudal principalities and khanates of the region. The author argues the position that in the management of Turkestan used the available experience in operation of the administrative systems aimed at organization of compound society in the Caucasus. Attention is focused on the broader competence of the governor-general of the region already at the initial period of integration than among the acting in accordance with the general rule regional governors, as well as in making the more independent decisions directly on the spot and lesser reliance on the center. The author highlights the trends of integration and unification in the administrative-regulatory system with the adoption of the Provisional Statute on Administration in Turkestan Region in 1886, which established the fundamental principles of justice, land tenure and land use systems, taxation, political and administrative structure. The main conclusion consists in the fact at the beginning of the XX century the administration retains its form; the modernization of administrative system in the region on the background of the need for reform of the overall provincial structure of the Russian Empire did not receive the essential resources.
Legal Studies, 2014-3
Krasnyakov N.I. - Regional governor rule in the Caucasian territories of the Russian Empire pp. 40-69


Abstract: The article includes analysis of the legislative bases, directions and contents of development of administrative institution of governors in the Caucasian territories of the Russian Empire in the middle of XIX to early XX centuries.  The Imperial legislation of 1856-1859 pursued a goal of creating a local system, which would be similar to the existing ministry system in the central apparatus, while taking into account the local ethnic and religious specificities of the region.  The Chambers were transformed into the Departments, and they were given powers of the Ministries, while the legislative branch was concentrated in temporary division under the auspices of the chief department of the Governor of Caucasus.  The author singles out territorial, regional, social, political, normative and legal factors in the processes. Attention is paid to the legislative regulation of specific features of the official position of the Imperial Governor in this territory of the Empire. The author makes a conclusion on the fact that the state administration practice of Russia in the Imperial period took into account to the territorial and legislative status of a region prior to its inclusion into the Empire.  At the same time, the supreme power of the governor in the Caucasian territories was supported, and he was the head of the administrative hierarchy of the Caucasus, while the contradictory character of this form of territorial administration is noted.
Legal Studies, 2013-10
Krasnyakov N.I. - Modernization of the Empire government institutions in Russia in XVIII - early XIX century. pp. 149-174


Abstract: The article includes analysis of stages, vectors and contents of the development of the Empire administrative institution in the period since XVIII till early XIX century. The author singles out the tendencies: unification, centralization, bureaucratization, autonomous functioning in some regions within territorial and branch-related implementation levels.  The author then makes a conclusion on practical consideration of existing territorial and legislative statuses of the regions prior to their annexing to the Russian Empire. And it is only in the epoch of Catherine the II that the traditional measures - centralization and central concentration of government - are eased, however, the direction towards support of absolutist state remains. The author evaluates Ministry Departments, which became independent central government bodies in early XIX century as being overly centralized and making government overly official and bureaucratic.  As a result, the lack of clarity in competence of government institutions, as well as the right of Governors General and Governors to address the Monarch directly, lead to misalignment in the functioning of the state mechanism.
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